コード例 #1
void CClientLeafSystem::ProjectFlashlight( ClientLeafShadowHandle_t handle, const VMatrix &worldToShadow )
	// Remove the shadow from any leaves it current exists in
	RemoveShadowFromLeaves( handle );
	RemoveShadowFromRenderables( handle );

	// This will help us to avoid adding the shadow multiple times to a renderable

	// Use an AABB around the frustum to enumerate leaves.
	Vector mins, maxs;
	CalculateAABBFromProjectionMatrix( worldToShadow, &mins, &maxs );

	CShadowLeafEnum leafEnum;
	ISpatialQuery* pQuery = engine->GetBSPTreeQuery();
	pQuery->EnumerateLeavesInBox( mins, maxs, &leafEnum, handle );
コード例 #2
void CClientLeafSystem::InsertIntoTree( ClientRenderHandle_t handle )
	// When we insert into the tree, increase the shadow enumerator
	// to make sure each shadow is added exactly once to each renderable

	// NOTE: The render bounds here are relative to the renderable's coordinate system
	IClientRenderable* pRenderable = m_Renderables[handle].m_pRenderable;
	Vector absMins, absMaxs;
	CalcRenderableWorldSpaceAABB_Fast( pRenderable, absMins, absMaxs );
	Assert( absMins.IsValid() && absMaxs.IsValid() );

	ISpatialQuery* pQuery = engine->GetBSPTreeQuery();
	pQuery->EnumerateLeavesInBox( absMins, absMaxs, this, handle );

	// Cache off the area it's sitting in.
	m_Renderables[handle].m_Area = GetRenderableArea( handle );
コード例 #3
bool CBSPTreeData::EnumerateLeavesInBox( Vector const& mins, Vector const& maxs, ISpatialLeafEnumerator* pEnum, int context )
	return m_pBSPTree->EnumerateLeavesInBox( mins, maxs, pEnum, context );
コード例 #4
void CBSPTreeData::InsertIntoTree( BSPTreeDataHandle_t handle, Vector const& mins, Vector const& maxs )
	m_pBSPTree->EnumerateLeavesInBox( mins, maxs, this, handle );