bool KviCustomToolBarDescriptor::addAction(const QString & szAction) { KviAction * a = KviActionManager::instance()->getAction(szAction); if(a) { m_pActions->append(new QString(szAction)); if(m_pToolBar) a->addToCustomToolBar(m_pToolBar); return true; } return false; }
void KviCustomToolBarDescriptor::fillToolBar() { if(m_pActions->count() == 0) { // force layout of the toolbar QApplication::postEvent(m_pToolBar, new QEvent(QEvent::LayoutRequest)); } else { KviPointerList<QString> dying; dying.setAutoDelete(false); for(QString * p = m_pActions->first(); p; p = m_pActions->next()) { KviAction * a = KviActionManager::instance()->getAction(*p); if(a) a->addToCustomToolBar(m_pToolBar); else dying.append(p); } for(QString * d = dying.first(); d; d = m_pActions->removeRef(d); } }