コード例 #1
void CompositeAnimation::updateTransitions(RenderElement* renderer, RenderStyle* currentStyle, RenderStyle* targetStyle)
    // If currentStyle is null or there are no old or new transitions, just skip it
    if (!currentStyle || (!targetStyle->transitions() && m_transitions.isEmpty()))

    // Mark all existing transitions as no longer active. We will mark the still active ones
    // in the next loop and then toss the ones that didn't get marked.
    for (auto& transition : m_transitions.values())
    RefPtr<RenderStyle> modifiedCurrentStyle;
    // Check to see if we need to update the active transitions
    if (targetStyle->transitions()) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < targetStyle->transitions()->size(); ++i) {
            Animation& animation = targetStyle->transitions()->animation(i);
            bool isActiveTransition = !m_suspended && (animation.duration() || animation.delay() > 0);

            Animation::AnimationMode mode = animation.animationMode();
            if (mode == Animation::AnimateNone)

            CSSPropertyID prop = animation.property();

            bool all = mode == Animation::AnimateAll;

            // Handle both the 'all' and single property cases. For the single prop case, we make only one pass
            // through the loop.
            for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < CSSPropertyAnimation::getNumProperties(); ++propertyIndex) {
                if (all) {
                    // Get the next property which is not a shorthand.
                    bool isShorthand;
                    prop = CSSPropertyAnimation::getPropertyAtIndex(propertyIndex, isShorthand);
                    if (isShorthand)

                // ImplicitAnimations are always hashed by actual properties, never animateAll.
                ASSERT(prop >= firstCSSProperty && prop < (firstCSSProperty + numCSSProperties));

                // If there is a running animation for this property, the transition is overridden
                // and we have to use the unanimatedStyle from the animation. We do the test
                // against the unanimated style here, but we "override" the transition later.
                RefPtr<KeyframeAnimation> keyframeAnim = getAnimationForProperty(prop);
                RenderStyle* fromStyle = keyframeAnim ? keyframeAnim->unanimatedStyle() : currentStyle;

                // See if there is a current transition for this prop
                ImplicitAnimation* implAnim = m_transitions.get(prop);
                bool equal = true;

                if (implAnim) {
                    // If we are post active don't bother setting the active flag. This will cause
                    // this animation to get removed at the end of this function.
                    if (!implAnim->postActive())
                    // This might be a transition that is just finishing. That would be the case
                    // if it were postActive. But we still need to check for equality because
                    // it could be just finishing AND changing to a new goal state.
                    // This implAnim might also not be an already running transition. It might be
                    // newly added to the list in a previous iteration. This would happen if
                    // you have both an explicit transition-property and 'all' in the same
                    // list. In this case, the latter one overrides the earlier one, so we
                    // behave as though this is a running animation being replaced.
                    if (!implAnim->isTargetPropertyEqual(prop, targetStyle)) {
                        // For accelerated animations we need to return a new RenderStyle with the _current_ value
                        // of the property, so that restarted transitions use the correct starting point.
                        if (CSSPropertyAnimation::animationOfPropertyIsAccelerated(prop) && implAnim->isAccelerated()) {
                            if (!modifiedCurrentStyle)
                                modifiedCurrentStyle = RenderStyle::clone(currentStyle);

                            implAnim->blendPropertyValueInStyle(prop, modifiedCurrentStyle.get());
                        LOG(Animations, "Removing existing ImplicitAnimation %p for property %s", implAnim, getPropertyName(prop));
                        equal = false;
                } else {
                    // We need to start a transition if it is active and the properties don't match
                    equal = !isActiveTransition || CSSPropertyAnimation::propertiesEqual(prop, fromStyle, targetStyle);

                // We can be in this loop with an inactive transition (!isActiveTransition). We need
                // to do that to check to see if we are canceling a transition. But we don't want to
                // start one of the inactive transitions. So short circuit that here. (See
                // <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24787>
                if (!equal && isActiveTransition) {
                    // Add the new transition
                    RefPtr<ImplicitAnimation> implicitAnimation = ImplicitAnimation::create(animation, prop, renderer, this, modifiedCurrentStyle ? modifiedCurrentStyle.get() : fromStyle);
                    LOG(Animations, "Created ImplicitAnimation %p for property %s duration %.2f delay %.2f", implicitAnimation.get(), getPropertyName(prop), animation.duration(), animation.delay());
                    m_transitions.set(prop, implicitAnimation.release());
                // We only need one pass for the single prop case
                if (!all)

    // Make a list of transitions to be removed
    Vector<int> toBeRemoved;
    for (auto& transition : m_transitions.values()) {
        if (!transition->active()) {
            LOG(Animations, "Removing ImplicitAnimation %p for property %s", transition.get(), getPropertyName(transition->animatingProperty()));

