コード例 #1
void ImageCollectionTest::testImages()
  ImageCollection c;
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() ).count(), 0 );
  QImage image( "test.png" );
  c.addImage( image, QStringList() );
  // Verify that we have one image and get the id for it
  QList<int> ids = c.getIds( QStringList() );
  QCOMPARE( ids.count(), 1 );
  int id = ids[0];
  QImage fromDb = c.getImage( id );
  QVERIFY( pixelCompareImages( image, fromDb ) );
// Will call qFatal and end the application
//  QTest::ignoreMessage( QtFatalMsg, "Failed to get image id" );
//  fromDb = c.getImage( id+1 );
//  QVERIFY( fromDb.isNull() );
  QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase( QLatin1String( QSqlDatabase::defaultConnection ) );
コード例 #2
void ImageCollectionTest::testTags()
  ImageCollection c;
  // Make sure that the collection is empty
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 0 );
  // At least one image is needed to be able to add tags
  c.addImage( QImage( "test.png" ), QStringList() );
  // Verify that we have one image and get the id for it
  QList<int> ids = c.getIds( QStringList() );
  QCOMPARE( ids.count(), 1 );
  int id = ids[0];
  // Add one tag, total one
  c.addTag( id, "Foo" );
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 1 );

  // Add one tag, total two
  c.addTag( id, "Bar" );
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 2 );
  // Add one tag, total three
  c.addTag( id, "Baz" );
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 3 );
  // Add a duplicate tag, total three
  c.addTag( id, "Foo" );
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 3 );
  // Try to add a tag to a nonexisting id
  QEXPECT_FAIL("", "The tag will be added to the non-existing image.", Continue);
  c.addTag( id+1, "Foz" );
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 3 );
  QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase( QLatin1String( QSqlDatabase::defaultConnection ) );
コード例 #3
void ImageCollectionTest::testImagesFromTags()
  ImageCollection c;
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() ).count(), 0 );
  QImage image( "test.png" );
  QStringList tags;
  tags << "Foo" << "Bar";
  c.addImage( image, tags );
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 2 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() ).count(), 1 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Foo" ).count(), 1 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Bar" ).count(), 1 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( tags ).count(), 1 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Baz" ).count(), 0 );
  tags << "Baz";
  c.addImage( image, tags );
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 3 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() ).count(), 2 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Foo" ).count(), 1 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Bar" ).count(), 1 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Baz" ).count(), 1 );

  tags << "Bar" << "Baz";
  c.addImage( image, tags );
  QCOMPARE( c.getTags().count(), 3 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() ).count(), 3 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Foo" ).count(), 1 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Bar" ).count(), 2 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( tags ).count(), 3 );
  QCOMPARE( c.getIds( QStringList() << "Baz" ).count(), 2 );
  QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase( QLatin1String( QSqlDatabase::defaultConnection ) );