bool add(const char *name, yarp::os::Searchable& config) { //printf("ADDING %s\n", config.toString().c_str()); PolyDriver *pd = new PolyDriver(); YARP_ASSERT (pd!=NULL); bool result = pd->open(config); if (!result) { delete pd; return false; } drivers.push_back(pd); names.push_back(ConstString(name)); IService *service = NULL; pd->view(service); bool backgrounded = true; if (service!=NULL) { backgrounded = service->startService(); if (backgrounded) { // we don't need to poll this, so forget about the // service interface printf("group: service backgrounded\n"); service = NULL; } } needDrive.push_back(!backgrounded); needDriveSummary = needDriveSummary || (!backgrounded); Drivers::factory().add(new DriverLinkCreator(name,*pd)); return true; }
extern "C" IFace *RISCV_get_service_iface(const char *servname, const char *facename) { IService *iserv = static_cast<IService *>(RISCV_get_service(servname)); if (iserv == NULL) { return NULL; } return iserv->getInterface(facename); }
extern "C" IFace *RISCV_create_service(IFace *iclass, const char *name, AttributeType *args) { IClass *icls = static_cast<IClass *>(iclass); IService *iobj = icls->createService(name); iobj->initService(args); iobj->postinitService(); return iobj; }
void CArrayPtrServices::ForEach_DetachFromObjectsAboutBeingDeleted() const { IService ** ppServiceStop; IService ** ppService = PrgpGetServicesStop(OUT &ppServiceStop); while (ppService != ppServiceStop) { IService * pService = *ppService++; pService->DetachFromObjectsAboutBeingDeleted(); } }
void update() { mutex.wait(); PlatformVector<PolyDriver *>& lst = drivers; for (unsigned int i=0; i<lst.size(); i++) { if (needDrive[i]) { IService *service; lst[i]->view(service); if (service!=NULL) { service->updateService(); } } }; }
void update() { mutex.lock(); std::vector<PolyDriver *>& lst = drivers; for (unsigned int i=0; i<lst.size(); i++) { if (needDrive[i]) { IService *service; lst[i]->view(service); if (service!=nullptr) { service->updateService(); } } } mutex.unlock(); }
extern "C" void RISCV_set_configuration(AttributeType *cfg) { IClass *icls; IService *iserv; Config_.clone(cfg); if (!Config_.is_dict()) { RISCV_error("Wrong configuration.", NULL); return; } AttributeType &Services = Config_["Services"]; if (Services.is_list()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < Services.size(); i++) { icls = static_cast<IClass *>( RISCV_get_class(Services[i]["Class"].to_string())); if (icls == NULL) { RISCV_error("Class %s not found", Services[i]["Class"].to_string()); continue; } AttributeType &Instances = Services[i]["Instances"]; for (unsigned n = 0; n < Instances.size(); n++) { iserv = icls->createService(Instances[n]["Name"].to_string()); iserv->initService(&Instances[n]["Attr"]); } } } // Post initialization for (unsigned i = 0; i < listClasses_.size(); i++) { icls = static_cast<IClass *>(listClasses_[i].to_iface()); icls->postinitServices(); } RISCV_printf(getInterface(IFACE_SERVICE), 0, "%s", "\n**********************************************************\n" " RISC-V debugger\n" " Author: Sergey Khabarov - [email protected]\n" " Copyright 2016 GNSS Sensor Ltd. All right reserved.\n" "**********************************************************"); IHap *ihap; for (unsigned i = 0; i < listHap_.size(); i++) { ihap = static_cast<IHap *>(listHap_[i].to_iface()); if (ihap->getType() == HAP_ConfigDone) { ihap->hapTriggered(HAP_ConfigDone); } } }
