bool LoopClosing::ComputeSim3() { // For each consistent loop candidate we try to compute a Sim3 const int nInitialCandidates = mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates.size(); // We compute first ORB matches for each candidate // If enough matches are found, we setup a Sim3Solver ORBmatcher matcher(0.75,true); vector<Sim3Solver*> vpSim3Solvers; vpSim3Solvers.resize(nInitialCandidates); vector<vector<MapPoint*> > vvpMapPointMatches; vvpMapPointMatches.resize(nInitialCandidates); vector<bool> vbDiscarded; vbDiscarded.resize(nInitialCandidates); int nCandidates=0; //candidates with enough matches for(int i=0; i<nInitialCandidates; i++) { KeyFrame* pKF = mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates[i]; // avoid that local mapping erase it while it is being processed in this thread pKF->SetNotErase(); if(pKF->isBad()) { vbDiscarded[i] = true; continue; } int nmatches = matcher.SearchByBoW(mpCurrentKF,pKF,vvpMapPointMatches[i]); if(nmatches<20) { vbDiscarded[i] = true; continue; } else { Sim3Solver* pSolver = new Sim3Solver(mpCurrentKF,pKF,vvpMapPointMatches[i]); pSolver->SetRansacParameters(0.99,20,300); vpSim3Solvers[i] = pSolver; } nCandidates++; } bool bMatch = false; // Perform alternatively RANSAC iterations for each candidate // until one is succesful or all fail while(nCandidates>0 && !bMatch) { for(int i=0; i<nInitialCandidates; i++) { if(vbDiscarded[i]) continue; KeyFrame* pKF = mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates[i]; // Perform 5 Ransac Iterations vector<bool> vbInliers; int nInliers; bool bNoMore; Sim3Solver* pSolver = vpSim3Solvers[i]; cv::Mat Scm = pSolver->iterate(5,bNoMore,vbInliers,nInliers); // If Ransac reachs max. iterations discard keyframe if(bNoMore) { vbDiscarded[i]=true; nCandidates--; } // If RANSAC returns a Sim3, perform a guided matching and optimize with all correspondences if(!Scm.empty()) { vector<MapPoint*> vpMapPointMatches(vvpMapPointMatches[i].size(), static_cast<MapPoint*>(NULL)); for(size_t j=0, jend=vbInliers.size(); j<jend; j++) { if(vbInliers[j]) vpMapPointMatches[j]=vvpMapPointMatches[i][j]; } cv::Mat R = pSolver->GetEstimatedRotation(); cv::Mat t = pSolver->GetEstimatedTranslation(); const float s = pSolver->GetEstimatedScale(); matcher.SearchBySim3(mpCurrentKF,pKF,vpMapPointMatches,s,R,t,7.5); g2o::Sim3 gScm(Converter::toMatrix3d(R),Converter::toVector3d(t),s); const int nInliers = Optimizer::OptimizeSim3(mpCurrentKF, pKF, vpMapPointMatches, gScm, 10); // If optimization is succesful stop ransacs and continue if(nInliers>=20) { bMatch = true; mpMatchedKF = pKF; g2o::Sim3 gSmw(Converter::toMatrix3d(pKF->GetRotation()),Converter::toVector3d(pKF->GetTranslation()),1.0); mg2oScw = gScm*gSmw; mScw = Converter::toCvMat(mg2oScw); mvpCurrentMatchedPoints = vpMapPointMatches; break; } } } } if(!bMatch) { for(int i=0; i<nInitialCandidates; i++) mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates[i]->SetErase(); mpCurrentKF->SetErase(); return false; } // Retrieve MapPoints seen in Loop Keyframe and neighbors vector<KeyFrame*> vpLoopConnectedKFs = mpMatchedKF->GetVectorCovisibleKeyFrames(); vpLoopConnectedKFs.push_back(mpMatchedKF); mvpLoopMapPoints.clear(); for(vector<KeyFrame*>::iterator vit=vpLoopConnectedKFs.begin(); vit!=vpLoopConnectedKFs.end(); vit++) { KeyFrame* pKF = *vit; vector<MapPoint*> vpMapPoints = pKF->GetMapPointMatches(); for(size_t i=0, iend=vpMapPoints.size(); i<iend; i++) { MapPoint* pMP = vpMapPoints[i]; if(pMP) { if(!pMP->isBad() && pMP->mnLoopPointForKF!=mpCurrentKF->mnId) { mvpLoopMapPoints.push_back(pMP); pMP->mnLoopPointForKF=mpCurrentKF->mnId; } } } } // Find more matches projecting with the computed Sim3 matcher.SearchByProjection(mpCurrentKF, mScw, mvpLoopMapPoints, mvpCurrentMatchedPoints,10); // If enough matches accept Loop int nTotalMatches = 0; for(size_t i=0; i<mvpCurrentMatchedPoints.size(); i++) { if(mvpCurrentMatchedPoints[i]) nTotalMatches++; } if(nTotalMatches>=40) { for(int i=0; i<nInitialCandidates; i++) if(mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates[i]!=mpMatchedKF) mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates[i]->SetErase(); return true; } else { for(int i=0; i<nInitialCandidates; i++) mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates[i]->SetErase(); mpCurrentKF->SetErase(); return false; } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { VideoCapture cap(string(KAI_PATH).append("shield_vid.mp4")); // VideoCapture cap(string(KAI_PATH).append("")); // VideoCapture cap(string(MOHIT_PATH).append("indoor.avi")); // VideoCapture cap("/Users/MohitSridhar/Downloads/kitti_youtube.avi"); // VideoCapture cap("/Users/MohitSridhar/Downloads/VID_20150530_120719.mp4"); if (!cap.isOpened()) { cout << "failed to open video file" << endl; return -1; } // Initialize visualizer and load initial map Ptr<VisualizerListener> visualizerListener = new VisualizerListener; InitializeVisualizer(); RunVisualizationOnly(); // Initialize SLAM Mat frame; Size size(640, 480); vslam::VSlam slam = vslam::VSlam(); while (true) { cap >> frame; if (frame.empty()) { break; } resize(frame, frame, size); clock_t start = clock(); slam.ProcessFrame(frame); clock_t end = clock(); double processFrameDuration = (end - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "processFrameDuration: " << processFrameDuration << endl; if (waitKey(30) == 27) { break; } // Update visualizer visualizerListener->update(slam.GetKeyFrames(), slam.GetCameraRot().back(), slam. GetCameraPose().back()); RunVisualizationOnly(); // Draw translation and rotation information Augmentor augmentor; KeyFrame currKeyFrame = slam.GetCurrKeyFrame(); Mat translationMatrix = currKeyFrame.GetTranslation(); augmentor.DisplayTranslation(frame, translationMatrix); Mat rotationMatrix = currKeyFrame.GetRotation(); augmentor.DisplayRotation(frame, rotationMatrix); // Draw keypoints KeypointArray keypoints = currKeyFrame.GetTrackedKeypoints(); Mat trackedFeatures; Scalar kpColor = Scalar(255, 0, 0); drawKeypoints(frame, keypoints, trackedFeatures, kpColor); imshow("Tracked Features", trackedFeatures); } waitKey(0); WaitForVisualizationThread(); return 0; }