コード例 #1
ファイル: konqview.cpp プロジェクト: vishesh/kde-baseapps
bool KonqView::changePart(const QString &mimeType,
                          const QString &serviceName,
                          bool forceAutoEmbed)
    // Caller should call stop first.
    assert( !m_bLoading );

    //kDebug() << "mimeType=" << mimeType
    //             << "requested serviceName=" << serviceName
    //             << "current service name=" << m_service->desktopEntryName();

    if (serviceName == m_service->desktopEntryName()) {
        m_serviceType = mimeType;
        return true;

    if (isLockedViewMode()) {
        //kDebug() << "This view's mode is locked - can't change";
        return false; // we can't do that if our view mode is locked

    KService::List partServiceOffers, appServiceOffers;
    KService::Ptr service;
    KonqFactory konqFactory;
    KonqViewFactory viewFactory = konqFactory.createView( mimeType, serviceName, &service, &partServiceOffers, &appServiceOffers, forceAutoEmbed );

  if ( viewFactory.isNull() )
    // Revert location bar's URL to the working one
      setLocationBarURL( currentHistoryEntry()->locationBarURL );
    return false;

  m_serviceType = mimeType;
  m_partServiceOffers = partServiceOffers;
  m_appServiceOffers = appServiceOffers;

  // Check if that's already the kind of part we have -> no need to recreate it
  // Note: we should have an operator== for KService...
  if ( m_service && m_service->entryPath() == service->entryPath() )
    kDebug() << "Reusing service. Service type set to" << m_serviceType;
    if (  m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
    m_service = service;

    switchView( viewFactory );

  return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: konqfactory.cpp プロジェクト: blue-shell/folderview
KonqViewFactory KonqFactory::createView( const QString &serviceType,
                                         const QString &serviceName,
                                         KService::Ptr *serviceImpl,
                                         KService::List *partServiceOffers,
                                         KService::List *appServiceOffers,
					 bool forceAutoEmbed )
  kDebug() << "Trying to create view for" << serviceType << serviceName;

  // We need to get those in any case
  KService::List offers, appOffers;

  // Query the trader
  getOffers( serviceType, &offers, &appOffers );

  if ( partServiceOffers )
     (*partServiceOffers) = offers;
  if ( appServiceOffers )
     (*appServiceOffers) = appOffers;

  // We ask ourselves whether to do it or not only if no service was specified.
  // If it was (from the View menu or from RMB + Embedding service), just do it.
  forceAutoEmbed = forceAutoEmbed || !serviceName.isEmpty();
  // Or if we have no associated app anyway, then embed.
  forceAutoEmbed = forceAutoEmbed || ( appOffers.isEmpty() && !offers.isEmpty() );
  // Or if the associated app is konqueror itself, then embed.
  if ( !appOffers.isEmpty() )
    forceAutoEmbed = forceAutoEmbed || KonqMainWindow::isMimeTypeAssociatedWithSelf( serviceType, appOffers.first() );

  if ( ! forceAutoEmbed )
    if ( ! KonqFMSettings::settings()->shouldEmbed( serviceType ) )
      kDebug() << "KonqFMSettings says: don't embed this servicetype";
      return KonqViewFactory();

    KService::Ptr service;

    // Look for this service
    if (!serviceName.isEmpty()) {
        KService::List::const_iterator it = offers.constBegin();
        for ( ; it != offers.constEnd() && !service ; ++it ) {
            if ( (*it)->desktopEntryName() == serviceName ) {
                kDebug() << "Found requested service" << serviceName;
                service = *it;

    KonqViewFactory viewFactory;
    if (service) {
        kDebug() << "Trying to open lib for requested service " << service->desktopEntryName();
        viewFactory = tryLoadingService(service);
        // If this fails, then return an error.
        // When looking for konq_sidebartng or konq_aboutpage, we don't want to end up
        // with khtml or another Browser/View part in case of an error...
    } else {
        KService::List::Iterator it = offers.begin();
        for ( ; viewFactory.isNull() /* exit as soon as we get one */ && it != offers.end() ; ++it ) {
            service = (*it);
            // Allowed as default ?
            QVariant prop = service->property( "X-KDE-BrowserView-AllowAsDefault" );
            kDebug() << service->desktopEntryName() << " : X-KDE-BrowserView-AllowAsDefault is valid : " << prop.isValid();
            if ( !prop.isValid() || prop.toBool() ) { // defaults to true
                //kDebug() << "Trying to open lib for service " << service->name();
                viewFactory = tryLoadingService(service);
                // If this works, we exit the loop.
            } else {
                kDebug() << "Not allowed as default " << service->desktopEntryName();

    if (serviceImpl)
        (*serviceImpl) = service;

    if (viewFactory.isNull()) {
        if (offers.isEmpty())
            kWarning() << "no part was associated with" << serviceType;
            kWarning() << "no part could be loaded"; // full error was shown to user already
        return viewFactory;

    QVariantList args;
    const QVariant prop = service->property( "X-KDE-BrowserView-Args" );
    if (prop.isValid()) {
        Q_FOREACH(const QString& str, prop.toString().split(' '))
            args << QVariant(str);