// Get the geometry deformation local to a node. It is never inherited by the // children. KFbxXMatrix GetGeometry(KFbxNode* pNode) { KFbxVector4 lT, lR, lS; KFbxXMatrix lGeometry; lT = pNode->GetGeometricTranslation(KFbxNode::eSOURCE_SET); lR = pNode->GetGeometricRotation(KFbxNode::eSOURCE_SET); lS = pNode->GetGeometricScaling(KFbxNode::eSOURCE_SET); lGeometry.SetT(lT); lGeometry.SetR(lR); lGeometry.SetS(lS); return lGeometry; }
KFbxXMatrix FilmboxNode::GetGeometricTransform() const { KFbxXMatrix value; value.SetIdentity(); if( m_node ) { KFbxVector4 translation = m_node->GeometricTranslation.Get(); KFbxVector4 rotation = m_node->GeometricRotation.Get(); KFbxVector4 scale = m_node->GeometricScaling.Get(); value.SetS( scale ); value.SetR( rotation ); value.SetT( translation ); } return value; }