    // Now remove the transitions from the list
    for (auto propertyToRemove : toBeRemoved)
コード例 #2
void CompositeAnimation::updateTransitions(RenderObject* renderer, RenderStyle* currentStyle, RenderStyle* targetStyle)
    // If currentStyle is null or there are no old or new transitions, just skip it
    if (!currentStyle || (!targetStyle->transitions() && m_transitions.isEmpty()))

    // Mark all existing transitions as no longer active. We will mark the still active ones
    // in the next loop and then toss the ones that didn't get marked.
    CSSPropertyTransitionsMap::const_iterator end = m_transitions.end();
    for (CSSPropertyTransitionsMap::const_iterator it = m_transitions.begin(); it != end; ++it)
    RefPtr<RenderStyle> modifiedCurrentStyle;
    // Check to see if we need to update the active transitions
    if (targetStyle->transitions()) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < targetStyle->transitions()->size(); ++i) {
            const Animation* anim = targetStyle->transitions()->animation(i);
            bool isActiveTransition = anim->duration() || anim->delay() > 0;

            int prop = anim->property();

            if (prop == cAnimateNone)

            bool all = prop == cAnimateAll;

            // Handle both the 'all' and single property cases. For the single prop case, we make only one pass
            // through the loop.
            for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < AnimationBase::getNumProperties(); ++propertyIndex) {
                if (all) {
                    // Get the next property which is not a shorthand.
                    bool isShorthand;
                    prop = AnimationBase::getPropertyAtIndex(propertyIndex, isShorthand);
                    if (isShorthand)

                // ImplicitAnimations are always hashed by actual properties, never cAnimateAll
                ASSERT(prop >= firstCSSProperty && prop < (firstCSSProperty + numCSSProperties));

                // If there is a running animation for this property, the transition is overridden
                // and we have to use the unanimatedStyle from the animation. We do the test
                // against the unanimated style here, but we "override" the transition later.
                RefPtr<KeyframeAnimation> keyframeAnim = getAnimationForProperty(prop);
                RenderStyle* fromStyle = keyframeAnim ? keyframeAnim->unanimatedStyle() : currentStyle;

                // See if there is a current transition for this prop
                ImplicitAnimation* implAnim = m_transitions.get(prop).get();
                bool equal = true;

                if (implAnim) {
                    // If we are post active don't bother setting the active flag. This will cause
                    // this animation to get removed at the end of this function.
                    if (!implAnim->postActive())
                    // This might be a transition that is just finishing. That would be the case
                    // if it were postActive. But we still need to check for equality because
                    // it could be just finishing AND changing to a new goal state.
                    // This implAnim might also not be an already running transition. It might be
                    // newly added to the list in a previous iteration. This would happen if
                    // you have both an explicit transition-property and 'all' in the same
                    // list. In this case, the latter one overrides the earlier one, so we
                    // behave as though this is a running animation being replaced.
                    if (!implAnim->isTargetPropertyEqual(prop, targetStyle)) {
                        // For accelerated animations we need to return a new RenderStyle with the _current_ value
                        // of the property, so that restarted transitions use the correct starting point.
                        if (AnimationBase::animationOfPropertyIsAccelerated(prop) && implAnim->isAccelerated()) {
                            if (!modifiedCurrentStyle)
                                modifiedCurrentStyle = RenderStyle::clone(currentStyle);

                            implAnim->blendPropertyValueInStyle(prop, modifiedCurrentStyle.get());
                        equal = false;
                } else {
                    // We need to start a transition if it is active and the properties don't match
                    equal = !isActiveTransition || AnimationBase::propertiesEqual(prop, fromStyle, targetStyle);

                // We can be in this loop with an inactive transition (!isActiveTransition). We need
                // to do that to check to see if we are canceling a transition. But we don't want to
                // start one of the inactive transitions. So short circuit that here. (See
                // <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24787>
                if (!equal && isActiveTransition) {
                    // Add the new transition
                    m_transitions.set(prop, ImplicitAnimation::create(const_cast<Animation*>(anim), prop, renderer, this, modifiedCurrentStyle ? modifiedCurrentStyle.get() : fromStyle));
                // We only need one pass for the single prop case
                if (!all)

    // Make a list of transitions to be removed
    Vector<int> toBeRemoved;
    end = m_transitions.end();
    for (CSSPropertyTransitionsMap::const_iterator it = m_transitions.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        ImplicitAnimation* anim = it->second.get();
        if (!anim->active())

    // Now remove the transitions from the list
    for (size_t j = 0; j < toBeRemoved.size(); ++j)