コード例 #1
ファイル: WSlider.C プロジェクト: kdeforche/wt
void PaintedSlider::updateState()
  bool rtl = WApplication::instance()->layoutDirection() ==

  Orientation o = slider_->orientation();

  if (o == Orientation::Horizontal) {
    handle_->resize(slider_->handleWidth(), h());
    handle_->setOffsets(0, Side::Top);
  } else {
    handle_->resize(w(), slider_->handleWidth());
    handle_->setOffsets(0, Side::Left);

  double l = o == Orientation::Horizontal ? w() : h();
  double pixelsPerUnit = (l - slider_->handleWidth()) / range();

  std::string dir;
  std::string size;
  if (o == Orientation::Horizontal) {
    dir = rtl ? "right" : "left";
    size = "width";
  } else {
    dir = "top";
    size = "height";

  char u = (o == Orientation::Horizontal ? 'x' : 'y');

  double max = l - slider_->handleWidth();
  bool horizontal = o == Orientation::Horizontal;

  char buf[30]; // Buffer for round_js_str

   * Note: cancelling the mouseDown event prevents the selection behaviour
  WStringStream mouseDownJS;
  mouseDownJS << "obj.setAttribute('down', " WT_CLASS
	      <<                     ".widgetCoordinates(obj, event)." << u
	      <<                  ");"
	      << WT_CLASS ".cancelEvent(event);";

  WStringStream computeD; // = 'u' position relative to background, corrected for slider
  computeD << "var objh = " << handle_->jsRef() << ","
	   <<     "objf = " << fill_->jsRef() << ","
	   <<     "objb = " << slider_->jsRef() << ","
	   <<     "page_u = WT.pageCoordinates(event)." << u << ","
	   <<     "widget_page_u = WT.widgetPageCoordinates(objb)." << u << ","
	   <<     "pos = page_u - widget_page_u,"
	   <<     "rtl = " << rtl << ","
	   <<     "horizontal = " << horizontal << ";"
	   <<     "if (rtl && horizontal)";
  computeD <<       "pos = " << Utils::round_js_str(l, 3, buf) << " - pos;";
  computeD <<     "var d = pos - down;";
  WStringStream mouseMovedJS;
  mouseMovedJS << "var down = obj.getAttribute('down');"
	       << "var WT = " WT_CLASS ";"
	       << "if (down != null && down != '') {"
	       <<    computeD.str();
  mouseMovedJS <<   "d = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, " << Utils::round_js_str(max, 3, buf) << "));";
  mouseMovedJS <<   "var v = Math.round(d/" << Utils::round_js_str(pixelsPerUnit, 3, buf) << ");";
  mouseMovedJS <<   "var intd = v*" << Utils::round_js_str(pixelsPerUnit, 3, buf) << ";";
  mouseMovedJS <<   "if (Math.abs(WT.pxself(objh, '" << dir
	       <<                 "') - intd) > 1) {"
	       <<     "objf.style." << size << " = ";
  if (o == Orientation::Vertical) {
    mouseMovedJS << '(' << Utils::round_js_str(max, 3, buf);
    mouseMovedJS << " - intd + " << (slider_->handleWidth() / 2)
		 << ")";
  } else
    mouseMovedJS << "intd + " << (slider_->handleWidth() / 2);
  mouseMovedJS <<       " + 'px';" 
	       <<     "objh.style." << dir << " = intd + 'px';"
	       <<     "var vs = ";
  if (o == Orientation::Horizontal)
    mouseMovedJS << "v + " << slider_->minimum();
    mouseMovedJS << slider_->maximum() << " - v";
  mouseMovedJS <<     ";"
	       <<     "var f = objb.onValueChange;"
	       <<     "if (f) f(vs);";

  if (slider_->sliderMoved().needsUpdate(true)) {
    mouseMovedJS << slider_->sliderMoved().createCall({"vs"});
    mouseMovedJS << slider_->sliderMoved().createCall("vs");

  mouseMovedJS <<   "}"
	       << "}";