/// Add data service StatusCode PersistencySvc::addCnvService(IConversionSvc* servc) { if ( 0 != servc ) { long type = servc->repSvcType(); long def_typ = (m_cnvDefault) ? m_cnvDefault->repSvcType() : 0; Services::iterator it = m_cnvServices.find( type ); IConversionSvc* cnv_svc = 0; if ( it != m_cnvServices.end() ) { cnv_svc = (*it).second.conversionSvc(); } if ( type == def_typ ) { m_cnvDefault = servc; } if ( cnv_svc != servc ) { IAddressCreator* icr = 0; StatusCode status = servc->queryInterface(IAddressCreator::interfaceID(), pp_cast<void>(&icr)); if ( status.isSuccess() ) { IService* isvc = 0; status = servc->queryInterface(IService::interfaceID(), pp_cast<void>(&isvc)); if ( status.isSuccess() ) { if ( 0 != cnv_svc ) { removeCnvService (type).ignore(); } std::pair<Services::iterator, bool> p = m_cnvServices.insert( Services::value_type( type, ServiceEntry(type, isvc, servc, icr))); if( p.second ) { info() << "Added successfully Conversion service:" << isvc->name() << endmsg; servc->addRef(); servc->setAddressCreator(this).ignore(); servc->setDataProvider(m_dataSvc).ignore(); return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } info() << "Cannot add Conversion service of type " << isvc->name() << endmsg; isvc->release(); icr->release(); return StatusCode::FAILURE; } icr->release(); } info() << "Cannot add Conversion service of type " << type << endmsg; return StatusCode::FAILURE; } else { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } } return BAD_STORAGE_TYPE; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // implementation of IService::reinitialize //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StatusCode MTEventLoopMgr::reinitialize() { // initilaize the base class StatusCode sc = MinimalEventLoopMgr::reinitialize(); MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name()); if( sc.isFailure() ) { log << MSG::DEBUG << "Error Initializing base class MinimalEventLoopMgr." << endmsg; return sc; } // Check to see whether a new Event Selector has been specified setProperty(m_appMgrProperty->getProperty("EvtSel")); if( m_evtsel != "NONE" || m_evtsel.length() == 0) { IEvtSelector* theEvtSel; IService* theSvc; sc = service( "EventSelector", theEvtSel ); sc = service( "EventSelector", theSvc ); if( sc.isSuccess() && ( theEvtSel != m_evtSelector ) ) { // Setup Event Selector m_evtSelector = theEvtSel; if (theSvc->state() == IService::INITIALIZED) { sc = theSvc->reinitialize(); if( sc.isFailure() ){ log << MSG::ERROR << "Failure Reinitializing EventSelector " << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg; return sc; } } else { sc = theSvc->initialize(); if( sc.isFailure() ){ log << MSG::ERROR << "Failure Initializing EventSelector " << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg; return sc; } } sc = theEvtSel->createContext(m_evtCtxt); if( !sc.isSuccess() ) { log << MSG::ERROR << "Can not create Context " << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg; return sc; } log << MSG::INFO << "EventSelector service changed to " << theSvc->name( ) << endmsg; } } else { m_evtSelector = 0; m_evtCtxt = 0; } return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, FCSTR argv[]) { IService* pService = CreateServerObject(); IServiceLogic* pLogic = new FCLogicWorld; CCmdLineInfo cmdLine(argc, argv); char buffer[MAX_PATH]; size_t bufLen = sizeof(buffer); pService->ISRV_GetBinPath(buffer, bufLen); #ifdef _WIN32 SetCurrentDirectory(buffer); #else #endif // create the logger Logging::IDynLogWriter* pWriter = Logging::createLogWriter( Logging::LOGWRITER_TEXTFILE); ((Logging::IDynLogTextFileWriter*)pWriter)->setFilename("FCWorldServer.log"); Logging::getLogger()->addWriter(pWriter); Logging::getLogger()->setLogLevelFilter(5); pWriter->release(); if ( pService ) { pService->ISRV_AttachLogic(pLogic); // handle any command line options passed in if ( HandleCommandLine(cmdLine, pService) ) { // if we get here, we can boot the service/daemon pService->ISRV_Run(NULL); } // time to free up the resources pLogic->Free(); } // and release the service/daemon object ReleaseServerObject(pService); Logging::destroyLogger(); return 0; }
