int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ Network yarp; Port armPlan; Port armPred; BufferedPort<Vector> objAngles; BufferedPort<Vector> armOut;"/learnedReach/plan");"/learnedReach/pred");"/learnedReach/loc:i");"/learnedReach/arm:o"); bool fwCvOn = 0; fwCvOn = Network::connect("/learnedReach/plan","/fwdConv:i"); fwCvOn *= Network::connect("/fwdConv:o","/learnedReach/pred"); if (!fwCvOn){ printf("Please run command:\n ./fwdConv --input /fwdConv:i --output /fwdConv:o\n"); return -1; } Property params; params.fromCommand(argc,argv); if (!params.check("robot")){ fprintf(stderr, "Please specify robot name\n"); fprintf(stderr, "e.g. --robot icub\n"); return -1; } std::string robotName = params.find("robot").asString().c_str(); std::string remotePorts = "/"; remotePorts += robotName; remotePorts += "/"; if (params.check("arm")){ remotePorts += params.find("arm").asString().c_str(); } else{ remotePorts += "left"; } remotePorts += "_arm"; std::string localPorts = "/learnedReach/cmd"; if(!params.check("map")){ fprintf(stderr, "Please specify learned visuomotor map file\n"); fprintf(stderr, "e.g. --map map.dat\n"); return -1; } string fName = params.find("map").asString().c_str(); Property options; options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("local", localPorts.c_str()); options.put("remote", remotePorts.c_str()); PolyDriver robotDevice(options); if (!robotDevice.isValid()){ printf("Device not available. Here are known devices: \n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); Network::fini(); return 1; } IPositionControl *pos; IEncoders *enc; bool ok; ok = robotDevice.view(pos); ok = ok && robotDevice.view(enc); if (!ok){ printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 0; } int nj = 0; pos->getAxes(&nj); Vector encoders; Vector command; Vector commandCart; Vector tmp; encoders.resize(nj); tmp.resize(nj); command.resize(nj); commandCart.resize(3); for (int i = 0; i < nj; i++) { tmp[i] = 25.0; } pos->setRefAccelerations(; for (int i = 0; i < nj; i++) { tmp[i] = 20.0; pos->setRefSpeed(i, tmp[i]); } command = 0; //set the arm joints to "middle" values command[0] = -45; command[1] = 45; command[2] = 0; command[3] = 45; pos->positionMove(; bool done = false; while (!done){ pos->checkMotionDone(&done); Time::delay(0.1); } //not really yaw and pitch int azMin = -80; int azMax = 0; int elMin = -60; int elMax = 0; int verMin = 0; int verMax = 20; int Y; int P; int V; int mmapSize; int usedJoints; //read in first lines to get map dimensions string line; string buf; ifstream mapFile(fName.c_str()); if(mapFile.is_open()){ getline(mapFile,line); stringstream ss(line); ss >> buf; Y = atoi(buf.c_str()); ss >> buf; P = atoi(buf.c_str()); ss >> buf; V = atoi(buf.c_str()); ss.clear(); getline(mapFile,line); ss.str(line); ss >> buf; mmapSize = atoi(buf.c_str()); ss >> buf; usedJoints = atoi(buf.c_str()); }
bool configure(ResourceFinder &rf) { std::string robotname = rf.check("robot",yarp::os::Value("icubSim")).asString(); Property options; options.put("robot", robotname); // typically from the command line. options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); string s("/"); s += robotname; s += "/right_arm/keyBabbling"; options.put("local", s.c_str()); s.clear(); s += "/"; s += robotname; s += "/right_arm"; options.put("remote", s.c_str()); if (! { cout << "Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"<< endl; cout << Drivers::factory().toString().c_str() << endl;; return false; }"/keyboardBabbling/stream:o");"/keyboardBabbling/stream:i");"/keyboarBabbling/rpc"); attach(portRpc); Property optionCart("(device cartesiancontrollerclient)"); optionCart.put("remote", "/" + robotname +"/cartesianController/right_arm"); optionCart.put("local","/keyboardBabbling/cartesian_client/right_arm"); if (! return false; bool ok; ok = dd.view(pos); ok &= dd.view(vel); ok &= dd.view(pid); ok &= dd.view(amp); ok &= dd.view(armCtrlModeUsed); ok &= dd.view(armImpUsed); ok &= driverCart.view(armCart); ok &= dd.view(ilimRight); iCubFinger* fingerRight = new iCubFinger("right_index"); deque<IControlLimits*> limRight; limRight.push_back(ilimRight); fingerRight->alignJointsBounds(limRight); if (!ok) { cout << "Device not able to acquire views" << endl; dd.close(); return false; } int jnts = 0; pos->getAxes(&jnts); printf("Working with %d axes\n", jnts); vector<bool> mask; mask.resize(jnts); mask[0] = false; mask[1] = false; mask[2] = false; mask[3] = false; mask[4] = true; mask[5] = false; mask[6] = true; mask[7] = false; mask[8] = true; mask[9] = true; mask[10] = true; mask[11] = true; mask[12] = true; mask[13] = true; mask[14] = true; mask[15] = true; cout << "Closing the hand" << endl; // closing the hand: pos->positionMove(4, 