コード例 #1
// Function: Load the document from memory encoded bytes.
HRESULT CXMLDocument::LoadFromMemory(PBYTE pData, ULONG ulLen)
	// Create a stream and write the bytes to it
	IStreamPtr pStream = NULL;
	HRESULT hr = ::CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, true/*fDeleteOnRelease*/, &pStream);
	hr = CheckHR(hr, "load from memory");

	ULONG ulWritten;
	pStream->Write(pData, ulLen, &ulWritten);

	// Reset the stream back to the beginning
	LARGE_INTEGER li = {0, 0};
	hr = pStream->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
	hr = CheckHR(hr, "in load from memory seek");

	// Now, load the document from the stream
	IPersistStreamInitPtr pPSI = m_pDoc;
	if (pPSI == NULL)
		return E_FAIL;

	hr = pPSI->Load(pStream);
	hr = CheckHR(hr, "load from memory load");
	hr = CheckLoad();

	return hr;
コード例 #2
STDMETHODIMP CPigMissionParams::GetData(IStream** ppstm)
  // Initialize the [out] parameter
  CLEAROUT(ppstm, (IStream*)NULL);

  // Create a stream on global
  IStreamPtr spstm;
  RETURN_FAILED(CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, true, &spstm));

  // Write the size of the data structure to the stream
  UINT cb = sizeof(m_mp);
  RETURN_FAILED(spstm->Write(&cb, sizeof(cb), NULL));

  // Write the data structure to the stream
  RETURN_FAILED(spstm->Write(&m_mp, cb, NULL));

  // Detach the interface to the [out] parameter
  *ppstm = spstm.Detach();

  // Indicate success
  return S_OK;
コード例 #3
ファイル: WpDa.cpp プロジェクト: agran147/FieldWorks
	Save the text to a file.
bool WpDa::SaveToFile(StrAnsi staFileName)
	IStreamPtr qstrm;
	FileStream::Create(staFileName.Chars(), kfstgmWrite | kfstgmCreate, &qstrm);
//	FileStream::Create("c:\\output.txt", kfstgmWrite | kfstgmCreate, &qstrm);

	ULONG cbWritten;
	//	Write byte-order mark.
	byte b = 0xFF;
	CheckHr(qstrm->Write(&b, 1, &cbWritten));
	b = 0xFE;
	CheckHr(qstrm->Write(&b, 1, &cbWritten));

	int ctss;
	CheckHr(get_VecSize(1, kflidStText_Paragraphs, &ctss));

	for (int itss = 0; itss < ctss; itss++)
		ITsStringPtr qtss;
		CheckHr(get_StringProp(itss + 2, kflidStTxtPara_Contents, &qtss));
		BSTR bstr = NULL;
		int cchw;
		qtss->GetChars(0, cchw, &bstr);

		//	Write the string to the file.
		if (cchw > 0)
			CheckHr(qstrm->Write(bstr, cchw * isizeof(wchar), &cbWritten));

		if (itss < ctss - 1)
			//	CRLF--little-endian
			b = 13;
			CheckHr(qstrm->Write(&b, 1, &cbWritten));
			b = 0;
			CheckHr(qstrm->Write(&b, 1, &cbWritten));
			b = 10;
			CheckHr(qstrm->Write(&b, 1, &cbWritten));
			b = 0;
			CheckHr(qstrm->Write(&b, 1, &cbWritten));


	return true;