/* Most of the hard work is done. We only need to create the Irrlicht Engine device and all the buttons, menus and toolbars. We start up the engine as usual, using createDevice(). To make our application catch events, we set our eventreceiver as parameter. As you can see, there is also a call to IrrlichtDevice::setResizeable(). This makes the render window resizeable, which is quite useful for a mesh viewer. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // ask user for driver video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType=driverChoiceConsole(); if (driverType==video::EDT_COUNT) return 1; // create device and exit if creation failed MyEventReceiver receiver; Device = createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d<u32>(800, 600), 16, false, false, false, &receiver); if (Device == 0) return 1; // could not create selected driver. Device->setResizable(true); Device->setWindowCaption(L"Irrlicht Engine - Loading..."); video::IVideoDriver* driver = Device->getVideoDriver(); IGUIEnvironment* env = Device->getGUIEnvironment(); scene::ISceneManager* smgr = Device->getSceneManager(); smgr->getParameters()->setAttribute(scene::COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES, true); driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_ALWAYS_32_BIT, true); smgr->addLightSceneNode(0, core::vector3df(200,200,200), video::SColorf(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f),2000); smgr->setAmbientLight(video::SColorf(0.3f,0.3f,0.3f)); // add our media directory as "search path" Device->getFileSystem()->addFileArchive("../../media/"); /* The next step is to read the configuration file. It is stored in the xml format and looks a little bit like this: @verbatim <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <startUpModel file="some filename" /> <messageText caption="Irrlicht Engine Mesh Viewer"> Hello! </messageText> </config> @endverbatim We need the data stored in there to be written into the global variables StartUpModelFile, MessageText and Caption. This is now done using the Irrlicht Engine integrated XML parser: */ // read configuration from xml file io::IXMLReader* xml = Device->getFileSystem()->createXMLReader( L"config.xml"); while(xml && xml->read()) { switch(xml->getNodeType()) { case io::EXN_TEXT: // in this xml file, the only text which occurs is the // messageText MessageText = xml->getNodeData(); break; case io::EXN_ELEMENT: { if (core::stringw("startUpModel") == xml->getNodeName()) StartUpModelFile = xml->getAttributeValue(L"file"); else if (core::stringw("messageText") == xml->getNodeName()) Caption = xml->getAttributeValue(L"caption"); } break; default: break; } } if (xml) xml->drop(); // don't forget to delete the xml reader if (argc > 1) StartUpModelFile = argv[1]; /* That wasn't difficult. Now we'll set a nicer font and create the Menu. It is possible to create submenus for every menu item. The call menu->addItem(L"File", -1, true, true); for example adds a new menu Item with the name "File" and the id -1. The following parameter says that the menu item should be enabled, and the last one says, that there should be a submenu. The submenu can now be accessed with menu->getSubMenu(0), because the "File" entry is the menu item with index 0. */ // set a nicer font IGUISkin* skin = env->getSkin(); IGUIFont* font = env->getFont("fonthaettenschweiler.bmp"); if (font) skin->setFont(font); // create menu gui::IGUIContextMenu* menu = env->addMenu(); menu->addItem(L"File", -1, true, true); menu->addItem(L"View", -1, true, true); menu->addItem(L"Camera", -1, true, true); menu->addItem(L"Help", -1, true, true); gui::IGUIContextMenu* submenu; submenu = menu->getSubMenu(0); submenu->addItem(L"Open Model File & Texture...", GUI_ID_OPEN_MODEL); submenu->addItem(L"Set Model