extern "C" void RISCV_get_services_with_iface(const char *iname, AttributeType *list) { IClass *icls; IService *iserv; IFace *iface; const AttributeType *tlist; list->make_list(0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < listClasses_.size(); i++) { icls = static_cast<IClass *>(listClasses_[i].to_iface()); tlist = icls->getInstanceList(); if (tlist->size()) { iserv = static_cast<IService *>((*tlist)[0u].to_iface()); iface = iserv->getInterface(iname); if (iface) { AttributeType t1(iface); list->add_to_list(&t1); } } } }
std::vector< std::string > ScriptComponent::RayQuery( MathVector3 origin, MathVector3 direction, const float& length, const bool& sortByDistance, const int& maxResults ) { AnyType::AnyTypeMap parameters; MathVector3 originToDestination = direction - origin; MathVector3 destination = origin + originToDestination * length; parameters[ System::Parameters::Origin ] = origin; parameters[ System::Parameters::Destination ] = destination; parameters[ System::Parameters::SortByyDistance ] = sortByDistance; parameters[ System::Parameters::MaxResults ] = maxResults; /*AnyType::AnyTypeMap debugParameters; debugParameters[ "origin" ] = origin; debugParameters[ "destination" ] = destination; IService* renderService = Management::Get( )->GetServiceManager( )->FindService( System::Types::RENDER ); renderService->Execute( "drawLine", debugParameters );*/ IService* rayService = Management::Get( )->GetServiceManager( )->FindService( System::Types::PHYSICS ); return rayService->Execute( System::Messages::CastRay, parameters ) [ "hits" ].As< std::vector< std::string > >( ); }
char *attribute_to_string(const AttributeType *attr) { IService *iserv; AutoBuffer *buf = &strBuffer; if (attr->is_nil()) { buf->write_string("None"); } else if (attr->is_int64() || attr->is_uint64()) { buf->write_uint64(attr->to_uint64()); } else if (attr->is_string()) { buf->write_string('\''); buf->write_string(attr->to_string()); buf->write_string('\''); } else if (attr->is_bool()) { if (attr->to_bool()) { buf->write_string("true"); } else { buf->write_string("false"); } } else if (attr->is_list()) { AttributeType list_item; unsigned list_sz = attr->size(); buf->write_string('['); for (unsigned i = 0; i < list_sz; i++) { list_item = (*attr)[i]; attribute_to_string(&list_item); if (i < (list_sz - 1)) { buf->write_string(','); } } buf->write_string(']'); } else if (attr->is_dict()) { AttributeType dict_item; unsigned dict_sz = attr->size();; buf->write_string('{'); for (unsigned i = 0; i < dict_sz; i++) { buf->write_string('\''); buf->write_string(attr->u_.dict[i].key_.to_string()); buf->write_string('\''); buf->write_string(':'); const AttributeType &dict_value = (*attr)[i]; attribute_to_string(&dict_value); if (i < (dict_sz - 1)) { buf->write_string(','); } } buf->write_string('}'); } else if (attr->is_data()) { buf->write_string('('); if (attr->size() > 0) { for (unsigned n = 0; n < attr->size()-1; n++) { buf->write_byte((*attr)(n)); buf->write_string(','); } buf->write_byte((*attr)(attr->size()-1)); } buf->write_string(')'); } else if (attr->is_iface()) { IFace *iface = attr->to_iface(); if (strcmp(iface->getFaceName(), IFACE_SERVICE) == 0) { iserv = static_cast<IService *>(iface); buf->write_string('{'); buf->write_string("'Type':'"); buf->write_string(iface->getFaceName()); buf->write_string("','ModuleName':'"); buf->write_string(iserv->getObjName()); buf->write_string("'}"); } else { RISCV_printf(NULL, LOG_ERROR, "Not implemented interface to dict. method"); } } return buf->getBuffer(); }
