コード例 #1
ファイル: PlanesDataUser.cpp プロジェクト: dovalec/3D
bool PlanesDataUser::CheckCollision(PVRTVec3 nodeWorldPos, float walkDistance)
     JoyStick * pJoyStick = JoyStick::GetJoyStick();
	PVRTVec2 vecLeft = pJoyStick->GetVectorLeft();
	PVRTVec2 vecRight = pJoyStick->GetVectorRight();


	PVRTVec2 nodeNewPos(nodeWorldPos.x, nodeWorldPos.z);
	PVRTVec2 globalTan(0.0f,0.0f);

	int collisionCount = 0;

	for (int p=0;p<mNumPlanesData;p++)
		PlanesData * pPlanesData = mPlanesData[p];
		int numOfPlanes = pPlanesData->GetNumOfPlanes();
		for (int n=0;n<numOfPlanes;n++)
			Plane * plane = pPlanesData->GetPlane(n);
			Line2D line;
			line.p0.x = plane->x1;
			line.p0.y = plane->z1;

			line.p1.x = plane->x2;
			line.p1.y = plane->z2;
			float dist = Collision::Vec2DistanceFromLine2D(line, nodeNewPos);
			if (dist < MM(walkDistance))
				PVRTVec2 wall(plane->nx, plane->nz);

	if (collisionCount > 0)

		float deltaAngle = acos(vecLeft.dot(globalTan));

		//static char txt[255]={0};
		//sprintf(txt,"%f \n",deltaAngle);
		if (  deltaAngle >= PVRT_PI*0.5f )
			return true;

	return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: JoyStick.cpp プロジェクト: gujianhesong/GujianDream
JoyStick* JoyStick::createWithFile(const std::string &fileName, float radius)
	JoyStick *pRet = new JoyStick();
	if (pRet && pRet->initWithFile(fileName, radius))
		return pRet;
		delete pRet;
		pRet = NULL;
		return NULL;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FFConsoleDemo.cpp プロジェクト: azmeuk/OIS
    JoystickManager(InputManager* pInputMgr, EventHandler* pEventHdlr)
	: _pInputMgr(pInputMgr), _nCurrJoyInd(-1), _dMasterGain(0.5), _bAutoCenter(true)

	  _bFFFound = false;
	  for( int nJoyInd = 0; nJoyInd < pInputMgr->getNumberOfDevices(OISJoyStick); ++nJoyInd )
		//Create the stick
		JoyStick* pJoy = (JoyStick*)pInputMgr->createInputObject( OISJoyStick, true );
		cout << endl << "Created buffered joystick #" << nJoyInd << " '" << pJoy->vendor()
			 << "' (Id=" << pJoy->getID() << ")";

		// Check for FF, and if so, keep the joy and dump FF info
		ForceFeedback* pFFDev = (ForceFeedback*)pJoy->queryInterface(Interface::ForceFeedback );
		if( pFFDev )
		  _bFFFound = true;

		  // Keep the joy to play with it.

		  // Keep also the associated FF device

		  // Dump FF supported effects and other info.
		  cout << endl << " * Number of force feedback axes : "
			   << pFFDev->getFFAxesNumber() << endl;
		  const ForceFeedback::SupportedEffectList &lstFFEffects =
		  if (lstFFEffects.size() > 0)
			cout << " * Supported effects :";
			ForceFeedback::SupportedEffectList::const_iterator itFFEff;
			for(itFFEff = lstFFEffects.begin(); itFFEff != lstFFEffects.end(); ++itFFEff)
			  cout << " " << Effect::getEffectTypeName(itFFEff->second);
			cout << endl << endl;
			cout << "Warning: no supported effect found !" << endl;
		  cout << " (no force feedback support detected) => ignored." << endl << endl;
コード例 #4
ファイル: MyFrameListener.cpp プロジェクト: bjerkins/GEDE2014
	// Constructor
	MyFrameListener(RenderWindow* win, Camera* cam, CylindricalEffect *cylEffect, SceneNode* ogreNode)
		_cam = cam;
		_movementspeed = 10.0f;
		_camAngle = -1*Ogre::Math::HALF_PI;
		_ogreNode = ogreNode;
		_walkMagnitude = 0;
		_turnMagnitude = 0;
		_orientation = 0.0f;
		ParamList parameters;
		unsigned int windowHandle = 0;
		std::ostringstream windowHandleString;

		win->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHandle);
		windowHandleString << windowHandle;

		parameters.insert(std::make_pair("WINDOW", windowHandleString.str()));