30.0); pos->positionMove(6, 10.0); pos->positionMove(8, 10.0); pos->positionMove(9, 17.0); pos->positionMove(10, 170.0); pos->positionMove(11, 0.0); pos->positionMove(12, 0.0); pos->positionMove(13, 90.0); pos->positionMove(14, 180.0); pos->positionMove(15, 180.0); cout << "Waiting to be in initial position..."; bool motionDone=false; while (!motionDone) { motionDone=true; for (int i=0; i<jnts; i++) { if (mask[i]) { bool jntMotionDone = false; pos->checkMotionDone(i, &jntMotionDone); motionDone &= jntMotionDone; } } Time::yield(); // to avoid killing cpu } cout << "ok" << endl; // wait for the hand to be in initial position Matrix R=zeros(3,3); R(0,0)=-1.0; R(1,1)=1; R(2,2)=-1.0; orientation=dcm2axis(R); // enable torso movements as well // in order to enlarge the workspace Vector dof; armCart->getDOF(dof); dof=1.0; dof[1]=0.0; // every dof but the torso roll armCart->setDOF(dof,dof); armCart->setTrajTime(1.0); Vector initPos(3,0.0); if (rf.check("rightHandInitial")) { Bottle *botPos = rf.find("rightHandInitial").asList(); initPos[0] = botPos->get(0).asDouble(); initPos[1] = botPos->get(1).asDouble(); initPos[2] = botPos->get(2).asDouble(); cout<<"Reaching initial position with right hand"<<initPos.toString(3,3).c_str()<<endl; armCart->goToPoseSync(initPos,orientation); armCart->waitMotionDone(0.1,3.0); } else { cout << "Cannot find the inital position" << endl << "closing module" << endl; return false; } minY = rf.find("min").asDouble(); maxY = rf.find("max").asDouble(); gap = rf.find("gap").asDouble(); delay = rf.find("delay").asDouble(); thrMove = rf.find("threshold_move").asDouble(); yDivisions = rf.check("yDivisions",Value(10)).asInt(); Bottle* bsequenceToPlay = rf.find("sequence").asList(); if (bsequenceToPlay) { cout << "Using sequence, not random." << endl; for (int i = 0; i < bsequenceToPlay->size(); i++) sequenceToPlay.push_back(bsequenceToPlay->get(i).asInt()); indexInSequence = 0; } tempPos=initPos; state=up; forward = false; timeBeginIdle = Time::now(); Rand::init(); return true; }
virtual void run(){ tmp = command; (*command)[0] = -60*(gsl_rng_uniform(r)); (*command)[1] = 100*(gsl_rng_uniform(r)); (*command)[2] = -35 + 95*(gsl_rng_uniform(r)); (*command)[3] = 10 + 90*(gsl_rng_uniform(r)); printf("%.1lf %.1lf %.1lf %.1lf\n", (*command)[0], (*command)[1], (*command)[2], (*command)[3]); //above 0 doesn't seem to be safe for joint 0 if ((*command)[0] > 0 || (*command)[0] < -60){ (*command)[0] = (*tmp)[0]; } if ((*command)[1] > 100 || (*command)[1] < -0){ (*command)[1] = (*tmp)[1]; } if ((*command)[2] > 60 || (*command)[2] < -35){ (*command)[2] = (*tmp)[2]; } if ((*command)[3] > 100 || (*command)[3] < 10){ (*command)[3] = (*tmp)[3]; } //use fwd kin to find end effector position Bottle plan, pred; for (int i = 0; i < nj; i++){ plan.add((*command)[i]); } armPlan->write(plan); armPred->read(pred); Vector commandCart(3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ commandCart[i] = pred.get(i).asDouble(); } printf("Cartesian safety check\n"); double rad = sqrt(commandCart[0]*commandCart[0]+commandCart[1]*commandCart[1]); // safety radius back to 30 cm if (rad > 0.3){ pos->positionMove(command->data()); bool done = false; while(!done){ pos->checkMotionDone(&done); Time::delay(0.1); } printf("Moved arm to new location\n"); Vector &armJ = armLocJ->prepare(); Vector encoders(nj); enc->getEncoders(; armJ = encoders; Vector noisyArm(3); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ //noisyArm[i] = commandCart[i] + 0.01*(2*gsl_rng_uniform(r)-1); //sanity check noisyArm[i] = commandCart[i] + 0.005*(2*gsl_rng_uniform(r)-1); } //insert here: //read off peak saliences //fixate there //calculate cartesian value, compare to real cart. value of arm printf("Looking at arm\n"); igaze->lookAtFixationPoint(noisyArm); done = false; while(!done){ igaze->checkMotionDone(&done); Time::delay(0.5); } //igaze->waitMotionDone(0.1,30); printf("Saw arm\n"); Vector &headAng = headLoc->prepare(); igaze->getAngles(headAng); Bottle tStamp; tStamp.clear(); tStamp.add(Time::now()); headLoc->setEnvelope(tStamp); headLoc->write(); armLocJ->write(); headLoc->unprepare(); armLocJ->unprepare(); } else{ printf("Self collision detected!\n"); } }
