void KgpgApp::slotFileSave() { TQString filn=Docname.path(); if (filn.isEmpty()) { slotFileSaveAs(); return; } TQTextCodec*cod=TQTextCodec::codecForName (textEncoding.ascii()); // slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file...")); if (!checkEncoding(cod)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("The document could not been saved, as the selected encoding cannot encode every unicode character in it.")); return; } KTempFile tmpfile; if (Docname.isLocalFile()) { TQFile f(filn); if ( !f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("The document could not be saved, please check your permissions and disk space.")); return; } TQTextStream t( &f ); t.setCodec(cod); //t.setEncoding( TQTextStream::Latin1 ); t << view->editor->text();//.utf8(); f.close(); } else { /*FIXME use following code: TQFile f( fName ); 00983 if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) 00984 return; 00985 TQFileInfo info ( f ); 00986 smModificationTime = new TQTime( info.lastModified().time() ); 00987 TQTextStream t(&f); 00988 t.setEncoding( TQTextStream::Latin1 ); 00989 TQString s = t.readLine(); 00990 f.close(); */ TQTextStream *stream = tmpfile.textStream(); stream->setCodec(cod); *stream << view->editor->text();//.utf8(); tmpfile.close(); if(!TDEIO::NetAccess::upload(tmpfile.name(), Docname,this)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("The document could not be saved, please check your permissions and disk space.")); tmpfile.unlink(); return; } tmpfile.unlink(); } fileSave->setEnabled(false); setCaption(Docname.fileName(),false); }
void K3bIsoImager::writePathSpecForFile( K3bFileItem* item, QTextStream& stream ) { stream << escapeGraftPoint( item->writtenPath() ) << "="; if( m_doc->bootImages().containsRef( dynamic_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item) ) ) { // boot-image-backup-hack // create temp file KTempFile temp; QString tempPath = temp.name(); temp.unlink(); if( !KIO::NetAccess::copy( KURL(item->localPath()), KURL::fromPathOrURL(tempPath) ) ) { emit infoMessage( i18n("Failed to backup boot image file %1").arg(item->localPath()), ERROR ); return; } static_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item)->setTempPath( tempPath ); m_tempFiles.append(tempPath); stream << escapeGraftPoint( tempPath ) << "\n"; } else if( item->isSymLink() && d->usedLinkHandling == Private::FOLLOW ) stream << escapeGraftPoint( K3b::resolveLink( item->localPath() ) ) << "\n"; else stream << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << "\n"; }
void RulesDialog::slotUser2() { KURL kurl = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(0, i18n("*.sh|Shell Scripts (*.sh)"), this); if (kurl.path() == "") return; KTempFile temp; QString fileName = kurl.path(); if (fileName == "") return; if (!kurl.isLocalFile()) { fileName = temp.name(); } QFile file(fileName); file.open(IO_WriteOnly); QTextStream stream(&file); stream << mRules->text(); file.close(); if (!kurl.isLocalFile()) { if (!KIO::NetAccess::upload(fileName, kurl, this)) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Failed to upload file.")); } temp.unlink(); }
void KMoneyThingMainWidget::slotSave() { KTempFile temp; QString fileName = mCurrentFile->kurl().path(); if (fileName == "") { slotSaveAs(); return; } if (!mCurrentFile->kurl().isLocalFile()) { fileName = temp.name(); } emit(setStatus(i18n("Saving file..."))); QByteArray dump = qCompress(mCurrentFile->dump()); QFile file(fileName); file.open(IO_WriteOnly); QDataStream stream(&file); stream << (QString) "KMoneyThingFile" << dump; file.close(); if (!mCurrentFile->kurl().isLocalFile()) { emit(setStatus(i18n("Uploading file..."))); if (!KIO::NetAccess::upload(fileName, mCurrentFile->kurl(), this)) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Failed to upload file.")); } temp.unlink(); emit(setStatus(i18n("Ready."))); }
bool KMiniEdit::saveFile(KURL newurl) { if (newurl.isEmpty()) newurl = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(); if (newurl.isEmpty()) return false; if (newurl.isMalformed()) { QString text = i18n("<b>THe URL %1 is not correct!</b>"); KMessageBox::sorry(this, text.arg(newurl.prettyURL())); return false; } if (newurl.isLocalFile()) { QFile file(newurl.path()); file.open(IO_WriteOnly); saveToLocalFile(&file); } else { KTempFile tempfile; saveToLocalFile(tempfile.file()); if (!KIO::NetAccess::upload(tempfile.name(), newurl)) { QString text = i18n("<b>Error uploading %1!</b>"); KMessageBox::sorry(this, text.arg(newurl.prettyURL())); tempfile.unlink(); return false; } tempfile.unlink(); } url = newurl; addURLtoRecent(); resetEdited(); return true; }