コード例 #1
ファイル: huecomm.cpp プロジェクト: chhitz/vdcd
 void processCurrentAuthCandidate()
   if (currentAuthCandidate!=authCandidates.end() && hueComm.findInProgress) {
     // try to authorize
     FOCUSLOG("Auth candidate: uuid=%s, baseURL=%s -> try creating user", currentAuthCandidate->first.c_str(), currentAuthCandidate->second.c_str());
     JsonObjectPtr request = JsonObject::newObj();
     request->add("username", JsonObject::newString(userName));
     request->add("devicetype", JsonObject::newString(deviceType));
     hueComm.apiAction(httpMethodPOST, currentAuthCandidate->second.c_str(), request, boost::bind(&BridgeFinder::handleCreateUserAnswer, this, _1, _2), true);
   else {
     // done with all candidates (or find aborted in hueComm)
     if (authCandidates.size()>0 && MainLoop::now()<startedAuth+authTimeWindow && hueComm.findInProgress) {
       // we have still candidates and time to do a retry in a second, and find is not aborted
       retryLoginTicket = MainLoop::currentMainLoop().executeOnce(boost::bind(&BridgeFinder::attemptPairingWithCandidates, this), 1*Second);
     else {
       // all candidates tried, nothing found in given time
       LOG(LOG_NOTICE, "Could not register with a hue bridge");
       hueComm.findInProgress = false;
       callback(ErrorPtr(new HueCommError(HueCommErrorNoRegistration, "No hue bridge found ready to register")));
       // done!
       keepAlive.reset(); // will delete object if nobody else keeps it
コード例 #2
ファイル: jsonrpccomm.cpp プロジェクト: holli73/vdcd-holli
ErrorPtr JsonRpcComm::sendError(const char *aJsonRpcId, uint32_t aErrorCode, const char *aErrorMessage, JsonObjectPtr aErrorData)
  JsonObjectPtr response = jsonRPCObj();
  // create the error object
  JsonObjectPtr errorObj = JsonObject::newObj();
  errorObj->add("code", JsonObject::newInt32(aErrorCode));
  string errMsg;
  if (aErrorMessage) {
    errMsg = aErrorMessage;
  else {
    errMsg = string_format("Error code %d (0x%X)", aErrorCode, aErrorCode);
  errorObj->add("message", JsonObject::newString(errMsg));
  // add the data object if any
  if (aErrorData) {
    errorObj->add("data", aErrorData);
  // add the error object
  response->add("error", errorObj);
  // add the ID so the caller can associate with a previous request
  response->add("id", aJsonRpcId ? JsonObject::newString(aJsonRpcId) : JsonObjectPtr());
  // now send
  FOCUSLOG("Sending JSON-RPC 2.0 error message:\n  %s\n", response->c_strValue());
  return sendMessage(response);
コード例 #3
ファイル: jsonrpccomm.cpp プロジェクト: holli73/vdcd-holli
ErrorPtr JsonRpcComm::sendResult(const char *aJsonRpcId, JsonObjectPtr aResult)
  JsonObjectPtr response = jsonRPCObj();
  // add the result, can be NULL
  response->add("result", aResult);
  // add the ID so the caller can associate with a previous request
  response->add("id", JsonObject::newString(aJsonRpcId));
  // now send
  FOCUSLOG("Sending JSON-RPC 2.0 result message:\n  %s\n", response->c_strValue());
  return sendMessage(response);
コード例 #4
ファイル: jsonrpccomm.cpp プロジェクト: holli73/vdcd-holli
static JsonObjectPtr jsonRPCObj()
  JsonObjectPtr obj = JsonObject::newObj();
  // the mandatory version string all objects need to have
  obj->add("jsonrpc", JsonObject::newString("2.0"));
  return obj;
コード例 #5
ファイル: jsonrpccomm.cpp プロジェクト: holli73/vdcd-holli
ErrorPtr JsonRpcComm::sendRequest(const char *aMethod, JsonObjectPtr aParams, JsonRpcResponseCB aResponseHandler)
  JsonObjectPtr request = jsonRPCObj();
  // the method or notification name
  request->add("method", JsonObject::newString(aMethod));
  // the optional parameters
  if (aParams) {
    request->add("params", aParams);
  // in any case, count this call (even if it is a notification)
  // in case this is a method call (i.e. a answer handler is specified), add the call ID
  if (aResponseHandler) {
    // add the ID so the callee can include it in the response
    request->add("id", JsonObject::newInt32(requestIdCounter));
    // remember it in our map
    pendingAnswers[requestIdCounter] = aResponseHandler;
  // now send
  FOCUSLOG("Sending JSON-RPC 2.0 request message:\n  %s\n", request->c_strValue());
  return sendMessage(request);
コード例 #6
ファイル: p44_vdcd_host.cpp プロジェクト: plan44/p44vdc
void P44VdcHost::sendCfgApiResponse(JsonCommPtr aJsonComm, JsonObjectPtr aResult, ErrorPtr aError)
  // create response
  JsonObjectPtr response = JsonObject::newObj();
  if (!Error::isOK(aError)) {
    // error, return error response
    response->add("error", JsonObject::newInt32((int32_t)aError->getErrorCode()));
    response->add("errormessage", JsonObject::newString(aError->getErrorMessage()));
    response->add("errordomain", JsonObject::newString(aError->getErrorDomain()));
    VdcApiErrorPtr ve = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<VdcApiError>(aError);
    if (ve) {
      response->add("errortype", JsonObject::newInt32(ve->getErrorType()));
      response->add("userfacingmessage", JsonObject::newString(ve->getUserFacingMessage()));
  else {
    // no error, return result (if any)
    response->add("result", aResult);
  LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Config API response: %s", response->c_strValue());