コード例 #1
inline void DialogHandler::dialogCreated(DOMWindow* dialog)
    m_frame = dialog->frame();
    // FIXME: This looks like a leak between the normal world and an isolated
    //        world if dialogArguments comes from an isolated world.
    JSDOMWindow* globalObject = toJSDOMWindow(m_frame.get(), normalWorld(m_exec->globalData()));
    if (JSValue dialogArguments = m_exec->argument(1))
        globalObject->putDirect(m_exec->globalData(), Identifier(m_exec, "dialogArguments"), dialogArguments);
コード例 #2
// Helper for window.open() and window.showModalDialog()
static Frame* createWindow(ExecState* exec, Frame* lexicalFrame, Frame* dynamicFrame,
                           Frame* openerFrame, const String& url, const String& frameName, 
                           const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures, JSValue dialogArgs)

    ResourceRequest request;

    // For whatever reason, Firefox uses the dynamicGlobalObject to determine
    // the outgoingReferrer.  We replicate that behavior here.
    String referrer = dynamicFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer();
    FrameLoader::addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(request, dynamicFrame->loader()->outgoingOrigin());
    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(request, frameName);

    // FIXME: It's much better for client API if a new window starts with a URL, here where we
    // know what URL we are going to open. Unfortunately, this code passes the empty string
    // for the URL, but there's a reason for that. Before loading we have to set up the opener,
    // openedByDOM, and dialogArguments values. Also, to decide whether to use the URL we currently
    // do an allowsAccessFrom call using the window we create, which can't be done before creating it.
    // We'd have to resolve all those issues to pass the URL instead of "".

    bool created;
    // We pass the opener frame for the lookupFrame in case the active frame is different from
    // the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame.
    Frame* newFrame = createWindow(lexicalFrame, openerFrame, frameRequest, windowFeatures, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return 0;


    // FIXME: If a window is created from an isolated world, what are the consequences of this? 'dialogArguments' only appears back in the normal world?
    JSDOMWindow* newWindow = toJSDOMWindow(newFrame, normalWorld(exec->globalData()));

    if (dialogArgs)
        newWindow->putDirect(Identifier(exec, "dialogArguments"), dialogArgs);

    if (!protocolIsJavaScript(url) || newWindow->allowsAccessFrom(exec)) {
        KURL completedURL = url.isEmpty() ? KURL(ParsedURLString, "") : completeURL(exec, url);
        bool userGesture = processingUserGesture();

        if (created)
            newFrame->loader()->changeLocation(completedURL, referrer, false, false, userGesture);
        else if (!url.isEmpty())
            newFrame->redirectScheduler()->scheduleLocationChange(completedURL.string(), referrer, !lexicalFrame->script()->anyPageIsProcessingUserGesture(), false, userGesture);

    return newFrame;
コード例 #3
static Frame* createWindow(ExecState* exec, Frame* openerFrame, const String& url,
    const String& frameName, const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures, JSValuePtr dialogArgs)
    Frame* activeFrame = asJSDOMWindow(exec->dynamicGlobalObject())->impl()->frame();

    ResourceRequest request;

    FrameLoader::addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(request, activeFrame->loader()->outgoingOrigin());
    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(request, frameName);

    // FIXME: It's much better for client API if a new window starts with a URL, here where we
    // know what URL we are going to open. Unfortunately, this code passes the empty string
    // for the URL, but there's a reason for that. Before loading we have to set up the opener,
    // openedByDOM, and dialogArguments values. Also, to decide whether to use the URL we currently
    // do an allowsAccessFrom call using the window we create, which can't be done before creating it.
    // We'd have to resolve all those issues to pass the URL instead of "".

    bool created;
    // We pass in the opener frame here so it can be used for looking up the frame name, in case the active frame
    // is different from the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame, for example
    // "_self" or "_parent".
    Frame* newFrame = activeFrame->loader()->createWindow(openerFrame->loader(), frameRequest, windowFeatures, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return 0;


    JSDOMWindow* newWindow = toJSDOMWindow(newFrame);

    if (dialogArgs)
        newWindow->putDirect(Identifier(exec, "dialogArguments"), dialogArgs);

    if (!protocolIs(url, "javascript") || newWindow->allowsAccessFrom(exec)) {
        KURL completedURL = url.isEmpty() ? KURL("") : activeFrame->document()->completeURL(url);
        bool userGesture = activeFrame->script()->processingUserGesture();

        if (created)
            newFrame->loader()->changeLocation(completedURL, activeFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer(), false, userGesture);
        else if (!url.isEmpty())
            newFrame->loader()->scheduleLocationChange(completedURL.string(), activeFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer(), false, userGesture);

    return newFrame;