static bool ImageReadRGB(ImageOf<PixelRgb> &img, const char *filename) { int width, height, color, num; FILE *fp=0; fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(fp==0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s, check if file exists.\n", filename); return false; } if (!ReadHeader(fp, &height, &width, &color)) { fclose (fp); fprintf(stderr, "Error reading header, is file a valid ppm/pgm?\n"); return false; } if (!color) { ImageOf<PixelMono> tmp; tmp.resize(width,height); const int w = tmp.width() * tmp.getPixelSize(); const int h = tmp.height(); const int pad = tmp.getRowSize(); unsigned char *dst = tmp.getRawImage (); num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { num += (int)fread((void *) dst, 1, (size_t) w, fp); dst += pad; } fclose(fp); img.copy(tmp); return true; } img.resize(width,height); const int w = img.width() * img.getPixelSize(); const int h = img.height(); const int pad = img.getRowSize(); unsigned char *dst = img.getRawImage (); num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { num += (int)fread((void *) dst, 1, (size_t) w, fp); dst += pad; } fclose(fp); return true; }
void merge(const ImageOf<PixelRgb> &imgR, const ImageOf<PixelRgb> &imgL, ImageOf<PixelRgb> &out) { if (out.width()!=imgR.width()/scale) out.resize(imgR.width()/scale, imgR.height()/scale); int rr=0; for(int r=0; r<out.height(); r++) { const unsigned char *tmpR=imgR.getRow(rr); const unsigned char *tmpL=imgL.getRow(rr); unsigned char *tmpO=out.getRow(r); for(int c=0; c<out.width(); c++) { tmpO[0]=(unsigned char) (1/3.0*(tmpL[0]+tmpL[1]+tmpL[2])); tmpO[1]=(unsigned char) (1/3.0*(tmpR[0]+tmpR[1]+tmpR[2])); tmpO+=3; tmpL+=(3*scale); tmpR+=(3*scale); } rr+=scale; } }
void testScale() { report(0,"checking scaling..."); ImageOf<PixelRgb> img; ImageOf<PixelMono> img2; ImageOf<PixelRgb> img3; img.resize(64,64);; for (int i=0; i<img.width()/2; i++) { for (int j=0; j<img.height()/2; j++) { img(i,j).r = 255; img(i,j).g = 255; img(i,j).b = 255; } } img2.copy(img,32,32); checkEqual(img2.width(),32,"dimension check"); checkEqual(img2(0,0),255,"logic check"); checkEqual(img2(img2.width()-2,0),0,"logic check"); checkEqual(img2(0,img2.height()-2),0,"logic check"); img3.copy(img,16,16); checkEqual(img3.width(),16,"dimension check"); checkEqual(img3(0,0).r,255,"logic check"); checkEqual(img3(img3.width()-2,0).r,0,"logic check"); checkEqual(img3(0,img3.height()-2).r,0,"logic check"); img.copy(img3,4,4); checkEqual(img.width(),4,"dimension check"); }
void Read(const char *fname = NULL) { if (!active) { printf("Catalog loading from %s...\n", (fname!=NULL)?fname:ORIENT_SRC); ImageOf<PixelFloat> orient_pre; bool ok = yarp::sig::file::read(orient_pre, (fname!=NULL)?fname:ORIENT_SRC); if (!ok) { printf("*** error: cannot find %s\n", (fname!=NULL)?fname:ORIENT_SRC); exit(1); } orient.resize(4,orient_pre.height()); for (int i=0; i<orient_pre.height(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { orient(j,i) = orient_pre(j,i); } } printf("Catalog loaded\n"); active = 1; } }
void IntensitySalience::applyImpl(ImageOf<PixelRgb>& src, ImageOf<PixelRgb>& dest, ImageOf<PixelFloat>& sal) { dest.resize(src); sal.resize(src); if (_sizeOld.width != src.width() || _sizeOld.height != src.height()) initImages(cvSize(src.width(), src.height())); cvCvtColor(src.getIplImage(), _imgGray, CV_RGB2GRAY); cvCvtColor(_imgGray, dest.getIplImage(), CV_GRAY2RGB); gray2Float(_imgGray, (IplImage*)sal.getIplImage()); _sizeOld.width = src.width(); _sizeOld.height = src.height(); }