void CpuRiscV_Functional::executeInstruction(IInstruction *instr, uint32_t *rpayload) { CpuContextType *pContext = getpContext(); if (pContext->reg_trace_file) { /** Save previous reg values to find modification after exec() */ for (int i = 0; i < Reg_Total; i++) { iregs_prev[i] = pContext->regs[i]; } } instr->exec(cacheline_, pContext); #if 0 //if (pContext->pc >= 0x10000000) { //if ((pContext->pc >= 0x100000b4 && pContext->pc <= 0x10000130) //|| (pContext->pc >= 0x10001ef4) //) { //if (pContext->pc >= 0x10001928 && pContext->pc <= 0x10001960) { RISCV_debug("[%" RV_PRI64 "d] %08x: %08x \t %4s <prv=%d; mstatus=%016" RV_PRI64 "x; mcause=%016" RV_PRI64 "x; ra=%016" RV_PRI64 "x; sp=%016" RV_PRI64 "x; tp=%016" RV_PRI64 "x>", getStepCounter(), static_cast<uint32_t>(pContext->pc), rpayload[0], instr->name(), pContext->cur_prv_level, pContext->csr[CSR_mstatus], pContext->csr[CSR_mcause], pContext->regs[Reg_ra], pContext->regs[Reg_sp], pContext->regs[Reg_tp] ); } #endif if (pContext->reg_trace_file) { int sz; sz = RISCV_sprintf(tstr, sizeof(tstr),"%8I64d [%08x] %08x: ", pContext->step_cnt, static_cast<uint32_t>(pContext->pc), rpayload[0]); bool reg_changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (iregs_prev[i] != pContext->regs[i]) { reg_changed = true; sz += RISCV_sprintf(&tstr[sz], sizeof(tstr) - sz, "%3s <= %016I64x\n", IREGS_NAMES[i], pContext->regs[i]); } } if (!reg_changed) { sz += RISCV_sprintf(&tstr[sz], sizeof(tstr) - sz, "%s", "-\n"); } (*pContext->reg_trace_file) << tstr; pContext->reg_trace_file->flush(); } if (generateRegTraceFile_.to_bool()) { char msg[16]; int msg_len = 0; IService *uart = NULL; switch (pContext->step_cnt) { case 6000: uart = static_cast<IService *>(RISCV_get_service("uart0")); msg[0] = 'h'; msg[1] = 'i'; msg_len = 2; break; case 6500: uart = static_cast<IService *>(RISCV_get_service("uart0")); msg[0] = 'g'; msg[1] = 'h'; msg[2] = 't'; msg_len = 3; break; case 8200: uart = static_cast<IService *>(RISCV_get_service("uart0")); msg[0] = 'i'; msg[1] = 'c'; msg_len = 2; break; case 8300: uart = static_cast<IService *>(RISCV_get_service("uart0")); msg[0] = 'k'; msg[1] = 's'; msg[2] = '\r'; msg[3] = '\n'; msg_len = 4; break; default:; } if (uart) { ISerial *iserial = static_cast<ISerial *>( uart->getInterface(IFACE_SERIAL)); //iserial->writeData("pnp\r\n", 6); //iserial->writeData("highticks\r\n", 11); iserial->writeData(msg, msg_len); } } if (pContext->regs[0] != 0) { RISCV_error("Register x0 was modificated (not equal to zero)", NULL); } }
int Drivers::yarpdev(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::signal(SIGINT, handler); std::signal(SIGTERM, handler); // get command line options ResourceFinder rf; rf.configure(argc, argv); // this will process --from FILE if present Property options; // yarpdev will by default try to pass its thread on to the device. // this is because some libraries need configuration and all // access methods done in the same thread (e.g. opencv_grabber // apparently). options.put("single_threaded", 1); // interpret command line options as a set of flags //options.fromCommand(argc,argv,true,false); options.fromString(rf.toString().c_str(), false); // check if we're being asked to read the options from file Value *val; if (options.check("file",val)) { // FIXME use argv[0] yError("*** yarpdev --file is deprecated, please use --from\n"); yError("*** yarpdev --file will be removed in a future version of YARP\n"); std::string fname = val->toString(); options.unput("file"); yDebug("yarpdev: working with config file %s\n", fname.c_str()); options.fromConfigFile(fname,false); // interpret command line options as a set of flags again // (just in case we need to override something) options.fromCommand(argc,argv,true,false); } // check if we want to use nested options (less ambiguous) if (options.check("nested",val)||options.check("lispy",val)) { std::string lispy = val->toString(); yDebug("yarpdev: working with config %s\n", lispy.c_str()); options.fromString(lispy); } if (!options.check("device")) { // no device mentioned - maybe user needs help if (options.check("list")) { yInfo("Here are devices listed for your system:"); for (auto& s : split(Drivers::factory().toString(), '\n')) { yInfo("%s", s.c_str()); } } else { yInfo("Welcome to yarpdev, a program to create YARP devices\n"); yInfo("To see the devices available, try:\n"); yInfo(" yarpdev --list\n"); yInfo("To create a device whose name you know, call yarpdev like this:\n"); yInfo(" yarpdev --device DEVICENAME --OPTION VALUE ...\n"); yInfo(" For example:\n"); yInfo(" yarpdev --device test_grabber --width 32 --height 16 --name /grabber\n"); yInfo("You can always move options to a configuration file:\n"); yInfo(" yarpdev [--device DEVICENAME] --from CONFIG_FILENAME\n"); yInfo("If you have problems, you can add the \"verbose\" flag to get more information\n"); yInfo(" yarpdev --verbose --device ffmpeg_grabber\n"); if (options.check ("from")) { yError("Unable to find --device option in file %s. Closing.", options.find("from").asString().c_str()); } else { yWarning("--device option not specified. Closing."); } } return 0; } // ask for a wrapped, remotable device rather than raw device options.put("wrapped","1"); //YarpDevMonitor monitor; bool verbose = false; if (options.check("verbose")) { verbose = true; //options.setMonitor(&monitor,"top-level"); } // we now need network bool ret=Network::checkNetwork(); if (!ret) { yError("YARP network not available, check if yarp server is reachable\n"); return -1; } // // yarpdev initializes the clock only before starting to do real thing. // This way yarpdev --lish/help will not be affected by network clock. // // Shall other devices be affected by network clock ?? // Hereafter the device may need to use the SystemClock or the NetworkClock // depending by the device, a real or a fake / simulated one. // Using the YARP_CLOCK_DEFAULT the behaviour will be determined by the // environment variable. // yarp::os::NetworkBase::yarpClockInit(yarp::os::YARP_CLOCK_DEFAULT); PolyDriver dd(options); if (verbose) { toDox(dd,stdout); } if (!dd.isValid()) { yError("yarpdev: ***ERROR*** device not available.\n"); if (argc==1) { yInfo("Here are the known devices:\n"); yInfo("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); } else { yInfo("Suggestions:\n"); yInfo("+ Do \"yarpdev --list\" to see list of supported devices.\n"); if (!options.check("verbose")) { yInfo("+ Or append \"--verbose\" option to get more information.\n"); } } return 1; } Terminee *terminee = nullptr; if (dd.isValid()) { Value *v; std::string s("/yarpdev/quit"); if (options.check("device", v)) { if (v->isString()) { s = ""; s += "/"; s += v->toString(); s += "/quit"; } } if (options.check("name", v)) { s = ""; s += v->toString(); s += "/quit"; } if (s.find("=") == std::string::npos && s.find("@") == std::string::npos) { terminee = new Terminee(s.c_str()); terminatorKey = s.c_str(); if (terminee == nullptr) { yError("Can't allocate terminator port\n"); terminatorKey = ""; dd.close(); return 1; } if (!terminee->isOk()) { yError("Failed to create terminator port\n"); terminatorKey = ""; delete terminee; terminee = nullptr; dd.close(); return 1; } } } double dnow = 3; double startTime = Time::now()-dnow; IService *service = nullptr; dd.view(service); if (service!