const JetCollection TopPairMuPlusJetsReferenceSelection2011::cleanedJets(const EventPtr event) const {
	const JetCollection jets(event->Jets());
	JetCollection cleanedJets;

	if (!hasExactlyOneIsolatedLepton(event)) //if no signal lepton is found, can't clean jets, return them all!
		return jets;

	const LeptonPointer lepton(signalLepton(event));

	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet(;
		if (!jet->isWithinDeltaR(0.3, lepton))

	return cleanedJets;
コード例 #2
bool HLTriggerQCDAnalyser::passesTriggerAnalysisSelection(const EventPtr event) const {
	const ElectronCollection electrons(event->Electrons());
	const JetCollection jets(event->Jets());
	if (electrons.size() == 0 || jets.size() < 3)
		return false;

	unsigned int nElectrons(0);
	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < electrons.size(); ++index) {
		const ElectronPointer electron(;
		if (fabs(electron->eta()) < 2.5 && electron->pt() > 20)
		//if more than 2 electrons passing the selection of > 20GeV, reject event
	const ElectronPointer mostEnergeticElectron(electrons.front());
	//clean jets against electron
	JetCollection cleanedJets;

	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet(;
		if (!jet->isWithinDeltaR(0.3, mostEnergeticElectron))

	unsigned int nCleanedJetsAbove30GeV(0), nCleanedJetsAbove45GeV(0);
	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < cleanedJets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet(;
		if (jet->pt() > 45.)
		if (jet->pt() > 30.)

	return nElectrons == 1
			&& (nCleanedJetsAbove45GeV >= 3
					|| (nCleanedJetsAbove45GeV >= 2 && nCleanedJetsAbove30GeV >= 3 && event->runnumber() >= 194270));