cv::Rect CalibModule::extractFingerTip(ImageOf<PixelMono> &imgIn, ImageOf<PixelBgr> &imgOut, const Vector &c, Vector &px) { cv::Mat imgInMat=cv::cvarrToMat((IplImage*)imgIn.getIplImage()); // produce a colored image imgOut.resize(imgIn); cv::Mat imgOutMat=cv::cvarrToMat((IplImage*)imgOut.getIplImage()); // proceed iff the center is within the image plane if ((c[0]<10.0) || (c[0]>imgIn.width()-10) || (c[1]<10.0) || (c[1]>imgIn.height()-10)) { cv::cvtColor(imgInMat,imgOutMat,CV_GRAY2BGR); return cv::Rect(); } // saturate the top-left and bottom-right corners int roi_side2=roi_side>>1; cv::Point ct((int)c[0],(int)c[1]); cv::Point tl((int)(c[0]-roi_side2),(int)(c[1]-roi_side2)); cv::Point br((int)(c[0]+roi_side2),(int)(c[1]+roi_side2)); tl.x=std::max(1,tl.x); tl.x=std::min(tl.x,imgIn.width()-1); tl.y=std::max(1,tl.y); tl.y=std::min(tl.y,imgIn.height()-1); br.x=std::max(1,br.x); br.x=std::min(br.x,imgIn.width()-1); br.y=std::max(1,br.y); br.y=std::min(br.y,imgIn.height()-1); cv::Rect rect(tl,br); // run Otsu algorithm to segment out the finger cv::Mat imgInMatRoi(imgInMat,rect); cv::threshold(imgInMatRoi,imgInMatRoi,0,255,cv::THRESH_BINARY|cv::THRESH_OTSU); cv::cvtColor(imgInMat,imgOutMat,CV_GRAY2BGR); px.resize(2,0.0); bool ok=false; for (int y=tl.y; y<br.y; y++) { for (int x=tl.x; x<br.x; x++) { if (imgIn(x,y)>0) { // predict the center of the finger a bit shifted x+=3; y+=5; px[0]=x; px[1]=y; cv::circle(imgOutMat,cv::Point(x,y),5,cv::Scalar(0,0,255),-1); ok=true; break; } } if (ok) break; } cv::circle(imgOutMat,ct,5,cv::Scalar(0,255,0),-1); cv::rectangle(imgOutMat,tl,br,cv::Scalar(255,255,255),4); return rect; }
void plotterThread::copyM(cv::Mat Mask) { sem.wait(); ImageOf<PixelMono>* imagem = new ImageOf<PixelMono>(); //here we are just putting the pointer image at the beginning of the memory , but we have to allocate memory with new imagem->resize(width, height); convertMat2ImageOf(Mask, imagem); //oppure fare le 3 sopra,in modo che sia riutilizzabile anche nel caso uImage e U siano di tipo diverso mImage->copy(*imagem);; delete imagem; }
void testRgba() { report(0,"checking rgba..."); ImageOf<PixelRgba> img; ImageOf<PixelRgb> img2; img.resize(50,50); img(4,2) = PixelRgba(10,20,30,40); img2.copy(img); checkEqual(img(4,2).a,40,"a level"); checkEqual(img2(4,2).r,10,"r level"); }
void testRgbInt() { report(0,"checking rgbi..."); ImageOf<PixelRgbInt> img; ImageOf<PixelRgb> img2; img.resize(50,50); img(4,2) = PixelRgbInt(10,20,30); checkEqual(img(4,2).r,10,"r level original"); img2.copy(img); checkEqual(img2(4,2).r,10,"r level copied"); }
virtual void run() { printf("Fake framegrabber starting\n"); while (!isStopping()) { ImageOf<PixelRgb> img; img.resize(40,20);; printf("Fake framegrabber wrote an image...\n"); p.write(img); Time::delay(1); } printf("Fake framegrabber stopping\n"); }
// From iCub staticgrabber device. // DF2 bayer sequence. // -- in staticgrabber: first row GBGBGB, second row RGRGRG. // -- changed here to: first row GRGRGR, second row BGBGBG. bool TestFrameGrabber::makeSimpleBayer( ImageOf<PixelRgb>& img, ImageOf<PixelMono>& bayer) { bayer.resize(img.width(), img.height()); const int w = img.width(); const int h = img.height(); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { PixelRgb *row = (PixelRgb *)img.getRow(i); PixelMono *rd = (PixelMono *)bayer.getRow(i); for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { if ((i%2) == 0) { switch (j%4) { case 0: case 2: *rd++ = row->g; row++; break; case 1: case 3: *rd++ = row->r; row++; break; } } if ((i%2) == 1) { switch (j%4) { case 1: case 3: *rd++ = row->g; row++; break; case 0: case 2: *rd++ = row->b; row++; break; } } } } return true; }
void ColorSalience::applyImpl(ImageOf<PixelRgb>& src, ImageOf<PixelRgb>& dest, ImageOf<PixelFloat>& sal) { dest.resize(src); sal.resize(src); IMGFOR(src,x,y) { PixelRgb pix = src(x,y); float lum3 = (float)(pix.r+pix.g+pix.b); if (lum3/3.0<60) { pix.r = pix.g = pix.b = 0; } float rn = 255.0F * pix.r / lum3; float gn = 255.0F * pix.g / lum3; float bn = 255.0F * pix.g / lum3; // in theory, apparently, yellow should be (rn+gn)/2 ... float yw = (rn+gn)-fabs(rn-gn)-bn; yw *= (pix.r>1.5*pix.b); yw *= (pix.g>1.5*pix.b); float s = 0; float r = rn - (gn+bn)/2; float g = gn - (rn+bn)/2; float b = bn - (rn+gn)/2; if (r>s) s = r; if (g>s) s = g; if (yw>s) s = yw; if (b>s) s = b; if (s>255) s = 255; if (s<0) s = 0; if (r<0) r = 0; if (g<0) g = 0; if (b<0) b = 0; if (r>255) r = 255; if (g>255) g = 255; if (b>255) b = 255; sal(x,y) = (unsigned char)s; dest(x,y) = PixelRgb((unsigned char)r, (unsigned char)g, (unsigned char)b); }
