bool CCSSBot :: startGame () { // do whatever is necessary here to join the game... IPlayerInfo* pInfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo(m_pEdict); if ( pInfo->GetTeamIndex() == 0 ) { pInfo->ChangeTeam(randomInt(2,3)); } return (pInfo->GetTeamIndex() != 0); }
void SizzlingStats::CheckPlayerDropped( CSizzPluginContext *pPluginContext, int victimIndex ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vecMedics.Count(); ++i) { int medIndex = m_vecMedics[i]; SS_PlayerData *pMedData = m_PlayerDataManager.GetPlayerData(medIndex).m_pPlayerData; SS_PlayerData *pVictimData = m_PlayerDataManager.GetPlayerData(victimIndex).m_pPlayerData; IPlayerInfo *pMedPlayerInfo = pPluginContext->GetPlayerInfo(medIndex); IPlayerInfo *pVictimPlayerInfo = pPluginContext->GetPlayerInfo(victimIndex); if ( pMedPlayerInfo->GetTeamIndex() == pVictimPlayerInfo->GetTeamIndex() ) { using namespace SCHelpers; CTFPlayerWrapper medic(pMedData->GetBaseEntity()); //CBaseEntity *pMedigun = pPluginContext->BaseEntityFromBaseHandle(hMedigun); //const char *szWeapon = SCHelpers::GetClassName(pMedigun); //if ( szWeapon && SCHelpers::FStrEq(szWeapon, "tf_weapon_medigun") ) //{ float flChargeLevel = medic.GetChargeLevel(pPluginContext); bool bReleasingCharge = medic.IsReleasingCharge(); if (flChargeLevel == 1.0f || bReleasingCharge) { CTFPlayerWrapper victim(pVictimData->GetBaseEntity()); Vector *victimPos = victim.GetPlayerOrigin(); Vector *medPos = medic.GetPlayerOrigin(); vec_t distance = victimPos->DistToSqr( *medPos ); SS_AllUserChatMessage( pPluginContext, UTIL_VarArgs("distance: %.2f\n", distance) ); if (distance <= 230400.0f) // ~480 units is max target distance for medigun { IHandleEntity *pMedHandleEnt = pPluginContext->HandleEntityFromEntIndex(medIndex); // slot 2 because we want the medigun IHandleEntity *pMedigunHandleEnt = pPluginContext->HandleEntityFromEntIndex(medic.GetWeapon(2)->GetEntryIndex()); Ray_t ray; ray.Init(*medPos, *victimPos); CTraceFilterSkipTwo traceFilter(pMedHandleEnt, pMedigunHandleEnt); trace_t trace; enginetrace->TraceRay(ray, MASK_SHOT_HULL, &traceFilter, &trace); if (!trace.DidHit()) { SS_AllUserChatMessage( pPluginContext, "player dropped\n" ); } } } //} } } }
void SizzlingStats::SS_PlayerDisconnect( CSizzPluginContext *pPluginContext, edict_t *pEdict ) { Msg( "SS_DeletePlayer\n" ); int ent_index = SCHelpers::EntIndexFromEdict(pEdict); if (ent_index != -1) { if (m_PlayerDataManager.IsValidPlayer(ent_index)) { playerAndExtra_t data = m_PlayerDataManager.GetPlayerData(ent_index); data.m_pPlayerData->UpdateRoundStatsData(m_aPropOffsets); data.m_pPlayerData->UpdateRoundExtraData(*data.m_pExtraData); IPlayerInfo *pInfo = pPluginContext->GetPlayerInfo(ent_index); if (m_bTournamentMatchRunning) { playerWebStats_t stats; stats.m_scoreData = data.m_pPlayerData->GetRoundStatsData(); V_strncpy(stats.m_playerInfo.m_name, pInfo->GetName(), sizeof(stats.m_playerInfo.m_name)); V_strncpy(stats.m_playerInfo.m_steamid, pInfo->GetNetworkIDString(), sizeof(stats.m_playerInfo.m_steamid)); V_strncpy(stats.m_playerInfo.m_ip, pPluginContext->GetPlayerIPPortString(ent_index), sizeof(stats.m_playerInfo.m_ip)); stats.m_playerInfo.m_teamid = pInfo->GetTeamIndex(); CPlayerClassTracker *pTracker = data.m_pPlayerData->GetClassTracker(); stats.m_playerInfo.m_mostPlayedClass = pTracker->GetMostPlayedClass(); stats.m_playerInfo.m_playedClasses = pTracker->GetPlayedClasses(); m_pWebStatsHandler->EnqueuePlayerStats(stats); } } m_vecMedics.FindAndRemove(ent_index); m_PlayerDataManager.RemovePlayer(ent_index); } }
