コード例 #1
ファイル: skypoint.cpp プロジェクト: Bugsbane/kstars
SkyPoint SkyPoint::timeTransformed( const SkyPoint *p, const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, const double hour ) {

    Q_ASSERT( p );
    if( !p )
        return SkyPoint( NaN::d, NaN::d );

    // Jasem 2015-08-24 Using correct procedure to find altitude
    SkyPoint sp = *p; // make a copy
    KStarsDateTime targetDateTime = dt.addSecs( hour * 3600.0 );
    dms LST = geo->GSTtoLST( targetDateTime.gst() );
    sp.EquatorialToHorizontal( &LST, geo->lat() );
    return sp;

コード例 #2
QTime SkyObject::riseSetTime( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst ) {
	//this object does not rise or set; return an invalid time
	if ( checkCircumpolar(geo->lat()) )
		return QTime( 25, 0, 0 );

	//First of all, if the object is below the horizon at date/time dt, adjust the time 
	//to bring it above the horizon
	KStarsDateTime dt2 = dt;
	SkyPoint p = recomputeCoords( dt, geo );
	p.EquatorialToHorizontal( &(geo->GSTtoLST( dt.gst() )), geo->lat() );
	if ( p.alt()->Degrees() < 0.0 ) {
		if ( p.az()->Degrees() < 180.0 ) { //object has not risen yet
			dt2 = dt.addSecs( 12.*3600. );
		} else { //object has already set
			dt2 = dt.addSecs( -12.*3600. );
	return geo->UTtoLT( KStarsDateTime( dt2.date(), riseSetTimeUT( dt2, geo, rst ) ) ).time();
コード例 #3
QTime SkyObject::transitTimeUT( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo ) {
	dms LST = geo->GSTtoLST( dt.gst() );

	//dSec is the number of seconds until the object transits.
	dms HourAngle = dms( LST.Degrees() - ra()->Degrees() );
	int dSec = int( -3600.*HourAngle.Hours() );

	//dt0 is the first guess at the transit time.
	KStarsDateTime dt0 = dt.addSecs( dSec );

	//recompute object's position at UT0 and then find
	//transit time of this refined position
	SkyPoint sp = recomputeCoords( dt0, geo );
	const dms *ram = sp.ra0();

	HourAngle = dms ( LST.Degrees() - ram->Degrees() );
	dSec = int( -3600.*HourAngle.Hours() );

	return dt.addSecs( dSec ).time();
コード例 #4
SkyPoint SkyObject::recomputeCoords( const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo ) {
	//store current position
	SkyPoint original( ra(), dec() );

	// compute coords for new time jd
	KSNumbers num( dt.djd() );
	if ( isSolarSystem() && geo ) {
		dms LST = geo->GSTtoLST( dt.gst() );
		updateCoords( &num, true, geo->lat(), &LST );
	} else {
		updateCoords( &num );

	//the coordinates for the date dt:
	SkyPoint sp = SkyPoint( ra(), dec() );

	// restore original coords
	setRA( original.ra()->Hours() );
	setDec( original.dec()->Degrees() );

	return sp;
コード例 #5
void modCalcVlsr::slotCompute()
    bool ok1(false), ok2(false);
    SkyPoint sp( RA->createDms(false, &ok1), Dec->createDms(true, &ok2) );
    if ( !ok1 || !ok2 ) return;

    KStarsDateTime dt = Date->dateTime();
    double vst[3];
    geoPlace->TopocentricVelocity( vst, dt.gst() );

    if ( sender()->objectName() == "VLSR" )   velocityFlag = 0;
    if ( sender()->objectName() == "VHelio" ) velocityFlag = 1;
    if ( sender()->objectName() == "VGeo" )   velocityFlag = 2;
    if ( sender()->objectName() == "VTopo" )  velocityFlag = 3;

    switch ( velocityFlag ) {
    case 0: //Hold VLSR constant, compute the others
            double vlsr = VLSR->text().toDouble();
            double vhelio = sp.vHeliocentric( vlsr, dt.djd() );
            double vgeo = sp.vGeocentric( vhelio, dt.djd() );

            VHelio->setText( QString::number( vhelio ) );
            VGeo->setText( QString::number( vgeo ) );
            VTopo->setText( QString::number( sp.vTopocentric(vgeo, vst) ) );

    case 1: //Hold VHelio constant, compute the others
            double vhelio = VHelio->text().toDouble();
            double vlsr = sp.vHelioToVlsr( vhelio, dt.djd() );
            double vgeo = sp.vGeocentric( vhelio, dt.djd() );