/** * Read an image from the grabber. * * @param image The image to read. The image will be resized to * the dimensions the grabber is using, and the captured image * data will be written to it. * * @return True if an image was successfully captured. If false * returned, the image will be resized to the dimensions used by * the grabber, but all pixels will be zeroed. */ bool OpenCVGrabber::sendImage(IplImage* iplFrame, ImageOf<PixelRgb> & image) { // Resize the output image, this should not result in new // memory allocation if the image is already the correct size image.resize(iplFrame->width, iplFrame->height); if (!m_saidSize) { yDebug("Received image of size %dx%d\n", image.width(), image.height()); m_saidSize = true; } // Get an IplImage, the Yarp Image owns the memory pointed to IplImage * iplImage = (IplImage*)image.getIplImage(); // create the timestamp m_laststamp.update(); // Copy the captured image to the output image, flipping it if // the coordinate origin is not the top left if (IPL_ORIGIN_TL == iplFrame->origin) cvCopy(iplFrame, iplImage, 0); else cvFlip(iplFrame, iplImage, 0); if (iplFrame->channelSeq[0] == 'B') { cvCvtColor(iplImage, iplImage, CV_BGR2RGB); } if (m_w <= 0) { m_w = image.width(); } if (m_h <= 0) { m_h = image.height(); } if (fromFile) { if (m_w>0 && m_h>0) { if (image.width() != m_w || image.height() != m_h) { if (!m_saidResize) { yDebug("Software scaling from %dx%d to %dx%d", image.width(), image.height(), m_w, m_h); m_saidResize = true; } image.copy(image, m_w, m_h); } } } DBG yDebug("%d by %d %s image\n", image.width(), image.height(), iplFrame->channelSeq); return true; }
void testStandard() { report(0,"checking standard compliance of description..."); ImageOf<PixelRgb> img; img.resize(8,4);; BufferedConnectionWriter writer; img.write(writer); ConstString s = writer.toString(); Bottle bot; bot.fromBinary(s.c_str(),s.length()); checkEqual(bot.size(),4,"plausible bottle out"); checkEqual(bot.get(0).toString().c_str(),"mat","good tag"); YARP_DEBUG(Logger::get(),"an example image:"); YARP_DEBUG(Logger::get(),bot.toString().c_str()); }
void testDraw() { report(0,"checking draw tools..."); ImageOf<PixelRgb> img; img.resize(64,64);; addCircle(img,PixelRgb(255,0,0),32,32,200); // full image should be colored blue bool ok = true; IMGFOR(img,x,y) { if (img.pixel(x,y).r!=255) { ok = false; } } checkTrue(ok,"image is blue"); }
void Manager::processMotionPoints(Bottle &b) { // fprintf(stdout,"create mat\n"); //create MAT image cv::Mat imgMat(Size(320,240),CV_8UC3); cv::Mat imgClean(Size(320,240),CV_8UC3); //vector<Point> points; imgMat = Scalar::all(0); imgClean = Scalar::all(255); // fprintf(stdout,"filling up the data\n"); for (int x=1; x<b.size(); x++) { Point pt; pt.x = b.get(x).asList()->get(0).asInt(); pt.y = b.get(x).asList()->get(1).asInt();<cv::Vec3b>(pt.y,pt.x)[0] = 255 ;<cv::Vec3b>(pt.y,pt.x)[1] = 0 ;<cv::Vec3b>(pt.y,pt.x)[2] = 0 ;<cv::Vec3b>(pt.y,pt.x)[0] = 255 ;<cv::Vec3b>(pt.y,pt.x)[1] = 0 ;<cv::Vec3b>(pt.y,pt.x)[2] = 0 ; } //imgClean = imgMat; int n = 10; int an = n > 0 ? n : -n; int element_shape = MORPH_RECT; Mat element = getStructuringElement(element_shape, Size(an*2+1, an*2+1), Point(an, an) ); morphologyEx(imgMat, imgMat, CV_MOP_CLOSE, element); Bottle data; //fprintf(stdout,"before process image\n"); data = processImage(b, imgMat, imgClean, lineDetails); //image analisis and bottle cleaning //fprintf(stdout,"before process blobs\n"); if (data.size() > 0) processBlobs(data, imgClean, lineDetails); // kmeans ImageOf<PixelRgb> outImg;// = new ImageOf<PixelRgb>; //fprintf(stdout,"done1 with data %d %d\n", imgClean.cols, imgClean.rows); outImg.resize( imgClean.cols, imgClean.rows ); IplImage ipl_img = imgClean; cvCopyImage(&ipl_img, (IplImage*)outImg.getIplImage()); imgOutPort.prepare() = outImg; imgOutPort.write(); //delete[] outImg; //fprintf(stdout,"ok\n"); }