virtual bool threadInit(){ if(!handleParams()){ return false; } armPlan = new Port; armPred = new Port; armLocJ = new BufferedPort<Vector>; headLoc = new BufferedPort<Vector>; armPlan->open("/babbleTrack/plan:o"); armPred->open("/babbleTrack/pred:i"); armLocJ->open("/babbleTrack/arm:o"); headLoc->open("/babbleTrack/head:o"); gsl_rng_env_setup(); T = gsl_rng_default; r = gsl_rng_alloc(T); igaze = NULL; Property options; options.put("device","gazecontrollerclient"); options.put("remote","/iKinGazeCtrl"); options.put("local","/client/gaze"); clientGazeCtrl = new PolyDriver; clientGazeCtrl->open(options); options.clear(); string localPorts = "/babbleTrack/cmd"; string remotePorts = "/" + robotName + "/" + arm + "_arm"; options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("local", localPorts.c_str()); options.put("remote", remotePorts.c_str()); robotDevice = new PolyDriver; robotDevice->open(options); if(clientGazeCtrl->isValid()){ clientGazeCtrl->view(igaze); } else{ return false; } if (!robotDevice->isValid()){ printf("Device not available. Here are known devices: \n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); Network::fini(); return false; } bool ok; ok = robotDevice->view(pos); ok = ok && robotDevice->view(enc); if (!ok){ printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return false; } pos->getAxes(&nj); command = new Vector; tmp = new Vector; command->resize(nj); tmp->resize(nj); for (int i = 0; i < nj; i++) { (*tmp)[i] = 25.0; } pos->setRefAccelerations(tmp->data()); for (int i = 0; i < nj; i++) { (*tmp)[i] = 20.0; pos->setRefSpeed(i, (*tmp)[i]); } *command = 0; //set the arm joints to "middle" values (*command)[0] = -45; (*command)[1] = 45; (*command)[2] = 0; (*command)[3] = 45; //flex hand (*command)[4] = 60; (*command)[7] = 20; (*command)[10] = 15; (*command)[11] = 15; (*command)[12] = 15; (*command)[13] = 15; (*command)[14] = 15; (*command)[15] = 15; pos->positionMove(command->data()); bool done = false; while (!done){ pos->checkMotionDone(&done); Time::delay(0.1); } bool fwCvOn = 0; fwCvOn = Network::connect("/babbleTrack/plan:o","/fwdConv:i"); fwCvOn *= Network::connect("/fwdConv:o","/babbleTrack/pred:i"); if (!fwCvOn){ printf("Please run command:\n ./fwdConv --input /fwdConv:i --output /fwdConv:o\n"); return false; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Network yarp; printf("Going to stress rpc connections to the robot\n"); printf("Run as --id unique-id\n"); printf("Optionally:\n"); printf("--part robot-part\n"); printf("--prot protocol\n"); printf("--time dt (seconds)\n"); printf("--robot name \n"); Property parameters; parameters.fromCommand(argc, argv); ConstString part=parameters.find("part").asString(); int id=parameters.find("id").asInt(); double time=0; if (parameters.check("time")) { time=parameters.find("time").asDouble(); } else time=-1; ConstString protocol; if (parameters.check("prot")) { protocol=parameters.find("prot").asString(); } else protocol="tcp"; ConstString rname; if (parameters.check("robot")) { rname=parameters.find("robot").asString(); } else rname="controlboard"; PolyDriver dd; Property p; Random::seed((unsigned int)Time::now()); string remote=string("/")+rname.c_str(); if (part!="") { remote+=string("/"); remote+=part; } string local=string("/")+string(rname.c_str()); if (part!="") { local+=string("/"); local+=part; } local+=string("/stress"); stringstream lStream; lStream << id; local += lStream.str(); p.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); p.put("local", local.c_str()); p.put("remote", remote.c_str()); p.put("carrier", protocol.c_str());; if (!dd.isValid()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, could not open controlboard\n"); return -1; } IEncoders *ienc; IPositionControl *ipos; IAmplifierControl *iamp; IPidControl *ipid; IControlLimits *ilim; IControlCalibration2 *ical; dd.view(ienc); dd.view(ipos); dd.view(iamp); dd.view(ipid); dd.view(ilim); dd.view(ical); int c=100; int nj; Vector encoders; ienc->getAxes(&nj); encoders.resize(nj); int count=0; bool done=false; double startT=Time::now(); double now=0; while((!done) || (time==-1)) { count++; double v; int jj=0; for(jj=0; jj<nj; jj++) { // ienc->getEncoder(jj,; // iamp->enableAmp(jj); // ilim->setLimits(jj, 0, 0); // double max; // double min; // ilim->getLimits(jj, &min, &max); fprintf(stderr, "."); // Pid pid; // ipid->getPid(jj, &pid); bool done; ipos->checkMotionDone(jj, &done); fprintf(stderr, "#\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "%u\n", count); Time::delay(0.1); now=Time::now(); if ((now-startT)>time) done=true; } printf("bye bye from %d\n", id); return 0; }