            VLSR->setText( QString::number( vlsr ) );
            VGeo->setText( QString::number( vgeo ) );
            VTopo->setText( QString::number( sp.vTopocentric(vgeo, vst) ) );

    case 2: //Hold VGeo constant, compute the others
            double vgeo = VGeo->text().toDouble();
            double vhelio = sp.vGeoToVHelio( vgeo, dt.djd() );
            double vlsr = sp.vHelioToVlsr( vhelio, dt.djd() );

            VLSR->setText( QString::number( vlsr ) );
            VHelio->setText( QString::number( vhelio ) );
            VTopo->setText( QString::number( sp.vTopocentric(vgeo, vst) ) );

    case 3: //Hold VTopo constant, compute the others
            double vtopo = VTopo->text().toDouble();
            double vgeo = sp.vTopoToVGeo( vtopo, vst );
            double vhelio = sp.vGeoToVHelio( vgeo, dt.djd() );
            double vlsr = sp.vHelioToVlsr( vhelio, dt.djd() );

            VLSR->setText( QString::number( vlsr ) );
            VHelio->setText( QString::number( vhelio ) );
            VGeo->setText( QString::number( vgeo ) );

    default: //oops
        kDebug() << i18n("Error: do not know which velocity to use for input.");
コード例 #6
void DetailsTable::createCoordinatesTable(SkyObject *obj, const KStarsDateTime &ut, GeoLocation *geo)

    QTextCursor cursor = m_Document->rootFrame()->firstCursorPosition();

    // Set column width constraints
    QVector<QTextLength> constraints;
    constraints << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25)
                << QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 25);

    // Insert table & row containing table name
    QTextTable *table = cursor.insertTable(4, 4, m_TableFormat);
    table->mergeCells(0, 0, 1, 4);
    QTextBlockFormat centered;
    table->cellAt(0, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(0, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Coordinates"), m_TableTitleCharFormat);

    //Coordinates Section:
    //Don't use KLocale::formatNumber() for the epoch string,
    //because we don't want a thousands-place separator!
    QString sEpoch = QString::number(ut.epoch(), 'f', 1);
    //Replace the decimal point with localized decimal symbol
    sEpoch.replace('.', KGlobal::locale()->decimalSymbol());

    table->cellAt(1, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("RA (%1):", sEpoch), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(1, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(1, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(obj->ra().toHMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(2, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Dec (%1):", sEpoch), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(2, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(2, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(obj->dec().toDMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(3, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Hour angle:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(3, 0).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    //Hour Angle can be negative, but dms HMS expressions cannot.
    //Here's a kludgy workaround:
    dms lst = geo->GSTtoLST(ut.gst());
    dms ha(lst.Degrees() - obj->ra().Degrees());
    QChar sgn('+');
    if(ha.Hours() > 12.0)
        ha.setH(24.0 - ha.Hours());
        sgn = '-';
    table->cellAt(3, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(QString("%1%2").arg(sgn).arg(ha.toHMSString()), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(1, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Azimuth:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(1, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    table->cellAt(1, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(obj->az().toDMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(2, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Altitude:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(2, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    dms a;
        a = obj->alt();

        a = obj->altRefracted();
    table->cellAt(2, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(a.toDMSString(), m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    table->cellAt(3, 2).firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Airmass:"), m_ItemNameCharFormat);
    table->cellAt(3, 2).firstCursorPosition().setBlockFormat(centered);
    //Airmass is approximated as the secant of the zenith distance,
    //equivalent to 1./sin(Alt).  Beware of Inf at Alt=0!
    QString aMassStr;
    if(obj->alt().Degrees() > 0.0)
        aMassStr = KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(1./sin(obj->alt().radians() ), 2);

        aMassStr = "--";
    table->cellAt(3, 3).firstCursorPosition().insertText(aMassStr, m_ItemValueCharFormat);

    // Restore the position and other time-dependent parameters
    obj->recomputeCoords(ut, geo);
コード例 #7
ファイル: modcalcsidtime.cpp プロジェクト: Bugsbane/kstars
QTime modCalcSidTime::computeLTtoST( QTime lt )
    KStarsDateTime utdt = geo->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime( Date->date(), lt ) );
    dms st = geo->GSTtoLST( utdt.gst() );
    return QTime( st.hour(), st.minute(), st.second() );
コード例 #8
ファイル: modcalcaltaz.cpp プロジェクト: birefringence/kstars
void modCalcAltAz::slotDateTimeChanged(const QDateTime &dt)
    KStarsDateTime ut = geoPlace->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime( dt ) );
    LST = geoPlace->GSTtoLST( ut.gst() );