/** * Read an image from the grabber. * * @param image The image to read. The image will be resized to * the dimensions the grabber is using, and the captured image * data will be written to it. * * @return True if an image was successfully captured. If false * returned, the image will be resized to the dimensions used by * the grabber, but all pixels will be zeroed. */ bool OpenCVGrabber::sendImage(const cv::Mat & frame, ImageOf<PixelRgb> & image) { // Resize the output image, this should not result in new // memory allocation if the image is already the correct size image.resize(frame.cols, frame.rows); if (!m_saidSize) { yDebug("Received image of size %zux%zu\n", image.width(), image.height()); m_saidSize = true; } // create the timestamp m_laststamp.update(); // Convert to RGB color space cv::Mat frame_rgb; cv::cvtColor(frame, frame_rgb, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB); // Copy the captured image to the output image memcpy(image.getRawImage(),, sizeof(unsigned char) * frame_rgb.rows * frame_rgb.cols * frame_rgb.channels()); if (m_w == 0) { m_w = image.width(); } if (m_h == 0) { m_h = image.height(); } if (fromFile) { if (m_w>0 && m_h>0) { if (image.width() != m_w || image.height() != m_h) { if (!m_saidResize) { yDebug("Software scaling from %zux%zu to %zux%zu", image.width(), image.height(), m_w, m_h); m_saidResize = true; } image.copy(image, m_w, m_h); } } } DBG yDebug("%zu by %zu image\n", image.width(), image.height()); return true; }
static bool ImageReadBGR(ImageOf<PixelBgr> &img, const char *filename) { int width, height, color, num; FILE *fp=0; fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(fp==0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s, check if file exists.\n", filename); return false; } if (!ReadHeader(fp, &height, &width, &color)) { fclose (fp); fprintf(stderr, "Error reading header, is file a valid ppm/pgm?\n"); return false; } if (!color) { fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr, "File is grayscale, conversion not yet supported\n"); return false; } ImageOf<PixelRgb> tmpImg; tmpImg.resize(width, height); const int w = tmpImg.width() * img.getPixelSize(); const int h = tmpImg.height(); const int pad = tmpImg.getRowSize(); unsigned char *dst = tmpImg.getRawImage (); num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { num += (int)fread((void *) dst, 1, (size_t) w, fp); dst += pad; } fclose(fp); return img.copy(tmpImg); }
void visionUtils::convertCvToYarp(cv::Mat MatImage, ImageOf<PixelRgb> & yarpImage) { IplImage* IPLfromMat = new IplImage(MatImage); yarpImage.resize(IPLfromMat->width,IPLfromMat->height); IplImage * iplYarpImage = (IplImage*)yarpImage.getIplImage(); if (IPL_ORIGIN_TL == IPLfromMat->origin) { cvCopy(IPLfromMat, iplYarpImage, 0); } else { cvFlip(IPLfromMat, iplYarpImage, 0); } if (IPLfromMat->channelSeq[0]=='B') { cvCvtColor(iplYarpImage, iplYarpImage, CV_BGR2RGB); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Show a circle for 3 seconds...\n"); ImageOf<PixelRgb> yarpImage; printf("Creating a YARP image of a nice circle\n"); yarpImage.resize(300,200); addCircle(yarpImage,PixelRgb(255,0,0), yarpImage.width()/2,yarpImage.height()/2, yarpImage.height()/4); addCircle(yarpImage,PixelRgb(255,50,50), yarpImage.width()/2,yarpImage.height()/2, yarpImage.height()/5); printf("Copying YARP image to an OpenCV/IPL image\n"); IplImage *cvImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(yarpImage.width(), yarpImage.height()), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ); cvCvtColor((IplImage*)yarpImage.getIplImage(), cvImage, CV_RGB2BGR); printf("Showing OpenCV/IPL image\n"); cvNamedWindow("test",1); cvShowImage("test",cvImage); printf("Taking image back into YARP...\n"); ImageOf<PixelBgr> yarpReturnImage; yarpReturnImage.wrapIplImage(cvImage); yarp::sig::file::write(yarpReturnImage,"test.ppm"); printf("Saving YARP image to test.ppm\n"); cvWaitKey(3000); cvDestroyWindow("test"); cvReleaseImage(&cvImage); printf("...done\n"); return 0; }
