// Have to define before use QDataStream& operator<< ( QDataStream &s, const MailSummary &d ) { s << d.serialNumber(); s << d.messageId(); s << d.subject(); s << d.from(); s << d.to(); KDateTime tempTime; tempTime.setTime_t( d.date() ); s << tempTime.dateTime(); return s; }
void TimelineItem::insertIncidence( KCal::Incidence *incidence, const KDateTime & _start, const KDateTime & _end ) { KDateTime start = incidence->dtStart().toTimeSpec( KOPrefs::instance()->timeSpec() ); KDateTime end = incidence->dtEnd().toTimeSpec( KOPrefs::instance()->timeSpec() ); if ( _start.isValid() ) { start = _start; } if ( _end.isValid() ) { end = _end; } if ( incidence->allDay() ) { end = end.addDays( 1 ); } typedef QList<TimelineSubItem*> ItemList; ItemList list = mItemMap[incidence]; for ( ItemList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); it != list.constEnd(); ++it ) { if ( KDateTime( (*it)->startTime() ) == start && KDateTime( (*it)->endTime() ) == end ) { return; } } TimelineSubItem * item = new TimelineSubItem( mCalendar, incidence, this ); QColor c1, c2, c3; colors( c1, c2, c3 ); item->setColors( c1, c2, c3 ); item->setStartTime( start.dateTime() ); item->setOriginalStart( start ); item->setEndTime( end.dateTime() ); mItemMap[incidence].append( item ); }
DateTime DateTime::fromString( const QString dts, const KDateTime::Spec &spec ) { if (dts.isEmpty()) { return DateTime(); } KDateTime dt = KDateTime::fromString(dts); if ( ! dt.isValid() ) { // try to parse in qt default format (used in early version) dt = KDateTime( QDateTime::fromString(dts), spec ).toLocalZone(); return dt.dateTime(); } if ( dt.isClockTime() ) { // timezone offset missing, set to spec return DateTime( dt.toLocalZone().dateTime() ); } DateTime t = DateTime( dt.toTimeSpec( spec ).toLocalZone().dateTime() ); return t; }
QString Stringify::formatDateTime( const KDateTime &dt, bool allDay, bool shortfmt, const KDateTime::Spec &spec ) { if ( allDay ) { return formatDate( dt, shortfmt, spec ); } if ( spec.isValid() ) { QString timeZone; if ( spec.timeZone() != KSystemTimeZones::local() ) { timeZone = ' ' + spec.timeZone().name(); } return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dt.toTimeSpec( spec ).dateTime(), ( shortfmt ? KLocale::ShortDate : KLocale::LongDate ) ) + timeZone; } else { return KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dt.dateTime(), ( shortfmt ? KLocale::ShortDate : KLocale::LongDate ) ); } }
void KDateTimeFormatterTest::compareFormatUnicode(KDateTimeFormatter formatter, const KDateTime &testDateTime, const QString &testFormat) { QCOMPARE(formatter.formatDateTime(testDateTime, testFormat, 0, KGlobal::locale()->calendar(), KGlobal::locale(), KGlobal::locale()->dateTimeDigitSet(), KLocale::UnicodeFormat), testDateTime.dateTime().toString(testFormat)); }