Archive...", GUI_ID_SET_MODEL_ARCHIVE); submenu->addItem(L"Load as Octree", GUI_ID_LOAD_AS_OCTREE); submenu->addSeparator(); submenu->addItem(L"Quit", GUI_ID_QUIT); submenu = menu->getSubMenu(1); submenu->addItem(L"sky box visible", GUI_ID_SKY_BOX_VISIBLE, true, false, true); submenu->addItem(L"toggle model debug information", GUI_ID_TOGGLE_DEBUG_INFO, true, true); submenu->addItem(L"model material", -1, true, true ); submenu = submenu->getSubMenu(1); submenu->addItem(L"Off", GUI_ID_DEBUG_OFF); submenu->addItem(L"Bounding Box", GUI_ID_DEBUG_BOUNDING_BOX); submenu->addItem(L"Normals", GUI_ID_DEBUG_NORMALS); submenu->addItem(L"Skeleton", GUI_ID_DEBUG_SKELETON); submenu->addItem(L"Wire overlay", GUI_ID_DEBUG_WIRE_OVERLAY); submenu->addItem(L"Half-Transparent", GUI_ID_DEBUG_HALF_TRANSPARENT); submenu->addItem(L"Buffers bounding boxes", GUI_ID_DEBUG_BUFFERS_BOUNDING_BOXES); submenu->addItem(L"All", GUI_ID_DEBUG_ALL); submenu = menu->getSubMenu(1)->getSubMenu(2); submenu->addItem(L"Solid", GUI_ID_MODEL_MATERIAL_SOLID); submenu->addItem(L"Transparent", GUI_ID_MODEL_MATERIAL_TRANSPARENT); submenu->addItem(L"Reflection", GUI_ID_MODEL_MATERIAL_REFLECTION); submenu = menu->getSubMenu(2); submenu->addItem(L"Maya Style", GUI_ID_CAMERA_MAYA); submenu->addItem(L"First Person", GUI_ID_CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON); submenu = menu->getSubMenu(3); submenu->addItem(L"About", GUI_ID_ABOUT); /* Below the menu we want a toolbar, onto which we can place colored buttons and important looking stuff like a senseless combobox. */ // create toolbar gui::IGUIToolBar* bar = env->addToolBar(); video::ITexture* image = driver->getTexture("open.png"); bar->addButton(GUI_ID_BUTTON_OPEN_MODEL, 0, L"Open a model",image, 0, false, true); image = driver->getTexture("tools.png"); bar->addButton(GUI_ID_BUTTON_SHOW_TOOLBOX, 0, L"Open Toolset",image, 0, false, true); image = driver->getTexture("zip.png"); bar->addButton(GUI_ID_BUTTON_SELECT_ARCHIVE, 0, L"Set Model Archive",image, 0, false, true); image = driver->getTexture("help.png"); bar->addButton(GUI_ID_BUTTON_SHOW_ABOUT, 0, L"Open Help", image, 0, false, true); // create a combobox for texture filters gui::IGUIComboBox* box = env->addComboBox(core::rect<s32>(250,4,350,23), bar, GUI_ID_TEXTUREFILTER); box->addItem(L"No filtering"); box->addItem(L"Bilinear"); box->addItem(L"Trilinear"); box->addItem(L"Anisotropic"); box->addItem(L"Isotropic"); /* To make the editor look a little bit better, we disable transparent gui elements, and add an Irrlicht Engine logo. In addition, a text showing the current frames per second value is created and the window caption is changed. */ // disable alpha for (s32 i=0; i<gui::EGDC_COUNT ; ++i) { video::SColor col = env->getSkin()->getColor((gui::EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i); col.setAlpha(255); env->getSkin()->setColor((gui::EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR)i, col); } // add a tabcontrol createToolBox(); // create fps text IGUIStaticText* fpstext = env->addStaticText(L"", core::rect<s32>(400,4,570,23), true, false, bar); IGUIStaticText* postext = env->addStaticText(L"", core::rect<s32>(10,50,470,80),false, false, 0, GUI_ID_POSITION_TEXT); postext->setVisible(false); // set window caption Caption += " - ["; Caption += driver->getName(); Caption += "]"; Device->setWindowCaption(Caption.c_str()); /* That's nearly the whole application. We simply show the about message box at start up, and load the first model. To make everything look better, a skybox is created and a user controled camera, to make the application a little bit more interactive. Finally, everything is drawn in a standard drawing loop. */ // show about message box and load default model if (argc==1) showAboutText(); loadModel(StartUpModelFile.c_str()); // add skybox SkyBox = smgr->addSkyBoxSceneNode( driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_up.