コード例 #1
void ScrolledItemListBase::ensureItemIsVisibleHorz(const ItemEntry& item)
    const Rect render_area = getItemRenderArea();
    Scrollbar* const h = getHorzScrollbar();
    const float currPos = h->getScrollPosition();

    const float left =
        item.getXPosition().asAbsolute(this->getPixelSize().d_width) - currPos;
    const float right = left + item.getItemPixelSize().d_width;

    // if left is left of the view area, or if item too big, scroll item to left
    if ((left < render_area.d_left) || ((right - left) > render_area.getWidth()))
        h->setScrollPosition(currPos + left);
    // if right is right of the view area, scroll item to right of list
    else if (right >= render_area.d_right)
        h->setScrollPosition(currPos + right - render_area.getWidth());
コード例 #2
void ScrolledItemListBase::ensureItemIsVisibleVert(const ItemEntry& item)
    const Rect render_area = getItemRenderArea();
    Scrollbar* const v = getVertScrollbar();
    const float currPos = v->getScrollPosition();

    const float top =
        item.getYPosition().asAbsolute(this->getPixelSize().d_height) - currPos;
    const float bottom = top + item.getItemPixelSize().d_height;

    // if top is above the view area, or if item is too big, scroll item to top
    if ((top < render_area.d_top) || ((bottom - top) > render_area.getHeight()))
        v->setScrollPosition(currPos + top);
    // if bottom is below the view area, scroll item to bottom of list
    else if (bottom >= render_area.d_bottom)
        v->setScrollPosition(currPos + bottom - render_area.getHeight());