コード例 #1
ファイル: pp2g.cpp プロジェクト: jwend/p_points2grid
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    int rank = 0;
    int process_count = 1;
    int reader_count = 1;
    int buffer_size = 10000;
    int is_mpi = 0;
    mpi_times *timer = NULL;
    // end, mpi variables
    clock_t t0, t1;

    // parameters
    char inputName[1024] = {0};
    char inputURL[2048] = {0};
    char outputName[1024] = {0};

    int input_format = INPUT_LAS;
    int interpolation_mode = INTERP_AUTO;
    int output_format = 0;
    unsigned int type = 0x00000000;
    double GRID_DIST_X = 6.0;
    double GRID_DIST_Y = 6.0;
    double searchRadius = (double) sqrt(2.0) * GRID_DIST_X;
    int window_size = 0;

    // argument processing..
    po::options_description general("General options"),
    df("Data file"),
    ot("Output Type"),
    nf("Null Filling"),

    ("help", "produce a help message")
    ("output_file_name,o", po::value<std::string>(), "required. name of output file without extension, i.e. if you want the output file to be test.asc, this parameter shoud be \"test\"")
    ("search_radius,r", po::value<float>(), "specifies the search radius. The default value is square root 2 of horizontal distance in a grid cell")
    ("output_format", po::value<std::string>(), "'all' generates every possible format,\n"
     "'arc' for ArcGIS format,\n"
     "'grid' for Ascii GRID format,\n"
     "the default value is --all")
    ("input_format", po::value<std::string>(), "'ascii' expects input point cloud in ASCII format\n"
     "'las' expects input point cloud in LAS format (default)")
    ("interpolation_mode,m", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("auto"), "'incore' stores working data in memory\n"
     "'outcore' stores working data on the filesystem, 'parallel' uses number of processes specified by mpirun -n\n"
     "'auto' (default) guesses based on the size of the data file")
    ("reader_count,c", po::value<int>(), "when interpolation mode is 'parallel', arg is number of reader processes, default is 1")
    ("buffer_size,b", po::value<int>(), "when interpolation mode is 'parallel', arg is write buffer size in bytes, default is 10000 bytes")
    ("mpi_times,t", "time mpi run");

    ("data_file_name,i", po::value<std::string>(), "path to unzipped plain text data file")
    ("data_file_url,l", po::value<std::string>(), "URL of unzipped plain text data file"
     "You must specify either a data_file_name or data_file_url.");
    ("data_file_name,i", po::value<std::string>(), "required. path to unzipped plain text data file");

    ("min", "the Zmin values are stored")
    ("max", "the Zmax values are stored")
    ("mean", "the Zmean values are stored")
    ("idw", "the Zidw values are stored")
    ("std", "the Zstd values are stored")
    ("den", "the density values are stored")
    ("all", "all the values are stored (default)");

    ("resolution", po::value<float>(), "The resolution is set to the specified value. Use square grids.\n"
     "If no resolution options are specified, a 6 unit square grid is used")
    ("resolution-x", po::value<float>(), "The X side of grid cells is set to the specified value")
    ("resolution-y", po::value<float>(), "The Y side of grid cells is set to the specified value");

    ("fill", "fills nulls in the DEM. Default window size is 3.")
    ("fill_window_size", po::value<int>(), "The fill window is set to value. Permissible values are 3, 5 and 7.");


    po::variables_map vm;

    try {
        po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

        if (vm.count("help")) {
            cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cout << "   " << appName << " (development version )" << endl;
            cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cout << "Usage: " << appName << " [options]" << endl;
            cout << desc << endl;


        if (vm.count("output_format")) {
            std::string of = vm["output_format"].as<std::string>();
            if(of.compare("all") == 0) {
                output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT_ALL;
            else if(of.compare("arc") == 0)
                output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT_ARC_ASCII;
            else if(of.compare("grid") == 0)
                output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT_GRID_ASCII;
            else {
                throw std::logic_error("'" + of + "' is not a recognized output_format");
        // resolution
        if(vm.count("resolution")) {
            float res = vm["resolution"].as<float>();
            GRID_DIST_X = res;
            GRID_DIST_Y = res;
            if(searchRadius == sqrt(2.0) * 6.0)
                searchRadius = (double) sqrt(2.0) * GRID_DIST_X;

            if(GRID_DIST_X == 0) {
                throw std::logic_error("resolution must not be 0");

