コード例 #1
bool ConfigImporter::importContactsFromV1toV3(const string & fromDir, UserProfile & userProfile) {
	File mDir(fromDir);
	StringList fileList = mDir.getFileList();
	ContactList & contactList = userProfile.getContactList();

	ContactGroup contactGroup( "Classic", EnumGroupType::GroupType_User);	//JRT-GRPS
	contactList.addContactGroup( contactGroup );	///VOXOX - JRT - 2009.05.07 - JRT-GRPS

	IMAccountList imAccountList =

	if (!imAccountList.size()) {
		return false;

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) {
		File mFile(fromDir + fileList[i]);
		string Id = fileList[i].substr(0, fileList[i].find("_", 0));
		vcard_t mVcard;

		if (!mFile.getExtension().compare("vcf")) {
			if (classicVcardParser(fromDir + fileList[i], &mVcard) == false) {

			int extPos = fileList[i].find_last_of('.');
			string fileWoExt = fileList[i].substr(0, extPos + 1);
			classicXMLParser(fromDir + fileWoExt + "xml", &mVcard);

//			IMContact imContact(*imAccountList.begin(), mVcard.id);	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.09 
			IMContact imContact(imAccountList.begin()->second, mVcard.id);
			//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.26 
//			Contact & contact = contactList.createContact();
//			contact.setGroupId(contactList.getContactGroupIdFromName("Classic"));
//			addContactDetails(contact, &mVcard);
//			contact.addIMContact(imContact);

			Contact* contact = contactList.createContact();
//			contact->setGroupId(contactList.getContactGroupIdFromName("Classic"));
			contact->addToGroup(contactList.getContactGroupIdFromName("Classic"), EnumGroupType::GroupType_User);	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.05.06 JRT-GRPS
			addContactDetails(*contact, &mVcard);
			contactList.addContact( contact );	//ContactList will delete contact
			//End Voxox
	return true;
コード例 #2
void WsAccount::parseSet( TiXmlNode* syncNode, IMAccountList& imAccountList )
	TiXmlNode*  networkNode = NULL;

	IMAccount imAccount;
	_userProfile.initImAccountParameters( &imAccount );

	IMAccountXMLSerializer serializer( imAccount );
	TiXmlHandle h(syncNode);
	serializer.unserializeWebService(h, imAccount.getIMAccountParameters() );

	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.06.02  we currently get empty node if no UserNetworks exist on server.
	if ( imAccount.getProtocol() != EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocolUnknown )
		//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.07.13 - HACK to remove old voxox domain accounts.
		if ( !imAccount.isOldVoxOxDomain() )	//Just throw this away.
			imAccountList.Add( &imAccount );
		int xxx = 1;	//TODO: we get here is network already exists and was 'saved' with NID == 0.
コード例 #3
void QtAddIMContact::addIMContact() {
	QString contactId = _ui->contactIdLineEdit->text().trimmed();
	if (contactId.isEmpty()) {
	QString protocolName = _ui->protocolComboBox->currentText();

	EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol imProtocol = EnumIMProtocol::toIMProtocol(protocolName.toStdString());
	// sip contact should know their domain
	Config & config = ConfigManager::getInstance().getCurrentConfig();
	QString wengoSuffix = "@" + QString::fromStdString( config.getWengoRealm() );
	if (imProtocol == EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocolWengo) {
		contactId += wengoSuffix;
	} else if (imProtocol == EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocolSIP) {
		if (!contactId.contains("@")) {
			SipAccount * sipaccount = _cUserProfile.getUserProfile().getSipAccount();
			if (sipaccount) {
				contactId += QString("@") + QString::fromStdString(sipaccount->getRealm());
	IMContact imContact(imProtocol, contactId.toStdString());

	IMAccountList imAccounts = getSelectedIMAccounts(imProtocol);

	if (imAccounts.empty()) {

	for (IMAccountList::const_iterator it = imAccounts.begin();
		it != imAccounts.end(); ++it) {

		IMAccount * imAccount =
//			_cUserProfile.getUserProfile().getIMAccountManager().getIMAccount((*it).getUUID());	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.09 
//			_cUserProfile.getUserProfile().getIMAccountManager().getIMAccount( it->second.getUUID());
			_cUserProfile.getUserProfile().getIMAccountManager().getIMAccount( it->second );	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.24
コード例 #4
void QtAddIMContact::loadIMAccounts(EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol imProtocol) {

	IMAccountList imAccounts = _cUserProfile.getUserProfile().getIMAccountManager().getIMAccountsOfProtocol(imProtocol);

	for (IMAccountList::const_iterator it = imAccounts.begin();
		it != imAccounts.end(); ++it) {

		QTreeWidgetItem * item = new QTreeWidgetItem(_ui->treeWidget);

		//By default, check the first element only
		if (it == imAccounts.begin()) {
			item->setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked);
		} else {
			item->setCheckState(0, Qt::Unchecked);

//		item->setText(1, QString::fromStdString((*it).getLogin()));	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.09 
		item->setText(1, QString::fromStdString( it->second.getLogin()));
コード例 #5
IMAccountList QtAddIMContact::getSelectedIMAccounts(EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol imProtocol) const {
	IMAccountList result;