bool partMover::entry_update(partMover *currentPart) { GdkColor color_black; GdkColor color_grey; GdkColor color_yellow; GdkColor color_green; GdkColor color_green_blue; GdkColor color_dark_green; GdkColor color_red; GdkColor color_fault_red; GdkColor color_pink; GdkColor color_indaco; GdkColor color_white; GdkColor color_blue;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255; GdkColor* pColor= &color_grey; static int slowSwitcher = 0; IControlMode *ictrl = currentPart->ctrlmode2; IInteractionMode *iint = currentPart->iinteract; IPositionControl *ipos = currentPart->pos; IVelocityControl *ivel = currentPart->iVel; IPositionDirect *iDir = currentPart->iDir; IEncoders *iiencs = currentPart->iencs; ITorqueControl *itrq = currentPart->trq; IAmplifierControl *iamp = currentPart->amp; GtkEntry * *pos_entry = (GtkEntry **) currentPart->currPosArray; GtkEntry **trq_entry = (GtkEntry **) currentPart->currTrqArray; GtkEntry **speed_entry = (GtkEntry **) currentPart->currSpeedArray; GtkEntry **inEntry = (GtkEntry **) currentPart->inPosArray; GtkWidget **colorback = (GtkWidget **) currentPart->frameColorBack; GtkWidget **sliderAry = currentPart->sliderArray; bool *POS_UPDATE = currentPart->CURRENT_POS_UPDATE; char buffer[40] = {'i', 'n', 'i', 't'}; char frame_title [255]; double positions[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; double torques[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; double speeds[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; double max_torques[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; double min_torques[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; static int controlModes[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; static int controlModesOld[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; static yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum interactionModes[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; static yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum interactionModesOld[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; int k; int NUMBER_OF_JOINTS=0; bool done = false; bool ret = false; ipos->getAxes(&NUMBER_OF_JOINTS); if (NUMBER_OF_JOINTS == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Lost connection with iCubInterface. You should save and restart.\n" ); Time::delay(0.1); pColor=&color_grey; strcpy(frame_title,"DISCONNECTED"); for (k = 0; k < MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { if (currentPart->framesArray[k]!=0) { gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); } } return true; } for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { max_torques[k]=0; min_torques[k]=0; torques[k]=0; } if (!iiencs->getEncoders(positions)) return true; itrq->getTorques(torques); iiencs->getEncoderSpeeds(speeds); //update all joints positions for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { sprintf(buffer, "%.1f", positions[k]); gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) pos_entry[k], buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%.3f", torques[k]); gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) trq_entry[k], buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%.1f", speeds[k]); gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) speed_entry[k], buffer); } //update all joint sliders for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) if(POS_UPDATE[k]) gtk_range_set_value((GtkRange*)sliderAry[k], positions[k]); // *** update the checkMotionDone box section *** // (only one at a time in order to save badwidth) k = slowSwitcher%NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; slowSwitcher++; #if DEBUG_GUI gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) inEntry[k], "off"); #else ipos->checkMotionDone(k, &done); if (!done) gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) inEntry[k], " "); else gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) inEntry[k], "@"); #endif // *** update the controlMode section *** // the new icubinterface does not increase the bandwidth consumption // ret = true; useless guys! ret=ictrl->getControlModes(controlModes); if (ret==false) fprintf(stderr,"ictrl->getControlMode failed\n" ); ret=iint->getInteractionModes(interactionModes); if (ret==false) fprintf(stderr,"iint->getInteractionlMode failed\n" ); for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { if (currentPart->first_time==false && controlModes[k] == controlModesOld[k]) continue; controlModesOld[k]=controlModes[k]; sprintf(frame_title,"Joint %d ",k ); switch (controlModes[k]) { case VOCAB_CM_IDLE: pColor=&color_yellow; strcat(frame_title," (IDLE)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_POSITION: pColor=&color_green; strcat(frame_title," (POSITION)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider1[k]),"Position:"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider2[k]),"Velocity:"); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT: pColor=&color_dark_green; strcat(frame_title," (POSITION_DIRECT)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider1[k]),"Position:"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider2[k]),"---"); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_MIXED: