コード例 #1
void modCalcEquinox::slotComputeEquinoxesAndSolstices (void)
	long double julianDay = 0., jdf = 0.;
	float deltaJd;
	KStarsData *kd = (KStarsData*) parent()->parent()->parent();
	KSSun *Sun = new KSSun(kd);
	int year0 = getYear( yearEdit->text() );
	if (equinoxSolsticesComboBox->currentItem() == 0 ) {
		julianDay = Sun->springEquinox(year0);
		jdf = Sun->summerSolstice(year0);
	else if(equinoxSolsticesComboBox->currentItem() == 1) {
		julianDay = Sun->summerSolstice(year0);
		jdf = Sun->autumnEquinox(year0);
	else if (equinoxSolsticesComboBox->currentItem() == 2 ) {
		julianDay = Sun->autumnEquinox(year0);
		jdf = Sun->winterSolstice(year0);
	else if(equinoxSolsticesComboBox->currentItem() == 3) {
		julianDay = Sun->winterSolstice(year0);
		jdf = Sun->springEquinox(year0+1);
	deltaJd = (float) (jdf - julianDay);
コード例 #2
void modCalcDayLength::slotComputePosTime()
	long double jd0 = getDateTime().djd();

	KSNumbers * num = new KSNumbers(jd0);
	KSSun *Sun = new KSSun(((KStars*) parent()->parent()->parent())->data());

	QTime setQtime = Sun->riseSetTime( jd0 , geoPlace, false );
	QTime riseQtime = Sun->riseSetTime( jd0 , geoPlace, true );
	QTime transitQtime = Sun->transitTime(jd0 , geoPlace);

	dms setAz = Sun->riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geoPlace, false);
	dms riseAz = Sun->riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geoPlace, true);
	dms transAlt = Sun->transitAltitude(jd0, geoPlace);

	if (setQtime.isValid() ) {
		azSetBox->show( setAz );
		elTransitBox->show( transAlt );
		azRiseBox->show( riseAz );

		setTimeBox->showTime( setQtime );
		riseTimeBox->showTime( riseQtime );
		transitTimeBox->showTime( transitQtime );

		QTime dayLQtime = lengthOfDay (setQtime,riseQtime);

		dayLBox->showTime( dayLQtime );
	} else if (transAlt.Degrees() > 0. ) {
		elTransitBox->show( transAlt );

		setTimeBox->showTime( setQtime );
		riseTimeBox->showTime( riseQtime );
		transitTimeBox->showTime( transitQtime );


	} else if (transAlt.Degrees() < 0. ) {
		azSetBox->setDMS("does not rise");
		elTransitBox->setDMS("does not rise");
		azRiseBox->setDMS("does not rise");


		dayLBox->showTime( QTime(0,0,0) );

	delete num;
コード例 #3
KStarsDateTime modCalcEquinox::findSolstice( int year, bool Summer ) {
    //Find the moment when the Sun reaches maximum declination
    //First find three points which bracket the maximum (i.e., x2 > x1,x3)
    //Start at June 16th, which will always be approaching the solstice

    long double jd1,jd2,jd3,jd4;
    double y2(0.0),y3(0.0), y4(0.0);
    int month = 6;
    if ( ! Summer ) month = 12;

    jd3 = KStarsDateTime( QDate( year, month, 16 ), QTime(0,0,0) ).djd();
    KSNumbers num( jd3 );
    KSSun Sun;
    Sun.findPosition( &num );
    y3 = Sun.dec().Degrees();

    int sgn = 1;
    if ( ! Summer ) sgn = -1; //find minimum if the winter solstice is sought

    do {
        jd3 += 1.0;
        num.updateValues( jd3 );
        Sun.findPosition( &num );
        y2 = y3;
        Sun.findPosition( &num );
        y3 = Sun.dec().Degrees();
    } while ( y3*sgn > y2*sgn );

    //Ok, now y2 is larger(smaller) than both y3 and y1.
    jd2 = jd3 - 1.0;
    jd1 = jd3 - 2.0;

    //Choose a new starting jd2 that follows the golden ratio:
    // a/b = 1.618; a+b = 2...a = 0.76394
    jd2 = jd1 + 0.76394;
    num.updateValues( jd2 );
    Sun.findPosition( &num );
    y2 = Sun.dec().Degrees();

    while ( jd3 - jd1 > 0.0005 ) { //sub-minute pecision
        jd4 = jd1 + jd3 - jd2;

        num.updateValues( jd4 );
        Sun.findPosition( &num );
        y4 = Sun.dec().Degrees();

        if ( y4*sgn > y2*sgn ) { //make jd4 the new center
            if ( jd4 > jd2 ) {
                jd1 = jd2;
                jd2 = jd4;
                y2 = y4;
            } else {
                jd3 = jd2;
                y3 = y2;
                jd2 = jd4;
                y2 = y4;
        } else { //make jd4 a new endpoint
            if ( jd4 > jd2 ) {
                jd3 = jd4;
                y3 = y4;
            } else {
                jd1 = jd4;

    return KStarsDateTime( jd2 );
コード例 #4
void modCalcEquinox::slotCompute()
    KStarsData* data = KStarsData::Instance();
    KSSun Sun;
    int year0 = Year->value();