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_dn.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_lf.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_rt.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_ft.jpg"), driver->getTexture("irrlicht2_bk.jpg")); // add a camera scene node Camera[0] = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeMaya(); Camera[0]->setFarValue(20000.f); // Maya cameras reposition themselves relative to their target, so target the location // where the mesh scene node is placed. Camera[0]->setTarget(core::vector3df(0,30,0)); Camera[1] = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(); Camera[1]->setFarValue(20000.f); Camera[1]->setPosition(core::vector3df(0,0,-70)); Camera[1]->setTarget(core::vector3df(0,30,0)); setActiveCamera(Camera[0]); // load the irrlicht engine logo IGUIImage *img = env->addImage(driver->getTexture("irrlichtlogo2.png"), core::position2d<s32>(10, driver->getScreenSize().Height - 128)); // lock the logo's edges to the bottom left corner of the screen img->setAlignment(EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT); // remember state so we notice when the window does lose the focus bool hasFocus = Device->isWindowFocused(); // draw everything while(Device->run() && driver) { // Catch focus changes (workaround until Irrlicht has events for this) bool focused = Device->isWindowFocused(); if ( hasFocus && !focused ) onKillFocus(); hasFocus = focused; if (Device->isWindowActive()) { driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(150,50,50,50)); smgr->drawAll(); env->drawAll(); driver->endScene(); // update information about current frame-rate core::stringw str(L"FPS: "); str.append(core::stringw(driver->getFPS())); str += L" Tris: "; str.append(core::stringw(driver->getPrimitiveCountDrawn())); fpstext->setText(str.c_str()); // update information about the active camera scene::ICameraSceneNode* cam = Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera(); str = L"Pos: "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getPosition().X)); str += L" "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getPosition().Y)); str += L" "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getPosition().Z)); str += L" Tgt: "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getTarget().X)); str += L" "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getTarget().Y)); str += L" "; str.append(core::stringw(cam->getTarget().Z)); postext->setText(str.c_str()); // update the tool dialog updateToolBox(); } else Device->yield(); } Device->drop(); return 0; }
//! adds an image. The returned pointer must not be dropped. IGUIImage* CGUIEnvironment::addImage(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text) { IGUIImage* img = new CGUIImage(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle); if (text) img->setText(text); img->drop(); return img; }
//! Adds an image element. IGUIImage* CGUIEnvironment::addImage(video::ITexture* image, core::position2d<s32> pos, bool useAlphaChannel, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text) { if (!image) return 0; core::dimension2d<s32> sz = image->getOriginalSize(); IGUIImage* img = new CGUIImage(this, parent ? parent : this, id, core::rect<s32>(pos, sz)); if (text) img->setText(text); if (useAlphaChannel) img->setUseAlphaChannel(true); img->setImage(image); img->drop(); return img; }
