コード例 #1
bool FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile::InitializeInternal(IPlatformFile* Inner, const TCHAR* HostIP)
	// look for the commandline that will read files from over the network
	if (HostIP == nullptr)
		UE_LOG(LogStreamingPlatformFile, Error, TEXT("No Host IP specified in the commandline."));
		bIsUsable = false;

		return false;

	// optionally get the port from the command line
	int32 OverridePort;
	if (FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("fileserverport="), OverridePort))
		UE_LOG(LogStreamingPlatformFile, Display, TEXT("Overriding file server port: %d"), OverridePort);
		FileServerPort = OverridePort;

	// Send the filenames and timestamps to the server.
	FNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::GetFileList);
	FillGetFileList(Payload, true);

	// Send the directories over, and wait for a response.
	FArrayReader Response;

		// Receive the cooked version information.
		int32 ServerPackageVersion = 0;
		int32 ServerPackageLicenseeVersion = 0;
		ProcessServerInitialResponse(Response, ServerPackageVersion, ServerPackageLicenseeVersion);

		// Make sure we can sync a file.
		FString TestSyncFile = FPaths::Combine(*(FPaths::EngineDir()), TEXT("Config/BaseEngine.ini"));
		IFileHandle* TestFileHandle = OpenRead(*TestSyncFile);
		if (TestFileHandle != nullptr)
			uint8* FileContents = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(TestFileHandle->Size());
			if (!TestFileHandle->Read(FileContents, TestFileHandle->Size()))
				UE_LOG(LogStreamingPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Could not read test file %s."), *TestSyncFile);
			delete TestFileHandle;
			UE_LOG(LogStreamingPlatformFile, Fatal, TEXT("Could not open test file %s."), *TestSyncFile);

		FCommandLine::AddToSubprocessCommandline( *FString::Printf( TEXT("-StreamingHostIP=%s"), HostIP ) );

		return true; 

	return false; 
コード例 #2
 bool CopyFileToDevice(const FString& IPAPath, FString PathOnDevice, int PacketSize)
     bool Result = false;
     // reconnect to the device and start the AFC service
     if (!AFC::StartService(DeviceHandle, &AFCHandle))
         if (!AFC::ConnectionOpen(AFCHandle, &AFCConnection))
             // ensure the directory on the phone exists
             FString DirectoryOnDevice = FPaths::GetPath(PathOnDevice);
             CreateDirectory(DirectoryOnDevice + TEXT("/"));
             // transfer the file
             IPlatformFile& PlatformFile = IPlatformFile::GetPlatformPhysical();
             IFileHandle* SourceFile = PlatformFile.OpenRead(*IPAPath);
             if (SourceFile != NULL)
                 uint64 DestinationHandle = 0;
                 if (AFC::FileRefOpen(AFCConnection, PathOnDevice, 3, &DestinationHandle) == 0)
                     int TotalBytes = 0;
                     int PacketCount = SourceFile->Size() / PacketSize;
                     uint8* buffer = new uint8[PacketSize];
                     for (int Index = 0; Index < PacketCount; ++Index)
                         if (SourceFile->Read(buffer, PacketSize))
                             TotalBytes += PacketSize;
                             AFC::FileRefWrite(AFCConnection, DestinationHandle, buffer, PacketSize);
                     if (SourceFile->Read(buffer, SourceFile->Size() - TotalBytes))
                         AFC::FileRefWrite(AFCConnection, DestinationHandle, buffer, SourceFile->Size() - TotalBytes);
                     // flush the destination and close
                     AFC::FileRefClose(AFCConnection, DestinationHandle);
                     Result = true;
                 delete SourceFile;
             // stop the AFC service and disconnect from the device
             AFCConnection = NULL;
     return Result;
コード例 #3
void FNetworkFileServerClientConnection::PackageFile( FString& Filename, FArchive& Out )
	// get file timestamp and send it to client
	FDateTime ServerTimeStamp = Sandbox->GetTimeStamp(*Filename);

	TArray<uint8> Contents;
	// open file
	IFileHandle* File = Sandbox->OpenRead(*Filename);

	if (!File)
		ServerTimeStamp = FDateTime::MinValue(); // if this was a directory, this will make sure it is not confused with a zero byte file

		UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Warning, TEXT("Request for missing file %s."), *Filename );
		if (!File->Size())
			UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Warning, TEXT("Sending empty file %s...."), *Filename);
			// read it
			File->Read(Contents.GetData(), Contents.Num());

		// close it
		delete File;

		UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Display, TEXT("Read %s, %d bytes"), *Filename, Contents.Num());

	Out << Filename;
	Out << ServerTimeStamp;
	uint64 FileSize = Contents.Num();
	Out << FileSize;
	Out.Serialize(Contents.GetData(), FileSize);
コード例 #4
FArchive* FFileManagerGeneric::CreateFileReader( const TCHAR* InFilename, uint32 Flags )
	IFileHandle* Handle = GetLowLevel().OpenRead( InFilename, !!(Flags & FILEREAD_AllowWrite) );
	if( !Handle )
		if( Flags & FILEREAD_NoFail )
			UE_LOG( LogFileManager, Fatal, TEXT( "Failed to read file: %s" ), InFilename );
		return NULL;
	return new FArchiveFileReaderGeneric( Handle, InFilename, Handle->Size() );
コード例 #5
void FNetworkFileServerClientConnection::ProcessOpenFile( FArchive& In, FArchive& Out, bool bIsWriting )
	// Get filename
	FString Filename;
	In << Filename;

	bool bAppend = false;
	bool bAllowRead = false;

	if (bIsWriting)
		In << bAppend;
		In << bAllowRead;

	// todo: clients from the same ip address "could" be trying to write to the same file in the same sandbox (for example multiple windows clients)
	//			should probably have the sandbox write to separate files for each client
	//			not important for now


	if (bIsWriting)
		// Make sure the directory exists...

	TArray<FString> NewUnsolictedFiles;
	FileRequestDelegate.ExecuteIfBound(Filename, ConnectedPlatformName, NewUnsolictedFiles);

	FDateTime ServerTimeStamp = Sandbox->GetTimeStamp(*Filename);
	int64 ServerFileSize = 0;
	IFileHandle* File = bIsWriting ? Sandbox->OpenWrite(*Filename, bAppend, bAllowRead) : Sandbox->OpenRead(*Filename);
	if (!File)
		UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Display, TEXT("Open request for %s failed for file %s."), bIsWriting ? TEXT("Writing") : TEXT("Reading"), *Filename);
		ServerTimeStamp = FDateTime::MinValue(); // if this was a directory, this will make sure it is not confused with a zero byte file
		ServerFileSize = File->Size();

	uint64 HandleId = ++LastHandleId;
	OpenFiles.Add( HandleId, File );
	Out << HandleId;
	Out << ServerTimeStamp;
	Out << ServerFileSize;