int NczPlayer::aimingAt() { trace_t trace; Ray_t ray; edict_t* edict = GetEdict(); if(!edict) return -1; IPlayerInfo* playerinfo = GetPlayerInfo(); if(!playerinfo) return -1; CBotCmd cmd = playerinfo->GetLastUserCommand(); Vector earPos; CIFaceManager::GetInstance()->GetIclients()->ClientEarPosition(edict, &earPos); Vector eyePos = earPos; QAngle eyeAngles = cmd.viewangles; Vector vEnd; AngleVectors(eyeAngles, &vEnd); vEnd = vEnd * 8192.0f + eyePos; ray.Init(eyePos,vEnd); CIFaceManager::GetInstance()->GetItrace()->TraceRay( ray, (CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_MOVEABLE | CONTENTS_MONSTER | CONTENTS_DEBRIS | CONTENTS_HITBOX), NULL, &trace ); edict_t* target = CIFaceManager::GetInstance()->GetIents()->BaseEntityToEdict(trace.m_pEnt); if ( target && !Helpers::IndexOfEdict(target) == 0 && !trace.allsolid ) { if(!Helpers::isValidEdict(target)) return -1; #undef GetClassName if(strcmp(target->GetClassName(), "player") == 0) { IPlayerInfo* targetinfo = CIFaceManager::GetInstance()->GetIplayers()->GetPlayerInfo(target); if(targetinfo) { int ta = targetinfo->GetTeamIndex(); int tb = playerinfo->GetTeamIndex(); if( ta != tb ) { if( targetinfo->IsPlayer() && !targetinfo->IsHLTV() && !targetinfo->IsObserver() ) { return Helpers::IndexOfEdict(target); } } } } } return -1; }
void SizzlingStats::SS_EndOfRound( CSizzPluginContext *pPluginContext ) { for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) { if (m_PlayerDataManager.IsValidPlayer(i)) { playerAndExtra_t data = m_PlayerDataManager.GetPlayerData(i); data.m_pPlayerData->UpdateRoundStatsData(m_aPropOffsets); data.m_pPlayerData->UpdateRoundExtraData(*data.m_pExtraData); IPlayerInfo *pInfo = pPluginContext->GetPlayerInfo(i); if (m_bTournamentMatchRunning) { playerWebStats_t stats; stats.m_scoreData = data.m_pPlayerData->GetRoundStatsData(); V_strncpy(stats.m_playerInfo.m_name, pInfo->GetName(), sizeof(stats.m_playerInfo.m_name)); V_strncpy(stats.m_playerInfo.m_steamid, pInfo->GetNetworkIDString(), sizeof(stats.m_playerInfo.m_steamid)); V_strncpy(stats.m_playerInfo.m_ip, pPluginContext->GetPlayerIPPortString(i), sizeof(stats.m_playerInfo.m_ip)); stats.m_playerInfo.m_teamid = pInfo->GetTeamIndex(); CPlayerClassTracker *pTracker = data.m_pPlayerData->GetClassTracker(); stats.m_playerInfo.m_mostPlayedClass = pTracker->GetMostPlayedClass(); stats.m_playerInfo.m_playedClasses = pTracker->GetPlayedClasses(); m_pWebStatsHandler->EnqueuePlayerStats(stats); } if (pInfo->GetTeamIndex() > 1) { SS_DisplayStats(pPluginContext, i); } } } if (m_bTournamentMatchRunning) { m_pHostInfo->m_roundduration = m_flRoundDuration; m_pWebStatsHandler->SetHostData(*m_pHostInfo); m_pWebStatsHandler->SendStatsToWeb(); } }
cell_t GetSurvivorScore(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = gamehelpers->ReferenceToEntity(params[1]); if (!pPlayer) return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid client index %d", params[1]); cell_t client = gamehelpers->ReferenceToIndex(params[1]); IGamePlayer *pGamePlayer = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(client); if (!pGamePlayer || !pGamePlayer->IsInGame()) return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client index %d not in game", params[1]); IPlayerInfo* pInfo = pGamePlayer->GetPlayerInfo(); if(!pInfo || pInfo->IsObserver() || pInfo->GetTeamIndex() != 2) return -1; return Detours::g_scores[client]; }
