コード例 #1
std::vector<cv::Mat> SiftMatcher::compute(Keypoints& keypoints)
  std::vector<cv::Mat> descriptors(keypoints.size());
  cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); ++i)
    extractor.compute(m_images[i], keypoints[i], descriptors[i]);

  return descriptors;
コード例 #2
bool FeatureAlgorithm::extractFeatures(const cv::Mat& image, Keypoints& kp, Descriptors& desc) const

    if (featureEngine)
        (*featureEngine)(image, cv::noArray(), kp, desc);
        detector->detect(image, kp);
        if (kp.empty())
            return false;
        extractor->compute(image, kp, desc);
    return kp.size() > 0;
コード例 #3
bool performEstimation
    const FeatureAlgorithm& alg,
    const ImageTransformation& transformation,
    const cv::Mat& sourceImage,
    std::vector<FrameMatchingStatistics>& stat
  Keypoints   sourceKp;
  Descriptors sourceDesc;

  cv::Mat gray;
  if (sourceImage.channels() == 3)
      cv::cvtColor(sourceImage, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
  else if (sourceImage.channels() == 4)
      cv::cvtColor(sourceImage, gray, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
  else if(sourceImage.channels() == 1)
      gray = sourceImage;

  if (!alg.extractFeatures(gray, sourceKp, sourceDesc))
    return false;

  std::vector<float> x = transformation.getX();

  const int count = x.size();

  cv::Mat     transformedImage;
  Keypoints   resKpReal;
  Descriptors resDesc;
  Matches     matches;

  // To convert ticks to milliseconds
  const double toMsMul = 1000. / cv::getTickFrequency();

#pragma omp parallel for private(transformedImage, resKpReal, resDesc, matches)
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    float       arg = x[i];
    FrameMatchingStatistics& s = stat[i];

    transformation.transform(arg, gray, transformedImage);

    int64 start = cv::getTickCount();

    alg.extractFeatures(transformedImage, resKpReal, resDesc);

    // Initialize required fields
    s.isValid        = resKpReal.size() > 0;
    s.argumentValue  = arg;

    if (!s.isValid)

    if (alg.knMatchSupported)
      std::vector<Matches> knMatches;
      alg.matchFeatures(sourceDesc, resDesc, 2, knMatches);
      ratioTest(knMatches, 0.75, matches);

      // Compute percent of false matches that were rejected by ratio test
      s.ratioTestFalseLevel = (float)(knMatches.size() - matches.size()) / (float) knMatches.size();
      alg.matchFeatures(sourceDesc, resDesc, matches);

    int64 end = cv::getTickCount();

    Matches correctMatches;
    cv::Mat homography;
    bool homographyFound = ImageTransformation::findHomography(sourceKp, resKpReal, matches, correctMatches, homography);

    // Some simple stat:
    s.isValid        = homographyFound;
    s.totalKeypoints = resKpReal.size();
    s.consumedTimeMs = (end - start) * toMsMul;

    // Compute overall percent of matched keypoints
    s.percentOfMatches      = (float) matches.size() / (float)(std::min(sourceKp.size(), resKpReal.size()));
    s.correctMatchesPercent = (float) correctMatches.size() / (float)matches.size();

    // Compute matching statistics
    computeMatchesDistanceStatistics(correctMatches, s.meanDistance, s.stdDevDistance);

  return true;