void KVINDRAUpDater_e475s::SetCalibrationParameters(UInt_t run){ //Set calibration parameters for this run. //This will: // remove all the calibrators of all the detectors ready to receive the calibrators for the run (handled by child classes), // set calibration parameters for the run // set pedestals for the run cout << "Setting calibration parameters of INDRA array for run " << run << ":" << endl; KVDBRun *kvrun = gIndraDB->GetRun(run); if (!kvrun) { Error("SetParameters(UInt_t)", "Run %u not found in database!", run); return; } //Reset all calibrators of all detectors first TIter next(gIndra->GetListOfDetectors()); KVDetector *kvd; while ((kvd = (KVDetector *) next())) { if (kvd->InheritsFrom("KVSiLi") || kvd->InheritsFrom("KVSi75")){ if (kvd->GetListOfCalibrators()) kvd->RemoveCalibrators(); kvd->SetCalibrators(); } else { if (kvd->GetListOfCalibrators()) { kvd->RemoveCalibrators(); TIter lacq(kvd->GetACQParamList()); KVACQParam* acq = 0; while ( (acq = (KVACQParam* )lacq()) ){ acq->SetPedestal(0); } } } } SetCalibParameters(kvrun); SetPedestals(kvrun); }
void KVINDRAUpDater::SetLitEnergyCsIParameters(KVDBRun* kvrun) { // Setting Light- Energy CsI calibration parameters for Z=1 KVRList* param_list = kvrun->GetLinks("Light-Energy CsI Z=1"); if (param_list && param_list->GetSize()) { KVDetector* kvd; KVDBParameterSet* kvps; KVCalibrator* kvc; TIter next_ps(param_list); TString str; while ((kvps = (KVDBParameterSet*) next_ps())) { // boucle sur les parametres str = kvps->GetName(); kvd = fArray->GetDetector(str.Data()); if (!kvd) Warning("SetLitEnergyCsIParameters(UInt_t)", "Dectector %s not found !", str.Data()); else { // detector found kvc = kvd->GetCalibrator(kvps->GetTitle()); if (!kvc) { Warning("SetLitEnergyCsIParameters(UInt_t)", "Calibrator %s %s not found ! - it will be created", kvps->GetName(), kvps->GetTitle()); kvd->SetCalibrators(); kvc = kvd->GetCalibrator(kvps->GetTitle()); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < kvc->GetNumberParams(); i++) { kvc->SetParameter(i, kvps->GetParameter(i)); kvc->SetStatus(kTRUE); // calibrator ready } } //detector found } //boucle sur les parameters } // Setting Light- Energy CsI calibration parameters for Z>1 param_list = kvrun->GetLinks("Light-Energy CsI Z>1"); if (!param_list || !param_list->GetSize()) { return; } KVDetector* kvd; KVDBParameterSet* kvps; KVCalibrator* kvc; TString str; TIter next_ps2(param_list); while ((kvps = (KVDBParameterSet*) next_ps2())) { // boucle sur les parametres str = kvps->GetName(); kvd = fArray->GetDetector(str.Data()); if (!kvd) Warning("SetLitEnergyCsIParameters(UInt_t)", "Dectector %s not found !", str.Data()); else { // detector found kvc = kvd->GetCalibrator(kvps->GetTitle()); if (!kvc) { Warning("SetLitEnergyCsIParameters(UInt_t)", "Calibrator %s %s not found ! - it will be created", kvps->GetName(), kvps->GetTitle()); kvd->SetCalibrators(); kvc = kvd->GetCalibrator(kvps->GetTitle()); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < kvc->GetNumberParams(); i++) { kvc->SetParameter(i, kvps->GetParameter(i)); kvc->SetStatus(kTRUE); // calibrator ready } } //detector found } //boucle sur les parameters }