bool OdeSdlSimulation::getImage(ImageOf<PixelRgb>& target) { int w = cameraSizeWidth; int h = cameraSizeHeight; int p = 3; char *buf=new char[w * h * p]; glReadPixels( 0, 0, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf); ImageOf<PixelRgb> img; img.setQuantum(1); img.setExternal(buf,w,h); // inefficient flip! target.resize(img); int ww = img.width(); int hh = img.height(); for (int x=0; x<ww; x++) { for (int y=0; y<hh; y++) { target(x,y) = img(x,hh-1-y); } } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); delete[] buf; return true; }
/* * init the thread, instantiate the device driver and connet the ports appropriately. * @return true iff successful. */ virtual bool threadInit() { Property p; p.put("device", "logpolarclient"); p.put("local", local.c_str()); p.put("remote", remote.c_str());; if (poly.isValid()) { poly.view(lpImage); active = false; if (lpImage != 0) { const int nang = lpImage->nang(); const int necc = lpImage->necc(); const int fovea = lpImage->fovea(); const double overlap = lpImage->overlap(); if (necc != 0 && nang != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "logpolar format with ang: %d ecc: %d fov: %d ovl: %f\n", nang, necc, fovea, overlap); fprintf(stdout, "cartesian image of size %d %d\n", width, height); trsf.allocLookupTables(L2C, necc, nang, width, height, overlap); active = true; lp.resize(nang, necc); // open the out port.; } } } return active; }
void testCreate() { report(0,"testing image creation..."); FlexImage image; image.setPixelCode(VOCAB_PIXEL_RGB); image.resize(256,128); checkEqual(image.width(),256,"check width"); checkEqual(image.height(),128,"check height"); ImageOf<PixelInt> iint; iint.resize(256,128); long int total = 0; for (int x=0; x<iint.width(); x++) { for (int y=0; y<iint.height(); y++) { int v = (x+y)%65537; iint.pixel(x,y) = v; total += v; } } for (int x2=0; x2<iint.width(); x2++) { for (int y2=0; y2<iint.height(); y2++) { total -= iint.pixel(x2,y2); } } checkEqual(total,0,"pixel assignment check"); }
bool updateModule() { ImageOf<PixelBgr> *; if (img==NULL) return true; mutex.lock(); ImageOf<PixelMono> imgMono; imgMono.resize(img->width(),img->height()); cv::Mat imgMat=cv::cvarrToMat((IplImage*)img->getIplImage()); cv::Mat imgMonoMat=cv::cvarrToMat((IplImage*)imgMono.getIplImage()); cv::cvtColor(imgMat,imgMonoMat,CV_BGR2GRAY); if (initBoundingBox) { tracker->initialise(imgMonoMat,tl,br); initBoundingBox=false; } if (doCMT) { if (tracker->processFrame(imgMonoMat)) { if (dataOutPort.getOutputCount()>0) { Bottle &data=dataOutPort.prepare(); data.clear(); data.addInt((int)tracker->topLeft.x); data.addInt((int)tracker->topLeft.y); data.addInt((int)tracker->topRight.x); data.addInt((int)tracker->topRight.y); data.addInt((int)tracker->bottomRight.x); data.addInt((int)tracker->bottomRight.y); data.addInt((int)tracker->bottomLeft.x); data.addInt((int)tracker->bottomLeft.y); dataOutPort.write(); } if (imgOutPort.getOutputCount()>0) { cv::line(imgMat,tracker->topLeft,tracker->topRight,cv::Scalar(255,0,0),2); cv::line(imgMat,tracker->topRight,tracker->bottomRight,cv::Scalar(255,0,0),2); cv::line(imgMat,tracker->bottomRight,tracker->bottomLeft,cv::Scalar(255,0,0),2); cv::line(imgMat,tracker->bottomLeft,tracker->topLeft,cv::Scalar(255,0,0),2); for (size_t i=0; i<tracker->trackedKeypoints.size(); i++) cv::circle(imgMat,tracker->trackedKeypoints[i],3,cv::Scalar(0,255,0)); } } } if (imgOutPort.getOutputCount()>0) { imgOutPort.prepare()=*img; imgOutPort.write(); } mutex.unlock(); return true; }
