bool KDirectory::rename(const KData& from, const KData& to) { if (rename(from.getData(), to.getData()) == 0) return true; else return false; }
bool KFile::deleteFile(const KData& fullFilePath) { if (remove(fullFilePath.getData()) == 0) return true; else return false; }
bool KDirectory::chDir(const KData& dir) { if (chdir(dir.getData()) == 0) return true; else return false; }
bool KDirectory::createDir(const KData& dir) { int pos = 0; while (true) { if ((pos = dir.find("/", pos)) == -1) pos = dir.length(); KData dtDir = dir.substr(0, pos); pos++; if (!dtDir.isEmpty()) { if (!isDirectoryExist(dtDir)) { /* if ( -1 == mkdir(dtDir.getData(),S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) ) { return false; } */ if (MKDIR(dtDir.getData()) != 0) { return false; } } } if (pos >= (int) dir.length()) break; } return true; }
bool KDirectory::isDirectoryExist(const KData& dir) { struct stat statbuf; if (stat(dir.getData(), &statbuf) == -1) return false; if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) return true; else return false; }
bool KDirectory::createFileDir(const KData& dir) { int pos = 0; while (true) { if ((pos = dir.find("/", pos)) == -1) break; KData dtDir = dir.substr(0, pos); pos++; if (!dtDir.isEmpty()) { if (!isDirectoryExist(dtDir)) { if (MKDIR(dtDir.getData()) != 0) { return false; } } } } return true; }
void KNetworkAddress::setHostName( const KData& theAddress ) { const char* cstrAddress; KData sAddress, sPort; unsigned int length = theAddress.length(); unsigned int colonPos = length; cstrAddress = theAddress.getData(); for ( int i = 0; *cstrAddress != '\0'; cstrAddress++, i++ ) { if ( *cstrAddress == ':' ) { colonPos = i; break; } } if ( colonPos != length ) { sAddress = theAddress.substr( 0, colonPos ); sPort = theAddress.substr( colonPos+1, length-colonPos-1 ); colonPos = atoi( sPort.getData() ); if ( colonPos ) { aPort = colonPos; } else { } } else // No ':' in input string; { sAddress = theAddress; } rawHostName = sAddress; ipAddressSet = false; }
bool KNetworkAddress::is_valid_ip_addr( const KData& addr, char* retaddr ) { unsigned long maskcheck = ~255; const char *advancer = addr.getData(); unsigned long octet; char *nextchar; char ipAddr[ IPV4_LENGTH ]; if ( ( *(advancer) == 0 ) || (*(advancer) == ' ') || (*(advancer) == '\t') ) { return false; } octet = strtoul( advancer, &nextchar, 10 ); if( (*nextchar != '.') || (octet & maskcheck) || (octet == 0) ) { return false; } assert( octet < 256 ); ipAddr[0] = (char)octet; advancer = nextchar + 1; if( (*(advancer) == 0) || (*(advancer) == ' ') || (*(advancer) == '\t') ) { return false; } octet = strtoul( advancer, &nextchar, 10 ); if( (*nextchar != '.') || (octet & maskcheck) ) { return false; } assert( octet < 256 ); ipAddr[1] = (char)octet; advancer = nextchar+1; if( (*(advancer) == 0) || (*(advancer) == ' ') || (*(advancer) == '\t') ) { return false; } octet = strtoul(advancer, &nextchar, 10); if((*nextchar != '.') || (octet & maskcheck)) { return false; } assert( octet < 256 ); ipAddr[2] = (char)octet; advancer = nextchar+1; if ((*(advancer) == 0) || (*(advancer) == ' ') || (*(advancer) == '\t')) { return false; } octet = strtoul(advancer, &nextchar, 10); if ( (*nextchar) || (octet & maskcheck) || (octet == 0) ) { return false; } assert( octet < 256 ); ipAddr[3] = (char)octet; if ( NULL != retaddr ) { memcpy( retaddr, ipAddr, IPV4_LENGTH ); } return true; }
