コード例 #1
ファイル: BankTool.cpp プロジェクト: brownie/cashlib
bool BankTool::verifyIdentity(ProofMessage* idProof, const ZZ &userPK) const {
	// check user's PoK of sk_u such that pk_u = g^sk_u
	InterpreterVerifier verifier;
	group_map g;
	g["G"] = bankParameters->getCashGroup();
	verifier.check(CommonFunctions::getZKPDir()+"/userid.txt", input_map(), g);
	variable_map v;
	v["pk_u"] = userPK;
	verifier.compute(v, idProof->publics);
	return verifier.verify(idProof->proof, stat);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CLBlindRecipient.cpp プロジェクト: myucel/cashlib
bool CLBlindRecipient::verifySig(const ProofMessage &pm, int stat){
	InterpreterVerifier verifier;
    verifier.check("ZKP/examples/cl-issue.txt", inputs);
	// XXX: does the verifier really not need any inputs of its own?
	// this would be a good place to incorporate public messages...
	variable_map q;
	variable_map pubs = pm.publics;
    verifier.compute(q, pubs, g);
	bool verified = verifier.verify(pm.proof, stat);
	printTimer("[CLBlindRecipient] verified issuer proof");
	return verified;
コード例 #3
ファイル: VEVerifier.cpp プロジェクト: myucel/cashlib
bool VEVerifier::verify(const VECiphertext& text, const ZZ& x, 
                        const Group *grp, const string& label, 
                        const hashalg_t& hashAlg, int stat) {
	// set everything up (a lot like the prover side)
	Environment env;
	env.variables["X"] = x;
	env.variables["Xprime"] = text.getCommitment();
	// also add a values
	vector<ZZ> as = pk->getAValues();
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < as.size(); i++) {
		string name = "a_" + lexical_cast<string>(i+1);
		env.variables[name] = as[i];
	env.variables["b"] = pk->getB();
	env.variables["d"] = pk->getD();
	env.variables["e"] = pk->getE();
	env.variables["f"] = pk->getF();

	// set up all groups
	env.groups["cashGroup"] = grp;
	ZZ bigN = pk->getN();
	env.groups["RSAGroup"] = new GroupRSA("arbiter", bigN, stat);
	ZZ bigNSquared = power(bigN, 2);
	env.groups["G"] = new GroupSquareMod("arbiter", bigNSquared, stat);
	const GroupRSA* second = new GroupRSA(pk->getSecondGroup());
	env.groups["secondGroup"] = second;
	input_map inputs;
	inputs["m"] = text.getCiphertext().size() - 2;

	// okay, now that everything is all set, just run the program
	SigmaProof proof = text.getProof();
	variable_map publics = text.getPublics();
	InterpreterVerifier verifier;
	verifier.check("ZKP/examples/ve.txt", inputs, env.groups);
	verifier.compute(env.variables, proof.getCommitments(), publics);
	return verifier.verify(proof, stat);