コード例 #1
    KRatingWidget* ratingWidget = new KRatingWidget();
    ratingWidget->setRating( (int)m_filter.numValue );
    connect( ratingWidget, SIGNAL(ratingChanged(int)),
             this, SLOT( numValueChanged(int) ) );

    m_valueSelection1 = ratingWidget;

    if( m_filter.condition != Between )

    // second KRatingWidget for the between selection
    KRatingWidget* ratingWidget2 = new KRatingWidget();
    ratingWidget2->setRating( (int)m_filter.numValue2 );
    connect( ratingWidget2, SIGNAL(ratingChanged(int)),
             this, SLOT(numValue2Changed(int)) );

    m_valueSelection2 = ratingWidget2;
コード例 #2
void InlineEditorWidget::createChildWidgets()
    QBoxLayout* boxLayout = qobject_cast<QBoxLayout*>( layout() );
    Q_ASSERT( boxLayout );
    boxLayout->setSpacing( 0 );

    //For now, we don't allow editing of the "head" data, just the body
    LayoutItemConfig config = m_layout.layoutForItem( m_index );

    const int rowCount = config.rows();
    if( rowCount == 0 )

    // we have to use the same metrics as the PrettyItemDelegate or else
    // the widgets will change places when editing
    const int horizontalSpace = style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing );
    const int frameHMargin = style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin );
    const int frameVMargin = style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_FocusFrameVMargin );

    int rowOffsetX = frameHMargin; // keep the text a little bit away from the border

    const int coverHeight = m_widgetHeight - frameVMargin * 2;

    const bool showCover = config.showCover();
    if( showCover )
        rowOffsetX += coverHeight + horizontalSpace/* + frameHMargin * 2*/;

    const int contentHeight = m_widgetHeight - frameVMargin * 2;
    int rowHeight = contentHeight / rowCount;
    const int rowWidth = m_widgetWidth - rowOffsetX - frameHMargin * 2;

    if( showCover )
        QModelIndex coverIndex = m_index.model()->index( m_index.row(), CoverImage );
        QPixmap albumPixmap = coverIndex.data( Qt::DisplayRole ).value<QPixmap>();

        if( !albumPixmap.isNull() )
            if( albumPixmap.width() > albumPixmap.height() )
                albumPixmap = albumPixmap.scaledToWidth( coverHeight );
                albumPixmap = albumPixmap.scaledToHeight( coverHeight );

            QLabel *coverLabel = new QLabel( this );
            coverLabel->setPixmap( albumPixmap );
            if( albumPixmap.width() < coverHeight )
                coverLabel->setContentsMargins( ( coverHeight - albumPixmap.width()     ) / 2, 0,
                                                ( coverHeight - albumPixmap.width() + 1 ) / 2, 0 );
            boxLayout->setStretchFactor( coverLabel, 0 );

            boxLayout->addSpacing( horizontalSpace );

    KVBox *rowsWidget = new KVBox( this );

    // --- paint all the rows
    for( int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++ )
        LayoutItemConfigRow row = config.row( i );
        const int elementCount = row.count();

        QSplitter *rowWidget = new QSplitter( rowsWidget );
        connect( rowWidget, SIGNAL(splitterMoved(int,int)), this, SLOT(splitterMoved(int,int)) );

        m_splitterRowMap.insert( rowWidget, i );

        //we need to do a quick pass to figure out how much space is left for auto sizing elements
        qreal spareSpace = 1.0;
        int autoSizeElemCount = 0;
        for( int k = 0; k < elementCount; ++k )
            spareSpace -= row.element( k ).size();
            if( row.element( k ).size() < 0.001 )

        const qreal spacePerAutoSizeElem = spareSpace / (qreal)autoSizeElemCount;

        //give left over pixels to the first rows. Widgets are doing it the same.
        if( i == 0 )
        if( i == ( contentHeight % rowCount ) )