bool file::read(ImageOf<PixelFloat>& dest, const ConstString& src) { int hh = 0, ww = 0; FILE *fp = fopen(src.c_str(), "r"); if (fp==NULL) { return false; } int blank = 1; int curr = 0; while (!feof(fp)) { int ch = fgetc(fp); if (ch==' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' ||ch == '\n'|| feof(fp)){ if (!blank) { if (curr==0) { hh++; } curr++; if (curr>ww) { ww = curr; } } blank = 1; if (ch=='\n') { curr = 0; } } else { blank = 0; } } fclose(fp); fp = fopen(src.c_str(), "rb"); if (fp==NULL) { return false; } dest.resize(ww,hh); hh = 0; ww = 0; { char buf[256]; int idx = 0; int blank = 1; int curr = 0; while (!feof(fp)) { int ch = fgetc(fp); if (ch==' ' || ch == '\t' ||ch == '\r'||ch == '\n' || feof(fp)){ if (!blank) { if (curr==0) { hh++; } curr++; if (curr>ww) { ww = curr; } buf[idx] = '\0'; dest(curr-1,hh-1) = float(atof(buf)); idx = 0; } blank = 1; if (ch=='\n') { curr = 0; } } else { buf[idx] = ch; idx++; yAssert(((unsigned int)idx)<sizeof(buf)); blank = 0; } } } fclose(fp); return true; }
void GlutOrientation::Apply(ImageOf<PixelRgb>& src, ImageOf<PixelRgb>& dest, ImageOf<PixelFloat>& xdata, ImageOf<PixelFloat>& ydata, ImageOf<PixelFloat>& mdata) { int view = 1; //(dest.width()>0); ImageOf<PixelFloat>& orient = fine_orientation_data.Orient(); static ImageOf<PixelMono> mask; static IntegralImage ii; if (view) { dest.resize(src); } for (int i=0;i<SHIFTS;i++) { shifts[i].resize(src); } mean.resize(src); static int shifts_x[SHIFTS], shifts_y[SHIFTS]; int ct = 0; for (int dx=-1; dx<=2; dx++) { for (int dy=-1; dy<=2; dy++) { assert(ct<SHIFTS); ii.Offset(src,shifts[ct],dx,dy,1); shifts_x[ct] = dx; shifts_y[ct] = dy; ct++; } } static ImageOf<PixelFloat> mean, var, lx, ly, agree; ImageOf<PixelRgb>& mono = src; SatisfySize(mono,mean); SatisfySize(mono,var); SatisfySize(mono,lx); SatisfySize(mono,ly); SatisfySize(mono,agree); SatisfySize(mono,xdata); SatisfySize(mono,ydata); SatisfySize(mono,mdata); int response_ct = 0; IMGFOR(mono,x,y) { float total = 0; float total2 = 0; PixelRgb& pix0 = src(x,y); for (int k=0; k<SHIFTS; k++) { PixelRgb& pix1 = shifts[k](x,y); float v = pdist(pix0,pix1); total += v; #ifdef USE_LUMINANCE_FILTER total2 += v*v; #endif } mean(x,y) = total/SHIFTS; #ifdef USE_LUMINANCE_FILTER var(x,y) = total2/SHIFTS - (total/SHIFTS)*(total/SHIFTS); #endif }
void AdvancedDirectionalSalience::applyImpl(ImageOf<PixelRgb>& src, ImageOf<PixelRgb>& dest, ImageOf<PixelFloat>& sal) { // time measurement double tStart = yarp::os::Time::now(); // block other threads (e.g. configuration) _mutex.wait(); // resizing/init sal.resize(src); if (_w != src.width() || _h != src.height()){ _w = src.width(); _h = src.height(); _ws = (int)(_w * _scale + 0.5); _hs = (int)(_h * _scale + 0.5); init(_ws, _hs); } // scaling if _scale != 1.0 cvResize((IplImage*)src.getIplImage(), _imgInRgbResized, CV_INTER_LINEAR ); // convert input to grayscale and float image cvCvtColor( _imgInRgbResized, _imgInGray, CV_BGR2GRAY ); cvConvert(_imgInGray, _imgInFloat); // compute D-maps (24 maps: _numSizs*_numDirs * 2 (center & surround)) for (int s = 0; s < _numSizs; s++){ for (int d = 0; d < _numDirs; d++){ // compute gabor maps _gabor[s][d]->GaborFiltZeroMean((float*)_imgInFloat->imageData, (float*)_imgGReal->imageData, (float*)_imgGImag->imageData); // combine real and imaginary parts _gabor[s][d]->ComputeMagnitude((float*)_imgGReal->imageData, (float*)_imgGImag->imageData, (float*)_imgGabor[s][d]->imageData); // center- & surround-maps _gaussCen[s]->GaussFilt((float*)_imgGabor[s][d]->imageData, (float*)_imgDCen[s][d]->imageData); _gaussSur[s]->GaussFilt((float*)_imgGabor[s][d]->imageData, (float*)_imgDSur[s][d]->imageData); } } // compute DPlus & DMinus maps float max = 0.0f; int maxX, maxY; for (int s = 0; s < _numSizs; s++){ // sum all directions of size s cvZero(_imgDSumCen); cvZero(_imgDSumSur); for (int d = 0; d < _numDirs; d++){ cvAdd(_imgDSumCen, _imgDCen[s][d], _imgDSumCen); cvAdd(_imgDSumSur, _imgDSur[s][d], _imgDSumSur); } // create DPlus & DMinus maps for size s for (int d = 0; d < _numDirs; d++){ // subtract the current direction from the total sum (Sum(i!