        if(vm.count("resolution-x")) {
            GRID_DIST_X = vm["resolution-x"].as<float>();
            if(searchRadius == sqrt(2.0) * 6.0)
                searchRadius = (double) sqrt(2.0) * GRID_DIST_X;

            if(GRID_DIST_X == 0) {
                throw std::logic_error("resolution-x must not be 0");

        if(vm.count("resolution-y")) {
            GRID_DIST_Y = vm["resolution-y"].as<float>();
            if(GRID_DIST_Y == 0) {
                throw std::logic_error("resolution-y must not be 0");

        if(vm.count("min")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_MIN;

        if(vm.count("max")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_MAX;

        if(vm.count("mean")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_MEAN;

        if(vm.count("idw")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_IDW;

        if(vm.count("std")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_STD;

        if(vm.count("den")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_DEN;

        if(vm.count("all")) {
            type = OUTPUT_TYPE_ALL;

        if(vm.count("fill")) {
            window_size = 3;

        if(vm.count("fill_window_size")) {
            window_size = vm["fill_window_size"].as<int>();
            if(!((window_size == 3) || (window_size == 5) || (window_size == 7))) {
                throw std::logic_error("window-size must be either 3, 5, or 7");

        if(vm.count("input_format")) {
            std::string inf = vm["input_format"].as<std::string>();

            if(inf.compare("ascii") == 0)
                input_format = INPUT_ASCII;
            else if(inf.compare("las") == 0)
                input_format = INPUT_LAS;
            else {
                throw std::logic_error("'" + inf + "' is not a recognized input_format");

        if(vm.count("data_file_name")) {
            strncpy(inputName, vm["data_file_name"].as<std::string>().c_str(), sizeof(inputName));
        if(vm.count("data_file_url")) {
            strncpy(inputURL, vm["data_file_url"].as<std::string>().c_str(), sizeof(inputURL));

        if((inputName == NULL || !strcmp(inputName, "")) &&
                (inputURL == NULL || !strcmp(inputURL, "")))
            throw std::logic_error("you must specify a valid data file");
        if(!vm.count("data_file_name")) {
            throw std::logic_error("data_file_name  must be specified");
        else {
            strncpy(inputName, vm["data_file_name"].as<std::string>().c_str(), sizeof(inputName));
            if (!strcmp(inputName, "")) {
                throw std::logic_error("data_file_name must not be an empty string");

        if (!vm.count("output_file_name")) {
            throw std::logic_error("output_file_name must be specified");
        else {
            strncpy(outputName, vm["output_file_name"].as<std::string>().c_str(), sizeof(outputName));

        if(vm.count("search_radius")) {
            searchRadius = vm["search_radius"].as<float>();

        if(vm.count("interpolation_mode")) {
            std::string im(vm["interpolation_mode"].as<std::string>());
            if (im.compare("auto") == 0) {
                interpolation_mode = INTERP_AUTO;
            else if (im.compare("incore") == 0) {
                interpolation_mode = INTERP_INCORE;
            else if (im.compare("outcore") == 0) {
                interpolation_mode = INTERP_OUTCORE;
            else if (im.compare("parallel") == 0) {
                interpolation_mode = INTERP_MPI;
            else {
                throw std::logic_error("'" + im + "' is not a recognized interpolation_mode");

        if(type == 0)
            type = OUTPUT_TYPE_ALL;

        if(vm.count("reader_count")) {
            reader_count = vm["reader_count"].as<int>();
        if(vm.count("buffer_size")) {
            buffer_size = vm["buffer_size"].as<int>();
        if(vm.count("mpi_times")) {
            timer = (mpi_times *)malloc(sizeof(mpi_times));

        // download file from URL, and set input name
        if (!((inputURL == NULL || !strcmp(inputURL, "")))) {

            CURL *curl;
            CURLcode res;

            /* get the file name from the URL */
            int i = 0;
            for(i = sizeof(inputURL); i>= 0; i--) {
                if(inputURL[i] == '/')
            strncpy(inputName, inputURL+i+1, sizeof(inputName));

            curl = curl_easy_init();
            if (!curl) {
                cout << "Can't initialize curl object to download input from: "
                     << inputURL << endl;

            /* set URL */
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, inputURL);
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);

            /* and write to file */
            FILE *fp;
            fp = fopen(inputName, "w");
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp);