	IMAccountList imAccounts = _cUserProfile.getUserProfile().getIMAccountManager().getIMAccountsOfProtocol(imProtocol);

	for (IMAccountList::const_iterator it = imAccounts.begin();
		it != imAccounts.end(); ++it) {

//		QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> list = _ui->treeWidget->findItems(QString::fromStdString((*it).getLogin()), Qt::MatchExactly, 1);	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.09 
		QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> list = _ui->treeWidget->findItems(QString::fromStdString( it->second.getLogin()), Qt::MatchExactly, 1);

		if (list.size() > 0) {
			//There should be only one item
			QTreeWidgetItem * item = list[0];
			if (item->checkState(0) == Qt::Checked) {
//				result.push_back(*it);	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.09 
				result.Add( const_cast<IMAccount&>(it->second) );

	return result;
コード例 #6
void IMAccountList::getIMAccountsOfProtocolVector( std::vector<EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol> protocols, IMAccountList& rResult )
	RecursiveMutex::ScopedLock lock( _mutex );	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.07.13 

	for (IMAccountList::const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) 
		for( std::vector<EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol>::const_iterator itv = protocols.begin(); itv != protocols.end(); ++itv ) 
			if (it->second.getProtocol() == (*itv)) 
				rResult.Add( const_cast<IMAccount&>(it->second) );
コード例 #7
void IMAccountList::getIMAccountsOfQtProtocol(QtEnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol protocol, IMAccountList& rResult )
	RecursiveMutex::ScopedLock lock( _mutex );	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.07.13 

	for ( const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) 
		// FIXME: line 50 and 51 should not be there.
		// There are here for compatibility with previous version of WengoPhone.
		QtEnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol accountProtocol = it->second.getQtProtocol();

		if ( accountProtocol == protocol) 
			rResult.Add( const_cast<IMAccount&>(it->second) );
コード例 #8
bool ConfigImporter::importConfigFromV7toV8() {
	StringList list = UserProfileHandler::getUserProfileNames();
	std::map<std::string, EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocol> accountMap;

	for (StringList::const_iterator it = list.begin();
		it != list.end();
		++it) {

		std::string userProfileDirectory = File::convertPathSeparators(Config::getConfigDir() + "profiles/" + *it + "/");

		//Loading data
		FileReader iIMAccountsFile(userProfileDirectory + "imaccounts.xml");
		String data = iIMAccountsFile.read();

		IMAccountList imAccountList;
		IMAccountListXMLSerializer1 imAccountListSerializer1(imAccountList);

		FileReader iContactListFile(userProfileDirectory + "contactlist.xml");
		data = iContactListFile.read();

		UserProfile userProfile;
		ContactList contactList(userProfile);
		ContactListXMLSerializer1 contactListSerializer1(contactList, imAccountList);

		// Look for IMAccount and Contact link to the IMAccount with login FAKE_LOGIN. It has been introduced by a previous importation step
		// to avoid the SSO request.
		for (IMAccountList::iterator ait = imAccountList.begin(); ait != imAccountList.end(); ++ait) {
//			if (((*ait).getProtocol() == EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocolWengo)
//				&& ((*ait).getLogin() == FAKE_LOGIN)) {
			if (( ait->second.getProtocol() == EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocolWengo)
				&& ( ait->second.getLogin() == FAKE_LOGIN)) {

				// Update contact links to this IMAccount (update UUID and remove CONTACT_PREFIX).
				//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.07 - Use new map-based class.
//				for (ContactList::Contacts::iterator cit = const_cast<ContactList::Contacts &>(contactList.getContacts()).begin();
//					cit != contactList.getContacts().end();
				for ( Contacts::iterator cit = const_cast<Contacts &>(contactList.getContacts()).begin();
					cit != contactList.getContacts().end();
					cit++) {
//					IMContactSet & imContactSet = const_cast<IMContactSet &>((*cit).getIMContactSet());	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.07 
					IMContactSet & imContactSet = const_cast<IMContactSet &>((*cit).second.getIMContactSet());
					for (IMContactSet::iterator imit = imContactSet.begin();
						imit != imContactSet.end();
						imit++) {
						if (String((*imit).getContactId()).beginsWith(CONTACT_PREFIX)) {
							const_cast<IMContact &>(*imit).setContactId((*imit).getContactId().substr(CONTACT_PREFIX.size()));
//							const_cast<IMContact &>(*imit).setIMAccount(&(*ait));	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.09 
							const_cast<IMContact &>(*imit).setIMAccount(&(ait->second));

				// Removing the IMAccount

		IMAccountListXMLSerializer lastIMAccountListSerializer(imAccountList);
		data = lastIMAccountListSerializer.serialize();
		FileWriter oIMAccountsFile(userProfileDirectory + "imaccounts.xml");