=j)) cvSub(_imgDSumCen, _imgDCen[s][d], _imgDSumCenEx); cvSub(_imgDSumSur, _imgDSur[s][d], _imgDSumSurEx); // calculate DPlus cvSub(_imgDCen[s][d], _imgDSur[s][d], _imgTmp); cvAdd(_imgTmp, _imgDSumSurEx, _imgTmp); cvMul(_imgDCen[s][d], _imgTmp, _imgDPlu[s][d]); // calculate DMinus cvSub(_imgDCen[s][d], _imgDSumCenEx, _imgTmp); cvAdd(_imgTmp, _imgDSumSurEx, _imgTmp); cvMul(_imgDCen[s][d], _imgTmp, _imgDMin[s][d]); // discard negative values cvThreshold(_imgDPlu[s][d], _imgDPlu[s][d], 0.0, 0.0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO); // this is probably not necessary cvThreshold(_imgDMin[s][d], _imgDMin[s][d], 0.0, 0.0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO); // scale to MAX_SALIENCE // DPlus //calcGlobalMaximum(_imgDPlu[s][d], max, maxX, maxY); //if (max > 0.0f) // cvScale(_imgDPlu[s][d], _imgDPlu[s][d], MAX_SALIENCE/max); // DMinus //calcGlobalMaximum(_imgDMin[s][d], max, maxX, maxY); //if (max > 0.0f) // cvScale(_imgDMin[s][d], _imgDMin[s][d], MAX_SALIENCE/max); // old: // calc maximum, conspicuity factors and scale to MAX_SALIENCE // DPlus //calcGlobalMaximum(_imgDPlu[s][d], max, maxX, maxY); //if (max > 0.0f) // cvScale(_imgDPlu[s][d], _imgDPlu[s][d], MAX_SALIENCE/max); //calcAdvancedConspicuityFactor(_imgDPlu[s][d], _sigs[s]*_sig2wav, maxX, maxY, _conspDPlu[s][d]); //calcConspicuityFactor(_imgDPlu[s][d], _conspDPlu[s][d]); // DMinus //calcGlobalMaximum(_imgDMin[s][d], max, maxX, maxY); //if (max > 0.0f) // cvScale(_imgDMin[s][d], _imgDMin[s][d], MAX_SALIENCE/max); // calc conspicuity factors //calcAdvancedConspicuityFactor(_imgDMin[s][d], _sigs[s]*_sig2wav, maxX, maxY, _conspDMin[s][d]); //calcConspicuityFactor(_imgDMin[s][d], _conspDMin[s][d]); } } // center-surround competition to extract isolated peaks // M <- |M+M*DoG-Cinh|>0 for (int s = 0; s < _numSizs; s++){ // gaussian filters for each size // cen = sigma // sur = 4*sigma for (int d = 0; d < _numDirs; d++){ // copy to working imgDPlu/MinComp cvCopy(_imgDPlu[s][d], _imgDPluComp[s][d]); cvCopy(_imgDMin[s][d], _imgDMinComp[s][d]); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++){ // imgDPluComp // calculate M*DoG _gaussCompCen[s]->GaussFilt((float*)_imgDPluComp[s][d]->imageData, (float*)_imgTmpCen->imageData); _gaussCompSur[s]->GaussFilt((float*)_imgDPluComp[s][d]->imageData, (float*)_imgTmpSur->imageData); cvSub(_imgTmpCen, _imgTmpSur, _imgTmp); // calculate center surround (mexican hat) convolution // add M + M&DoG cvAdd(_imgDPluComp[s][d], _imgTmp, _imgDPluComp[s][d]); // subtract Cinh cvSub(_imgDPluComp[s][d], _imgCinh, _imgDPluComp[s][d]); // threshold to >0 cvThreshold(_imgDPluComp[s][d], _imgDPluComp[s][d], 0.0, 0.0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO); // imgDMinComp // calculate M*DoG _gaussCompCen[s]->GaussFilt((float*)_imgDMinComp[s][d]->imageData, (float*)_imgTmpCen->imageData); _gaussCompSur[s]->GaussFilt((float*)_imgDMinComp[s][d]->imageData, (float*)_imgTmpSur->imageData); cvSub(_imgTmpCen, _imgTmpSur, _imgTmp); // calculate center surround (mexican hat) convolution //// add M + M&DoG cvAdd(_imgDMinComp[s][d], _imgTmp, _imgDMinComp[s][d]); //// subtract Cinh cvSub(_imgDMinComp[s][d], _imgCinh, _imgDMinComp[s][d]); //// threshold to >0 cvThreshold(_imgDMinComp[s][d], _imgDMinComp[s][d], 0.0, 0.0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO); } // scale final _imgD*Comp's calcGlobalMaximum(_imgDPluComp[s][d], max, maxX, maxY); if (max > 0.0f) cvScale(_imgDPluComp[s][d], _imgDPluComp[s][d], MAX_SALIENCE/max); calcGlobalMaximum(_imgDMinComp[s][d], max, maxX, maxY); if (max > 0.0f) cvScale(_imgDMinComp[s][d], _imgDMinComp[s][d], MAX_SALIENCE/max); } } // summing up all maps (normalized) cvZero(_imgResult); float mapWeight = 1.0f/((float)(2*_numSizs*_numDirs)); for (int s = 0; s < _numSizs; s++){ for (int d = 0; d < _numDirs; d++){ cvScaleAdd(_imgDPlu[s][d], cvScalar(mapWeight), _imgResult, _imgResult); cvScaleAdd(_imgDMin[s][d], cvScalar(mapWeight), _imgResult, _imgResult); } } // summing up all maps (normalized) /*cvZero(_imgResult); for (int s = 0; s < _numSizs; s++){ for (int d = 0; d < _numDirs; d++){ cvScaleAdd(_imgDPlu[s][d], cvScalar(_conspDPlu[s][d]), _imgResult, _imgResult); cvScaleAdd(_imgDMin[s][d], cvScalar(_conspDMin[s][d]), _imgResult, _imgResult); } }*/ // resize/copy back to output image cvResize(_imgResult, (IplImage*)sal.getIplImage()); // output debug/analysis of requested map [name, size, direction] if (_debug){ IplImage ***ocvImgArrayDebug = _mapImgTable[_dbgImgArray]; IplImage *ocvImgDebug = ocvImgArrayDebug[_dbgSizIndex][_dbgDirIndex]; ImageOf<PixelFloat> &yrpImgDebug = _prtDebug.prepare(); yrpImgDebug.resize(ocvImgDebug->width, ocvImgDebug->height); cvCopy(ocvImgDebug, (IplImage*)yrpImgDebug.getIplImage()); _prtDebug.write(); } // testing output //IplImage *test = _imgGImag; /*IplImage *test = _imgDCen[0][0]; max = 0.0f; calcGlobalMaximum(test, max); cvScale(test, test, 255.0f/max); cvResize(test, (IplImage*)sal.getIplImage());*/; double tEnd = yarp::os::Time::now(); if (_verbose) cout << "Update time: " << tEnd - tStart << " Processed image size: " << _ws << " x " << _hs << " original size: " << _w << " x " << _h << endl; // tmp //cvConvertScale(_result, (IplImage*)sal.getIplImage(), 1/_scale); }
double oculomotorController::calculateEntropy(yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelBgr>* entImg,double& entropy, int& counter) { //printf("calculating entropy.... %d %d \n", width, height); ImageOf<PixelRgb>* hsv = new ImageOf<PixelRgb>; hsv->resize(width, height); cvCvtColor(entImg->getIplImage(), hsv->getIplImage(), CV_BGR2HSV); //cv::Mat hsv; //IplImage hsvI; //cv::Mat* p = (cv::Mat*) entImg.getIplImage(); //cvtColor(entImg->getIplImage()) , hsvI, CV_BGR2HSV); // let`s quantize the value to 30 levels // let's quantize the hue to 30 levels // and the saturation to 32 levels int hbins = 30, sbins = 32, vbins = 30; //MatND* hist = new MatND(); MatND hist; int histSize[] = {hbins, sbins, vbins}; // hue varies from 0 to 179, see cvtColor float hranges[] = { 0, 180 }; // saturation varies from 0 (black-gray-white) to // 255 (pure spectrum color) float sranges[] = { 0, 256 }; float vranges[] = { 0, 256 } ; const float* ranges[] = { hranges, sranges, vranges }; // we compute the histogram from the 0-th and 1-st channels int channels[] = {0, 1, 2}; //cv::Mat matImage; const cv::Mat mat((const IplImage*) hsv->getIplImage(), true); //cvConvert(hsv->getIplImage(),mat); // = (char *)hsv->getIplImage().imageData; //nst cv::Mat* cvHsvP = (const cv::Mat*)hsv->getIplImage(); calcHist(&mat,1,channels, Mat(), // do not use mask hist, 3, histSize, ranges, true, // the histogram is uniform false ); //double maxVal=0; //minMaxLoc(hist, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0); yarp::sig::Matrix hsProb(hbins, sbins); yarp::sig::Vector vProb(vbins); // calculating entropy in v double sumEntropyV = 0; for( int v = 0 ; v < vbins; v++) { // calculating entropy in h double sumEntropyH = 0; for( int h = 0; h < hbins; h++ ) { double sum = 0; double sumEntropyS =0; for( int s = 0; s < sbins; s++ ) { float binVal =<float>(h, s, v); sum += binVal; //int intensity = cvRound(binVal*255/maxVal); } for( int s = 0; s < sbins; s++ ) { float binVal =<float>(h, s, v); hsProb(h,s) = binVal / sum; // extracing the probability double entropyS = -1 * hsProb(h,s) * Log2(hsProb(h,s)) ; if(!isnan_fun(entropyS)) sumEntropyS += entropyS; //printf("entropyS = %f upto 5.0 \n", entropyS,sumEntropyS); } sumEntropyH += sumEntropyS; //printf("sumEntropyS %f \n", sumEntropyS); } //printf("entropyH = %f upto 1500 \n", sumEntropyH); sumEntropyV += sumEntropyH; } //printf("entropyV = %f upto 4800 \n",sumEntropyV); entropy += sumEntropyV; return (entropy / counter); }