            /* perform the curl request and clean up */
            res = curl_easy_perform(curl);

            if (res != 0) {
                cout << "Error while downloading input from: " << inputURL << endl;

        if (interpolation_mode == INTERP_MPI)
            if(timer)timer->start = time(NULL);
            MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
            MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &process_count);
            MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
            if (reader_count >= process_count)
                if (rank == 0)
                    printf ("process count = %i is not greater than reader process count = %i.\n",
                            process_count, reader_count);
                    printf ("decrease --parallel(-p) parameter value or add processes.\n");

                MPI_Finalize ();
                return 0;


        if (rank == 0)
            cout << "Parameters ************************" << endl;
            cout << "inputName: '" << inputName << "'" << endl;
            cout << "input_format: " << input_format << endl;
            cout << "outputName: '" << outputName << "'" << endl;
            cout << "GRID_DIST_X: " << GRID_DIST_X << endl;
            cout << "GRID_DIST_Y: " << GRID_DIST_Y << endl;
            cout << "searchRadius: " << searchRadius << endl;
            cout << "output_format: " << output_format << endl;
            cout << "type: " << type << endl;
            cout << "fill window size: " << window_size << endl;
            cout << "parallel interp, reader process count: " << reader_count
                 << endl;
            cout << "parallel interp, writer buffer size: " << buffer_size
                 << endl;
            cout << "************************************" << endl;
        if (interpolation_mode == INTERP_MPI)
            MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    catch (std::exception& e) {
        cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
        cerr << "execute `" << appName << " --help` to see usage information" << endl;

    t0 = clock();

        if(rank == reader_count)printf("Allocating memory...\n");
        timer->init_start = time(NULL);
    Interpolation *ip = new Interpolation(GRID_DIST_X, GRID_DIST_Y, searchRadius,
                                          window_size, interpolation_mode, rank, process_count, reader_count, buffer_size, timer);

    if(ip->init(inputName, input_format) < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Interpolation::init() error\n");
        return -1;
        timer->init_end = time(NULL);
    t1 = clock();
    if(rank == 0)
        //printf("Init + Min/Max time: %10.2f\n", (double)(t1 - t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    t0 = clock();
    if(ip->interpolation(inputName, outputName, input_format, output_format, type) < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Interpolation::interpolation() error\n");
        return -1;

    t1 = clock();
    if (rank == 0 && !timer)
        printf ("DEM generation + Output time: %10.2f\n",
                (double) (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
        printf ("# of data: %d\n", ip->getDataCount ());
        printf ("dimension: %d x %d\n", ip->getGridSizeX (),
                ip->getGridSizeY ());

    if ((interpolation_mode == INTERP_MPI && timer))
        MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        //int first_writer_rank = ip->getInterp ()->getReaderCount ();
        if (timer)
            timer->end = time(NULL);
         long *interp_start = (long *) malloc(sizeof(long)*process_count);

         MPI_Gather(&(timer->interp_start), 1, MPI_LONG,
         interp_start, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        //int i;
        //if (rank == 0)
        //for (i = 0; i < process_count; i++)
        //    printf ("interp_start %li, rank %i\n", interp_start[i], i);
        //printf("reader count %i, writer count %i\n",ip->getInterp()->getReaderCount(), ip->getInterp()->getWriterCount());
        //for(i=0; i<process_count; i++){
        //    printf("reader ranks %i writer ranks %i\n",ip->getInterp()->getReaders()[i], ip->getInterp()->getWriters()[i]);
        // }

        if (rank == reader_count)
            printf("Finished, first writer process times...\n");
            printf("Total time %li seconds.\n", timer->end - timer->start);

            printf ("  Allocation: %li seconds.\n",
                    timer->init_end - timer->init_start);
            printf ("  Read and send: %li seconds.\n",
                    timer->interp_end - timer->interp_start);
            printf ("  Process cells: %li seconds.\n",
                    timer->process_end - timer->process_start);
            printf ("  Write cells: %li seconds.\n",
                    timer->output_end -   timer->output_start);



    if (interpolation_mode == INTERP_MPI)
        MPI_Finalize ();
        delete ip;

    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: points2grid.cpp プロジェクト: gijs/points2grid
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    clock_t t0, t1;

    // parameters
    char inputName[1024] = {0};
    char inputURL[2048] = {0};
    char outputName[1024] = {0};

    int input_format = INPUT_LAS;
    int interpolation_mode = INTERP_AUTO;
    int output_format = 0;
    unsigned int type = 0x00000000;
    double GRID_DIST_X = 6.0;
    double GRID_DIST_Y = 6.0;
    double searchRadius = (double) sqrt(2.0) * GRID_DIST_X;
    int window_size = 0;