  WStringStream mouseUpJS;
  mouseUpJS << "var down = obj.getAttribute('down');"
	    << "var WT = " WT_CLASS ";"
	    << "if (down != null && down != '') {"
	    <<    computeD.str()
	    <<   "d += " << (slider_->handleWidth() / 2) << ";"
	    <<    sliderReleased_.createCall({"Math.round(d)"})
	    <<    sliderReleased_.createCall("Math.round(d)")
	    <<   "obj.removeAttribute('down');"
	    << "}";

  bool enabled = !slider_->isDisabled();
  mouseDownJS_.setJavaScript(std::string("function(obj, event) {") 
			     + (enabled ? mouseDownJS.str() : "") 
			     + "}");
  mouseMovedJS_.setJavaScript(std::string("function(obj, event) {") 
			      + (enabled ? mouseMovedJS.str() : "") 
			      + "}");
  mouseUpJS_.setJavaScript(std::string("function(obj, event) {") 
			   + (enabled ? mouseUpJS.str() : "") 
			   + "}");
  handleClickedJS_.setJavaScript(std::string("function(obj, event) {")
			     + WT_CLASS + ".cancelEvent(event,"
			     + WT_CLASS + ".CancelPropagate); }");

コード例 #2
ファイル: WSlider.C プロジェクト: StevenFarley/wt
void PaintedSlider::updateState()
  bool rtl = WApplication::instance()->layoutDirection() == RightToLeft;

  std::string resourcesURL = WApplication::resourcesUrl();

  Orientation o = slider_->orientation();


  if (o == Horizontal) {
    handle_->resize(HANDLE_WIDTH, h());
    handle_->setOffsets(0, Top);
  } else {
    handle_->resize(w(), HANDLE_WIDTH);
    handle_->setOffsets(0, Left);

  double l = o == Horizontal ? w() : h();
  double pixelsPerUnit = (l - HANDLE_WIDTH) / range();

  std::string dir;
  if (o == Horizontal)
    dir = rtl ? "right" : "left";
    dir = "top";
  std::string u = (o == Horizontal ? "x" : "y");
  std::string U = (o == Horizontal ? "X" : "Y");
  std::string maxS = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(l - HANDLE_WIDTH);
  std::string ppU = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pixelsPerUnit);
  std::string minimumS = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(slider_->minimum());
  std::string maximumS = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(slider_->maximum());

  std::string width = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(w());
  std::string horizontal = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(o == Horizontal);

   * Note: cancelling the mouseDown event prevents the selection behaviour
  std::string mouseDownJS = 
    """obj.setAttribute('down', " WT_CLASS ".widgetCoordinates(obj, event)."
    + u + "); "
    WT_CLASS ".cancelEvent(event);";

  // = 'u' position relative to background, corrected for slider
  std::string computeD =
    ""  "var objh = " + handle_->jsRef() + ","
    ""      "objb = " + jsRef() + ","
    ""      "page_u = WT.pageCoordinates(event)." + u + ","
    ""      "widget_page_u = WT.widgetPageCoordinates(objb)." + u + ","
    ""      "pos = page_u - widget_page_u,"
    ""      "rtl = " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rtl) + ","
    ""      "horizontal = " + horizontal + ";"
    ""  "if (rtl && horizontal)"
    ""  "  pos = " + width + " - pos;"
    ""  "var d = pos - down;";

  std::string mouseMovedJS = 
    """var down = obj.getAttribute('down');"
    """var WT = " WT_CLASS ";"
    """if (down != null && down != '') {"
    + computeD +
    ""  "d = Math.max(0, Math.min(d, " + maxS + "));"
    ""  "var v = Math.round(d/" + ppU + ");"
    ""  "var intd = v*" + ppU + ";"
    ""  "if (Math.abs(WT.pxself(objh, '" + dir + "') - intd) > 1) {"
    ""    "objh.style." + dir + " = intd + 'px';" +
    slider_->sliderMoved().createCall(o == Horizontal ? "v + " + minimumS
				      : maximumS + " - v") + 
    ""  "}"

  std::string mouseUpJS = 
    """var down = obj.getAttribute('down');"
    """var WT = " WT_CLASS ";"
    """if (down != null && down != '') {"
    + computeD +
    """d += " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(HANDLE_WIDTH / 2) + ";" +
    sliderReleased_.createCall("d") + 
    ""  "obj.removeAttribute('down');"

  bool enabled = !slider_->isDisabled();
  mouseDownJS_.setJavaScript(std::string("function(obj, event) {") 
			     + (enabled ? mouseDownJS : "") 
			     + "}");
  mouseMovedJS_.setJavaScript(std::string("function(obj, event) {") 
			      + (enabled ? mouseMovedJS : "") 
			      + "}");
  mouseUpJS_.setJavaScript(std::string("function(obj, event) {") 
			   + (enabled ? mouseUpJS : "") 
			   + "}");