    KStarsDateTime dt( QDate(year0, 1, 1), QTime(0,0,0) );
    long double jd0 = dt.djd(); //save JD on Jan 1st
    for ( int imonth=0; imonth < 12; imonth++ ) {
        KStarsDateTime kdt( QDate(year0, imonth+1, 1), QTime(0,0,0) );
        DMonth[imonth] = kdt.djd() - jd0;


    //Add the celestial equator, just a single line bisecting the plot horizontally
    KPlotObject *ce = new KPlotObject( data->colorScheme()->colorNamed( "EqColor" ), KPlotObject::Lines, 2.0 );
    ce->addPoint( 0.0, 0.0 );
    ce->addPoint( 366.0, 0.0 );
    Plot->addPlotObject( ce );

    //Add Ecliptic.  This is more complicated than simply incrementing the
    //ecliptic longitude, because we want the x-axis to be time, not RA.
    //For each day in the year, compute the Sun's position.
    KPlotObject *ecl = new KPlotObject( data->colorScheme()->colorNamed( "EclColor" ), KPlotObject::Lines, 2 );
    ecl->setLinePen( QPen( ecl->pen().color(), 4 ) );

    Plot->setLimits( 1.0, double(dt.date().daysInYear()), -30.0, 30.0 );

    //Add top and bottom axis lines, and custom tickmarks at each month

    for ( int i=1; i<=dt.date().daysInYear(); i++ ) {
        KSNumbers num( dt.djd() );
        Sun.findPosition( &num );
        ecl->addPoint( double(i), Sun.dec().Degrees() );

        dt = dt.addDays( 1 );
    Plot->addPlotObject( ecl );

    dSpring = findEquinox( Year->value(), true, ecl );
    dSummer = findSolstice( Year->value(), true );
    dAutumn = findEquinox( Year->value(), false, ecl );
    dWinter = findSolstice( Year->value(), false );

    //Display the Date/Time of each event in the text fields
    VEquinox->setText( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dSpring, KLocale::LongDate ) );
    SSolstice->setText( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dSummer, KLocale::LongDate ) );
    AEquinox->setText( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dAutumn, KLocale::LongDate ) );
    WSolstice->setText( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dWinter, KLocale::LongDate ) );

    //Add vertical dotted lines at times of the equinoxes and solstices
    KPlotObject *poSpring = new KPlotObject( Qt::white, KPlotObject::Lines, 1 );
    poSpring->setLinePen( QPen( Qt::white, 1.0, Qt::DotLine ) );
    poSpring->addPoint( dSpring.djd()-jd0, Plot->dataRect().top() );
    poSpring->addPoint( dSpring.djd()-jd0, Plot->dataRect().bottom() );
    Plot->addPlotObject( poSpring );
    KPlotObject *poSummer = new KPlotObject( Qt::white, KPlotObject::Lines, 1 );
    poSummer->setLinePen( QPen( Qt::white, 1.0, Qt::DotLine ) );
    poSummer->addPoint( dSummer.djd()-jd0, Plot->dataRect().top() );
    poSummer->addPoint( dSummer.djd()-jd0, Plot->dataRect().bottom() );
    Plot->addPlotObject( poSummer );
    KPlotObject *poAutumn = new KPlotObject( Qt::white, KPlotObject::Lines, 1 );
    poAutumn->setLinePen( QPen( Qt::white, 1.0, Qt::DotLine ) );
    poAutumn->addPoint( dAutumn.djd()-jd0, Plot->dataRect().top() );
    poAutumn->addPoint( dAutumn.djd()-jd0, Plot->dataRect().bottom() );
    Plot->addPlotObject( poAutumn );
    KPlotObject *poWinter = new KPlotObject( Qt::white, KPlotObject::Lines, 1 );
    poWinter->setLinePen( QPen( Qt::white, 1.0, Qt::DotLine ) );
    poWinter->addPoint( dWinter.djd()-jd0, Plot->dataRect().top() );
    poWinter->addPoint( dWinter.djd()-jd0, Plot->dataRect().bottom() );
    Plot->addPlotObject( poWinter );
コード例 #5
void modCalcEquinox::processLines( QTextStream &istream ) {

	// we open the output file

//	QTextStream istream(&fIn);
	QString outputFileName;
	outputFileName = OutputLineEditBatch->text();
	QFile fOut( outputFileName );
	QTextStream ostream(&fOut);

	QString line;
	QString space = " ";
	int yearB;
	int i = 0;
	long double jdsp = 0., jdsu = 0., jdau = 0., jdwin = 0., jdsp1 = 0.;
	KStarsData *kd = (KStarsData*) parent()->parent()->parent();
	KSSun *Sun = new KSSun(kd);

	while ( ! istream.eof() ) {
		line = istream.readLine();

		//Go through the line, looking for parameters

		QStringList fields = QStringList::split( " ", line );

		i = 0;

