コード例 #1
    LIB_FIELDS cmpFields;

    m_libEntry->GetFields( cmpFields );

#if defined(DEBUG)
    for( unsigned i=0; i<cmpFields.size();  ++i )
        printf( "cmpFields[%u].name:%s\n", i, TO_UTF8( cmpFields[i].GetName() ) );

    /*  We have 3 component related field lists to be aware of: 1) UI
        presentation (m_FieldsBuf), 2) fields in component ram copy, and 3)
        fields recorded with component on disk. m_FieldsBuf is the list of UI
        fields, and this list is not the same as the list which is in the
        component, which is also not the same as the list on disk. All 3 lists
        are potentially different. In the UI we choose to preserve the order of
        the first MANDATORY_FIELDS which are sometimes called fixed fields. Then
        we append the template fieldnames in the exact same order as the
        template fieldname editor shows them. Then we append any user defined
        fieldnames which came from the component, and user can modify it during
        editing, but cannot delete or move a fixed field.


    /*  When this code was written, all field constructors ensured that the
        MANDATORY_FIELDS are all present within a component (in ram only). So we can
        knowingly copy them over in the normal order. Copy only the fixed fields
        at first. Please do not break the field constructors.

    // fixed fields:
    for( int i=0; i<MANDATORY_FIELDS; ++i )
        DBG( printf( "add fixed:%s\n", TO_UTF8( cmpFields[i].GetName() ) ); )
        m_FieldsBuf.push_back( cmpFields[i] );
コード例 #2
    XNODE*      xlibparts = node( wxT( "libparts" ) );   // auto_ptr
    wxString    sLibpart  = wxT( "libpart" );
    wxString    sLib      = wxT( "lib" );
    wxString    sPart     = wxT( "part" );
    wxString    sAliases  = wxT( "aliases" );
    wxString    sAlias    = wxT( "alias" );
    wxString    sPins     = wxT( "pins" );      // key for library component pins list
    wxString    sPin      = wxT( "pin" );       // key for one library component pin descr
    wxString    sPinNum   = wxT( "num" );       // key for one library component pin num
    wxString    sPinName  = wxT( "name" );      // key for one library component pin name
    wxString    sPinType  = wxT( "type" );      // key for one library component pin electrical type
    wxString    sName     = wxT( "name" );
    wxString    sField    = wxT( "field" );
    wxString    sFields   = wxT( "fields" );
    wxString    sDescr    = wxT( "description" );
    wxString    sDocs     = wxT( "docs" );
    wxString    sFprints  = wxT( "footprints" );
    wxString    sFp       = wxT( "fp" );

    LIB_PINS    pinList;
    LIB_FIELDS  fieldList;


    for( std::set<LIB_PART*>::iterator it = m_LibParts.begin(); it!=m_LibParts.end();  ++it )
        LIB_PART* lcomp = *it;
        PART_LIB* library = lcomp->GetLib();

        m_Libraries.insert( library );  // inserts component's library if unique

        XNODE* xlibpart;
        xlibparts->AddChild( xlibpart = node( sLibpart ) );
        xlibpart->AddAttribute( sLib, library->GetLogicalName() );
        xlibpart->AddAttribute( sPart, lcomp->GetName()  );

        if( lcomp->GetAliasCount() )
            wxArrayString aliases = lcomp->GetAliasNames( false );
            if( aliases.GetCount() )
                XNODE* xaliases = node( sAliases );
                xlibpart->AddChild( xaliases );
                for( unsigned i=0;  i<aliases.GetCount();  ++i )
                    xaliases->AddChild( node( sAlias, aliases[i] ) );

        //----- show the important properties -------------------------
        if( !lcomp->GetAlias( 0 )->GetDescription().IsEmpty() )
            xlibpart->AddChild( node( sDescr, lcomp->GetAlias( 0 )->GetDescription() ) );

        if( !lcomp->GetAlias( 0 )->GetDocFileName().IsEmpty() )
            xlibpart->AddChild( node( sDocs,  lcomp->GetAlias( 0 )->GetDocFileName() ) );

        // Write the footprint list
        if( lcomp->GetFootPrints().GetCount() )
            XNODE*  xfootprints;
            xlibpart->AddChild( xfootprints = node( sFprints ) );

            for( unsigned i=0; i<lcomp->GetFootPrints().GetCount(); ++i )
                xfootprints->AddChild( node( sFp, lcomp->GetFootPrints()[i] ) );

        //----- show the fields here ----------------------------------
        lcomp->GetFields( fieldList );

        XNODE*     xfields;
        xlibpart->AddChild( xfields = node( sFields ) );

        for( unsigned i=0;  i<fieldList.size();  ++i )
            if( !fieldList[i].GetText().IsEmpty() )
                XNODE*     xfield;
                xfields->AddChild( xfield = node( sField, fieldList[i].GetText() ) );
                xfield->AddAttribute( sName, fieldList[i].GetName(false) );

        //----- show the pins here ------------------------------------
        lcomp->GetPins( pinList, 0, 0 );

        /* we must erase redundant Pins references in pinList
         * These redundant pins exist because some pins
         * are found more than one time when a component has
         * multiple parts per package or has 2 representations (DeMorgan conversion)
         * For instance, a 74ls00 has DeMorgan conversion, with different pin shapes,
         * and therefore each pin  appears 2 times in the list.
         * Common pins (VCC, GND) can also be found more than once.
        sort( pinList.begin(), pinList.end(), sortPinsByNumber );
        for( int ii = 0; ii < (int)pinList.size()-1; ii++ )
            if( pinList[ii]->GetNumber() == pinList[ii+1]->GetNumber() )
            {   // 2 pins have the same number, remove the redundant pin at index i+1
                pinList.erase(pinList.begin() + ii + 1);

        if( pinList.size() )
            XNODE*     pins;

            xlibpart->AddChild( pins = node( sPins ) );
            for( unsigned i=0; i<pinList.size();  ++i )
                XNODE*     pin;

                pins->AddChild( pin = node( sPin ) );
                pin->AddAttribute( sPinNum, pinList[i]->GetNumberString() );
                pin->AddAttribute( sPinName, pinList[i]->GetName() );
                pin->AddAttribute( sPinType, pinList[i]->GetCanonicalElectricalTypeName() );

                // caution: construction work site here, drive slowly

    return xlibparts;