bool ModelImporter::SaveSettingsInternal() { if (!AssetImporter::SaveSettingsInternal()) return false; JSONValue save = jsonRoot_.CreateChild("ModelImporter"); save.SetFloat("scale", scale_); save.SetBool("importAnimations", importAnimations_); JSONValue animInfo = save.CreateChild("animInfo", JSON_ARRAY); for (unsigned i = 0; i < animationInfo_.Size(); i++) { const SharedPtr<AnimationImportInfo>& info = animationInfo_[i]; JSONValue jinfo = animInfo.CreateChild(); jinfo.SetString("name", info->GetName()); jinfo.SetFloat("startTime", info->GetStartTime()); jinfo.SetFloat("endTime", info->GetEndTime()); } return true; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_tv_ouya_sdk_android_CallbacksRequestPurchase_CallbacksRequestPurchaseOnSuccess(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jstring jsonData) { //LOGI("***********Java_tv_ouya_sdk_android_CallbacksRequestPurchase_CallbacksRequestPurchaseOnSuccess***********"); std::string strJsonData = env->GetStringUTFChars(jsonData, NULL); //char buffer[256]; //sprintf(buffer, "Java_tv_ouya_sdk_android_CallbacksRequestPurchase_CallbacksRequestPurchaseOnSuccess: Returned to C: %s", strJsonData.c_str()); //LOGI(buffer); // Parse example data JSONValue* value = JSON::Parse(strJsonData.c_str()); if (value == NULL) { LOGI("Parsing JSON Failed"); return; } if (!value->IsObject()) { LOGI("Parsing JSON Failed: Not an object"); return; } // Retrieve the main object JSONValue data = value->AsObject(); OuyaSDK::Product product; product.ParseJSON(&data); CallbacksRequestPurchase* callback = CallbackSingleton::GetInstance()->m_callbacksRequestPurchase; if (callback) { callback->OnSuccess(product); } }
// load .asset bool Asset::Load() { FileSystem* fs = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>(); AssetDatabase* db = GetSubsystem<AssetDatabase>(); String assetFilename = GetDotAssetFilename(); SharedPtr<File> file(new File(context_, assetFilename)); json_ = new JSONFile(context_); json_->Load(*file); file->Close(); JSONValue root = json_->GetRoot(); assert(root.Get("version").GetInt() == ASSET_VERSION); guid_ = root.Get("guid").GetString(); db->RegisterGUID(guid_); dirty_ = false; if (!CheckCacheFile()) { LOGINFOF("CheckCacheFile:false - %s", path_.CString()); dirty_ = true; } // handle import if (importer_.NotNull()) importer_->LoadSettings(root); json_ = 0; return true; }
bool AEEditorPrefs::ReadPreferences(VariantMap& engineParameters) { String path = GetPreferencesPath(); JSONValue prefs; LoadPreferences(prefs); if (!prefs.IsObject() || !prefs["editorWindow"].IsObject()) { if (!CreateDefaultPreferences(path, prefs)) return false; } JSONValue& editorWindow = prefs["editorWindow"]; engineParameters["WindowPositionX"] = editorWindow["x"].GetUInt(); engineParameters["WindowPositionY"] = editorWindow["y"].GetUInt(); engineParameters["WindowWidth"] = editorWindow["width"].GetUInt(); engineParameters["WindowHeight"] = editorWindow["height"].GetUInt(); engineParameters["WindowMaximized"] = editorWindow["maximized"].GetBool(); return true; }
bool NETToolSystem::InspectAssembly(const String& pathToAssembly, JSONValue &json) { json.SetType(JSON_NULL); if (!inspectAssemblyFunction_) return false; String jsonString = inspectAssemblyFunction_(pathToAssembly.CString()); if (!jsonString.Length()) return false; return JSONFile::ParseJSON(jsonString, json); }
void IOSBuildSettings::Write(JSONValue& parent) { JSONValue json; json.Set("appName", appName_); json.Set("packageName", packageName_); json.Set("companyName", companyName_); json.Set("productName", productName_); json.Set("provisionFile", provisionFile_); json.Set("appIDPrefix", appidPrefix_); parent.Set("IOSBuildSettings", json); }
void WebBuildSettings::Read(JSONValue& parent) { JSONValue json = parent.Get("WebBuildSettings"); if (!json.IsObject()) return; appName_ = json.Get("appName").GetString(); packageName_ = json.Get("packageName").GetString(); companyName_ = json.Get("companyName").GetString(); productName_ = json.Get("productName").GetString(); }
bool HGESurrogate::createJSON(JSONValue& json, bool firstResponder) { bool didCreate = 0; if (json.IsObject()) { if (firstResponder) { JSONValue& substitution = json[JSON_SUBSTITUTION_DECLARATION]; if (!substitution.IsUndefined()) { this->carry(substitution); didCreate = !0; firstResponder = 0; } } } return didCreate; }