		// Read year and write in ostream if corresponds

		if(yearCheckBatch->isChecked() ) {
			yearB = fields[i].toInt();
		} else
			yearB = yearEditBatch->text().toInt();

		if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() )
			ostream << yearB << space;
			if(yearCheckBatch->isChecked() )
				ostream << yearB << space;

		jdsp = Sun->springEquinox(yearB);
		jdsu = Sun->summerSolstice(yearB);
		jdau = Sun->autumnEquinox(yearB);
		jdwin = Sun->winterSolstice(yearB);
		jdsp1 = Sun->springEquinox(yearB+1);

		KStarsDateTime dts( jdsp );
		KStarsDateTime dtu( jdsu );
		KStarsDateTime dta( jdau );
		KStarsDateTime dtw( jdwin );

		ostream << dts.toString(Qt::ISODate) << space << (float)(jdsu - jdsp) << space 
						<< dtu.toString(Qt::ISODate) << space << (float)(jdau - jdsu) << space 
						<< dta.toString(Qt::ISODate) << space << (float)(jdwin - jdau) << space 
						<< dtw.toString(Qt::ISODate) << space << (float)(jdsp1 - jdwin) << endl;

コード例 #6
ファイル: modcalcdaylength.cpp プロジェクト: Bugsbane/kstars
void modCalcDayLength::updateAlmanac( const QDate &d, GeoLocation *geo ) {
    //Determine values needed for the Almanac
    long double jd0 = KStarsDateTime(d, QTime(8,0,0)).djd();
    KSNumbers num(jd0);

    KSSun Sun;

    QTime ssTime = Sun.riseSetTime(jd0 , geo, false );
    QTime srTime = Sun.riseSetTime(jd0 , geo, true );
    QTime stTime = Sun.transitTime(jd0 , geo);

    dms ssAz  = Sun.riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geo, false);
    dms srAz  = Sun.riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geo, true);
    dms stAlt = Sun.transitAltitude(jd0, geo);

    //In most cases, the Sun will rise and set:
    if ( ssTime.isValid() ) {
        ssAzString = ssAz.toDMSString();
        stAltString = stAlt.toDMSString();
        srAzString = srAz.toDMSString();

        ssTimeString = QLocale().toString( ssTime );
        srTimeString = QLocale().toString( srTime );
        stTimeString = QLocale().toString( stTime );

        QTime daylength = lengthOfDay(ssTime,srTime);
        daylengthString = QLocale().toString( daylength);

        //...but not always!
    } else if ( stAlt.Degrees() > 0. ) {
        ssAzString = i18n("Circumpolar");
        stAltString = stAlt.toDMSString();
        srAzString = i18n("Circumpolar");

        ssTimeString = "--:--";
        srTimeString = "--:--";
        stTimeString = QLocale().toString( stTime );
        daylengthString = "24:00";

    } else if (stAlt.Degrees() < 0. ) {
        ssAzString = i18n("Does not rise");
        stAltString = stAlt.toDMSString();
        srAzString = i18n("Does not set");

        ssTimeString = "--:--";
        srTimeString = "--:--";
        stTimeString = QLocale().toString( stTime );
        daylengthString = "00:00";

    KSMoon Moon;

    QTime msTime = Moon.riseSetTime( jd0 , geo, false );
    QTime mrTime = Moon.riseSetTime( jd0 , geo, true );
    QTime mtTime = Moon.transitTime(jd0 , geo);

    dms msAz  = Moon.riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geo, false);
    dms mrAz  = Moon.riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geo, true);
    dms mtAlt = Moon.transitAltitude(jd0, geo);

    //In most cases, the Moon will rise and set:
    if ( msTime.isValid() ) {
        msAzString = msAz.toDMSString();
        mtAltString = mtAlt.toDMSString();
        mrAzString = mrAz.toDMSString();

        msTimeString = QLocale().toString( msTime );
        mrTimeString = QLocale().toString( mrTime );
        mtTimeString = QLocale().toString( mtTime );

        //...but not always!
    } else if ( mtAlt.Degrees() > 0. ) {
        msAzString = i18n("Circumpolar");
        mtAltString = mtAlt.toDMSString();
        mrAzString = i18n("Circumpolar");

        msTimeString = "--:--";
        mrTimeString = "--:--";
        mtTimeString = QLocale().toString( mtTime );

    } else if ( mtAlt.Degrees() < 0. ) {
        msAzString = i18n("Does not rise");
        mtAltString = mtAlt.toDMSString();
        mrAzString = i18n("Does not rise");

        msTimeString = "--:--";
        mrTimeString = "--:--";
        mtTimeString = QLocale().toString( mtTime );

    //after calling riseSetTime Phase needs to reset, setting it before causes Phase to set nan
    lunarphaseString = Moon.phaseName()+" ("+QString::number( int( 100*Moon.illum() ) )+"%)";

    //Fix length of Az strings
    if ( srAz.Degrees() < 100.0 ) srAzString = ' '+srAzString;
    if ( ssAz.Degrees() < 100.0 ) ssAzString = ' '+ssAzString;
    if ( mrAz.Degrees() < 100.0 ) mrAzString = ' '+mrAzString;
    if ( msAz.Degrees() < 100.0 ) msAzString = ' '+msAzString;