		ContactListXMLSerializer lastContactListSerializer(contactList, imAccountList);
		data = lastContactListSerializer.serialize();
		FileWriter oContactListFile(userProfileDirectory + "contactlist.xml");

	return true;
コード例 #9
void CommandServer::incomingRequestEventHandler(ServerSocket & sender, const std::string & connectionId, const std::string & data) 
	LOG_DEBUG("incoming request connectionId=" + connectionId + " data=" + data);
	String query = String(data);

	if (query == QueryStatus) 
		//Find the phoneline status and answer
		UserProfile * userprofile = _wengoPhone.getUserProfileHandler().getCurrentUserProfile();
		if (userprofile) {
			IPhoneLine * phoneLine = userprofile->getActivePhoneLine();
			if (phoneLine && phoneLine->isConnected()) {
				_serverSocket->writeToClient(connectionId, QueryStatus + "|1");
			} else {
				_serverSocket->writeToClient(connectionId, QueryStatus + "|0");

	else if (query == QueryBringToFront) 
	else if (query.beginsWith(QueryCall)) 
		//Extract the number from query & place the call
		StringList l = query.split("/");

		if (l.size() == 2) 
			LOG_DEBUG("call peer=" + l[1]);
			UserProfile * userprofile = _wengoPhone.getUserProfileHandler().getCurrentUserProfile();
			if (userprofile) 
				IPhoneLine * phoneLine = userprofile->getActivePhoneLine();
				if (phoneLine && phoneLine->isConnected()) 
					_serverSocket->writeToClient(connectionId, data + "|1");

		_serverSocket->writeToClient(connectionId, data + "|0");
	else if (query.beginsWith(QuerySms)) 
		LOG_WARN("not yet implemented");

	else if (query.contains(QueryChat)) 
		UserProfile * userProfile = _wengoPhone.getUserProfileHandler().getCurrentUserProfile();
		if (userProfile) 
			IPhoneLine * phoneLine = userProfile->getActivePhoneLine();
			if (phoneLine && phoneLine->isConnected()) 
				// extract the nickname from 1|o|chat/pseudo=value&sip=value
				StringList l = query.split("/");
				std::string nickname;
				if (l.size() == 2) 
					int sepPos = l[1].find("&");
					nickname = l[1].substr(7, sepPos - 7);

				// get THE Wengo account
				IMAccountList imAccountList = userProfile->getIMAccountManager().getIMAccountsOfProtocol(EnumIMProtocol::IMProtocolWengo);

				// create the IMContactSet
				IMAccount *imAccount = userProfile->getIMAccountManager().getIMAccount( imAccountList.begin()->second );	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.24 
				IMContact imContact(*imAccount, nickname);
				IMContactSet imContactSet;

				// create the chat session
				std::string temp = "";
				ChatHandler & chatHandler = userProfile->getChatHandler();
				chatHandler.createSession(imAccount->getKey(), imContactSet, IMChat::Chat, temp );	//VOXOX - JRT - 2009.04.24
		// failed
		_serverSocket->writeToClient(connectionId, QueryChat + "|0");

	} else if (query.beginsWith(QueryAddContact)) {

		UserProfile * userProfile = _wengoPhone.getUserProfileHandler().getCurrentUserProfile();
		if (userProfile) {

			ContactInfo contactInfo;
			String tmp = query.substr(QueryAddContact.size(), query.size() - 1);

			StringList args = tmp.split("&");
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {

				String tmp = args[i];
				if (!tmp.size()) {

				StringList list = tmp.split("=");
				if ((!(list.size() == 2)) || list[0].empty()) {

				// remove the first and the last quote if any
				String value = list[1];

				if (list[0] == NICKNAME_STR) {
					contactInfo.wengoName = value;
				} else if (list[0] == SIP_STR) {
					contactInfo.sip = value;
				} else if (list[0] == FIRSTNAME_STR) {
					contactInfo.firstname = value;
				} else if (list[0] == LASTNAME_STR) {
					contactInfo.lastname = value;
				} else if (list[0] == COUNTRY_STR) {
					contactInfo.country = value;
				} else if (list[0] == CITY_STR) {
					contactInfo.city = value;
				} else if (list[0] == STATE_STR) {
					contactInfo.state = value;
				} else if (list[0] == GROUP_STR) {
					contactInfo.group = value;
				} else if (list[0] == WDEALSERVICETITLE_STR) {
					contactInfo.wdealServiceTitle = value;
				} else if (list[0] == URL_STR) {
					if (value.beginsWith("\"")) {
						value = value.substr(1, value.size() - 2);
					contactInfo.website = value;


	} else {

		Config & config = ConfigManager::getInstance().getCurrentConfig();

		//"emulate" a http server. Needed for Flash sockets
		std::string tmp = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
			"<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM \"http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd\">\n"
		StringList domains = config.getCmdServerAuthorizedDomains();
		StringList::const_iterator it = domains.begin(), end = domains.end();
		for (;it!=end; ++it) {
			tmp += "<allow-access-from domain=\"" + *it + "\" to-ports=\"*\" />\n";
		tmp += "<allow-access-from domain=\"localhost\" to-ports=\"*\" />\n"
		_serverSocket->writeToClient(connectionId, buildHttpForFlash(tmp));