//Update the items list in gameplay void GUIGame::updateItemsList() { IGUIImage* guiPlayerLootImage = (IGUIImage*)GUIManager::getInstance()->getGUIElement(GUIManager::IMG_LOOT); IGUIListBox* guiPlayerItems =(IGUIListBox*)GUIManager::getInstance()->getGUIElement(GUIManager::LB_ID_PLAYER_ITEMS); guiPlayerItems->clear(); vector<DynamicObject*> lootitems = DynamicObjectsManager::getInstance()->getPlayer()->getLootItems(); std::sort(lootitems.begin(), lootitems.end()); for(int i = 0; i<(int)lootitems.size(); i++) { //internalname is the Alias name of the object. If undefined it use the internal name guiPlayerItems->addItem(stringw(lootitems[i]->internalname).c_str()); } if (guiPlayerItems->getSelected()<0) { ITexture* info_none = driver->getTexture("../media/editor/info_none.jpg"); guiPlayerLootImage->setImage(info_none); ((IGUIStaticText*)guienv->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(GUIManager::TXT_ID_LOOT_DESCRIPTION,true))->setText(L""); } }
void CGUITextureCacheBrowser::updateImageList() { if (!Panel) return; video::IVideoDriver* Driver = Environment->getVideoDriver(); // clear images u32 i; for (i=0; i<Images.size(); ++i) { Images[i]->drop(); Images[i]->remove(); } Images.clear(); u32 count = (u32)Driver->getTextureCount(); s32 h = Panel->getClientArea().getWidth()-10; s32 hw = h/2; core::rect<s32> pos(Panel->getClientArea().getCenter().X - Panel->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.X - hw, 5, Panel->getClientArea().getCenter().X - Panel->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.X + hw, h+5); core::position2di moveDist(0, h+5); for (u32 i=0; i<count; ++i) { core::stringw details; video::ITexture* tex = Driver->getTextureByIndex(i); details = L"File name: "; details += tex->getName().c_str(); details += L"\nFormat: "; video::ECOLOR_FORMAT cf = tex->getColorFormat(); bool alpha = false; switch (cf) { case video::ECF_A1R5G5B5: details += L"A1R5G5B5 (16-bit with 1-bit alpha channel)\n"; alpha = true; break; case video::ECF_R5G6B5: details += L"R5G6B5 (16-bit, no alpha channel)\n"; break; case video::ECF_R8G8B8: details += L"R8G8B8 (16-bit, no alpha channel)\n"; break; case video::ECF_A8R8G8B8: details += L"R8G8B8 (32-bit with 8-bit alpha channel)\n"; alpha = true; break; default: details += L"Unknown\n"; } core::dimension2di osize = tex->getOriginalSize(); core::dimension2di size = tex->getOriginalSize(); details += "Size: "; details += size.Width; details += "x"; details += size.Height; if (osize != size) { details += "\nOriginal Size: "; details += osize.Width; details += "x"; details += osize.Height; } details += L"\nMip-maps: "; if (tex->hasMipMaps()) details += L"Yes\n"; else details += L"No\n"; IGUIImage* img = Environment->addImage(tex, core::position2di(1,1), alpha, Panel, i); img->grab(); Images.push_back(img); img->setRelativePosition(pos); img->setToolTipText(details.c_str()); img->setScaleImage(true); img->setColor( SelectedTexture == i ? video::SColor(255,255,255,255) : video::SColor(128,128,128,128) ); pos = pos + moveDist; } }
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent &event) { if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT) { s32 id = event.GUIEvent.Caller->getID(); IGUIEnvironment* env = Device->getGUIEnvironment(); switch(event.GUIEvent.EventType) { case EGET_SCROLL_BAR_CHANGED: if (id == MYGUI_CURRENTIMAGE) { IGUIImage* img = (IGUIImage*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_IMAGE,true); s32 i = ((IGUIScrollBar*)event.GUIEvent.Caller)->getPos(); img->setImage(FontTool->currentTextures[i]); return true; } break; case EGET_COMBO_BOX_CHANGED: if (id == MYGUI_CHARSET) { IGUIComboBox* cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)event.GUIEvent.Caller; IGUIComboBox* cbo_1 = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_FONTNAME,true); core::stringw str=FontTool->FontNames[cbo_1->getSelected()]; u32 j=0; FontTool->selectCharSet(cbo->getSelected()); // rebuild font list cbo = cbo_1; cbo->clear(); for (u32 i=0; i < FontTool->FontNames.size(); ++i){ cbo->addItem(FontTool->FontNames[i].c_str()); if(FontTool->FontNames[i]==str) j=i; } cbo->setSelected(j); return true; } else if(id==MYGUI_FONTNAME){ IGUIComboBox* cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)event.GUIEvent.Caller; std::cout << FontTool->FontNames[cbo->getSelected()].c_str() << std::endl; } break; case EGET_CHECKBOX_CHANGED: if (id == MYGUI_VECTOR) { IGUICheckBox* chk = (IGUICheckBox*)event.GUIEvent.Caller; IGUIComboBox *cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_FORMAT,true); cbo->clear(); if (chk->isChecked() && VecTool) { // vector formats for (s32 i=0; fileformats[i] != 0; ++i) cbo->addItem( core::stringw(vectorfileformats[i]).c_str()); } else { // bitmap formats if (!FontTool->UseAlphaChannel) { // add non-alpha formats for (s32 i=0; fileformats[i] != 0; ++i) cbo->addItem( core::stringw(fileformats[i]).c_str()); } // add formats which support alpha for (s32 i=0; alphafileformats[i] != 0; ++i) cbo->addItem( core::stringw(alphafileformats[i]).c_str()); } } break; case EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED: if (id == MYGUI_CREATE) { // create the font with the params IGUIComboBox* cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_CHARSET, true); int charset = cbo->getSelected(); cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_FONTNAME,true); int fontname = cbo->getSelected(); /* cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_SIZE,true); int fontsize = cbo->getSelected(); */ int fontsize=wcstol(((IGUIEditBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_SIZE,true))->getText(),NULL,10); cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_TEXWIDTH,true); int texwidth = cbo->getSelected(); cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_TEXHEIGHT,true); int texheight = cbo->getSelected(); IGUICheckBox* chk = (IGUICheckBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_BOLD,true); bool bold = chk->isChecked(); chk = (IGUICheckBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_ITALIC,true); bool italic = chk->isChecked(); chk = (IGUICheckBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_ALPHA,true); bool alpha = chk->isChecked(); chk = (IGUICheckBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_ANTIALIAS,true); bool aa = chk->isChecked(); chk = (IGUICheckBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(201,true); bool usedOnly = chk->isChecked(); chk = (IGUICheckBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(202,true); bool excludeLatin = chk->isChecked(); // vector fonts disabled //chk = (IGUICheckBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_VECTOR,true); bool vec = false;//chk->isChecked(); FontTool->makeBitmapFont(fontname, charset, /*FontTool->FontSizes[fontsize]*/ fontsize, texturesizes[texwidth], texturesizes[texheight], bold, italic, aa, alpha, usedOnly, excludeLatin); IGUIScrollBar* scrl = (IGUIScrollBar*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_CURRENTIMAGE,true); scrl->setMax(FontTool->currentTextures.size() == 0 ? 0 : FontTool->currentTextures.size()-1); if (FontTool->currentTextures.size() > 0) { IGUIImage* img = (IGUIImage*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_IMAGE,true); img->setImage(FontTool->currentTextures[0]); scrl->setPos(0); } // make sure users pick a file format that supports alpha channel cbo = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_FORMAT,true); cbo->clear(); if (vec) { // add vector formats for (s32 i=0; fileformats[i] != 0; ++i) cbo->addItem( core::stringw(vectorfileformats[i]).c_str()); } else { if (!alpha) { // add non-alpha formats for (s32 i=0; fileformats[i] != 0; ++i) cbo->addItem( core::stringw(fileformats[i]).c_str()); } // add formats which support alpha for (s32 i=0; alphafileformats[i] != 0; ++i) cbo->addItem( core::stringw(alphafileformats[i]).c_str()); } if (VecTool) { delete VecTool; VecTool = 0; } if (vec) { VecTool = new CVectorFontTool(FontTool); } /* Message box letting