pColor=&color_green_blue; strcat(frame_title," (MIXED_MODE)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider1[k]),"Position:"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider2[k]),"Velocity"); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_VELOCITY: pColor=&color_blue; strcat(frame_title," (VELOCITY)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_TORQUE: pColor=&color_pink; strcat(frame_title," (TORQUE)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider1[k]),"Torque:"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider2[k]),"Torque2:"); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_POS: pColor=&color_indaco; strcat(frame_title," (IMPEDANCE POS)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_VEL: pColor=&color_indaco; strcat(frame_title," (IMPEDANCE VEL)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_OPENLOOP: pColor=&color_white; strcat(frame_title," (OPENLOOP)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_HW_FAULT: pColor=&color_fault_red; strcat(frame_title," (HARDWARE_FAULT)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider1[k]),"---"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider2[k]),"---"); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_CALIBRATING: pColor=&color_grey; strcat(frame_title," (CALIBRATING)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_CALIB_DONE: pColor=&color_grey; strcat(frame_title," (CALIB DONE)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_NOT_CONFIGURED: pColor=&color_grey; strcat(frame_title," (NOT CONFIGURED)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_CONFIGURED: pColor=&color_grey; strcat(frame_title," (CONFIGURED)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; default: case VOCAB_CM_UNKNOWN: pColor=&color_grey; strcat(frame_title," (UNKNOWN)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; } } for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { if (currentPart->first_time==false && interactionModes[k] == interactionModesOld[k]) continue; interactionModesOld[k]=interactionModes[k]; switch (interactionModes[k]) { case VOCAB_IM_STIFF: gtk_widget_modify_base ((GtkWidget*)inEntry[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color_green); break; case VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT: gtk_widget_modify_base ((GtkWidget*)inEntry[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color_fault_red); break; default: case VOCAB_CM_UNKNOWN: gtk_widget_modify_base ((GtkWidget*)inEntry[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color_white); break; } } currentPart->first_time =false; return true; }
int main() { Network::init(); srand(time(NULL)); Property options; options.put("robot", "icub"); // typically from the command line. options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); Value& robotname = options.find("robot"); string s("/"); s += robotname.asString(); s += "/right_arm/babbling"; options.put("local", s.c_str()); s.clear(); s += "/"; s += robotname.asString(); s += "/right_arm"; options.put("remote", s.c_str()); PolyDriver dd(options); if (!dd.isValid()) { cout << "Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"<< endl; cout << Drivers::factory().toString().c_str() << endl;; Network::fini(); return 0; } IPositionControl *pos; IVelocityControl *vel; IEncoders *enc; IPidControl *pid; IAmplifierControl *amp; IControlLimits *lim; bool ok; ok = dd.view(pos); ok &= dd.view(vel); ok &= dd.view(enc); ok &= dd.view(pid); ok &= dd.view(amp); ok &= dd.view(lim); if (!ok) { cout << "Device not able to acquire views" << endl; Network::fini(); dd.close(); return 0; } int jnts = 0; pos->getAxes(&jnts); printf("Working with %d axes\n", jnts); // limits vector<pair<int, int> > vLimitJoints; for (int i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { double min, max; lim->getLimits(i, &min, &max); vLimitJoints.push_back(pair<int, int> ((int)min, (int)max)); } // get value of the arm // we move : 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // we don't move: 0 1 2 3 vector<bool> mask; mask.resize(jnts); mask[0] = false; mask[1] = false; mask[2] = false; mask[3] = false; mask[4] = false; mask[5] = false; mask[6] = false; mask[7] = false; mask[8] = false; mask[9] = false; mask[10] = false; mask[11] = true; mask[12] = true; mask[13] = true; mask[14] = true; mask[15] = true; Vector tmp; tmp.resize(jnts,0.0); for (int i = 4; i < jnts; i++) { pos->positionMove(i, 0.0); } bool initDone = false; while (!initDone) { initDone = true; for (int i = 4; i < jnts; i++) { bool jntMotionDone = false; pos->checkMotionDone(i, &jntMotionDone); initDone &= jntMotionDone; } } while(true) { cout << "Moving to new posture..." << endl; for (int i = 4; i < jnts; i++) { if (mask[i]) { double newValue = yarp::os::Random::uniform(vLimitJoints[i].first, vLimitJoints[i].second); tmp[i] = newValue; pos->positionMove(i, tmp[i]); } } cout << "Waiting for posture to be reached... ("<<tmp.toString(3,3)<<" ) ..." ; bool motionDone = false; while (!motionDone) { motionDone = true; for (int i = 4; i < jnts; i++) { if (mask[i]) { bool jntMotionDone = false; pos->checkMotionDone(i, &jntMotionDone); motionDone &= jntMotionDone; } } } Time::delay(15.0); cout << "ok" << endl; } dd.close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Network yarp; Property params; params.fromCommand(argc, argv); if (!params.check("robot")) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the name of the robot\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--robot name (e.g. icub)\n"); return -1; } std::string robotName=params.find("robot").asString().c_str(); std::string remotePorts="/"; remotePorts+=robotName; remotePorts+="/left_arm"; std::string localPorts="/test/client"; Property options; options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("local", localPorts.c_str()); //local port names options.put("remote", remotePorts.c_str()); //where we connect to // create a device PolyDriver robotDevice(options); if (!robotDevice.isValid()) { printf("Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 0; } IPositionControl *pos; IEncoders *encs; bool ok; ok = robotDevice.view(pos); ok = ok && robotDevice.view(encs); if (!ok) { printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 0; } int nj=0; pos->getAxes(&nj); Vector encoders; Vector command; Vector tmp; encoders.resize(nj); tmp.resize(nj); command.resize(nj); int i; for (i = 0; i < nj; i++) { tmp[i] = 50.0; } pos->setRefAccelerations(; for (i = 0; i < nj; i++) { tmp[i] = 4.0; pos->setRefSpeed(i, tmp[i]); } //pos->setRefSpeeds( //fisrst zero all joints // command=0; //now set the shoulder to some value command[0]=-26.0; command[1]=20.0; command[2]=0.0; command[3]=49.0; command[4]=0.0; pos->positionMove(; bool done=false; while(!done) { Time::delay(0.5); pos->checkMotionDone(&done); } printf("\niCub @ HOME. Press any key..."); mygetch(); int times=0; while(true) { times++; if (times%2) { printf("\n\nSet pos1: "); //command[0]=-50; command[1]=64.0; //command[2]=-10; //command[3]=50; //command[4]=0; } else { printf("\n\nSet pos2: "); //command[0]=-20; command[1]=20.0; //command[2]=-10; //command[3]=30; //command[4]=0; } pos->positionMove(; printf("waiting"); bool done3=false; while(!done3) { Time::delay(1.0); pos->checkMotionDone(&done3); printf("."); } printf("ok!\n"); mygetch(); } robotDevice.close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Network yarp; int maxSpeed; Property params; params.fromCommand(argc, argv); if (!params.check("robot")) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the name of the robot\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--robot name (e.g. icub)\n"); return -1; } if (!params.check("repetitions")) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify number of repetitions\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--repetitions num (e.g. 10)\n"); return -1; } if (!params.check("speed")) { fprintf(stderr, "Speed not specified using default\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--speed num (e.g. 2)\n"); maxSpeed = 10.0; } else { maxSpeed = params.find("speed").asInt(); } // sanity check on argument value if(maxSpeed <0 || maxSpeed>50) { maxSpeed = 10; } std::string robotName=params.find("robot").asString().c_str(); std::string remotePorts="/"; remotePorts+=robotName; remotePorts+="/head"; int numTimes = params.find("repetitions").asInt(); std::string localPorts="/headMovement_koroibot/client"; Property options; options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("local", localPorts.c_str()); //local port names options.put("remote", remotePorts.c_str()); //where we connect to // create a device PolyDriver robotDevice(options); if (!robotDevice.isValid()) { printf("Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 0; } IPositionControl *pos; IEncoders *encs; bool ok; ok = robotDevice.view(pos); ok = ok && robotDevice.view(encs); if (!ok) { printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 0; } int nj=0; pos->getAxes(&nj); Vector encoders; Vector command; Vector tmp; encoders.resize(nj); tmp.resize(nj); command.resize(nj); int i; for (i = 0; i < nj; i++) { tmp[i] = 50.0; } pos->setRefAccelerations(; for (i = 0; i < nj; i++) { tmp[i] = 10.0; pos->setRefSpeed(i, tmp[i]); } //first read all encoders printf("waiting for encoders"); while(!encs->getEncoders( { Time::delay(0.1); printf("."); } printf("\n;"); int ctr =0; bool done = false; while(ctr<numTimes) { printf("Starting headMovement\n"); command=encoders; if(ctr%2 == 0) command[2]=HEAD_YAW_MAX; else command[2]=HEAD_YAW_MIN; done = false; pos->positionMove(; while(!done) { pos->checkMotionDone(&done); Time::delay(0.1); } ctr++; } command[2] = 0; pos->positionMove(; while(!done) { pos->checkMotionDone(&done); Time::delay(0.1); } robotDevice.close(); return 0; }