bool KFile::renameFile(const KData& from, const KData& to, bool replace) { return rename(from.getData(), to.getData()); }
int KHttp::getHttpFileMemory(const KData& server, const KData& httpfile, char** ppKData) { char* pKData = NULL; KData httpRequest = "GET "; httpRequest += httpfile; httpRequest += " HTTP/1.1"; httpRequest += CRLF; httpRequest += "Host: "; httpRequest += server; httpRequest += CRLF; httpRequest += CRLF; unsigned char buff[MTU]; KTcpClientSocket clientSock(server, 80); clientSock.connect(); KConnection &conn = clientSock.getConn(); string stringTmp = httpRequest.getData(); conn.writeData(stringTmp); int iRead = 0; bool bFound = false; KData dtHead; int iLength = 0; int iWrite = 0; int m_iStatusCode = 0; bool bRun = true; while ((iRead = conn.readn(buff, MTU)) > 0 && bRun) { if (!bFound) { for (int i = 0; i < iRead - 4; i++) { if (buff[i] == 0x0d && buff[i + 1] == 0x0a && buff[i + 2] == 0x0d && buff[i + 3] == 0x0a) { KData dtLine; dtHead = KData((char*) buff, i + 4); KData dtRequestLine, dtCode; if (NOT_FOUND == dtHead.match(CRLF, &dtRequestLine, false)) { return -1; } if (NOT_FOUND == dtRequestLine.match("HTTP/1.1", NULL, true) && NOT_FOUND == dtRequestLine.match("HTTP/1.0", NULL, true)) { return -1; } if (NOT_FOUND == dtRequestLine.match(SP, NULL, true)) { return -1; } if (NOT_FOUND == dtRequestLine.match(SP, &dtCode, true)) { return -1; } if ((int) dtCode == 0 && (int) dtCode != 200) { return -1; } while (NOT_FOUND != dtHead.match(CRLF, &dtLine, true)) { KData dtBefVal; if (FOUND == dtLine.match(":", &dtBefVal, true)) { dtBefVal.removeSpaces(); if (isEqualNoCase(dtBefVal, "Content-Length")) { dtLine.removeSpaces(); iLength = (int) dtLine; } } else if (NOT_FOUND != dtLine.match("HTTP/1.1", NULL, true)) { dtLine.removeSpaces(); dtLine.match(" ", &dtBefVal, true); m_iStatusCode = (int) dtBefVal; } } if (iLength <= 0) { return -1; } else if (m_iStatusCode != 200) { return -1; } else { pKData = new char[iLength]; } memcpy(pKData, &buff[i + 4], iRead - i - 4); iWrite += (iRead - i - 4); bFound = true; if (iLength > 0 && iWrite == iLength) { bRun = false; break; } } } } else { memcpy(&pKData[iWrite], buff, iRead); iWrite += iRead; if (iWrite == iLength) { break; } } } conn.close(); *ppKData = pKData; return iWrite; }
