bool KstPsdDialog::newObject() { QString tag_name = _tagName->text(); bool retVal = false; if (tag_name == defaultTag) { tag_name = KST::suggestPSDName(KstObjectTag::fromString(_w->_vector->selectedVector())); } if (KstData::self()->dataTagNameNotUnique(tag_name)) { _tagName->setFocus(); return false; } if (_w->_vector->selectedVector().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, QObject::tr("Kst"), QObject::tr("New spectrum not made: define vectors first.")); return false; } KST::vectorList.lock().readLock(); KstVectorPtr p = *KST::vectorList.findTag(_w->_vector->selectedVector()); KST::vectorList.lock().unlock(); if (_w->_kstFFTOptions->checkValues()) { if (p) { KstVCurvePtr vc; KstPSDPtr psd; QColor color; p->readLock(); psd = new KstPSD(tag_name, p, _w->_kstFFTOptions->SampRate->text().toDouble(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->Interleaved->isChecked(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->FFTLen->text().toInt(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->Apodize->isChecked(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->RemoveMean->isChecked(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->VectorUnits->text(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->RateUnits->text(), ApodizeFunction(_w->_kstFFTOptions->ApodizeFxn->currentIndex()), _w->_kstFFTOptions->Sigma->value(), PSDType(_w->_kstFFTOptions->Output->currentIndex())); psd->setInterpolateHoles(_w->_kstFFTOptions->InterpolateHoles->isChecked()); p->unlock(); // xxx color = KstApp::inst()->chooseColorDlg()->getColorForCurve(psd->vX(), psd->vY()); if (!color.isValid()) { color = _w->_curveAppearance->color(); } vc = new KstVCurve(KST::suggestCurveName(psd->tag(),true), psd->vX(), psd->vY(), KstVectorPtr(), KstVectorPtr(), KstVectorPtr(), KstVectorPtr(), color); vc->setHasPoints(_w->_curveAppearance->showPoints()); vc->setHasLines(_w->_curveAppearance->showLines()); vc->setHasBars(_w->_curveAppearance->showBars()); vc->setPointStyle(_w->_curveAppearance->pointType()); vc->setLineWidth(_w->_curveAppearance->lineWidth()); vc->setLineStyle(_w->_curveAppearance->lineStyle()); vc->setBarStyle(_w->_curveAppearance->barStyle()); vc->setPointDensity(_w->_curveAppearance->pointDensity()); QString legend_text = _legendText->text(); if (legend_text == defaultTag) { vc->setLegendText(QString::null); } else { vc->setLegendText(legend_text); } Kst2DPlotPtr plot; KstViewWindow *w; /* xxx w = dynamic_cast<KstViewWindow*>(KstApp::inst()->findWindow(_w->_curvePlacement->_plotWindow->currentText())); if (!w) { QString n = KstApp::inst()->newWindow(KST::suggestWinName()); w = static_cast<KstViewWindow*>(KstApp::inst()->findWindow(n)); } */ if (w) { if (_w->_curvePlacement->existingPlot()) { plot = kst_cast<Kst2DPlot>(w->view()->findChild(_w->_curvePlacement->plotName())); if (plot) { plot->addCurve(vc); } } if (_w->_curvePlacement->newPlot()) { QString name = w->createPlot(KST::suggestPlotName()); if (_w->_curvePlacement->reGrid()) { w->view()->cleanup(_w->_curvePlacement->columns()); } plot = kst_cast<Kst2DPlot>(w->view()->findChild(name)); if (plot) { plot->setXAxisInterpretation(false, KstAxisInterpretation(), KstAxisDisplay()); plot->setYAxisInterpretation(false, KstAxisInterpretation(), KstAxisDisplay()); _w->_curvePlacement->update(); _w->_curvePlacement->setCurrentPlot(plot->tagName()); plot->addCurve(vc); plot->generateDefaultLabels(); } } } KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(psd); KST::dataObjectList.append(vc); KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); psd = 0L; vc = 0L; emit modified(); retVal = true; } } return retVal; }