bool partMover::entry_update(partMover *currentPart) { GdkColor color_grey; GdkColor color_yellow; GdkColor color_green; GdkColor color_red; GdkColor color_pink; GdkColor color_indaco; GdkColor color_white; GdkColor color_blue;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255;*255; GdkColor* pColor= &color_grey; static int slowSwitcher = 0; IControlMode *ictrl = currentPart->ctrlmode; IPositionControl *ipos = currentPart->pos; IVelocityControl *ivel = currentPart->iVel; IEncoders *iiencs = currentPart->iencs; ITorqueControl *itrq = currentPart->trq; IAmplifierControl *iamp = currentPart->amp; GtkEntry * *pos_entry = (GtkEntry **) currentPart->currPosArray; GtkEntry **trq_entry = (GtkEntry **) currentPart->currTrqArray; GtkEntry **speed_entry = (GtkEntry **) currentPart->currSpeedArray; GtkEntry **inEntry = (GtkEntry **) currentPart->inPosArray; GtkWidget **colorback = (GtkWidget **) currentPart->frameColorBack; GtkWidget **sliderAry = currentPart->sliderArray; bool *POS_UPDATE = currentPart->CURRENT_POS_UPDATE; char buffer[40] = {'i', 'n', 'i', 't'}; char frame_title [255]; double positions[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; double torques[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; double speeds[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; double max_torques[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; double min_torques[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; static int controlModes[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; static int controlModesOld[MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; int k; int NUMBER_OF_JOINTS=0; bool done = false; bool ret = false; ipos->getAxes(&NUMBER_OF_JOINTS); if (NUMBER_OF_JOINTS == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Lost connection with iCubInterface. You should save and restart.\n" ); Time::delay(0.1); pColor=&color_grey; strcpy(frame_title,"DISCONNECTED"); for (k = 0; k < MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { if (currentPart->framesArray[k]!=0) { gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); } } return true; } for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { max_torques[k]=0; min_torques[k]=0; torques[k]=0; } if (!iiencs->getEncoders(positions)) return true; itrq->getTorques(torques); iiencs->getEncoderSpeeds(speeds); //update all joints positions for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { sprintf(buffer, "%.1f", positions[k]); gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) pos_entry[k], buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%.3f", torques[k]); gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) trq_entry[k], buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%.1f", speeds[k]); gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) speed_entry[k], buffer); } //update all joint sliders for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) if(POS_UPDATE[k]) gtk_range_set_value((GtkRange*)sliderAry[k], positions[k]); // *** update the checkMotionDone box section *** // (only one at a time in order to save badwidth) k = slowSwitcher%NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; slowSwitcher++; #if DEBUG_GUI gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) inEntry[k], "off"); #else ipos->checkMotionDone(k, &done); if (!done) gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) inEntry[k], " "); else gtk_entry_set_text((GtkEntry*) inEntry[k], "@"); #endif // *** update the controlMode section *** // the new icubinterface does not increase the bandwidth consumption // ret = true; useless guys! ret=ictrl->getControlModes(controlModes); if (ret==false) fprintf(stderr,"ictrl->getControlMode failed\n" ); for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; k++) { if (currentPart->first_time==false && controlModes[k] == controlModesOld[k]) continue; controlModesOld[k]=controlModes[k]; sprintf(frame_title,"Joint %d ",k ); switch (controlModes[k]) { case VOCAB_CM_IDLE: pColor=&color_yellow; strcat(frame_title," (IDLE)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_POSITION: pColor=&color_green; strcat(frame_title," (POSITION)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider1[k]),"Position:"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider2[k]),"Velocity:"); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_VELOCITY: pColor=&color_blue; strcat(frame_title," (VELOCITY)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_TORQUE: pColor=&color_pink; strcat(frame_title," (TORQUE)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider1[k]),"Torque:"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->frame_slider2[k]),"Torque2:"); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_POS: pColor=&color_indaco; strcat(frame_title," (IMPEDANCE POS)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_VEL: pColor=&color_indaco; strcat(frame_title," (IMPEDANCE VEL)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; case VOCAB_CM_OPENLOOP: pColor=&color_white; strcat(frame_title," (OPENLOOP)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; default: case VOCAB_CM_UNKNOWN: pColor=&color_grey; //strcat(frame_title," (UNKNOWN)"); gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); break; } // pColor=&color_blue; // gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); int curr_amp_status=0; int amp_status[60]; //fix this!!! for (int i=0; i<60; i++) amp_status[i]=0; //fix this!!! iamp->getAmpStatus(amp_status); //fix this!!! curr_amp_status=amp_status[k]; //fix this!!! #if 0 if ((amp_status[k] & 0xFF)!=0) { //fprintf(stderr, "FAULT DETECTED: %x\n", curr_amp_status); //pColor=&color_red; //strcat(frame_title," (FAULT)"); //gtk_frame_set_label (GTK_FRAME(currentPart->framesArray[k]),frame_title); //gtk_widget_modify_bg (colorback[k], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, pColor); } #endif } currentPart->first_time =false; return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ Network yarp; //Port<Bottle> armPlan; //Port<Bottle> armPred; Port armPlan; Port armPred;"/randArm/plan");"/randArm/pred"); bool fwCvOn = 0; fwCvOn = Network::connect("/randArm/plan","/fwdConv:i"); fwCvOn *= Network::connect("/fwdConv:o","/randArm/pred"); if (!fwCvOn){ printf("Please run command:\n ./fwdConv --input /fwdConv:i --output /fwdConv:o"); return 1; } const gsl_rng_type *T; gsl_rng *r; gsl_rng_env_setup(); T = gsl_rng_default; r = gsl_rng_alloc(T); Property params; params.fromCommand(argc,argv); if (!params.check("robot")){ fprintf(stderr, "Please specify robot name"); fprintf(stderr, "e.g. --robot icub"); return -1; } std::string robotName = params.find("robot").asString().c_str(); std::string remotePorts = "/"; remotePorts += robotName; remotePorts += "/"; if (params.check("side")){ remotePorts += params.find("side").asString().c_str(); } else{ remotePorts += "left"; } remotePorts += "_arm"; std::string localPorts = "/randArm/cmd"; Property options; options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("local", localPorts.c_str()); options.put("remote", remotePorts.c_str()); PolyDriver robotDevice(options); if (!robotDevice.isValid()){ printf("Device not available. Here are known devices: \n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); Network::fini(); return 1; } IPositionControl *pos; IEncoders *enc; bool ok; ok = robotDevice.view(pos); ok = ok && robotDevice.view(enc); if (!ok){ printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 0; } int nj = 0; pos->getAxes(&nj); Vector encoders; Vector command; Vector commandCart; Vector tmp; encoders.resize(nj); tmp.resize(nj); command.resize(nj); commandCart.resize(nj); for (int i = 0; i < nj; i++) { tmp[i] = 25.0; } pos->setRefAccelerations(; for (int i = 0; i < nj; i++) { tmp[i] = 5.0; pos->setRefSpeed(i, tmp[i]); } command = 0; //set the arm joints to "middle" values command[0] = -45; command[1] = 45; command[2] = 0; command[3] = 45; pos->positionMove(; bool done = false; while (!done){ pos->checkMotionDone(&done); Time::delay(0.1); } while (true){ tmp = command; command[0] += 15*(2*gsl_rng_uniform(r)-1); command[1] += 15*(2*gsl_rng_uniform(r)-1); command[2] += 15*(2*gsl_rng_uniform(r)-1); command[3] += 15*(2*gsl_rng_uniform(r)-1); printf("%.1lf %.1lf %.1lf %.1lf\n", command[0], command[1], command[2], command[3]); //above 0 doesn't seem to be safe for joint 0 if (command[0] > 0 || command[0] < -90){ command[0] = tmp[0]; } if (command[1] > 160 || command[1] < -0){ command[1] = tmp[1]; } if (command[2] > 100 || command[2] < -35){ command[2] = tmp[2]; } if (command[3] > 100 || command[3] < 10){ command[3] = tmp[3]; } //use fwd kin to find end effector position Bottle plan, pred; for (int i = 0; i < nj; i++){ plan.add(command[i]); } armPlan.write(plan);; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ commandCart[i] = pred.get(i).asDouble(); } double rad = sqrt(commandCart[0]*commandCart[0]+commandCart[1]*commandCart[1]); // safety radius back to 30 cm if (rad > 0.3){ pos->positionMove(; done = false; while(!done){ pos->checkMotionDone(&done); Time::delay(0.1); } } else{ printf("Self collision detected!\n"); } } robotDevice.close(); gsl_rng_free(r); return 0; }