        QList<int> itemWidths;
        int currentItemX = 0;
        for( int j = 0; j < elementCount; ++j )
            LayoutItemConfigRowElement element = row.element( j );

            // -- calculate the size
            qreal size;
            if( element.size() < 0.001 )
                size = spacePerAutoSizeElem;
                size = element.size();

            int itemWidth;
            if( j == elementCount - 1 )
                // use the full with for the last item
                itemWidth = rowWidth - currentItemX;
                itemWidth = rowWidth * size;

            itemWidths.append( itemWidth );

            int value = element.value();

            QModelIndex textIndex = m_index.model()->index( m_index.row(), value );
            QString text = textIndex.data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
            m_orgValues.insert( value, text );

            QWidget *widget = 0;
            //special case for painting the rating...
            if( value == Rating )
                int rating = textIndex.data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toInt();

                KRatingWidget* ratingWidget = new KRatingWidget( 0 );
                ratingWidget->setAlignment( element.alignment() );
                ratingWidget->setRating( rating );
                ratingWidget->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoMousePropagation, true );

                connect( ratingWidget, SIGNAL(ratingChanged(uint)), this, SLOT(ratingValueChanged()) );

                m_editorRoleMap.insert( ratingWidget, value );
                widget = ratingWidget;
            else if( value == Divider )
                QPixmap left = The::svgHandler()->renderSvg( "divider_left",
                                                             1, rowHeight,
                                                             "divider_left" );

                QPixmap right = The::svgHandler()->renderSvg( "divider_right",
                                                              1, rowHeight,
                                                              "divider_right" );

                QPixmap dividerPixmap( 2, rowHeight );
                dividerPixmap.fill( Qt::transparent );

                QPainter painter( &dividerPixmap );
                painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, left );
                painter.drawPixmap( 1, 0, right );

                QLabel* dividerLabel = new QLabel( 0 );
                dividerLabel->setPixmap( dividerPixmap );
                dividerLabel->setAlignment( element.alignment() );

                widget = dividerLabel;
            else if( value == Moodbar )
                //we cannot ask the model for the moodbar directly as we have no
                //way of asking for a specific size. Instead just get the track from
                //the model and ask the moodbar manager ourselves.
                Meta::TrackPtr track = m_index.data( TrackRole ).value<Meta::TrackPtr>();

                QLabel* moodbarLabel = new QLabel( 0 );
                moodbarLabel->setScaledContents( true );
                if( The::moodbarManager()->hasMoodbar( track ) )
                    QPixmap moodbar = The::moodbarManager()->getMoodbar( track, itemWidth, rowHeight - 8 );
                    moodbarLabel->setPixmap( moodbar );
                widget = moodbarLabel;
            //actual playlist item text is drawn here
                QLineEdit * edit = new QLineEdit( text, 0 );
                edit->setFrame( false );
                edit->setAlignment( element.alignment() );

                // -- set font
                bool bold = element.bold();
                bool italic = element.italic();
                bool underline = element.underline();

                QFont font = edit->font();
                font.setBold( bold );
                font.setItalic( italic );
                font.setUnderline( underline );
                edit->setFont( font );

                connect( edit, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(editValueChanged()) );

                //check if this is a column that is editable. If not, make the
                //line edit read only.
                if( !isEditableColumn( static_cast<Playlist::Column>(value) ) )
                    edit->setReadOnly( true );
                    edit->setDisabled( true );
                m_editorRoleMap.insert( edit, value );
                widget = edit;

            widget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored ); // or else the widget size hint influences the space it get's which messes up the layout
            rowWidget->addWidget( widget );

            // handles are nice, but if we don't compensate for their sizes the layout
            // would be different from the item delegate
            if( j > 0 )
                widget->setContentsMargins( -( ( rowWidget->handleWidth() + 1 ) / 2 ), 0, 0, 0 );
            if( j < elementCount - 1 )
                widget->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, -( rowWidget->handleWidth() / 2 ), 0 );

            currentItemX += itemWidth;
        rowWidget->setSizes( itemWidths );