/* returns true if succesful */ bool KstPsdDialogI::newObject() { QString tag_name = _tagName->text(); if (tag_name == defaultTag) { tag_name = KST::suggestPSDName(KstObjectTag::fromString(_w->_vector->selectedVector())); } // verify that the curve name is unique if (KstData::self()->dataTagNameNotUnique(tag_name)) { _tagName->setFocus(); return false; } if (_w->_vector->selectedVector().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("New PSD not made: define vectors first.")); return false; } KST::vectorList.lock().readLock(); KstVectorPtr p = *KST::vectorList.findTag(_w->_vector->selectedVector()); KST::vectorList.lock().unlock(); if (!p) { kstdFatal() << "Bug in kst: the vector field (PSD) refers to " << "a non existant vector...." << endl; } // create the psd curve if (!_w->_kstFFTOptions->checkValues()) { return false; } else { p->readLock(); KstPSDPtr psd = new KstPSD(tag_name, p, _w->_kstFFTOptions->SampRate->text().toDouble(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->Interleaved->isChecked(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->FFTLen->text().toInt(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->Apodize->isChecked(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->RemoveMean->isChecked(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->VectorUnits->text(), _w->_kstFFTOptions->RateUnits->text(), ApodizeFunction(_w->_kstFFTOptions->ApodizeFxn->currentItem()), _w->_kstFFTOptions->Sigma->value(), PSDType(_w->_kstFFTOptions->Output->currentItem())); psd->setInterpolateHoles(_w->_kstFFTOptions->InterpolateHoles->isChecked()); p->unlock(); KstVCurvePtr vc = new KstVCurve(KST::suggestCurveName(psd->tag(),true), psd->vX(), psd->vY(), 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, _w->_curveAppearance->color()); vc->setHasPoints(_w->_curveAppearance->showPoints()); vc->setHasLines(_w->_curveAppearance->showLines()); vc->setHasBars(_w->_curveAppearance->showBars()); vc->pointType = _w->_curveAppearance->pointType(); vc->setLineWidth(_w->_curveAppearance->lineWidth()); vc->setLineStyle(_w->_curveAppearance->lineStyle()); vc->setBarStyle(_w->_curveAppearance->barStyle()); vc->setPointDensity(_w->_curveAppearance->pointDensity()); QString legend_text = _legendText->text(); if (legend_text == defaultTag) { vc->setLegendText(QString::null); } else { vc->setLegendText(legend_text); } Kst2DPlotPtr plot; KstViewWindow *w = dynamic_cast<KstViewWindow*>(KstApp::inst()->findWindow(_w->_curvePlacement->_plotWindow->currentText())); if (!w) { QString n = KstApp::inst()->newWindow(KST::suggestWinName()); w = static_cast<KstViewWindow*>(KstApp::inst()->findWindow(n)); } if (w) { if (_w->_curvePlacement->existingPlot()) { // assign curve to plot plot = kst_cast<Kst2DPlot>(w->view()->findChild(_w->_curvePlacement->plotName())); if (plot) { plot->addCurve(; } } if (_w->_curvePlacement->newPlot()) { // assign curve to plot QString name = w->createObject<Kst2DPlot>(KST::suggestPlotName()); if (_w->_curvePlacement->reGrid()) { w->view()->cleanup(_w->_curvePlacement->columns()); } plot = kst_cast<Kst2DPlot>(w->view()->findChild(name)); if (plot) { plot->setXAxisInterpretation(false, KstAxisInterpretation(), KstAxisDisplay()); plot->setYAxisInterpretation(false, KstAxisInterpretation(), KstAxisDisplay()); _w->_curvePlacement->update(); _w->_curvePlacement->setCurrentPlot(plot->tagName()); plot->addCurve(; plot->generateDefaultLabels(); } } } KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); psd = 0L; vc = 0L; emit modified(); } return true; }