=nullptr) { bool backgrounded = service->startService(); if (backgrounded) { // we don't need to poll this, so forget about the // service interface yDebug("yarpdev: service backgrounded\n"); service = nullptr; } } while (dd.isValid() && !(terminated||(terminee&&terminee->mustQuit()))) { if (service!=nullptr) { double now = Time::now(); if (now-startTime>dnow) { yInfo("device active..."); startTime += dnow; } // we requested single threading, so need to // give the device its chance if(!service->updateService()) { if(!service->stopService()) { yWarning("Error while stopping device"); } terminated = true; } } else { // we don't need to do anything yInfo("device active in background..."); SystemClock::delaySystem(dnow); } } if (terminee) { delete terminee; terminee = nullptr; } dd.close(); yInfo("yarpdev is finished."); return 0; }
int main() { int rc = 0; // Status wrapper ThrowStatusWrapper status(master->getStatus()); // Declare pointers to required interfaces IProvider* prov = master->getDispatcher(); IUtil* utl = master->getUtilInterface(); IService* svc = NULL; IXpbBuilder *spb1 = NULL; IXpbBuilder *spb2 = NULL; try { printf("** Attaching to service manager...\n"); // Prepare SPB to attach to service manager spb1 = utl->getXpbBuilder(&status, IXpbBuilder::SPB_ATTACH, NULL, 0); spb1->insertString(&status, isc_spb_user_name, "sysdba"); spb1->insertString(&status, isc_spb_password, "masterkey"); // In case when your program is expected to be used on a server // with multiple security database it's very good idea to specify // DB expected to be used by services (you anyway need separate // services connectons for databases with different user list location). spb1->insertString(&status, isc_spb_expected_db, "employee"); // Attach to service manager svc = prov->attachServiceManager(&status, "service_mgr", spb1->getBufferLength(&status), spb1->getBuffer(&status)); printf("** Demo of querying information about server version...\n"); // In the simplest case sendItems parameter may be NULL // Building receiveItems is mostly trivial const unsigned char receiveItems[] = {isc_info_svc_server_version}; // Output buffer unsigned char results[1024]; // Query server version svc->query(&status, 0, NULL, sizeof(receiveItems), receiveItems, sizeof(results), results); printInfo(results, sizeof(results)); printf("** Demo of running utility using service manager...\n"); // Build service start SPB spb2 = utl->getXpbBuilder(&status, IXpbBuilder::SPB_START, NULL, 0); spb2->insertTag(&status, isc_action_svc_db_stats); spb2->insertString(&status, isc_spb_dbname, "employee"); spb2->insertInt(&status, isc_spb_options, isc_spb_sts_encryption); // Start service svc->start(&status, spb2->getBufferLength(&status), spb2->getBuffer(&status)); // Prepare receiveItems block const unsigned char receiveItems2[] = {isc_info_svc_line}; // Query service output do { svc->query(&status, 0, NULL, sizeof(receiveItems2), receiveItems2, sizeof(results), results); } while (printInfo(results, sizeof(results))); printf("** Detaching from service manager...\n"); // Detach from service manager svc->detach(&status); svc = NULL; printf("** Done.\n"); } catch (const FbException& error) { // handle error rc = 1; char buf[256]; master->getUtilInterface()->formatStatus(buf, sizeof(buf), error.getStatus()); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf); } // release interfaces after error caught if (svc) svc->release(); // generic cleanup prov->release(); status.dispose(); if (spb1) spb1->dispose(); if (spb2) spb2->dispose(); return rc; }