JSONObject Configuration::getObjectFromArray(const wstring& arrayName, const wstring& field) { JSONValue *c = json[arrayName]; if (c == NULL || c->IsObject() == FALSE) { throw new exception(); } JSONObject arr = c->AsObject(); JSONValue *val = arr[field]; if (val == NULL || val->IsObject() == FALSE) { throw new exception(); } return val->AsObject(); }
bool ObjectAnimation::LoadJSON(const JSONValue& source) { attributeAnimationInfos_.Clear(); JSONValue attributeAnimationsValue = source.Get("attributeanimations"); if (attributeAnimationsValue.IsNull()) return true; if (!attributeAnimationsValue.IsObject()) return true; const JSONObject& attributeAnimationsObject = attributeAnimationsValue.GetObject(); for (JSONObject::ConstIterator it = attributeAnimationsObject.Begin(); it != attributeAnimationsObject.End(); it++) { String name = it->first_; JSONValue value = it->second_; SharedPtr<ValueAnimation> animation(new ValueAnimation(context_)); if (!animation->LoadJSON(value)) return false; String wrapModeString = value.Get("wrapmode").GetString(); WrapMode wrapMode = WM_LOOP; for (int i = 0; i <= WM_CLAMP; ++i) { if (wrapModeString == wrapModeNames[i]) { wrapMode = (WrapMode)i; break; } } float speed = value.Get("speed").GetFloat(); AddAttributeAnimation(name, animation, wrapMode, speed); } return true; }
bool ResourceMapRouter::Load(const JSONValue& json) { const JSONValue& assetMap = json.Get("assetMap"); if (!assetMap.IsObject()) return false; ConstJSONObjectIterator itr = assetMap.Begin(); while (itr != assetMap.End()) { StringVector tags = itr->first_.Split(';'); if (tags.Size() == 2) { resourceMap_[tags[0]][tags[1]] = itr->second_.GetString(); } itr++; } return true; }
INT Configuration::getIntFromArray(const wstring& arrayName, const wstring& field) { JSONObject::const_iterator iter; JSONValue *c = json[arrayName]; if (c == NULL || c->IsObject() == FALSE) { throw new exception(); } JSONObject arr = c->AsObject(); JSONValue *val = arr[field]; if (val == NULL || val->IsNumber() == FALSE) { throw new exception(); } return static_cast<INT>(val->AsNumber()); }
void QuizSubmission::save(QuizQuestion const* qq, JSONValue &document, Session &session, AsyncCallback callback) const { document["validation_token"] = validationToken(); document["attempt"] = attempt(); document["access_code"] = mQuiz->accessCode(); session.put(qq->answerUrl(*this), document.toStyledString(), [&, callback](bool success, HTTP::Response response) { if (!success) { if (callback) { callback(false); } return; } if (callback) { callback(true); } }); }
bool ObjectAnimation::SaveJSON(JSONValue& dest) const { JSONValue attributeAnimationsValue; for (HashMap<String, SharedPtr<ValueAnimationInfo> >::ConstIterator i = attributeAnimationInfos_.Begin(); i != attributeAnimationInfos_.End(); ++i) { JSONValue animValue; animValue.Set("name", i->first_); const ValueAnimationInfo* info = i->second_; if (!info->GetAnimation()->SaveJSON(animValue)) return false; animValue.Set("wrapmode", wrapModeNames[info->GetWrapMode()]); animValue.Set("speed", (float) info->GetSpeed()); attributeAnimationsValue.Set(i->first_, animValue); } dest.Set("attributeanimations", attributeAnimationsValue); return true; }
bool Animatable::SaveJSON(JSONValue& dest) const { if (!Serializable::SaveJSON(dest)) return false; // Object animation without name if (objectAnimation_ && objectAnimation_->GetName().Empty()) { JSONValue objectAnimationValue; if (!objectAnimation_->SaveJSON(objectAnimationValue)) return false; dest.Set("objectanimation", objectAnimationValue); } JSONValue attributeAnimationValue; for (HashMap<String, SharedPtr<AttributeAnimationInfo> >::ConstIterator i = attributeAnimationInfos_.Begin(); i != attributeAnimationInfos_.End(); ++i) { ValueAnimation* attributeAnimation = i->second_->GetAnimation(); if (attributeAnimation->GetOwner()) continue; const AttributeInfo& attr = i->second_->GetAttributeInfo(); JSONValue attributeValue; attributeValue.Set("name", attr.name_); if (!attributeAnimation->SaveJSON(attributeValue)) return false; attributeValue.Set("wrapmode", wrapModeNames[i->second_->GetWrapMode()]); attributeValue.Set("speed", (float) i->second_->GetSpeed()); attributeAnimationValue.Set(attr.name_, attributeValue); } return true; }