// returns true if succesful bool KstPsdDialogI::editObject() { // if the user selected no vector, treat it as non-dirty _vectorDirty = _w->_vector->_vector->currentItem() != 0; _apodizeDirty = _w->_kstFFTOptions->ApodizeFxn->currentItem() != 0; _fFTLenDirty = _w->_kstFFTOptions->FFTLen->text() != " "; _sampRateDirty = !_w->_kstFFTOptions->SampRate->text().isEmpty(); _vectorUnitsDirty = !_w->_kstFFTOptions->VectorUnits->text().isEmpty(); _rateUnitsDirty = !_w->_kstFFTOptions->RateUnits->text().isEmpty(); _outputDirty = !_w->_kstFFTOptions->Output->currentItem() != 0; KstPSDList psList = kstObjectSubList<KstDataObject,KstPSD>(KST::dataObjectList); // if editing multiple objects, edit each one if (_editMultipleMode) { bool didEdit = false; for (uint i = 0; i < _editMultipleWidget->_objectList->count(); i++) { if (_editMultipleWidget->_objectList->isSelected(i)) { // get the pointer to the object KstPSDList::Iterator psIter = psList.findTag(_editMultipleWidget->_objectList->text(i)); if (psIter == psList.end()) { return false; } KstPSDPtr psPtr = *psIter; if (!editSingleObject(psPtr)) { return false; } didEdit = true; } } if (!didEdit) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Select one or more objects to edit.")); return false; } } else { KstPSDPtr pp = kst_cast<KstPSD>(_dp); // verify that the name is unique QString tag_name = _tagName->text(); if (!pp || (tag_name != pp->tagName() && KstData::self()->dataTagNameNotUnique(tag_name))) { _tagName->setFocus(); return false; } pp->writeLock(); pp->setTagName(KstObjectTag(tag_name, pp->tag().context())); // FIXME: doesn't allow changing tag context pp->unlock(); // then edit the object _vectorDirty = true; _apodizeDirty = true; _apodizeFxnDirty = true; _gaussianSigmaDirty = true; _removeMeanDirty = true; _interleavedDirty = true; _sampRateDirty = true; _vectorUnitsDirty = true; _rateUnitsDirty = true; _fFTLenDirty = true; _outputDirty = true; _interpolateHolesDirty = true; if (!editSingleObject(pp)) { return false; } } emit modified(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i_file, i_v, i_curve; int i_plot; QString fullPath; KAboutData aboutData("kst", I18N_NOOP("Kst"), KSTVERSION, description, KAboutData::License_GPL, I18N_NOOP("(c) 2000-2007 Barth Netterfield"), 0, ""); aboutData.addAuthor("Barth Netterfield", I18N_NOOP("Original author and maintainer."), "*****@*****.**", ""); aboutData.addAuthor("Staikos Computing Services Inc.", I18N_NOOP("Developed for the University of Toronto."), "*****@*****.**", ""); aboutData.addAuthor("Sumus Technology Limited", I18N_NOOP("Developed for the University of British Columbia"), "*****@*****.**", ""); aboutData.addAuthor("Rick Chern", I18N_NOOP("University of British Columbia"), "", ""); aboutData.addAuthor("Duncan Hanson", I18N_NOOP("University of British Columbia"), "", ""); aboutData.addAuthor("Nicolas Brisset", "", "", ""); aboutData.addAuthor("Matthew Truch", "", "", "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor("Theodore Kisner", "", "*****@*****.**", ""); aboutData.setTranslator(I18N_NOOP("_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\nYour names"), I18N_NOOP("_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\nYour emails")); KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData ); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options. KApplication app; KImageIO::registerFormats(); KstDialogs::replaceSelf(new KstGuiDialogs); KstData::replaceSelf(new KstGuiData); KstApp::initialize(); atexit(exitHelper); if (app.isRestored()) { RESTORE(KstApp) } else { KstApp *kst = new KstApp; InType in; QColor color; QCStringList ycolList; QCStringList matrixList; QCStringList yEqList; QCStringList psdList; QCStringList hsList; QCStringList errorList; unsigned int i_ycol; QCStringList::Iterator hs_string; QCStringList::Iterator