int CServiceDispatcher::Dispatch(CCmd& oCmd) { m_oCurCmdObj = oCmd; //printf("++org serno :%d\n",oCmd.iSvcSerialNo); //printf("--new serno :%d\n",m_oCurCmdObj.iSvcSerialNo); int iRet = 0; int iStateFulContinue = 0; IService* pSvcHandler = NULL; if (m_oCurCmdObj.iType == RESPONSE) { //if (oCmd.iSvcSerialNo) { map<int,IService*>::iterator it = m_mapStatefulSvcQueue.begin(); //printf("stateful-size-%d\n",m_mapStatefulSvcQueue.size()); for (;it != m_mapStatefulSvcQueue.end(); ++it) { printf("stateful-find-%d\n",it->first); if (m_oCurCmdObj.iSvcSerialNo == it->first) { iStateFulContinue = 1; pSvcHandler = it->second; printf("++stateful service find:%d\n",pSvcHandler->m_iIndex); assert(pth_uctx_switch(m_uctx, pSvcHandler->GetUCTX())); //iRet = pSvcHandler->Execute(oCmd); //m_mapStatefulSvcQueue.erase(it); //m_mapStatelessSvcQueue[oCmd.iSvcSerialNo] = pSvcHandler; //return iRet; } } if (!iStateFulContinue) { printf("can't find stateful %d in this process %d, stateful queue size:%d\n",m_oCurCmdObj.iSvcSerialNo,getpid(),m_mapStatefulSvcQueue.size()); } assert(iStateFulContinue); } else { if (m_mapStatelessSvcQueue.size() == 0 && iStateFulContinue == 0) { return NO_FREE_SVC_HANDLER; } else { map<int,IService*>::iterator it = m_mapStatelessSvcQueue.begin(); pSvcHandler = it->second; //m_oCurCmdObj.iSvcSerialNo = it->first; m_mapStatelessSvcQueue.erase(it); printf("--stateless service find:%d\n",pSvcHandler->m_iIndex); //printf("--stateless service find:%d\n",pSvcHandler->m_iIndex); m_mapStatefulSvcQueue[pSvcHandler->m_iIndex] = pSvcHandler; assert(pth_uctx_switch(m_uctx, pSvcHandler->GetUCTX())); } } printf("****back to main process******,data:%s\n",m_oCurCmdObj.ToString().c_str()); //int pth_uctx_switch(pth_uctx_t uctx_from, pth_uctx_t uctx_to); //iRet = pSvcHandler->Execute(oCmd); if (m_oCurCmdObj.iRet != UNFINISH_TASK_RET_FLAG) { if (pSvcHandler) { map<int,IService*>::iterator it = m_mapStatefulSvcQueue.find(pSvcHandler->m_iIndex); if (it != m_mapStatefulSvcQueue.end()) { m_mapStatefulSvcQueue.erase(it); } pSvcHandler->ResetUCTX();//每次ucontext使用完后,因为栈指针等没有复位,必须重新调用pth_uctx_make重置上下文信息,否则可能遭遇SIGSEGV错误 printf("--statful back stateless service :%d\n",pSvcHandler->m_iIndex); m_mapStatelessSvcQueue[pSvcHandler->m_iIndex] = pSvcHandler; } } oCmd = m_oCurCmdObj; return oCmd.iRet; //return iRet; }
int Drivers::yarpdev(int argc, char *argv[]) { ACE_OS::signal(SIGINT, (ACE_SignalHandler) handler); ACE_OS::signal(SIGTERM, (ACE_SignalHandler) handler); // get command line options ResourceFinder rf; rf.configure(argc, argv); // this will process --from FILE if present Property options; // yarpdev will by default try to pass its thread on to the device. // this is because some libraries need configuration and all // access methods done in the same thread (e.g. opencv_grabber // apparently). options.put("single_threaded", 1); // interpret command line options as a set of flags //options.fromCommand(argc,argv,true,false); options.fromString(rf.toString().c_str(), false); // check if we're being asked to read the options from file Value *val; if (options.check("file",val)) { fprintf(stderr,"*** yarpdev --file is deprecated, please use --from\n"); fprintf(stderr,"*** yarpdev --file will be removed in a future version of YARP\n"); ConstString fname = val->toString(); options.unput("file"); printf("yarpdev: working with config file %s\n", fname.c_str()); options.fromConfigFile(fname,false); // interpret command line options as a set of flags again // (just in case we need to override something) options.fromCommand(argc,argv,true,false); } // check