コード例 #1
void JSEventDispatcher::EndSendEvent(Context* context, Object* sender, StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
    if (!jsEvents_.Contains(eventType))

    JSVM* vm = JSVM::GetJSVM(NULL);

    if (!vm)

    duk_context* ctx = vm->GetJSContext();

    duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, JS_GLOBALSTASH_VARIANTMAP_CACHE);

    duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void*) &eventData);
    duk_get_prop(ctx, -2);

    // If this issue is addressed, revisit this to simply remove
    // the variantmap object from the cache, if the user explicitly
    // keeps the event object alive in a local closure, that is allowed
    // (though, will keep object properties from being GC'd)
    // https://github.com/svaarala/duktape/issues/229

    // Ok, this is unfortunate, in an event callback it is possible
    // to capture the Proxy object which represents the event VariantMap
    // in a function() {} closure, which will keep the event data alive
    // until the function happens to be gc'd (it is a member of the eventhandler)
    // which will leave things like scenes up if there was a P_SCENE event data
    // member, etc
    // So, we need to check if we have an object in the variant map cache
    // and thense call it's delete property method on the Proxy, which will clear
    // all the data (the proxy can still be alive as a captured local, though
    // the members won't be held
    // This all makes it that much more important that the pointer to eventData
    // is consistent across entire event, otherwise references may be held

    // see note above about: https://github.com/svaarala/duktape/issues/229

    if (duk_is_object(ctx, -1))
        // deletes all properties, thus freeing references, even if
        // the variant map object is held onto by script (it will be invalid, post
        // event send)
        // see JSAPI.cpp variantmap_property_deleteproperty
        duk_del_prop_index(ctx, -1, 0);

        duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void*) &eventData);

        // clear the variant map object from the cache
        duk_put_prop(ctx, -4);



コード例 #2
void JSEventHelper::HandleEvent(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
    if (object_.Null())

    JSVM* vm = JSVM::GetJSVM(0);
    duk_context* ctx = vm->GetJSContext();

    duk_idx_t top = duk_get_top(ctx);

    js_push_class_object_instance(ctx, this);

    duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "__eventHelperFunctions");

    assert(duk_is_object(ctx, -1));

    duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, eventType.ToString().CString());

    if (duk_is_function(ctx, -1))
        // look in the variant map cache
        duk_get_prop_index(ctx, -1, JS_GLOBALSTASH_VARIANTMAP_CACHE);
        duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void*) &eventData);
        duk_get_prop(ctx, -2);

        if (!duk_is_object(ctx, -1))
            // pop result

            // we need to push a new variant map and store to cache
            // the cache object will be cleared at the send end in  the
            // global listener above
            js_push_variantmap(ctx, eventData);
            duk_push_pointer(ctx, (void*) &eventData);
            duk_dup(ctx, -2);
            duk_put_prop(ctx, -4);


        duk_remove(ctx, -2); // vmap cache
        duk_remove(ctx, -2); // global stash

        if (duk_pcall(ctx, 1) != 0)
            // For widget events, need to check return value
            // and set whether handled
            if (eventType == E_WIDGETEVENT)
                if (duk_is_boolean(ctx, -1))
                    if (duk_to_boolean(ctx, -1))
                        eventData[WidgetEvent::P_HANDLED] = true;

    duk_set_top(ctx, top);