eq_i; QCStringList::Iterator mat_i; bool showQuickStart = false; bool showDataWizard = false; bool nOK; int n_y = 0; KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); CheckForCMDErrors(args); QString wizardfile = args->getOption("w"); QString printfile = args->getOption("print"); QString pngfile = args->getOption("png"); bool print_and_exit = false; if (printfile != "<none>") { print_and_exit = true; } if (pngfile != "<none>") { print_and_exit = true; } if (!print_and_exit) { app.setMainWidget(kst); QRect rect = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(kst); kst->resize(5 * rect.width() / 6, 5 * rect.height() / 6); kst->show(); } // get Y axis columns ycolList = args->getOptionList("y"); matrixList = args->getOptionList("z"); yEqList = args->getOptionList("ye"); psdList = args->getOptionList("p"); hsList = args->getOptionList("h"); errorList = args->getOptionList("e"); // y axis or PSD specified, so the files are data files, not kst files. n_y = ycolList.count() + psdList.count() + hsList.count() + yEqList.count() + matrixList.count(); if (n_y > 0) { QString creatingEquations = i18n("Creating equations"); QString creatingCurves = i18n("Creating curves"); QString creatingPlots = i18n("Creating plots"); int count; int handled; kst->slotUpdateProgress( 0, 0, QString::null ); SetCMDOptions(args, in, n_y); KstTopLevelViewPtr tlv = kst->activeView(); if (!tlv) { // if there was no active view then we create one... kst->newWindow(false); tlv = kst->activeView(); } if (!tlv) { kstdError() << i18n("Can't create a view.") << endl; return 0; } CreatePlots(in, tlv); Kst2DPlotList plist = kstObjectSubList<KstViewObject, Kst2DPlot>(tlv->children()); i_plot = 0; Kst2DPlotPtr plot = *; KstVCurveList vcurves = kstObjectSubList<KstBaseCurve,KstVCurve>(plot->Curves); // make stand alone equations if there are no files if (args->count() < 1) { if (!yEqList.isEmpty()) { QString eqS; double max, min; int n; bool xeq; SetEqXRanges(args->getOption("xe"), &min, &max, &n, &xeq); if (xeq) { count = yEqList.size(); handled = 0; kst->slotUpdateProgress( count, handled, creatingEquations ); for (eq_i = yEqList.begin(); eq_i != yEqList.end(); ++eq_i) { eqS = *eq_i; if (NoVectorEq(eqS)) { KstEquationPtr eq = new KstEquation(KST::suggestEQName(eqS), eqS, min, max, n); KstVCurvePtr vc = new KstVCurve(KST::suggestCurveName(eq->tag(), true), eq->vX(), eq->vY(), 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, KstColorSequence::next(vcurves,plot->backgroundColor())); KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); plot->addCurve(; if (in.sep_plots) { i_plot++; if (i_plot < in.n_plots) { plot = *; } } } handled++; kst->slotUpdateProgress( count, handled, creatingEquations ); } } } } // make the requested curves for each data file count = args->count(); handled = 0; kst->slotUpdateProgress( count, handled, creatingCurves ); for (i_curve = i_v = 0, i_file = 0; i_file < args->count(); i_file++) { // make the file if (QFile::exists(args->arg(i_file))) { fullPath = QFileInfo(args->arg(i_file)).absFilePath(); } else { fullPath = args->arg(i_file); } KstDataSourcePtr file = KstDataSource::loadSource(fullPath); if (file) { if (!file->isValid() || file->isEmpty()) { kstdError() << i18n("No data in file %1. Trying to continue...").arg(args->arg(i_file)) << endl; // The file might get data later! } KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataSourceList.append(file); KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); KstRVectorPtr yvector; KstRVectorPtr evector; KstVCurvePtr curve; KstPSDPtr psd; KstHistogramPtr hs; KstRVectorPtr xvector; if (!ycolList.isEmpty()) { // if there are some xy plots // make the x axis vector