		_inputManager = InputManager::createInputSystem(parameters);

		// cyl effect initialize
		_cylEffect = cylEffect;

		_keyboard = static_cast<Keyboard*>(_inputManager->createInputObject(OISKeyboard, false));
		_mouse = static_cast<OIS::Mouse*>(_inputManager->createInputObject(OIS::OISMouse, false));

		// Try to create joystick
		try {
			_joyStick = static_cast<OIS::JoyStick*>(_inputManager->createInputObject( OIS::OISJoyStick, true ));
			std::cout << "Successfuly created Joystick";
		catch(...) {
			std::cout << "Failed to initialize Joystick";
			_joyStick = 0;

コード例 #5
ファイル: DoorsDataUser.cpp プロジェクト: dovalec/3D
bool DoorsDataUser::CheckCollision(PVRTVec3 nodeWorldPos, float walkDistance)
    JoyStick * pJoyStick = JoyStick::GetJoyStick();
	PVRTVec2 vecLeft = pJoyStick->GetVectorLeft();
	PVRTVec2 vecRight = pJoyStick->GetVectorRight();


	PVRTVec2 nodeNewPos(nodeWorldPos.x, nodeWorldPos.z);
	PVRTVec2 globalTan(0.0f,0.0f);

	int collisionCount = 0;

	for (int p=0;p<mNumDoorsData;p++)
		DoorsData * pDoorsData = mDoorsData[p];
		int numOfDoors = pDoorsData->GetNumOfDoors();
		for (int d=0;d<numOfDoors;d++)
			Door * pDoor = pDoorsData->GetDoor(d);
			if (pDoor->GetState() == Door::door_state_open)

			int numOfDoorEdges = pDoor->GetNumOfDoorEdges();
			for (int e = 0 ; e< numOfDoorEdges ; e++)
				DoorEdge * edge = pDoor->GetDoorEdge(e);
				Line2D line;
				line.p0.x = edge->x1;
				line.p0.y = edge->z1;

				line.p1.x = edge->x2;
				line.p1.y = edge->z2;
				float dist = Collision::Vec2DistanceFromLine2D(line, nodeNewPos);
				if (dist < MM(walkDistance))
					PVRTVec2 wall(edge->nx, edge->nz);

	if (collisionCount > 0)

		float deltaAngle = acos(vecLeft.dot(globalTan));
		if (  deltaAngle >= PVRT_PI*0.5f )
			return true;

	return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MyFrameListener.cpp プロジェクト: bjerkins/GEDE2014
	bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt)
		Ogre::Vector3 translate(0,0,0);

		_mouse -> capture();

		if( _joyStick ) 

		bool walked = false;
		Ogre::Vector3 SinbadTranslate(0, 0, 0);
		// If the joystick is not available, use the keyboard as input.
		if (!_joyStick) {
			if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_UP)) {
				_walkMagnitude = 1;
			else if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_DOWN)) {
				_walkMagnitude = -1;
			else {
				_walkMagnitude = 0;
			if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_LEFT)) {
				_turnMagnitude = 1;
			else if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_RIGHT)) {
				_turnMagnitude = -1;
			else {
				_turnMagnitude = 0;
		// Create the translation vector.
		SinbadTranslate = _ogreNode->getOrientation().zAxis() * evt.timeSinceLastFrame * _movementspeed * _walkMagnitude;
		walked = true;
		// Increment the roation angle.
		_orientation += evt.timeSinceLastFrame * _turnMagnitude*2;
		// Now finally apply the rotation and translation.
		_ogreNode->setOrientation(Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Radian(_orientation), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y));

		if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(KC_ESCAPE))
			return false;
		if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(KC_W))
			translate += Ogre::Vector3(0,0,-1);
		if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(KC_S))
			translate += Ogre::Vector3(0,0,1);
		if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(KC_A))
			translate += Ogre::Vector3(-1,0,0);
		if (_keyboard->isKeyDown(KC_D))
			translate += Ogre::Vector3(1,0,0);

		_cam->moveRelative(translate*evt.timeSinceLastFrame * _movementspeed);

		float rotX = _mouse->getMouseState().X.rel * evt.timeSinceLastFrame * -1;
		float rotY = _mouse->getMouseState().Y.rel * evt.timeSinceLastFrame * -1;



		_cam->setPosition(_ogreNode->getPosition()+Ogre::Vector3(20.0f*Ogre::Math::Cos(_camAngle), 10.0f, 20.0f*Ogre::Math::Sin(_camAngle)));

		return true;