if we want to use nested options (less ambiguous) if (options.check("nested",val)||options.check("lispy",val)) { ConstString lispy = val->toString(); printf("yarpdev: working with config %s\n", lispy.c_str()); options.fromString(lispy); } if (!options.check("device")) { // no device mentioned - maybe user needs help if (options.check("list")) { printf("Here are devices listed for your system:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); } else { printf("Welcome to yarpdev, a program to create YARP devices\n"); printf("To see the devices available, try:\n"); printf(" yarpdev --list\n"); printf("To create a device whose name you know, call yarpdev like this:\n"); printf(" yarpdev --device DEVICENAME --OPTION VALUE ...\n"); printf("For example:\n"); printf(" yarpdev --device test_grabber --width 32 --height 16 --name /grabber\n"); printf("You can always move options to a configuration file:\n"); printf(" yarpdev [--device DEVICENAME] --from CONFIG_FILENAME\n"); printf("If you have problems, you can add the \"verbose\" flag to get more information\n"); printf(" yarpdev --verbose --device ffmpeg_grabber\n"); } return 0; } // ask for a wrapped, remotable device rather than raw device options.put("wrapped","1"); //YarpDevMonitor monitor; bool verbose = false; if (options.check("verbose")) { verbose = true; //options.setMonitor(&monitor,"top-level"); } // we now need network bool ret=Network::checkNetwork(); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "YARP network not available, check if yarp server is reachable\n"); return -1; } PolyDriver dd(options); if (verbose) { toDox(dd,stdout); } if (!dd.isValid()) { printf("yarpdev: ***ERROR*** device not available.\n"); if (argc==1) { printf("Here are the known devices:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); } else { printf("Suggestions:\n"); printf("+ Do \"yarpdev --list\" to see list of supported devices.\n"); if (!options.check("verbose")) { printf("+ Or append \"--verbose\" option to get more information.\n"); } } return 1; } Terminee *terminee = 0; if (dd.isValid()) { Value *v; ConstString s("/yarpdev/quit"); if (options.check("device", v)) { if (v->isString()) { s = ""; s += "/"; s += v->toString(); s += "/quit"; } } if (options.check("name", v)) { s = ""; s += v->toString(); s += "/quit"; } if (s.find("=") == ConstString::npos && s.find("@") == ConstString::npos) { terminee = new Terminee(s.c_str()); terminatorKey = s.c_str(); if (terminee == 0) { printf("Can't allocate terminator port\n"); terminatorKey = ""; dd.close(); return 1; } if (!terminee->isOk()) { printf("Failed to create terminator port\n"); terminatorKey = ""; delete terminee; terminee = NULL; dd.close(); return 1; } } } double dnow = 3; double startTime = Time::now()-dnow; IService *service = NULL; dd.view(service); if (service!=NULL) { bool backgrounded = service->startService(); if (backgrounded) { // we don't need to poll this, so forget about the // service interface printf("yarpdev: service backgrounded\n"); service = NULL; } } while (dd.isValid() && !(terminated||(terminee&&terminee->mustQuit()))) { if (service!=NULL) { double now = Time::now(); if (now-startTime>dnow) { if (yarp_show_info()) { YARP_LOG_INFO("device active..."); } startTime += dnow; } // we requested single threading, so need to // give the device its chance service->updateService(); } else { // we don't need to do anything if (yarp_show_info()) { YARP_LOG_INFO("device active in background..."); } Time::delay(dnow); } } if (terminee) { delete terminee; terminee = NULL; } dd.close(); if (yarp_show_info()) { printf("yarpdev is finished.\n"); } return 0; }