xvector = GetOrCreateVector(args->getOption("x"), file, in); if (xvector) { // make the y axis vectors for (i_ycol = 0; i_ycol < ycolList.count(); ++i_ycol ) { yvector = GetOrCreateVector(*(, file, in); if (yvector) { // make the curves color = KstColorSequence::next(vcurves,plot->backgroundColor()); curve = new KstVCurve(KST::suggestCurveName(yvector->tag(), false), KstVectorPtr(xvector), KstVectorPtr(yvector), 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, color); if (in.has_points) { curve->setHasPoints(true); curve->setHasLines(false); } if (i_ycol<errorList.count()) { evector = GetOrCreateVector(*(, file, in); if (evector) { curve->setYError(KstVectorPtr(evector)); curve->setYMinusError(KstVectorPtr(evector)); } } KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); plot->addCurve(; if (in.sep_plots) { plot->setTagName(curve->tag()); i_plot++; if (i_plot < in.n_plots) { plot = *; } } // end (if they are separate plots) } } // next y col } } // end (if there are some xy plots) if (!yEqList.isEmpty()) { QString eqS; double max, min; int n; bool xeq, eq_ok; SetEqXRanges(args->getOption("xe"), &min, &max, &n, &xeq); for (eq_i = yEqList.begin(); eq_i != yEqList.end(); ++eq_i) { KstEquationPtr eq; eqS = *eq_i; ProcessEq(eqS, file, in, &eq_ok); if (xeq) { eq = new KstEquation(KST::suggestEQName(eqS), eqS, min,max,n); } else { if (!xvector) { xvector = GetOrCreateVector(args->getOption("x"), file, in); } if (xvector) { eq = new KstEquation(KST::suggestEQName(eqS), eqS, KstVectorPtr(xvector), true); } } if (eq) { KstVCurvePtr vc = new KstVCurve(KST::suggestCurveName(eq->tag(), true), eq->vX(), eq->vY(), 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, KstColorSequence::next(vcurves,plot->backgroundColor())); KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); plot->addCurve(; if (in.sep_plots) { plot->setTagName(eq->tag()); i_plot++; if (i_plot <in.n_plots) { plot = *; } } } } } if (psdList.count() > 0) { // if there are some psd plots KstRVectorList rvl = kstObjectSubList<KstVector,KstRVector>(KST::vectorList); for (QCStringList::ConstIterator it = psdList.begin(); it != psdList.end(); ++it) { yvector = GetOrCreateVector(*it, file, in); if (yvector) { color = KstColorSequence::next(vcurves,plot->backgroundColor()); psd = new KstPSD( KST::suggestPSDName(yvector->tag()), // FIXME: this was yvector->field(), is this right? KstVectorPtr(yvector), in.rate, true, in.len, true, true, in.VUnits, in.RUnits, WindowOriginal); KstVCurvePtr vc = new KstVCurve(KST::suggestCurveName(psd->tag(), true), psd->vX(), psd->vY(), 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, color); if (in.has_points) { vc->setHasPoints(true); vc->setHasLines(false); } KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); plot->addCurve(; if (in.sep_plots) { plot->setTagName(psd->tag()); i_plot++; if (i_plot <in.n_plots) { plot = *; } } } } // next psd } // end (if there are some psds) if (hsList.count() > 0) { // if there are some histograms double max, min; int N; KstRVectorList rvl = kstObjectSubList<KstVector,KstRVector>(KST::vectorList); for (hs_string = hsList.begin(); hs_string != hsList.end(); ++hs_string) { yvector = GetOrCreateVector(*hs_string, file, in); if (yvector) { color = KstColorSequence::next(vcurves,plot->backgroundColor()); KstHistogram::AutoBin(KstVectorPtr(yvector), &N, &max, &min); hs = new KstHistogram(KST::suggestHistogramName(yvector->tag()), KstVectorPtr(yvector), min, max, N, KST_HS_NUMBER); KstVCurvePtr vc = new KstVCurve(KST::suggestCurveName(hs->tag(), true), hs->vX(), hs->vY(), 