// Function name : Xrefutil::NodeToXref // Description : This method does a straightforward conversion of a Node to an XRef // Return type : void // Argument : INode * pNode // Argument : TSTR &filename // Argument : bool bProxy // Argument : bool bIgnoreAnim void Xrefutil::NodeToXref(INode * pNode, TSTR &filename, bool bProxy, bool bIgnoreAnim) { IXRefObject * pXRef = (IXRefObject *)m_pInterface->CreateInstance(SYSTEM_CLASS_ID, XREFOBJ_CLASS_ID); TSTR obName = TSTR(pNode->GetName()); AssetUser asset = IAssetManager::GetInstance()->GetAsset(filename, kXRefAsset); pXRef->Init(asset, obName, pNode->GetObjectRef(), bProxy); pNode->SetObjectRef(pXRef); // also, set visual queue that we're ignoring anim if we did if (bIgnoreAnim) pXRef->SetIgnoreAnim(TRUE,FALSE); }
// Function name : Xrefutil::AddNewXrefScene_IXROMGR // Description : The purpose of this method is to provide a show of how to // bring in xref objects by way of the IXRefObjectManager // interface. As pertaining to this sample, the // functionality it provides replaces most of the scene // scene enumeration and ::NodeToXref() call. // Return type : void // Argument : HWND hWnd void Xrefutil::AddNewXrefScene_IXROMGR(HWND hWnd) { IXRefObject *pXRef; // a temporary XRef object to handle the incoming one // This is just a copy of the same variables from ::AddNewXrefObject INode * pNode = NULL; TSTR filename = _T(""); TSTR pickedname = _T(""); TSTR * workname = NULL; // getting the interface pointer m_pIobjrefmgr = static_cast<IObjXRefManager *>(GetCOREInterface(OBJXREFMANAGER_INTERFACE)); // if we don't get a good pointer to an IObjXRefManager _IS_REALLY_ bad! // I am opting to just leave the method. if(!m_pIobjrefmgr) { return; } // ******************************************************************************** // ********** BELOW THIS LINE EVERYTHING IS COPIED FROM ::AddNewXrefObject ******** // ******************************************************************************** INode * pRootNode = m_pInterface->GetRootNode(); if (!pRootNode) { // well, this is actually _really_ bad, but we just exit return; } if (!DoOpenSaveDialog(filename, true)) { // either cancel or fail, just return return; } // in preparation for merge, flag current scene nodes NodeFlagger newFlagger(A_WORK1); newFlagger.Enumerate(pRootNode); // merge in user-picked file into current scene // NOTE: We just skip anything in xref'd file that has the same name // as an object in the current scene if (! m_pInterface->MergeFromFile(filename, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, MERGE_DUPS_SKIP, NULL)) { // error, merge failed newFlagger.set_clear(true); newFlagger.Enumerate(pRootNode); return; } // walk scene and build list of non-flagged nodes m_objnamesholder.ZeroCount(); m_objnamesholder.Shrink(); UnflaggedNodeNamer newNamer; newNamer.m_namelist = &m_objnamesholder; newNamer.Enumerate(pRootNode); UnflaggedNodeDeleter newDeleter; // present list of nodes to user, sep. modal dialog if (DoPickObjDialog() && m_picknameholder.length() > 0) { pNode = m_pInterface->GetINodeByName(m_picknameholder); if (pNode) { if (m_ignoreanimholder && pNode->IsAnimated()) { // if animation is ignored, we basically go through // the node and delete all the keys for the node's controllers // Note that this won't remove animation for procedural controllers DeleteAllAnimation(pNode); } // Woohoo! we get to use the IXRefObjectManager interface AssetUser asset = IAssetManager::GetInstance()->GetAsset(filename,kXRefAsset); pXRef = m_pIobjrefmgr->AddXRefObject(asset, pNode->GetName(), m_proxyholder); pNode->SetObjectRef(pXRef); // also, set visual queue that we're ignoring anim if we did if (m_ignoreanimholder) pXRef->SetIgnoreAnim(TRUE,FALSE); // flag this converted node so we keep it pNode->SetAFlag(A_WORK1); } } // deleted non-flagged nodes, un-flag original nodes, and return newDeleter.Enumerate(pRootNode); newFlagger.set_clear(true); newFlagger.Enumerate(pRootNode); for (int delme = 0; delme < m_objnamesholder.Count(); delme++) { // (clean up TSTRs) delete m_objnamesholder[delme]; } m_pInterface->RedrawViews(m_pInterface->GetTime()); // ******************************************************************************** // ********** ABOVE THIS LINE EVERYTHING IS COPIED FROM ::AddNewXrefObject ******** // ******************************************************************************** }