void SizzlingStats::SS_TournamentMatchStarted( CSizzPluginContext *pPluginContext ) { Msg( "tournament match started\n" ); m_bTournamentMatchRunning = true; m_flMatchDuration = Plat_FloatTime(); V_strncpy(m_pHostInfo->m_hostname, pPluginContext->GetHostName(), 64); V_strncpy(m_pHostInfo->m_mapname, pPluginContext->GetMapName(), 64); V_strncpy(m_pHostInfo->m_bluname, pPluginContext->GetBluTeamName(), 32); V_strncpy(m_pHostInfo->m_redname, pPluginContext->GetRedTeamName(), 32); m_pHostInfo->m_hostip = m_refHostIP.GetInt(); V_strncpy(m_pHostInfo->m_ip, m_refIP.GetString(), 32); m_pHostInfo->m_hostport = m_refHostPort.GetInt(); m_pHostInfo->m_roundduration = m_flRoundDuration; m_pWebStatsHandler->SetHostData(*m_pHostInfo); // record demos if the cvar is non-zero if (record_demos.GetBool()) { m_STVRecorder.StartRecording(pPluginContext, m_pHostInfo->m_mapname); } CTFPlayerWrapper player; for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) { if (m_PlayerDataManager.IsValidPlayer(i)) { player.SetPlayer(pPluginContext->BaseEntityFromEntIndex(i)); IPlayerInfo *pInfo = pPluginContext->GetPlayerInfo(i); playerInfo_t info; V_strncpy(info.m_name, pInfo->GetName(), sizeof(info.m_name)); V_strncpy(info.m_steamid, pInfo->GetNetworkIDString(), sizeof(info.m_steamid)); V_strncpy(info.m_ip, pPluginContext->GetPlayerIPPortString(i), sizeof(info.m_ip)); info.m_teamid = pInfo->GetTeamIndex(); info.m_mostPlayedClass = player.GetClass(); m_pWebStatsHandler->EnqueuePlayerInfo(info); } } // set the api key m_pWebStatsHandler->SetApiKey(apikey.GetString()); // send the initial match info to the web m_pWebStatsHandler->SendGameStartEvent(); }
static cell_t GetClientTeam(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params) { int client = params[1]; CPlayer *pPlayer = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(client); if (!pPlayer) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client index %d is invalid", client); } else if (!pPlayer->IsInGame()) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", client); } IPlayerInfo *pInfo = pPlayer->GetPlayerInfo(); if (!pInfo) { return pContext->ThrowNativeError("IPlayerInfo not supported by game"); } return pInfo->GetTeamIndex(); }
bool CCSSBot :: isEnemy ( edict_t *pEdict,bool bCheckWeapons ) { if ( ENTINDEX(pEdict) > CBotGlobals::maxClients() ) return false; if ( pEdict->IsFree() ) return false; if ( !CBotGlobals::isNetworkable(pEdict) ) return false; IPlayerInfo *p = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo(pEdict); if ( p == NULL ) return false; if ( m_pEdict == pEdict ) return false; if ( !CBotGlobals::entityIsAlive ( pEdict ) ) return false; return (p->GetTeamIndex() != getTeam()); }
bool TF2Tools::ProcessCommandTarget(cmd_target_info_t *info) { int max_clients; IPlayerInfo *pInfo; unsigned int team_index = 0; IGamePlayer *pPlayer, *pAdmin; if ((info->flags & COMMAND_FILTER_NO_MULTI) == COMMAND_FILTER_NO_MULTI) { return false; } if (info->admin) { if ((pAdmin = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(info->admin)) == NULL) { return false; } if (!pAdmin->IsInGame()) { return false; } } else { pAdmin = NULL; } if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@red") == 0 ) { team_index = 2; } else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@blue") == 0) { team_index = 3; } else { return false; } info->num_targets = 0; max_clients = playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); for (int i = 1; i <= max_clients && (cell_t)info->num_targets < info->max_targets; i++) { if ((pPlayer = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i)) == NULL) { continue; } if (!pPlayer->IsInGame()) { continue; } if ((pInfo = pPlayer->GetPlayerInfo()) == NULL) { continue; } if (pInfo->GetTeamIndex() != (int)team_index) { continue; } if (playerhelpers->FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pPlayer, info->flags) != COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { continue; } info->targets[info->num_targets] = i; info->num_targets++; } if (info->num_targets == 0) { info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_EMPTY_FILTER; } else { info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_VALID; } info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW; if (team_index == 2) { UTIL_Format(info->target_name, info->target_name_maxlength, "Red Team"); } else if (team_index == 3) { UTIL_Format(info->target_name, info->target_name_maxlength, "Blue Team"); } return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Builds up a list of players that are 'kickable' //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ManiReservedSlot::BuildPlayerKickList( player_t *player_ptr, int *players_on_server ) { player_t temp_player; active_player_t active_player; FreeList((void **) &active_player_list, &active_player_list_size); for (int i = 1; i <= max_players; i ++) { #if defined ( GAME_CSGO ) edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(i); #else edict_t *pEntity = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i); #endif if( pEntity && !pEntity->IsFree()) { if ( player_ptr && ( pEntity == player_ptr->entity ) ) continue; IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEntity ); if (playerinfo && playerinfo->IsConnected()) { Q_strcpy(active_player.steam_id, playerinfo->GetNetworkIDString()); if (FStrEq("BOT", active_player.steam_id)) { continue; } INetChannelInfo *nci = engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(i); if (!nci) { continue; } active_player.entity = pEntity; = nci->GetAvgLatency(0); const char * szCmdRate = engine->GetClientConVarValue( i, "cl_cmdrate" ); int nCmdRate = (20 > Q_atoi( szCmdRate )) ? 20 : Q_atoi(szCmdRate); -= (0.5f/nCmdRate) + TICKS_TO_TIME( 1.0f ); // correct latency // in GoldSrc we had a different, not fixed tickrate. so we have to adjust // Source pings by half a tick to match the old GoldSrc pings. -= TICKS_TO_TIME( 0.5f ); = * 1000.0f; // as msecs = ((5 > ?; // set bounds, dont show pings under 5 msecs active_player.time_connected = nci->GetTimeConnected(); Q_strcpy(active_player.ip_address, nci->GetAddress()); if (gpManiGameType->IsSpectatorAllowed() && playerinfo->GetTeamIndex () == gpManiGameType->GetSpectatorIndex()) { active_player.is_spectator = true; } else { active_player.is_spectator = false; } active_player.user_id = playerinfo->GetUserID(); Q_strcpy(, playerinfo->GetName()); if ( players_on_server ) *players_on_server = *players_on_server + 1; active_player.kills = playerinfo->GetFragCount(); active_player.deaths = playerinfo->GetDeathCount(); Q_strcpy(temp_player.steam_id, active_player.steam_id); Q_strcpy(temp_player.ip_address, active_player.ip_address); Q_strcpy(,; temp_player.is_bot = false; if (IsPlayerInReserveList(&temp_player)) { continue; } active_player.index = i; if (mani_reserve_slots_include_admin.GetInt() == 1 && gpManiClient->HasAccess(active_player.index, ADMIN, ADMIN_BASIC_ADMIN)) { continue; } if (gpManiClient->HasAccess(active_player.index, IMMUNITY, IMMUNITY_RESERVE)) { continue; } AddToList((void **) &active_player_list, sizeof(active_player_t), &active_player_list_size); active_player_list[active_player_list_size - 1] = active_player; } } } }