    // argument processing..
    po::options_description general("General options"),
       df("Data file"),
       ot("Output Type"),
       nf("Null Filling"),

    ("help", "produce a help message")
    ("output_file_name,o", po::value<std::string>(), "required. name of output file without extension, i.e. if you want the output file to be test.asc, this parameter shoud be \"test\"")
    ("search_radius,r", po::value<float>(), "specifies the search radius. The default value is square root 2 of horizontal distance in a grid cell")
    ("output_format", po::value<std::string>(), "'all' generates every possible format,\n"
     "'arc' for ArcGIS format,\n"
     "'grid' for Ascii GRID format,\n"
     "the default value is --all")
    ("input_format", po::value<std::string>(), "'ascii' expects input point cloud in ASCII format\n"
     "'las' expects input point cloud in LAS format (default)")
    ("interpolation_mode", po::value<std::string>()->default_value("auto"), "'incore' stores working data in memory\n"
     "'outcore' stores working data on the filesystem\n"
     "'auto' (default) guesses based on the size of the data file");

    ("data_file_name,i", po::value<std::string>(), "path to unzipped plain text data file")
    ("data_file_url,l", po::value<std::string>(), "URL of unzipped plain text data file"
     "You must specify either a data_file_name or data_file_url.");
    ("data_file_name,i", po::value<std::string>(), "required. path to unzipped plain text data file");

    ("min", "the Zmin values are stored")
    ("max", "the Zmax values are stored")
    ("mean", "the Zmean values are stored")
    ("idw", "the Zidw values are stored")
    ("den", "the density values are stored")
    ("all", "all the values are stored (default)");

    ("resolution", po::value<float>(), "The resolution is set to the specified value. Use square grids.\n"
     "If no resolution options are specified, a 6ft square grid is used")
    ("resolution-x", po::value<float>(), "The X side of grid cells is set to the specified value")
    ("resolution-y", po::value<float>(), "The Y side of grid cells is set to the specified value");

    ("fill", "fills nulls in the DEM. Default window size is 3.")
    ("fill_window_size", po::value<int>(), "The fill window is set to value. Permissible values are 3, 5 and 7.");


    po::variables_map vm;

    try {
        po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

        if (vm.count("help")) {
            cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cout << "   " << appName << " (development version )" << endl;
            cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cout << "Usage: " << appName << " [options]" << endl;
            cout << desc << endl;


        if (vm.count("output_format")) {
            std::string of = vm["output_format"].as<std::string>();
            if(of.compare("all") == 0) {
                output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT_ALL;
            else if(of.compare("arc") == 0)
                output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT_ARC_ASCII;
            else if(of.compare("grid") == 0)
                output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT_GRID_ASCII;
            else {
                throw std::logic_error("'" + of + "' is not a recognized output_format");
        // resolution
        if(vm.count("resolution")) {
            float res = vm["resolution"].as<float>();
            GRID_DIST_X = res;
            GRID_DIST_Y = res;
            if(searchRadius == sqrt(2.0) * 6.0)
                searchRadius = (double) sqrt(2.0) * GRID_DIST_X;

            if(GRID_DIST_X == 0) {
                throw std::logic_error("resolution must not be 0");

        if(vm.count("resolution-x")) {
            GRID_DIST_X = vm["resolution-x"].as<float>();
            if(searchRadius == sqrt(2.0) * 6.0)
                searchRadius = (double) sqrt(2.0) * GRID_DIST_X;

            if(GRID_DIST_X == 0) {
                throw std::logic_error("resolution-x must not be 0");

        if(vm.count("resolution-y")) {
            GRID_DIST_Y = vm["resolution-y"].as<float>();
            if(GRID_DIST_Y == 0) {
                throw std::logic_error("resolution-y must not be 0");

        if(vm.count("min")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_MIN;

        if(vm.count("max")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_MAX;

        if(vm.count("mean")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_MEAN;

        if(vm.count("idw")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_IDW;

        if(vm.count("den")) {
            type |= OUTPUT_TYPE_DEN;

        if(vm.count("all")) {
            type = OUTPUT_TYPE_ALL;

        if(vm.count("fill")) {
            window_size = 3;

        if(vm.count("fill_window_size")) {
            window_size = vm["fill_window_size"].as<int>();
            if(!((window_size == 3) || (window_size == 5) || (window_size == 7))) {
                throw std::logic_error("window-size must be either 3, 5, or 7");

