コード例 #1
    TEST_FIXTURE(MxlCompilerTestFixture, MxlCompilerFromFile_100)
        //100 - compile raw xml file format
        Document doc(m_libraryScope);
        MxlCompiler compiler(m_libraryScope, &doc);
        string path = m_scores_path + "50000-hello-world.xml";
        ImoObj* pRoot =  compiler.compile_file(path);
        CHECK( compiler.get_file_locator() == path );
        ImoDocument* pDoc = dynamic_cast<ImoDocument*>(pRoot);
        CHECK( pDoc && pDoc->get_version() == "0.0" );
        CHECK( pDoc && pDoc->get_num_content_items() == 1 );
        ImoScore* pScore = dynamic_cast<ImoScore*>( pDoc->get_content_item(0) );
        CHECK( pScore != nullptr );
        CHECK( pScore && pScore->get_num_instruments() == 1 );
        CHECK( pScore && pScore->get_staffobjs_table() != nullptr );
        ImoInstrument* pInstr = pScore->get_instrument(0);
        CHECK( pInstr != nullptr );
        CHECK( pInstr && pInstr->get_num_staves() == 1 );
        ImoMusicData* pMD = pInstr->get_musicdata();
        CHECK( pMD != nullptr );
        CHECK( pMD && pMD->get_num_items() == 5 );
        ImoObj* pImo = pMD->get_first_child();
        CHECK( pImo && pImo->is_clef() == true );

//        cout << "Test: MxlCompilerFromFile_100" << endl;
//        cout << doc.to_string() << endl;

        if (pRoot && !pRoot->is_document()) delete pRoot;
コード例 #2
void SystemLayouter::add_initial_line_joining_all_staves_in_system()
    //do not draw if 'hide staff lines' option enabled
    ImoOptionInfo* pOpt = m_pScore->get_option("StaffLines.Hide");
    bool fDrawStafflines = (pOpt == NULL || pOpt->get_bool_value() == false);
    if (!fDrawStafflines)

    //do not draw if empty score with one instrument with one staff
    if (m_pScore->get_num_instruments() == 1)
        ImoInstrument* pInstr = m_pScore->get_instrument(0);
        if (pInstr->get_num_staves() == 1 && m_pScoreMeter->is_empty_score())

    //do not draw if so asked when score meter was created (//TODO: what is this for?)
	if (m_pScoreMeter->must_draw_left_barline())
        InstrumentEngraver* pInstrEngrv = m_pPartsEngraver->get_engraver_for(0);
        ImoObj* pCreator = m_pScore->get_instrument(0);
        LUnits xPos = pInstrEngrv->get_staves_left();
        LUnits yTop = pInstrEngrv->get_staves_top_line();
        int iInstr = m_pScoreMeter->num_instruments() - 1;
        pInstrEngrv = m_pPartsEngraver->get_engraver_for(iInstr);
        LUnits yBottom = pInstrEngrv->get_staves_bottom_line();
        BarlineEngraver engrv(m_libraryScope, m_pScoreMeter);
        Color color = Color(0,0,0); //TODO staff lines color?
        GmoShape* pLine =
            engrv.create_system_barline_shape(pCreator, xPos, yTop, yBottom, color);
        m_pBoxSystem->add_shape(pLine, GmoShape::k_layer_staff);
コード例 #3
void SystemLayouter::add_instruments_info()
    int maxInstr = m_pScore->get_num_instruments() - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i <= maxInstr; i++)
        ImoInstrument* pInstr = m_pScore->get_instrument(i);
コード例 #4
ファイル: lomse_score_meter.cpp プロジェクト: lenmus/lenmus
void ScoreMeter::get_staff_spacing(ImoScore* pScore)
    int instruments = pScore->get_num_instruments();
    int staves = 0;
    for (int iInstr=0; iInstr < instruments; ++iInstr)
        m_staffIndex[iInstr] = staves;
        ImoInstrument* pInstr = pScore->get_instrument(iInstr);
        int numStaves = pInstr->get_num_staves();
        staves += numStaves;
        for (int iStaff=0; iStaff < numStaves; ++iStaff)
            m_lineSpace.push_back( pInstr->get_line_spacing_for_staff(iStaff) );
    m_numStaves = staves;
コード例 #5
LUnits SystemLayouter::engrave_prolog(int iInstr)
    LUnits uPrologWidth = 0.0f;

    //AWARE when this method is invoked the paper position is at the left marging,
    //at the start of the new system.
    LUnits xStartPos = m_pagePos.x;      //Save x to align all clefs

    //iterate over the collection of staff objects to draw current clef and key signature
    ImoInstrument* pInstr = m_pScore->get_instrument(iInstr);

    GmoBoxSystem* pBox = get_box_system();

    int numStaves = pInstr->get_num_staves();
    InstrumentEngraver* pInstrEngrv = m_pPartsEngraver->get_engraver_for(iInstr);
    for (int iStaff=0; iStaff < numStaves; ++iStaff)
        LUnits xPos = xStartPos;
        m_pagePos.y = pInstrEngrv->get_top_line_of_staff(iStaff);
        int iStaffIndex = m_pScoreMeter->staff_index(iInstr, iStaff);
        ColStaffObjsEntry* pClefEntry =
            m_pSpAlgorithm->get_prolog_clef(m_iFirstCol, iStaffIndex);
        ColStaffObjsEntry* pKeyEntry =
            m_pSpAlgorithm->get_prolog_key(m_iFirstCol, iStaffIndex);
        ImoClef* pClef = pClefEntry ? static_cast<ImoClef*>(pClefEntry->imo_object())
                                    : NULL;
        int clefType = pClef ? pClef->get_clef_type() : k_clef_undefined;

        //add clef shape
        if (pClefEntry)
            if (pClef && pClef->is_visible())
                xPos += m_pScoreMeter->tenths_to_logical(LOMSE_SPACE_BEFORE_PROLOG, iInstr, iStaff);
                m_pagePos.x = xPos;
                GmoShape* pShape =
                    m_pShapesCreator->create_staffobj_shape(pClef, iInstr, iStaff,
                                                            m_pagePos, clefType);
                pShape->assign_id_as_prolog_shape(m_iSystem, iStaff, numStaves);
                pBox->add_shape(pShape, GmoShape::k_layer_notes);
                xPos += pShape->get_width();

        //add key signature shape
        if (pKeyEntry)
            ImoKeySignature* pKey = dynamic_cast<ImoKeySignature*>( pKeyEntry->imo_object() );
            if (pKey && pKey->is_visible())
                xPos += m_pScoreMeter->tenths_to_logical(LOMSE_PROLOG_GAP_BEORE_KEY, iInstr, iStaff);
                m_pagePos.x = xPos;
                GmoShape* pShape =
                    m_pShapesCreator->create_staffobj_shape(pKey, iInstr, iStaff,
                                                            m_pagePos, clefType);
                pShape->assign_id_as_prolog_shape(m_iSystem, iStaff, numStaves);
                pBox->add_shape(pShape, GmoShape::k_layer_notes);
                xPos += pShape->get_width();

        xPos += m_pScoreMeter->tenths_to_logical(LOMSE_SPACE_AFTER_PROLOG, iInstr, iStaff);
        uPrologWidth = max(uPrologWidth, xPos - xStartPos);

    m_pagePos.x = xStartPos;     //restore cursor

    return uPrologWidth;