bool SDKTools::ProcessCommandTarget(cmd_target_info_t *info) { IGamePlayer *pAdmin = info->admin ? playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(info->admin) : NULL; if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@aim") == 0) { /* The server can't aim, of course. */ if (pAdmin == NULL) { return false; } int player_index; if ((player_index = GetClientAimTarget(pAdmin->GetEdict(), true)) < 1) { info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NONE; info->num_targets = 0; return true; } IGamePlayer *pTarget = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(player_index); if (pTarget == NULL) { info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_NONE; info->num_targets = 0; return true; } info->reason = playerhelpers->FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, pTarget, info->flags); if (info->reason != COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->num_targets = 0; return true; } info->targets[0] = player_index; info->num_targets = 1; info->reason = COMMAND_TARGET_VALID; info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_RAW; snprintf(info->target_name, info->target_name_maxlength, "%s", pTarget->GetName()); return true; } else if (strcmp(info->pattern, "@spec") == 0) { const char *teamname = tools_GetTeamName(1); if (strcasecmp(teamname, "spectator") != 0) return false; info->num_targets = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= playerhelpers->GetMaxClients(); i++) { IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(i); if (player == NULL || !player->IsInGame()) continue; IPlayerInfo *plinfo = player->GetPlayerInfo(); if (plinfo == NULL) continue; if (plinfo->GetTeamIndex() == 1 && playerhelpers->FilterCommandTarget(pAdmin, player, info->flags) == COMMAND_TARGET_VALID) { info->targets[info->num_targets++] = i; } } info->reason = info->num_targets > 0 ? COMMAND_TARGET_VALID : COMMAND_TARGET_EMPTY_FILTER; info->target_name_style = COMMAND_TARGETNAME_ML; snprintf(info->target_name, info->target_name_maxlength, "all spectators"); return true; } return false; }
//================================================================================= // Callback for the 'webspec' protocol // Manages spectator connections & sending Initial messages to new spectators //================================================================================= int webspec_callback(struct libwebsocket_context *ctx, struct libwebsocket *wsi, enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED: { Msg("[WS] New connection\n"); // New connection ws_spectators.AddToTail(wsi); // Send basic game info to let client set up // MapName, Server name (may remove), current team names char *buffer = (char*)malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); char *mapName = (char*) STRING(gpGlobals->mapname); ConVarRef hostNameCVar = ConVarRef("hostname"); string_t hostname; if (hostNameCVar.IsValid()) hostname = MAKE_STRING(hostNameCVar.GetString()); else hostname = MAKE_STRING("WebSpec Demo Server"); //Can't imagine when hostname would be invalid, but this is Source int length = snprintf(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, "%c%s:%s:%s:%s", WSPacket_Init, mapName, STRING(hostname), STRING(ws_teamName[1]), STRING(ws_teamName[0])); SendPacketToOne(buffer, length, wsi); free(buffer); //Send connected players IPlayerInfo *playerInfo; for (int i=1; i<=gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) { playerInfo = playerInfoManager->GetPlayerInfo(engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i)); if (playerInfo != NULL && playerInfo->IsConnected()) { buffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); int userid = playerInfo->GetUserID(); int teamid = playerInfo->GetTeamIndex(); int health = playerInfo->GetHealth(); int maxHealth = playerInfo->GetMaxHealth(); bool alive = !playerInfo->IsDead(); string_t playerName = MAKE_STRING(playerInfo->GetName()); //Pointer magic to get TF2 class CBaseEntity *playerEntity = serverGameEnts->EdictToBaseEntity(engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i)); int playerClass = *MakePtr(int*, playerEntity, WSOffsets::pCTFPlayer__m_iClass); float uberCharge = 0.0f; if (playerClass == TFClass_Medic) { //Way more pointer magic to get ubercharge from medigun CBaseCombatCharacter *playerCombatCharacter = CBaseEntity_MyCombatCharacterPointer(playerEntity); CBaseCombatWeapon *slot1Weapon = CBaseCombatCharacter_Weapon_GetSlot(playerCombatCharacter, 1); uberCharge = *MakePtr(float*, slot1Weapon, WSOffsets::pCWeaponMedigun__m_flChargeLevel); } int length = snprintf(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, "%c%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:0:%d:%s", 'C', userid, teamid, playerClass, health, maxHealth, alive, Round(uberCharge*100.0f), STRING(playerName)); SendPacketToOne(buffer, length, wsi); free(buffer); } } break; }
void CFlagEvent::Execute(IBotEventInterface *pEvent) { // dropped / picked up ID int type = pEvent->GetInt("eventtype"); // player id int player = pEvent->GetInt("player"); edict_t *pPlayer = NULL; CBot *pBot = NULL; // Crash fix if (player) { pPlayer = INDEXENT(player); pBot = CBots::GetBotPointer(pPlayer); } switch (type) { case FLAG_PICKUP: // pickup if (pBot && pBot->IsTF()) { ((CBotTF2*)pBot)->PickedUpFlag(); } if (pPlayer) { int iTeam = CTeamFortress2Mod::GetTeam(pPlayer); if (CTeamFortress2Mod::IsFlagAtDefaultState()) { CClient *pClient; pClient = CClients::Get(pPlayer); if (pClient && pClient->AutoWaypointOn()) pClient->AutoEventWaypoint(CWaypointTypes::W_FL_FLAG, 200.0f, false); } CTeamFortress2Mod::FlagPickedUp(iTeam, pPlayer); } break; case FLAG_CAPTURED: // captured { IPlayerInfo *p = NULL; if (pPlayer) { p = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo(pPlayer); if (p) { CBroadcastFlagCaptured captured = CBroadcastFlagCaptured(p->GetTeamIndex()); CBots::BotFunction(&captured); } } if (pBot && pBot->IsTF()) { ((CBotTF2*)pBot)->CapturedFlag(); ((CBotTF2*)pBot)->DroppedFlag(); } if (pPlayer) { int iTeam = CTeamFortress2Mod::GetTeam(pPlayer); CTeamFortress2Mod::FlagDropped(iTeam, Vector(0, 0, 0)); CClient *pClient; pClient = CClients::Get(pPlayer); if (pClient && pClient->AutoWaypointOn()) pClient->AutoEventWaypoint(CWaypointTypes::W_FL_CAPPOINT, 200.0f, false); } CTeamFortress2Mod::ResetFlagStateToDefault(); } break; case FLAG_DROPPED: // drop { IPlayerInfo *p = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo(pPlayer); Vector vLoc; if (p) { vLoc = CBotGlobals::EntityOrigin(pPlayer); CBroadcastFlagDropped dropped = CBroadcastFlagDropped(p->GetTeamIndex(), vLoc); CBots::BotFunction(&dropped); } if (pBot && pBot->IsTF()) ((CBotTF2*)pBot)->DroppedFlag(); if (pPlayer) CTeamFortress2Mod::FlagDropped(CTeamFortress2Mod::GetTeam(pPlayer), vLoc); } break; case FLAG_RETURN: { if (CTeamFortress2Mod::IsMapType(TF_MAP_SD)) { CBroadcastFlagReturned returned = CBroadcastFlagReturned(CTeamFortress2Mod::GetFlagCarrierTeam()); CBots::BotFunction(&returned); } CTeamFortress2Mod::ResetFlagStateToDefault(); CTeamFortress2Mod::FlagReturned(0); // for special delivery //p->GetTeamIndex(),CBotGlobals::EntityOrigin(pPlayer)); } break; default: break; } }