JSONValue::JSONValue(const JSONValue &v) { m_type = v.getType(); switch (m_type) { case JSONValue::NULLTYPE: break; // nothing to do case JSONValue::BOOL: if (!v.getValue(m_bool)) throw(JSONCopyException("Failed to copy boolean")); break; case JSONValue::NUMBER: if (!v.getValue(m_num)) throw(JSONCopyException("Failed to copy float")); break; case JSONValue::STRING: mp_string = new string; if (!v.getValue(*mp_string)) { delete mp_string; // Make sure we don't leak memory in the event of a // failure throw(JSONCopyException("Failed to copy string")); } break; case JSONValue::ARRAY: mp_array = new JSONArray; if (!v.getValue(*mp_array)) { delete mp_array; throw(JSONCopyException("Failed to copy array")); } break; case JSONValue::OBJECT: mp_object = new JSONObject; if (!v.getValue(*mp_object)) { delete mp_object; throw(JSONCopyException("Failed to copy object")); } break; default: // Should never hit this! throw(JSONCopyException("Unknown JSON type!!")); } }
std::wstring CTestJSON::AddJsonStr( const std::wstring& strJsonStr ) { /* SimpleJson 库插入是非常麻烦的事情。 JSONValue对象有智能指针的功能,会给你析构掉它所包含的JSON对象 而JSON的as....函数,返回的是const类型的引用,如果是array类型,那么是JSONValue*的浅拷贝 对Parse的返回值实行delete之后,JSONValue又会再delete一次,于是出现多次析构的错误 所以必须保证,要么只有JSONValue对象去执行析构,要么只有主动的delete Parse的返回值。 对于插入来说,这种逻辑会带来麻烦。定义了一个JSONValue,浅拷贝了parse返回值的一部分json对象, 然后JSONValue析构了浅拷贝的JSONValue*,先对Parse的返回值则很难做处理,如果delete,则多析构了JSON对象, 如果不delete,则Parse内部new的map内存没有被析构。 解决办法有两种: 1、不要定义JSONValue对象,而是定义JSONValue引用,因为我要往JSONValue里插值,所以必须用到const_cast。 2、递归拷贝出JSONValue*里的字符串格式的JSON对象,然后再Parse之后进入新JSONObj, 保证新、旧对象分离。 */ JSONValue* jsInput = JSON::Parse(strJsonStr.c_str()); if (jsInput == NULL || !jsInput->IsObject()) { return L""; } std::wstring strRet; JSONObject jsObjNew; JSONObject::const_iterator it = jsInput->AsObject().begin(); JSONObject::const_iterator itEnd = jsInput->AsObject().end(); for (; it != itEnd; ++it) { std::wstring strFirst = it->first.c_str(); std::wstring strSecond = it->second->Stringify().c_str(); JSONValue* pTemp = JSON::Parse(strSecond.c_str()); jsObjNew[strFirst] = pTemp; } jsObjNew[L"Love"] = new(std::nothrow)JSONValue(L"is Happiness"); JSONValue jsValueNew = jsObjNew; strRet = jsValueNew.Stringify(); return strRet; }
bool UnknownComponent::SaveJSON(JSONValue& dest) const { if (!useXML_) ATOMIC_LOGWARNING("UnknownComponent loaded in binary mode, attributes will be empty for JSON save"); // Write type and ID dest.Set("type", GetTypeName()); dest.Set("id", (int) id_); JSONArray attributesArray; attributesArray.Reserve(xmlAttributeInfos_.Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < xmlAttributeInfos_.Size(); ++i) { JSONValue attrVal; attrVal.Set("name", xmlAttributeInfos_[i].name_); attrVal.Set("value", xmlAttributes_[i]); attributesArray.Push(attrVal); } dest.Set("attributes", attributesArray); return true; }
bool ModelImporter::LoadSettingsInternal() { if (!AssetImporter::LoadSettingsInternal()) return false; JSONValue import = jsonRoot_.GetChild("ModelImporter", JSON_OBJECT); SetDefaults(); if (import.HasMember("scale")) scale_ = import.GetFloat("scale"); if (import.HasMember("importAnimations")) importAnimations_ = import.GetBool("importAnimations"); if (import.HasMember("animInfo")) { JSONValue animInfo = import.GetChild("animInfo"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < animInfo.GetSize(); i++) { JSONValue anim = animInfo.GetChild(i); SharedPtr<AnimationImportInfo> info(new AnimationImportInfo(context_)); info->name_ = anim.GetString("name"); info->SetStartTime(anim.GetFloat("startTime")); info->SetEndTime(anim.GetFloat("endTime")); animationInfo_.Push(info); } } return true; }
void Student::Login::deserialize(JSONValue& root) { mUserId = root.get("user_id", 0).asUInt(); }