the user know the process is complete */ env->addMessageBox(L"Create", completeText); return true; } if (id == MYGUI_SAVE) { IGUIEditBox *edt = (IGUIEditBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_FILENAME,true); core::stringc name = edt->getText(); IGUIComboBox *fmt = (IGUIComboBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_FORMAT,true); core::stringc format = fmt->getItem(fmt->getSelected()); // vector fonts disabled // IGUICheckBox *chk = (IGUICheckBox*)env->getRootGUIElement()->getElementFromId(MYGUI_VECTOR,true); // bool vec = chk->isChecked(); bool vec = false; if (vec && VecTool) VecTool->saveVectorFont(name.c_str(), format.c_str()); else FontTool->saveBitmapFont(name.c_str(), format.c_str()); return true; } if (id == MYGUI_HELPBUTTON) { env->addMessageBox(L"Irrlicht Unicode Font Tool", helptext); return true; } break; default: break; } } return false; }
void GrandPrixWin::init() { std::vector<std::string> parts; parts.push_back("gpwin"); ((CutsceneWorld*)World::getWorld())->setParts(parts); CutsceneWorld::setUseDuration(false); Screen::init(); World::getWorld()->setPhase(WorldStatus::RACE_PHASE); saveGPButton(); if (PlayerManager::getCurrentPlayer()->getRecentlyCompletedChallenges().size() > 0) { const core::dimension2d<u32>& frame_size = GUIEngine::getDriver()->getCurrentRenderTargetSize(); core::stringw message = _("You completed a challenge!"); const int message_width = GUIEngine::getFont()->getDimension(message.c_str()).Width + 30; const int label_height = GUIEngine::getFontHeight() + 15; const int y_from = frame_size.Height - label_height*2; const int y_to = frame_size.Height - label_height; const int label_x_from = frame_size.Width/2 - message_width/2; const int label_x_to = frame_size.Width/2 + message_width/2; // button_h is used in the x coordinates not by mistake, but because the icon is square and // scaled according to the available height. core::rect< s32 > iconarea(label_x_from - label_height, y_from, label_x_from, y_to); IGUIImage* img = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addImage( iconarea ); img->setImage( irr_driver->getTexture( FileManager::GUI, "cup_gold.png") ); img->setScaleImage(true); img->setTabStop(false); img->setUseAlphaChannel(true); core::rect< s32 > icon2area(label_x_to, y_from, label_x_to + label_height, y_to); img = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addImage( icon2area ); img->setImage( irr_driver->getTexture( FileManager::GUI,"cup_gold.png") ); img->setScaleImage(true); img->setTabStop(false); img->setUseAlphaChannel(true); m_unlocked_label = new GUIEngine::LabelWidget(); m_unlocked_label->m_properties[GUIEngine::PROP_ID] = "label"; m_unlocked_label->m_properties[GUIEngine::PROP_TEXT_ALIGN] = "center"; m_unlocked_label->m_x = label_x_from; m_unlocked_label->m_y = y_from; m_unlocked_label->m_w = message_width; m_unlocked_label->m_h = label_height; m_unlocked_label->setText(message, false); m_unlocked_label->add(); manualAddWidget(m_unlocked_label); } else { m_unlocked_label = NULL; } m_global_time = 0.0f; m_phase = 1; SFXManager::get()->quickSound("gp_end"); getWidget<ButtonWidget>("continue")->setFocusForPlayer(PLAYER_ID_GAME_MASTER); } // init
void GrandPrixWin::init() { Screen::init(); if (unlock_manager->getRecentlyUnlockedFeatures().size() > 0) { const core::dimension2d<u32>& frame_size = GUIEngine::getDriver()->getCurrentRenderTargetSize(); core::stringw message = _("You unlocked a new feature!"); const int message_width = GUIEngine::getFont()->getDimension(message.c_str()).Width + 30; const int label_height = GUIEngine::getFontHeight() + 15; const int y_from = frame_size.Height - label_height*2; const int y_to = frame_size.Height - label_height; const int label_x_from = frame_size.Width/2 - message_width/2; const int label_x_to = frame_size.Width/2 + message_width/2; // button_h is used in the x coordinates not by mistake, but because the icon is square and // scaled according to the available height. core::rect< s32 > iconarea(label_x_from - label_height, y_from, label_x_from, y_to); IGUIImage* img = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addImage( iconarea ); img->setImage( irr_driver->getTexture( file_manager->getTextureFile("cup_gold.png") ) ); img->setScaleImage(true); img->setTabStop(false); img->setUseAlphaChannel(true); core::rect< s32 > icon2area(label_x_to, y_from, label_x_to + label_height, y_to); img = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addImage( icon2area ); img->setImage( irr_driver->getTexture( file_manager->getTextureFile("cup_gold.png") ) ); img->setScaleImage(true); img->setTabStop(false); img->setUseAlphaChannel(true); m_unlocked_label = new GUIEngine::LabelWidget(); m_unlocked_label->m_properties[GUIEngine::PROP_ID] = "label"; m_unlocked_label->m_properties[GUIEngine::PROP_TEXT_ALIGN] = "center"; m_unlocked_label->m_x = label_x_from; m_unlocked_label->m_y = y_from; m_unlocked_label->m_w = message_width; m_unlocked_label->m_h = label_height; m_unlocked_label->setText(message, false); //const irr::video::SColor orange(255, 255, 126, 21); //unlocked_label->setColor(orange); m_unlocked_label->add(); manualAddWidget(m_unlocked_label); } else { m_unlocked_label = NULL; } m_phase = 1; m_sky_angle = 0.0f; m_global_time = 0.0f; video::ITexture *t = irr_driver->getTexture( file_manager->getTextureFile("clouds.png")); m_sky = irr_driver->addSkyDome(t, 16 /* hori_res */, 16 /* vert_res */, 1.0f /* texture_percent */, 2.0f /* sphere_percent */); m_camera = irr_driver->addCameraSceneNode(); m_camera_x = 3.0f; m_camera_y = 0.0f; m_camera_z = -5.0f; m_camera->setPosition( core::vector3df(m_camera_x, m_camera_y, m_camera_z) ); m_camera->setUpVector( core::vector3df(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ); irr_driver->getSceneManager()->setActiveCamera(m_camera); m_camera_target_x = 1.5f; m_camera_target_z = 0.0f; m_camera->setTarget( core::vector3df(m_camera_target_x, -2.0f, m_camera_target_z) ); m_camera->setFOV( DEGREE_TO_RAD*50.0f ); m_camera->updateAbsolutePosition(); scene::IMesh* model_village = irr_driver->getMesh( file_manager->getModelFile("village.b3d") ); assert(model_village != NULL); m_village = irr_driver->addMesh(model_village); #ifdef DEBUG m_village->setName("village"); #endif m_village->setPosition( core::vector3df(2, INITIAL_Y, 0) ); scene::IMesh* podium_model = irr_driver->getMesh( file_manager->getModelFile("wood_podium.b3d") ); assert(podium_model != NULL); m_podium_step[0] = irr_driver->addMesh(podium_model); #ifdef DEBUG m_podium_step[0]->setName("Podium 0"); #endif m_podium_step[0]->setPosition( core::vector3df(m_podium_x[0], INITIAL_PODIUM_Y, m_podium_z[0]) ); m_podium_step[1] = irr_driver->addMesh(podium_model); #ifdef DEBUG m_podium_step[1]->setName("Podium 1"); #endif m_podium_step[1]->setPosition( core::vector3df(m_podium_x[1], INITIAL_PODIUM_Y, m_podium_z[1]) ); m_podium_step[2] = irr_driver->addMesh(podium_model); #ifdef DEBUG m_podium_step[2]->setName("Podium 2"); #endif m_podium_step[2]->setPosition( core::vector3df(m_podium_x[2], INITIAL_PODIUM_Y, m_podium_z[2]) ); scene::ISceneManager* sceneManager = irr_driver->getSceneManager(); sceneManager->setAmbientLight(video::SColor(255, 95, 95, 95)); const core::vector3df &sun_pos = core::vector3df( 0, 200, 100.0f ); m_light = irr_driver->getSceneManager()->addLightSceneNode(NULL, sun_pos, video::SColorf(0.25f,0.25f,0.25f), 300.0f /* radius */); m_light->getLightData().DiffuseColor = irr::video::SColorf(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f); m_light->getLightData().AmbientColor = irr::video::SColorf(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f); m_light->getLightData().SpecularColor = irr::video::SColorf(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); sfx_manager->quickSound("gp_end"); } // init