int KHttp::getHttpFile(const KData& kServer, const KData& kHttpFile, const KData& kSaveFile, int nStartPos) { LOGD("Entry getHttpFile"); m_dtHttpServer = kServer; m_dtHttpFile = kHttpFile; m_bChunked = false; m_iWriteLen = nStartPos; m_iLength = 0; m_clientSock.close(); m_kCnnect.close(); _respHeadMap.clear(); m_iNotifyPos = 0; m_iNotifyGap = 0; m_iContentLength = 0; m_iStatusCode = 0; bool bGet = (_paramMap.size() == 0); KFile kFile; KData kHttpRequest; KData kDataPost; if (bGet) { kHttpRequest = "GET "; } else { kHttpRequest = "POST "; map<KData, KData>::iterator iter; for (iter = _paramMap.begin(); iter != _paramMap.end(); iter++) { if (iter != _paramMap.begin()) kDataPost += "&"; kDataPost += iter->first; kDataPost += "="; kDataPost += iter->second; } } kHttpRequest += kHttpFile; kHttpRequest += " HTTP/1.1"; kHttpRequest += CRLF; kHttpRequest += "Host: "; kHttpRequest += kServer; kHttpRequest += CRLF; kHttpRequest += "Accept: */*"; kHttpRequest += CRLF; if (!m_dtUserAgent.isEmpty()) { kHttpRequest += "User-Agent: "; kHttpRequest += m_dtUserAgent; kHttpRequest += CRLF; } if (nStartPos > 0) { kHttpRequest += "RANGE: bytes="; kHttpRequest += nStartPos; kHttpRequest += "-"; kHttpRequest += CRLF; } kHttpRequest += "Pragma: no-cache"; kHttpRequest += CRLF; kHttpRequest += "Cache-Control: no-cache"; kHttpRequest += CRLF; kHttpRequest += "Connection: close"; kHttpRequest += CRLF; if (!bGet) { kHttpRequest += "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; kHttpRequest += CRLF; kHttpRequest += "Content-Length: "; kHttpRequest += KData((int) kDataPost.length()); kHttpRequest += CRLF; } kHttpRequest += CRLF; char szBuffer[MTU] = {0}; if (m_dtHttpProxy.isEmpty()) { LOGD("Connect to Server: %s", kServer.getData() ); m_clientSock.setServer(kServer, 80); } else { LOGD("Connect to Server: %s", m_dtHttpProxy.getData() ); m_clientSock.setServer(m_dtHttpProxy, 80); } m_clientSock.initSocket(); if (!m_clientSock.connect()) { LOGERROR("m_clientSock.connect() failed"); return -1; } m_kCnnect = m_clientSock.getConn(); m_kCnnect.setTimeout(m_timeout); if (m_kCnnect.writeData(kHttpRequest) != (int) kHttpRequest.length()) { LOGERROR(" m_conn.writeData(httpRequest) != (int)httpRequest.length() failed"); return -1; } m_iWritedBytes += kHttpRequest.length(); if (!bGet) { if (m_kCnnect.writeData(kDataPost) != (int) kDataPost.length()) { LOGERROR("m_conn.writeData(dtPost) != (int)dtPost.length() failed"); return -1; } m_iWritedBytes += kDataPost.length(); } int iRead = 0; m_iStatusCode = 0; bool bRun = true; memset(szBuffer, 0, MTU); if ((iRead = m_kCnnect.readLine(szBuffer, MTU)) <= 0) { LOGERROR( "Read command line err: %d", iRead ); m_iReadedBytes += iRead; return 0; } KData dtKData; KData dtLine(szBuffer, iRead); if (dtLine.match(SP, &dtKData, true) == NOT_FOUND) { LOGERROR("Read command line mactch space err" ); return 0; } if (dtKData != "HTTP/1.1" && dtKData != "HTTP/1.0") { LOGERROR( "GET HTTP HEAD ERR" ); return 0; } if (dtLine.match(SP, &dtKData, true) == NOT_FOUND) { LOGERROR("Read command line mactch space 2 err" ); return 0; } m_iStatusCode = (int)dtKData; LOGD("Ready to while ( (iRead = m_conn.readLine(buff,MTU)) > 0 )"); while ((iRead = m_kCnnect.readLine(szBuffer, MTU)) > 0) { m_iReadedBytes += iRead; KData dtLine(szBuffer, iRead); KData dtBefVal; if (FOUND == dtLine.match(":", &dtBefVal, true)) { dtBefVal.removeSpaces(); dtLine.removeSpaces(); if (isEqualNoCase(dtBefVal, "Content-Length")) { m_iLength = (int) dtLine + nStartPos; if (m_iNotifyPercent > 0 && m_iNotifyPercent <= 100) { m_iNotifyPos = m_iNotifyGap = m_iLength / (100 / m_iNotifyPercent); } } else if (isEqualNoCase(dtBefVal, "Transfer-Encoding")) { if (isEqualNoCase(dtLine, "chunked")) { m_bChunked = true; } } _respHeadMap[dtBefVal] = dtLine; } } if (iRead < 0) { LOGERROR("read err" ); return -1; } if (m_iStatusCode != 200 && m_iStatusCode != 206) { if (m_iStatusCode == 302) { KData dtRedirectUrl = getRespFieldValue("Location"); LOGD("Ready to return getHttpFile( dtRedirectUrl, savefile, startpos );"); return getHttpFile(dtRedirectUrl, kSaveFile, nStartPos); } LOGERROR(" m_iStatusCode!=200 && m_iStatusCode!=206"); return 0; } FILE* pkFile = 0; string strFile = kSaveFile.getData(); if (nStartPos <= 0) { pkFile = fopen(strFile.c_str(),"wb+"); } else { pkFile = fopen(strFile.c_str(), "wb+"); fclose(pkFile); pkFile = fopen(strFile.c_str(),"r+b"); if (0 == pkFile) { return -1; } fseek(pkFile, nStartPos, SEEK_SET); } if (m_bChunked) { LOGD("m_bChunked is true!"); unsigned char* pBuff = new unsigned char[MTU]; int iBuffLen = MTU; while ((iRead = m_kCnnect.readLine(szBuffer, MTU)) > 0) { m_iReadedBytes += iRead; if (iRead > 8) { return -1; } int nLength = KData(szBuffer, iRead).HexToInt(); if (nLength <= 0) { delete [] pBuff; return m_iWriteLen; } if (nLength > iBuffLen) { delete[] pBuff; iBuffLen = nLength; pBuff = new unsigned char[iBuffLen]; } int iReaded = 0; memset(pBuff, 0, nLength); m_kCnnect.readData(pBuff, nLength, iReaded); m_iReadedBytes += iReaded; kFile.write(pBuff, iReaded); m_iWriteLen += iReaded; if (m_iLength > 0) { if (m_iWriteLen >= m_iLength) { if (m_iNotifyGap > 0) { m_pNotifyCallback(m_pNotifyParam, 100, m_iWriteLen, m_iLength); } break; } if (m_iNotifyGap > 0 && m_iWriteLen > m_iNotifyPos) { int nPercent = int((m_iWriteLen / (float) m_iLength) * 100); m_iNotifyPos += m_iNotifyGap; m_pNotifyCallback(m_pNotifyParam, nPercent, m_iWriteLen, m_iLength); } } if (iReaded != nLength) { delete[] pBuff; return m_iWriteLen; } if (m_kCnnect.readLine(szBuffer, MTU) != 0) { return m_iWriteLen; } } delete[] pBuff; return m_iWriteLen; } else { string strFile = kSaveFile.getData(); while ((iRead = m_kCnnect.readn(szBuffer, MTU)) > 0 && bRun) { m_iReadedBytes += iRead; unsigned int uiWriteSize = fwrite((unsigned char*) szBuffer,1,iRead,pkFile); //kFile.write((unsigned char*) szBuffer, iRead); m_iWriteLen += iRead; if (m_iLength > 0) { if (m_iWriteLen >= m_iLength) { if (m_iNotifyGap > 0) { m_pNotifyCallback(m_pNotifyParam, 100, m_iWriteLen, m_iLength); } break; } if (m_iNotifyGap > 0 && m_iWriteLen > m_iNotifyPos) { int nPercent = int((m_iWriteLen / (float) m_iLength) * 100); m_iNotifyPos += m_iNotifyGap; m_pNotifyCallback(m_pNotifyParam, nPercent, m_iWriteLen, m_iLength); } } while (m_bPause) { vsleep(1000); } } //fclose(pkFile); } fclose(pkFile); m_kCnnect.close(); kFile.closeFile(); LOGD("return m_iWriteLen;"); return m_iWriteLen; }