bool CSComponentAssembly::ParseComponentClassJSON(const JSONValue& json) { if (!typeMap_.Size()) InitTypeMap(); String className = json.Get("name").GetString(); classNames_.Push(className); const JSONValue& jfields = json.Get("fields"); PODVector<StringHash> enumsAdded; if (jfields.IsArray()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < jfields.GetArray().Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& jfield = jfields.GetArray().At(i); VariantType varType = VAR_NONE; bool isEnum = jfield.Get("isEnum").GetBool(); String typeName = jfield.Get("typeName").GetString(); String fieldName = jfield.Get("name").GetString(); String defaultValue = jfield.Get("defaultValue").GetString(); if (!defaultValue.Length()) { JSONArray caPos = jfield.Get("caPos").GetArray(); if (caPos.Size()) defaultValue = caPos[0].GetString(); } if (!defaultValue.Length()) { JSONObject caNamed = jfield.Get("caNamed").GetObject(); if (caNamed.Contains("DefaultValue")) defaultValue = caNamed["DefaultValue"].GetString(); } if (isEnum && assemblyEnums_.Contains(typeName) && !enumsAdded.Contains(fieldName)) { varType = VAR_INT; enumsAdded.Push(fieldName); const Vector<EnumInfo>& einfos = assemblyEnums_[typeName]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < einfos.Size(); i++) AddEnum(/*typeName*/fieldName, einfos[i], className); } if (varType == VAR_NONE && typeMap_.Contains(typeName)) varType = typeMap_[typeName]; if (varType == VAR_NONE) { // FIXME: We need to be able to test if a type is a ResourceRef, this isn't really the way to achieve that const HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<ObjectFactory>>& factories = context_->GetObjectFactories(); HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<ObjectFactory>>::ConstIterator itr = factories.Begin(); while (itr != factories.End()) { if (itr->second_->GetTypeName() == typeName) { varType = VAR_RESOURCEREF; break; } itr++; } if (varType == VAR_NONE) { ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Component Class %s contains unmappable type %s in field %s", className.CString(), typeName.CString(), fieldName.CString()); continue; } } if (!defaultValue.Length() && varType == VAR_RESOURCEREF) { // We still need a default value for ResourceRef's so we know the classtype AddDefaultValue(fieldName, ResourceRef(typeName), className); } else { Variant value; if (varType == VAR_RESOURCEREF) { ResourceRef rref(typeName); rref.name_ = defaultValue; value = rref; } else { value.FromString(varType, defaultValue); } AddDefaultValue(fieldName, value, className); } AddField(fieldName, varType, className); } } return true; }
bool Animation::BeginLoad(Deserializer& source) { unsigned memoryUse = sizeof(Animation); // Check ID if (source.ReadFileID() != "UANI") { URHO3D_LOGERROR(source.GetName() + " is not a valid animation file"); return false; } // Read name and length animationName_ = source.ReadString(); animationNameHash_ = animationName_; length_ = source.ReadFloat(); tracks_.Clear(); unsigned tracks = source.ReadUInt(); memoryUse += tracks * sizeof(AnimationTrack); // Read tracks for (unsigned i = 0; i < tracks; ++i) { AnimationTrack* newTrack = CreateTrack(source.ReadString()); newTrack->channelMask_ = source.ReadUByte(); unsigned keyFrames = source.ReadUInt(); newTrack->keyFrames_.Resize(keyFrames); memoryUse += keyFrames * sizeof(AnimationKeyFrame); // Read keyframes of the track for (unsigned j = 0; j < keyFrames; ++j) { AnimationKeyFrame& newKeyFrame = newTrack->keyFrames_[j]; newKeyFrame.time_ = source.ReadFloat(); if (newTrack->channelMask_ & CHANNEL_POSITION) newKeyFrame.position_ = source.ReadVector3(); if (newTrack->channelMask_ & CHANNEL_ROTATION) newKeyFrame.rotation_ = source.ReadQuaternion(); if (newTrack->channelMask_ & CHANNEL_SCALE) newKeyFrame.scale_ = source.ReadVector3(); } } // Optionally read triggers from an XML file ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>(); String xmlName = ReplaceExtension(GetName(), ".xml"); SharedPtr<XMLFile> file(cache->GetTempResource<XMLFile>(xmlName, false)); if (file) { XMLElement rootElem = file->GetRoot(); XMLElement triggerElem = rootElem.GetChild("trigger"); while (triggerElem) { if (triggerElem.HasAttribute("normalizedtime")) AddTrigger(triggerElem.GetFloat("normalizedtime"), true, triggerElem.GetVariant()); else if (triggerElem.HasAttribute("time")) AddTrigger(triggerElem.GetFloat("time"), false, triggerElem.GetVariant()); triggerElem = triggerElem.GetNext("trigger"); } memoryUse += triggers_.Size() * sizeof(AnimationTriggerPoint); SetMemoryUse(memoryUse); return true; } // Optionally read triggers from a JSON file String jsonName = ReplaceExtension(GetName(), ".json"); SharedPtr<JSONFile> jsonFile(cache->GetTempResource<JSONFile>(jsonName, false)); if (jsonFile) { const JSONValue& rootVal = jsonFile->GetRoot(); JSONArray triggerArray = rootVal.Get("triggers").GetArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < triggerArray.Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& triggerValue = triggerArray.At(i); JSONValue normalizedTimeValue = triggerValue.Get("normalizedTime"); if (!normalizedTimeValue.IsNull()) AddTrigger(normalizedTimeValue.GetFloat(), true, triggerValue.GetVariant()); else { JSONValue timeVal = triggerValue.Get("time"); if (!timeVal.IsNull()) AddTrigger(timeVal.GetFloat(), false, triggerValue.GetVariant()); } } memoryUse += triggers_.Size() * sizeof(AnimationTriggerPoint); SetMemoryUse(memoryUse); return true; } SetMemoryUse(memoryUse); return true; }
void AssetDatabase::Scan() { PruneOrphanedDotAssetFiles(); FileSystem* fs = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>(); const String& resourcePath = project_->GetResourcePath(); Vector<String> allResults; fs->ScanDir(allResults, resourcePath, "", SCAN_FILES | SCAN_DIRS, true); Vector<String> filteredResults; filteredResults.Push(RemoveTrailingSlash(resourcePath)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < allResults.Size(); i++) { allResults[i] = resourcePath + allResults[i]; const String& path = allResults[i]; if (path.StartsWith(".") || path.EndsWith(".")) continue; String ext = GetExtension(path); if (ext == ".asset") continue; filteredResults.Push(path); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < filteredResults.Size(); i++) { const String& path = filteredResults[i]; String dotAssetFilename = GetDotAssetFilename(path); if (!fs->FileExists(dotAssetFilename)) { // new asset SharedPtr<Asset> asset(new Asset(context_)); if (asset->SetPath(path)) AddAsset(asset); } else { SharedPtr<File> file(new File(context_, dotAssetFilename)); SharedPtr<JSONFile> json(new JSONFile(context_)); json->Load(*file); file->Close(); JSONValue root = json->GetRoot(); assert(root.Get("version").GetInt() == ASSET_VERSION); String guid = root.Get("guid").GetString(); if (!GetAssetByGUID(guid)) { SharedPtr<Asset> asset(new Asset(context_)); asset->SetPath(path); AddAsset(asset); } } } PreloadAssets(); if (ImportDirtyAssets()) Scan(); }
bool ValueAnimation::SaveJSON(JSONValue& dest) const { dest.Set("interpolationmethod", interpMethodNames[interpolationMethod_]); if (interpolationMethod_ == IM_SPLINE) dest.Set("splinetension", (float) splineTension_); JSONArray keyFramesArray; keyFramesArray.Reserve(keyFrames_.Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < keyFrames_.Size(); ++i) { const VAnimKeyFrame& keyFrame = keyFrames_[i]; JSONValue keyFrameVal; keyFrameVal.Set("time", keyFrame.time_); JSONValue valueVal; valueVal.SetVariant(keyFrame.value_); keyFrameVal.Set("value", valueVal); keyFramesArray.Push(keyFrameVal); } dest.Set("keyframes", keyFramesArray); JSONArray eventFramesArray; eventFramesArray.Reserve(eventFrames_.Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < eventFrames_.Size(); ++i) { const VAnimEventFrame& eventFrame = eventFrames_[i]; JSONValue eventFrameVal; eventFrameVal.Set("time", eventFrame.time_); eventFrameVal.Set("eventtype", eventFrame.eventType_.Value()); JSONValue eventDataVal; eventDataVal.SetVariantMap(eventFrame.eventData_); eventFrameVal.Set("eventdata", eventDataVal); eventFramesArray.Push(eventFrameVal); } dest.Set("eventframes", eventFramesArray); return true; }
void CommandController::Process(std::string source, std::string message) { // commands can perform an effect on the game via the command functors ... JSONValue *value = JSON::Parse(message.c_str()); std::string id,target; if (value) { if (!value->IsObject()) { EZLOGGERVLSTREAM(axter::log_always) << "Input from " << source << ": Object expected." << std::endl; } else { JSONObject object = value->AsObject(); JSONValue* jsonID = (object.find(L"id") != object.end())? object[L"id"] : NULL; JSONValue* jsonTarget = (object.find(L"target") != object.end())? object[L"target"] : NULL; if (jsonID != NULL && jsonID->IsString()) { std::wstring ws = jsonID->AsString(); id = std::string( ws.begin(), ws.end() ); } else { EZLOGGERVLSTREAM(axter::log_always) << "Input from " << source << ": string id expected." << std::endl; } if (jsonTarget != NULL && jsonTarget->IsString()) { std::wstring ws = jsonTarget->AsString(); target = std::string( ws.begin(), ws.end() ); } } } delete value; bool toSend = true; auto clientCommandIter = clientCommands.find(source); if (clientCommandIter != clientCommands.end()) { // there is a filter list for this client toSend = false; for (auto i = clientCommandIter->second.begin(); i != clientCommandIter->second.end(); i++) { if (*i) == 0 ) { toSend = true; break; } } } if (!toSend) return; auto commandIterator = commands.find(id); if (commandIterator != commands.end()) { // call the behavior (commandIterator->second)(target); } // ... and they can also be routed to other clients auto configurationIter = commandConfigurations.find(id); if (configurationIter != commandConfigurations.end()) { // a config exists, send to all in 'route' auto configuration = configurationIter->second; for (auto i = configuration.route.begin(); i != configuration.route.end(); i++) { auto client = *i; for (auto j = commanders.begin(); j != commanders.end(); j++) { auto clientConnection = *j; if (clientConnection-> == 0) { clientConnection->Send(message); } } } } }
bool IoDisk::save(Image & image, JSON & data) { // ---------------------------------------- // The naming convention that will be used // for the image. std::string pathToImage = getFileFormat(); // ------------------------------------------ // Stringify data object: build image path // with data information. static const std::string kTypeNames[] = { "Null", "False", "True", "Object", "Array", "String", "Number" }; for (JSONValue::ConstMemberIterator itr = data.MemberBegin(); itr != data.MemberEnd(); ++itr) { std::string name = itr->name.GetString(); std::string type = kTypeNames[itr->value.GetType()]; if(type == "String") { std::string value = itr->value.GetString(); kerberos::helper::replace(pathToImage, name, value); } else if(type == "Number") { std::string value = kerberos::helper::to_string(itr->value.GetInt()); kerberos::helper::replace(pathToImage, name, value); } else if(type == "Array") { std::string arrayString = ""; for (JSONValue::ConstValueIterator itr2 = itr->value.Begin(); itr2 != itr->value.End(); ++itr2) { type = kTypeNames[itr2->GetType()]; if(type == "String") { arrayString += itr2->GetString(); } else if(type == "Number") { arrayString += kerberos::helper::to_string(itr2->GetInt()); } arrayString += "-"; } kerberos::helper::replace(pathToImage, name, arrayString.substr(0, arrayString.size()-1)); } } /// --------------------- // Replace variables pathToImage = buildPath(pathToImage); // ------------------------------------------------------- // Add path to JSON object, so other IO devices can use it JSONValue path; JSON::AllocatorType& allocator = data.GetAllocator(); path.SetString(pathToImage.c_str(), allocator); data.AddMember("pathToImage", path, allocator); // ------------------ // Draw date on image drawDateOnImage(image, data["timestamp"].GetString()); // ------------------------- // Save original version BINFO << "IoDisk: saving image " + pathToImage; return, pathToImage); }
void Server::Update(float frametime) { TundraLogic* tundraLogic = framework_->Module<TundraLogic>(); ::Server* tundraServer = tundraLogic->Server(); // Clean dead requestedConnections if (!connections_.Empty()) { WebSocket::UserConnectionList::Iterator cleanupIter = connections_.Begin(); while (cleanupIter != connections_.End()) { WebSocket::UserConnectionPtr connection = *cleanupIter; if (!connection) { cleanupIter = connections_.Erase(cleanupIter); } else if (connection->webSocketConnection.expired()) { // If user was already registered to the Tundra server, remove from there tundraServer->RemoveExternalUser(Urho3D::StaticCast<::UserConnection>(connection)); if (!connection->userID) LogDebug(LC + "Removing non-logged in WebSocket connection."); else LogInfo(LC + "Removing expired WebSocket connection with ID " + String(connection->userID)); cleanupIter = connections_.Erase(cleanupIter); } else { ++cleanupIter; } } } Vector<SocketEvent*> processEvents; { Urho3D::MutexLock lockEvents(mutexEvents_); if (events_.Size() == 