コード例 #1
LIB_PIN* SCH_SCREEN::GetPin( const wxPoint& aPosition, SCH_COMPONENT** aComponent,
                             bool aEndPointOnly ) const
    SCH_ITEM*       item;
    SCH_COMPONENT*  component = NULL;
    LIB_PIN*        pin = NULL;

    for( item = m_drawList.begin(); item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

        component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;

        if( aEndPointOnly )
            pin = NULL;

            LIB_PART* part = Prj().SchLibs()->FindLibPart( component->GetPartName() );

            if( !part )

            for( pin = part->GetNextPin(); pin; pin = part->GetNextPin( pin ) )
                // Skip items not used for this part.
                if( component->GetUnit() && pin->GetUnit() &&
                    ( pin->GetUnit() != component->GetUnit() ) )

                if( component->GetConvert() && pin->GetConvert() &&
                    ( pin->GetConvert() != component->GetConvert() ) )

                if(component->GetPinPhysicalPosition( pin ) == aPosition )
            if( pin )
            pin = (LIB_PIN*) component->GetDrawItem( aPosition, LIB_PIN_T );

            if( pin )

    if( pin && aComponent )
        *aComponent = component;

    return pin;
コード例 #2
LIB_PIN* SCH_SCREEN::GetPin( const wxPoint& aPosition, SCH_COMPONENT** aComponent,
                             bool aEndPointOnly ) const
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    SCH_COMPONENT* component = NULL;
    LIB_PIN* pin = NULL;

    for( item = m_drawList.begin(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

        component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;

        if( aEndPointOnly )
            pin = NULL;
            LIB_COMPONENT* entry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryComponent( component->GetLibName() );

            if( entry == NULL )

            for( pin = entry->GetNextPin(); pin != NULL; pin = entry->GetNextPin( pin ) )
                // Skip items not used for this part.
                if( component->GetUnit() && pin->GetUnit() &&
                    ( pin->GetUnit() != component->GetUnit() ) )

                if( component->GetConvert() && pin->GetConvert() &&
                    ( pin->GetConvert() != component->GetConvert() ) )

                if(component->GetPinPhysicalPosition( pin ) == aPosition )
            if( pin )
            pin = (LIB_PIN*) component->GetDrawItem( aPosition, LIB_PIN_T );

            if( pin )

    if( pin && aComponent )
        *aComponent = component;

    return pin;
コード例 #3
void NETLIST_EXPORTER::findAllInstancesOfComponent( SCH_COMPONENT*  aComponent,
                                         LIB_PART*       aEntry,
                                         SCH_SHEET_PATH* aSheetPath )
    wxString    ref = aComponent->GetRef( aSheetPath );
    wxString    ref2;

    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList;

    for( SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet = sheetList.GetFirst();  sheet;  sheet = sheetList.GetNext() )
        for( EDA_ITEM* item = sheet->LastDrawList();  item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( item->Type() != SCH_COMPONENT_T )

            SCH_COMPONENT*  comp2 = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item;

            ref2 = comp2->GetRef( sheet );
            if( ref2.CmpNoCase( ref ) != 0 )

            int unit2 = comp2->GetUnitSelection( sheet );  // slow

            for( LIB_PIN* pin = aEntry->GetNextPin();  pin;  pin = aEntry->GetNextPin( pin ) )
                wxASSERT( pin->Type() == LIB_PIN_T );

                if( pin->GetUnit() && pin->GetUnit() != unit2 )

                if( pin->GetConvert() && pin->GetConvert() != comp2->GetConvert() )

                // A suitable pin is found: add it to the current list
                addPinToComponentPinList( comp2, sheet, pin );
コード例 #4
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnEditPin( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_drawItem == NULL || m_drawItem->Type() != LIB_PIN_T )

    STATUS_FLAGS item_flags = m_drawItem->GetFlags(); // save flags to restore them after editing
    LIB_PIN* pin = (LIB_PIN*) m_drawItem;

    DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN dlg( this, pin );

    wxString units = GetUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit );
    dlg.SetDlgUnitsLabel( units );

    dlg.SetOrientationList( LIB_PIN::GetOrientationNames(), LIB_PIN::GetOrientationSymbols() );
    dlg.SetOrientation( LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCodeIndex( pin->GetOrientation() ) );
    dlg.SetStyle( pin->GetShape() );
    dlg.SetElectricalType( pin->GetType() );
    dlg.SetPinName( pin->GetName() );
    dlg.SetPinNameTextSize( StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, pin->GetNameTextSize() ) );
    dlg.SetPinPositionX( StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, pin->GetPosition().x ) );
    dlg.SetPinPositionY( StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, -pin->GetPosition().y ) );
    dlg.SetPadName( pin->GetNumberString() );
    dlg.SetPadNameTextSize( StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, pin->GetNumberTextSize() ) );

    dlg.SetLength( StringFromValue( g_UserUnit, pin->GetLength() ) );
    dlg.SetAddToAllParts( pin->GetUnit() == 0 );
    dlg.SetAddToAllBodyStyles( pin->GetConvert() == 0 );
    dlg.SetVisible( pin->IsVisible() );

    /* This ugly hack fixes a bug in wxWidgets 2.8.7 and likely earlier
     * versions for the flex grid sizer in wxGTK that prevents the last
     * column from being sized correctly.  It doesn't cause any problems
     * on win32 so it doesn't need to wrapped in ugly #ifdef __WXGTK__
     * #endif.
    dlg.SetMinSize( dlg.GetSize() );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
        if( pin->IsNew() )
            pin->SetFlags( IS_CANCELLED );

    // Test the pin position validity: to avoid issues in schematic,
    // it must be on a 50 mils grid
    wxPoint pinpos;
    pinpos.x = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, dlg.GetPinPositionX() );
    pinpos.y = -ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, dlg.GetPinPositionY() );
    const int acceptable_mingrid = 50;

    if( (pinpos.x % acceptable_mingrid) || (pinpos.y % acceptable_mingrid) )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "This pin is not on a %d mils grid\n"
                       "It will be not easy to connect in schematic\n"
                       "Do you want to continue?"), acceptable_mingrid );

        if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )

    // Save the pin properties to use for the next new pin.
    LastPinNameSize = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, dlg.GetPinNameTextSize() );
    LastPinNumSize = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, dlg.GetPadNameTextSize() );
    LastPinOrient = LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCode( dlg.GetOrientation() );
    LastPinLength = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, dlg.GetLength() );
    LastPinShape = dlg.GetStyle();
    LastPinType = dlg.GetElectricalType();
    LastPinCommonConvert = dlg.GetAddToAllBodyStyles();
    LastPinCommonUnit = dlg.GetAddToAllParts();
    LastPinVisible = dlg.GetVisible();

    pin->EnableEditMode( true, m_editPinsPerPartOrConvert );
    pin->SetName( dlg.GetPinName() );
    pin->SetNameTextSize( GetLastPinNameSize() );
    pin->SetNumber( dlg.GetPadName() );
    pin->SetNumberTextSize( GetLastPinNumSize() );
    pin->SetOrientation( LastPinOrient );
    pin->SetLength( GetLastPinLength() );
    pin->SetPinPosition( pinpos );

    pin->SetType( LastPinType );
    pin->SetShape( LastPinShape );
    pin->SetConversion( ( LastPinCommonConvert ) ? 0 : m_convert );
    pin->SetPartNumber( ( LastPinCommonUnit ) ? 0 : m_unit );
    pin->SetVisible( LastPinVisible );

    if( pin->IsModified() || pin->IsNew() )
        if( !pin->InEditMode() )
            SaveCopyInUndoList( pin->GetParent() );

        OnModify( );

        MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items;
        pin->GetMsgPanelInfo( items );
        SetMsgPanel( items );

    pin->EnableEditMode( false, m_editPinsPerPartOrConvert );

    // Restore pin flags, that can be changed by the dialog editor
    pin->SetFlags( item_flags );
コード例 #5
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnCheckComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
    LIB_PART*      part = GetCurPart();

    if( !part )

    const int MIN_GRID_SIZE = 25;

    LIB_PINS pinList;

    part->GetPins( pinList );

    if( pinList.size() == 0 )
        DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "No pins!" ) );

    // Sort pins by pin num, so 2 duplicate pins
    // (pins with the same number) will be consecutive in list
    sort( pinList.begin(), pinList.end(), sort_by_pin_number );