        if(vm.count("input_format")) {
            std::string inf = vm["input_format"].as<std::string>();

            if(inf.compare("ascii") == 0)
                input_format = INPUT_ASCII;
            else if(inf.compare("las") == 0)
                input_format = INPUT_LAS;
            else {
                throw std::logic_error("'" + inf + "' is not a recognized input_format");

        if(vm.count("data_file_name")) {
            strncpy(inputName, vm["data_file_name"].as<std::string>().c_str(), sizeof(inputName));
        if(vm.count("data_file_url")) {
            strncpy(inputURL, vm["data_file_url"].as<std::string>().c_str(), sizeof(inputURL));

        if((inputName == NULL || !strcmp(inputName, "")) &&
                (inputURL == NULL || !strcmp(inputURL, "")))
            throw std::logic_error("you must specify a valid data file");
        if(!vm.count("data_file_name")) {
            throw std::logic_error("data_file_name  must be specified");
        else {
            strncpy(inputName, vm["data_file_name"].as<std::string>().c_str(), sizeof(inputName));
            if (!strcmp(inputName, "")) {
                throw std::logic_error("data_file_name must not be an empty string");

        if (!vm.count("output_file_name")) {
            throw std::logic_error("output_file_name must be specified");
        else {
            strncpy(outputName, vm["output_file_name"].as<std::string>().c_str(), sizeof(outputName));

        if(vm.count("search_radius")) {
            searchRadius = vm["search_radius"].as<float>();

        if(vm.count("interpolation_mode")) {
            std::string im(vm["interpolation_mode"].as<std::string>());
            if (im.compare("auto") == 0) {
                interpolation_mode = INTERP_AUTO;
            else if (im.compare("incore") == 0) {
                interpolation_mode = INTERP_INCORE;
            else if (im.compare("outcore") == 0) {
                interpolation_mode = INTERP_OUTCORE;
            else {
                throw std::logic_error("'" + im + "' is not a recognized interpolation_mode");

        if(type == 0)
            type = OUTPUT_TYPE_ALL;

        // download file from URL, and set input name
        if (!((inputURL == NULL || !strcmp(inputURL, "")))) {

            CURL *curl;
            CURLcode res;

            /* get the file name from the URL */
            int i = 0;
            for(i = sizeof(inputURL); i>= 0; i--) {
                if(inputURL[i] == '/')
            strncpy(inputName, inputURL+i+1, sizeof(inputName));

            curl = curl_easy_init();
            if (!curl) {
                cout << "Can't initialize curl object to download input from: "
                     << inputURL << endl;

            /* set URL */
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, inputURL);
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);

            /* and write to file */
            FILE *fp;
            fp = fopen(inputName, "w");
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp);

            /* perform the curl request and clean up */
            res = curl_easy_perform(curl);

            if (res != 0) {
                cout << "Error while downloading input from: " << inputURL << endl;

        cout << "Parameters ************************" << endl;
        cout << "inputName: '" << inputName << "'" << endl;
        cout << "input_format: " << input_format << endl;
        cout << "outputName: '" << outputName << "'" << endl;
        cout << "GRID_DIST_X: " << GRID_DIST_X << endl;
        cout << "GRID_DIST_Y: " << GRID_DIST_Y << endl;
        cout << "searchRadius: " << searchRadius << endl;
        cout << "output_format: " << output_format << endl;
        cout << "type: " << type << endl;
        cout << "fill window size: " << window_size << endl;
        cout << "************************************" << endl;
    catch (std::exception& e) {
        cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
        cerr << "execute `" << appName << " --help` to see usage information" << endl;

    t0 = clock();

    Interpolation *ip = new Interpolation(GRID_DIST_X, GRID_DIST_Y, searchRadius,
                                          window_size, interpolation_mode);

    if(ip->init(inputName, input_format) < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Interpolation::init() error\n");
        return -1;

    t1 = clock();
    printf("Init + Min/Max time: %10.2f\n", (double)(t1 - t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    t0 = clock();
    if(ip->interpolation(inputName, outputName, input_format, output_format, type) < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Interpolation::interpolation() error\n");
        return -1;

    t1 = clock();
    printf("DEM generation + Output time: %10.2f\n", (double)(t1 - t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    printf("# of data: %d\n", ip->getDataCount());
    printf("dimension: %d x %d\n", ip->getGridSizeX(), ip->getGridSizeY());

    delete ip;

    return 0;