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, color); vc->setHasPoints(false); vc->setHasLines(false); vc->setHasBars(true); vc->setBarStyle(1); KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); plot->addCurve(; if (in.sep_plots) { plot->setTagName(hs->tag()); i_plot++; if (i_plot < in.n_plots) { plot = *; } } } } // next histogram } // end (if there are some histograms) if (matrixList.count() > 0) { // if there are some matrixes for (mat_i = matrixList.begin(); mat_i != matrixList.end(); ++mat_i) { QString tag_name = KST::suggestMatrixName(*mat_i); if (!file->isValidMatrix(*mat_i)) { startupErrors.append(i18n("Failed to create matrix '%1' from file '%2'.").arg(*mat_i).arg(file->fileName())); } KstRMatrixPtr matrix = new KstRMatrix(file, *mat_i, KstObjectTag(tag_name, file->tag()), 0,0,-1,-1,false,false,0); // xStart, yStart, xNumSteps, yNumSteps, //doAve, doSkip, skip); // Time to create the image from the matrix tag_name = KST::suggestImageName(matrix->tag()); QStringList palList = KPalette::getPaletteList(); QString pal; if (palList.contains("IDL 13 RAINBOW")) { pal = QString("IDL 13 RAINBOW"); } else { pal = QString(*; } KPalette* newPal = new KPalette(pal); KstImagePtr image = new KstImage(tag_name, KstMatrixPtr(matrix), 0.0, 1.0, true, newPal); plot->addCurve(KstBaseCurvePtr(image)); KST::dataObjectList.lock().writeLock(); KST::dataObjectList.append(; KST::dataObjectList.lock().unlock(); image = 0L; // drop the reference if (in.sep_plots) { plot->setTagName(matrix->tag()); i_plot++; if (i_plot < in.n_plots) { plot = *; } } } } } else { startupErrors.append(i18n("Failed to load file '%1'.").arg(args->arg(i_file))); } handled++; kst->slotUpdateProgress( count, handled, creatingCurves ); } // next data file count = in.n_plots; handled = 0; kst->slotUpdateProgress( count, handled, creatingPlots ); for (i_plot = 0; i_plot < in.n_plots; i_plot++) { plot = *; plot->generateDefaultLabels(); // if we have only images in a plot then set the scale mode to AUTO (instead of AUTOBORDER) KstImageList images = kstObjectSubList<KstBaseCurve,KstImage>(plot->Curves); if (images.count() == plot->Curves.count()) { plot->setXScaleMode(AUTO); plot->setYScaleMode(AUTO); } if (plot->Curves.count() > 3 || in.dolegend) { KstViewLegendPtr vl = plot->getOrCreateLegend(); vl->resizeFromAspect(0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1); vl->setBorderWidth(2); } handled++; kst->slotUpdateProgress( count, handled, creatingPlots ); } kst->slotUpdateProgress( 0, 0, QString::null ); } else if (args->count() > 0) { // open a kst file // some of the options can be overridden kst->openDocumentFile(args->arg(0), args->getOption("F"), // override FileName args->getOption("n").toInt(&nOK), // override number of frames args->getOption("f").toInt(&nOK), // override starting frame args->getOption("s").toInt(&nOK), // override skip args->isSet("a"), // add averaging !print_and_exit); // delayed } else { //kst->openDocumentFile(); showQuickStart = true; } if (args->isSet("nq")) { showQuickStart = false; } if (args->isSet("w")) { showDataWizard = true; showQuickStart = false; } if (printfile != "<none>") { kst->forceUpdate(); kst->immediatePrintToFile(printfile, false); } if (pngfile != "<none>") { kst->forceUpdate(); kst->immediatePrintToPng(pngfile); } kst->document()->setModified(false); if (print_and_exit) { delete kst; return 0; } else { kst->updateDialogs(); if (showQuickStart) { kst->showQuickStartDialog(); } if (showDataWizard) { kst->showDataWizardWithFile(wizardfile); } for (size_t i = 0; i < startupErrors.size(); ++i) { KstDebug::self()->log(startupErrors[i], KstDebug::Error); } startupErrors.clear(); } // LEAVE THIS HERE - causes crashes otherwise! int rc = app.exec(); delete kst; return rc; } return app.exec(); }