0) return; // Make copy of current event queue for processing processEvents = events_; events_.Clear(); } Vector<UserConnectionPtr> toDisconnect; // Process events pushed from the websocket thread(s) for (uint i=0; i < processEvents.Size(); ++i) { SocketEvent *event = processEvents[i]; if (!event) continue; // User connected if (event->type == SocketEvent::Connected) { if (!UserConnection(event->connection)) { WebSocket::UserConnectionPtr userConnection(new WebSocket::UserConnection(context_, event->connection)); connections_.Push(userConnection); // The connection does not yet have an ID assigned. Tundra server will assign on login LogDebug(LC + String("New WebSocket connection.")); } } // User disconnected else if (event->type == SocketEvent::Disconnected) { for(UserConnectionList::Iterator iter = connections_.Begin(); iter != connections_.End(); ++iter) { if ((*iter) && (*iter)->WebSocketConnection() == event->connection) { tundraServer->RemoveExternalUser(Urho3D::StaticCast<::UserConnection>(*iter)); if (!(*iter)->userID) LogDebug(LC + "Removing non-logged in WebSocket connection."); else LogInfo(LC + "Removing WebSocket connection with ID " + String((*iter)->userID)); connections_.Erase(iter); break; } } } // Data message else if (event->type == SocketEvent::Data && event->data.get()) { WebSocket::UserConnectionPtr userConnection = UserConnection(event->connection); if (userConnection) { kNet::DataDeserializer dd(event->data->GetData(), event->data->BytesFilled()); u16 messageId = dd.Read<u16>(); // LoginMessage if (messageId == cLoginMessage) { bool ok = false; String loginDataString = ReadUtf8String(dd); // Read optional protocol version if (dd.BytesLeft()) userConnection->protocolVersion = (NetworkProtocolVersion)dd.ReadVLE<kNet::VLE8_16_32>(); JSONValue json; ok = json.FromString(loginDataString); if (ok) { JSONObject jsonObj = json.GetObject(); for (JSONObject::ConstIterator i = jsonObj.Begin(); i != jsonObj.End(); ++i) userConnection->properties[i->first_] = i->second_.ToVariant(); userConnection->properties["authenticated"] = true; bool success = tundraServer->AddExternalUser(Urho3D::StaticCast<::UserConnection>(userConnection)); if (!success) { LogInfo(LC + "Connection ID " + String(userConnection->userID) + " login refused"); toDisconnect.Push(userConnection); } else LogInfo(LC + "Connection ID " + String(userConnection->userID) + " login successful"); } } else { // Only signal messages from authenticated users if (userConnection->properties["authenticated"].GetBool() == true) { // Signal network message. As per kNet tradition the message ID is given separately in addition with the rest of the data NetworkMessageReceived.Emit(userConnection.Get(), messageId, event->data->GetData() + sizeof(u16), event->data->BytesFilled() - sizeof(u16)); // Signal network message on the Tundra server so that it can be globally picked up tundraServer->EmitNetworkMessageReceived(userConnection.Get(), 0, messageId, event->data->GetData() + sizeof(u16), event->data->BytesFilled() - sizeof(u16)); } } } else LogError(LC + "Received message from unauthorized connection, ignoring."); event->data.reset(); } else event->data.reset(); SAFE_DELETE(event); } for (uint i = 0; i < toDisconnect.Size(); ++i) { if (toDisconnect[i]) toDisconnect[i]->Disconnect(); } }
// Dialog proc for the Windows window int CALLBACK DialogProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: hDlg = hWnd; break; case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog(hWnd, 0); break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; case WM_COMMAND: { if (HIWORD(wParam) != BN_CLICKED) break; SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_OUTPUT), L""); switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_VERIFY: case IDC_ECHO: { int size = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_INPUT)); wchar_t* text = new wchar_t[size + 1]; GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_INPUT), text, size + 1); JSONValue *value = JSON::Parse(text); if (value == NULL) { SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_OUTPUT), L"The JSON text *is not* valid"); } else { if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_ECHO) SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_OUTPUT), value->Stringify().c_str()); else SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_OUTPUT), L"The JSON text *is* valid"); delete value; } delete text; break; } case IDC_EX1: extern const wchar_t *EXAMPLE; SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INPUT), EXAMPLE); example1(); break; case IDC_EX2: SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INPUT), L"Example 2:\r\n\r\nKey 'test_string' has a value 'hello world'\r\nKey 'sample_array' is an array of 10 random numbers"); example2(); break; case IDC_TESTCASES: SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_INPUT), L""); run_tests(); break; } break; } } return 0; }
const char* WebModelUnified::website_search(const char* req){ JSONObject root; JSONArray jsarray; Connection* conn = connect(); Query query = conn->query(); string reqstr(req); string reqstr_spaced = replaceChar(reqstr, '+', ' '); vector<string> splittedstr; split(splittedstr, reqstr_spaced, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(" ")); int titleForce = 10; int descriptionForce = 1; int urlForce = 3; query << "SELECT * , "; //Occurences total for(size_t i1 = 0; i1 < splittedstr.size(); i1++) { string s = splittedstr[i1]; if(i1 != 0){ query << " + "; } query << "((" << titleForce << " * (char_length(title) - char_length(replace(title,'" << s << "',''))) + " << descriptionForce << " * (char_length(description) - char_length(replace(description,'" << s << "',''))) + " << urlForce << " * (char_length(url) - char_length(replace(url,'" << s << "','')))" << ") / char_length('" << s << "'))"; } query << " as Occurances " << " FROM website "; //Where clause for(size_t i1 = 0; i1 < splittedstr.size(); i1++) { string s = splittedstr[i1]; if(i1 == 0) { query << "WHERE "; } else { query << "OR "; } query << "(url LIKE '%" << s << "%' or title LIKE '%" << s << "%' or description LIKE '%" << s << "%') "; } query << " ORDER BY " << "Occurances desc, title ASC "; StoreQueryResult ares =; unsigned int numrow = ares.num_rows(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numrow; i++) { JSONObject result; result[L"title"] = new JSONValue(wchartFromChar(ares[i]["title"])); result[L"description"] = new JSONValue(wchartFromChar(ares[i]["description"])); result[L"url"] = new JSONValue(wchartFromChar(ares[i]["url"])); JSONValue* resultVal = new JSONValue(result); jsarray.push_back(resultVal); } root[L"results"] = new JSONValue(jsarray); JSONValue* jvalue = new JSONValue(root); const char* returnStr = fromWString(jvalue->Stringify()); delete jvalue; return returnStr; }
void CTestJSON::parseJsonStr( const std::wstring& strJsonStr ) { JSONValue* jsInput = JSON::Parse(strJsonStr.c_str()); if (jsInput == NULL || !jsInput->IsObject()) { return; } JSONObject::const_iterator itResult = jsInput->AsObject().find(L"result"); if (itResult != jsInput->AsObject().end()) { std::wstring strResult = itResult->second->AsString(); std::wcout << L"result" << L":" << strResult << std::endl; } JSONObject::const_iterator itLove = jsInput->AsObject().find(L"Love"); if (itLove != jsInput->AsObject().end()) { std::wstring strResult = itLove->second->AsString(); std::wcout << L"Love" << L":" << strResult << std::endl; } JSONArray jsArray; JSONObject::const_iterator itContents = jsInput->AsObject().find(L"contents"); if (itContents != jsInput->AsObject().end() && itContents->second != NULL && itContents->second->IsArray()) { jsArray = itContents->second->AsArray(); } std::wcout << "[" << std::endl; JSONArray::iterator it = jsArray.begin(); JSONArray::iterator itEnd = jsArray.end(); for (; it != itEnd; ++it) { JSONValue* jsValue = *it; if (jsValue->IsObject()) { jsValue->AsObject(); JSONObject::const_iterator itObj = jsValue->AsObject().begin(); JSONObject::const_iterator itObjEnd = jsValue->AsObject().end(); for (; itObj != itObjEnd; ++itObj) { std::wstring strValue = itObj->second->AsString(); std::wcout << L"{" << itObj->first << L":" << strValue << L"}" << std::endl; } } else if (jsValue->IsString()) { std::wstring strValue = jsValue->AsString(); std::wcout << strValue << std::endl; } else if (jsValue->IsNumber()) { double dValue = jsValue->AsNumber(); std::wcout << dValue << std::endl; } //... } std::wcout << "]" << std::endl; }