void SpinnerWidget::add() { // retrieve min and max values std::string min_s = m_properties[PROP_MIN_VALUE]; std::string max_s = m_properties[PROP_MAX_VALUE]; m_wrap_around = (m_properties[PROP_WRAP_AROUND] == "true"); if (min_s.size() > 0) { if (!StringUtils::parseString<int>(min_s, &m_min)) { Log::warn("invalid value for spinner widget minimum value : %s", min_s.c_str()); } } if (max_s.size() > 0) { if (!StringUtils::parseString<int>(max_s, &m_max)) { Log::warn("invalid value for spinner widget maximum value : %s", max_s.c_str()); } } if (m_value == -1) { m_value = (m_min + m_max)/2; } // create sub-widgets if they don't already exist if (m_children.size() == 0) { std::string& icon = m_properties[PROP_ICON]; m_graphical = icon.size()>0; //FIXME: unclean to create "fake" button/label/icon widgets!! m_children.push_back( new Widget(WTYPE_BUTTON) ); m_children.push_back( new Widget(m_graphical ? WTYPE_ICON_BUTTON : WTYPE_LABEL) ); m_children.push_back( new Widget(WTYPE_BUTTON) ); } int widgetID; if (m_reserved_id != -1) { widgetID = m_reserved_id; } else { widgetID = getNewID(); } rect<s32> widget_size = rect<s32>(m_x, m_y, m_x + m_w, m_y + m_h); IGUIButton * btn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(widget_size, m_parent, widgetID, L""); m_element = btn; m_element->setTabOrder( m_element->getID() ); // left arrow rect<s32> subsize_left_arrow = rect<s32>(0 ,0, m_h, m_h); IGUIButton * left_arrow = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(subsize_left_arrow, btn, getNewNoFocusID(), L" "); m_children[0].m_element = left_arrow; left_arrow->setTabStop(false); m_children[0].m_event_handler = this; m_children[0].m_properties[PROP_ID] = "left"; m_children[0].m_id = m_children[0].m_element->getID(); m_badge_x_shift = subsize_left_arrow.getWidth(); // label if (m_graphical) { ITexture* texture = getTexture(); assert(texture != NULL); const int texture_width = texture->getSize().Width; const int free_h_space = m_w - m_h*2 - texture_width; // to center image rect<s32> subsize_label = rect<s32>(m_h + free_h_space/2, 0, m_w - m_h+ free_h_space/2, m_h); IGUIImage * subbtn = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addImage(subsize_label, btn, getNewNoFocusID()); m_children[1].m_element = subbtn; m_children[1].m_id = subbtn->getID(); m_children[1].m_event_handler = this; m_children[1].m_properties[PROP_ID] = "spinnerbody"; subbtn->setUseAlphaChannel(true); subbtn->setImage(texture); //subbtn->setScaleImage(true); } else { rect<s32> subsize_label = rect<s32>(m_h, 0, m_w - m_h, m_h); IGUIStaticText* label = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addStaticText(stringw(m_value).c_str(), subsize_label, false /* border */, true /* word wrap */, btn, getNewNoFocusID()); m_children[1].m_element = label; m_children[1].m_event_handler = this; m_children[1].m_id = label->getID(); m_children[1].m_properties[PROP_ID] = "spinnerbody"; label->setTextAlignment(EGUIA_CENTER, EGUIA_CENTER); label->setTabStop(false); label->setNotClipped(true); if (m_labels.size() > 0) { label->setText(m_labels[m_value].c_str() ); } if (widget_size.getHeight() < GUIEngine::getFontHeight()) { label->setOverrideFont(GUIEngine::getSmallFont()); } } // right arrow rect<s32> subsize_right_arrow = rect<s32>(m_w - m_h, 0, m_w, m_h); IGUIButton * right_arrow = GUIEngine::getGUIEnv()->addButton(subsize_right_arrow, btn, getNewNoFocusID(), L" "); right_arrow->setTabStop(false); m_children[2].m_element = right_arrow; m_children[2].m_event_handler = this; m_children[2].m_properties[PROP_ID] = "right"; m_children[2].m_id = m_children[2].m_element->getID(); // refresh display setValue(m_value); }