    // Test for duplicates:
    DIALOG_DISPLAY_HTML_TEXT_BASE error_display( this, wxID_ANY,
                                                 _( "Marker Information" ),
                                                 wxSize( 750, 600 ) );

    int dup_error = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < pinList.size(); ii++ )
        wxString stringPinNum, stringCurrPinNum;

        LIB_PIN* curr_pin = pinList[ii];
        LIB_PIN* pin      = pinList[ii - 1];

        if( pin->GetNumber() != curr_pin->GetNumber()
            || pin->GetConvert() != curr_pin->GetConvert()
            || pin->GetUnit() != curr_pin->GetUnit() )

        pin->PinStringNum( stringPinNum );

        /* TODO I dare someone to find a way to make happy translators on
           this thing! Lorenzo */
        curr_pin->PinStringNum( stringCurrPinNum );

        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
            "<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>"
            " conflicts with pin %s \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>" ),
            GetChars( stringCurrPinNum ),
            GetChars( curr_pin->GetName() ),
            curr_pin->GetPosition().x / 1000.0,
            -curr_pin->GetPosition().y / 1000.0,
            GetChars( stringPinNum ),
            GetChars( pin->GetName() ),
            pin->GetPosition().x / 1000.0,
            -pin->GetPosition().y / 1000.0

        if( part->GetUnitCount() > 1 )
            msg += wxString::Format( _( " in part %c" ), 'A' + curr_pin->GetUnit() - 1 );

        if( m_showDeMorgan )
            if( curr_pin->GetConvert() )
                msg += _( "  of converted" );
                msg += _( "  of normal" );

        msg += wxT( ".<br>" );

        error_display.m_htmlWindow->AppendToPage( msg );

    // Test for off grid pins:
    int offgrid_error = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pinList.size(); ii++ )
        LIB_PIN* pin = pinList[ii];

        if( ( (pin->GetPosition().x % MIN_GRID_SIZE) == 0 ) &&
            ( (pin->GetPosition().y % MIN_GRID_SIZE) == 0 ) )

        // "pin" is off grid here.
        wxString stringPinNum;
        pin->PinStringNum( stringPinNum );

        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
            "<b>Off grid pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>" ),
            GetChars( stringPinNum ),
            GetChars( pin->GetName() ),
            pin->GetPosition().x / 1000.0,
            -pin->GetPosition().y / 1000.0

        if( part->GetUnitCount() > 1 )
            msg += wxString::Format( _( " in part %c" ), 'A' + pin->GetUnit() - 1 );

        if( m_showDeMorgan )
            if( pin->GetConvert() )
                msg += _( "  of converted" );
                msg += _( "  of normal" );

        msg += wxT( ".<br>" );

        error_display.m_htmlWindow->AppendToPage( msg );

    if( !dup_error && !offgrid_error )
        DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "No off grid or duplicate pins were found." ) );
コード例 #6
ファイル: pinedit.cpp プロジェクト: jerkey/kicad
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnEditPin( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_drawItem == NULL || m_drawItem->Type() != LIB_PIN_T )

    STATUS_FLAGS item_flags = m_drawItem->GetFlags(); // save flags to restore them after editing
    LIB_PIN* pin = (LIB_PIN*) m_drawItem;

    DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN dlg( this, pin );

    wxString units = GetUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit );
    dlg.SetOrientationList( LIB_PIN::GetOrientationNames(), LIB_PIN::GetOrientationSymbols() );
    dlg.SetOrientation( LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCodeIndex( pin->GetOrientation() ) );
    dlg.SetStyleList( LIB_PIN::GetStyleNames(), LIB_PIN::GetStyleSymbols() );
    dlg.SetStyle( LIB_PIN::GetStyleCodeIndex( pin->GetShape() ) );
    dlg.SetElectricalTypeList( LIB_PIN::GetElectricalTypeNames(),
                               LIB_PIN::GetElectricalTypeSymbols() );
    dlg.SetElectricalType( pin->GetType() );
    dlg.SetName( pin->GetName() );
    dlg.SetNameTextSize( ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, pin->GetNameTextSize() ) );
    dlg.SetNameTextSizeUnits( units );
    dlg.SetPadName( pin->GetNumberString() );
    dlg.SetPadNameTextSize( ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, pin->GetNumberTextSize() ) );

    dlg.SetPadNameTextSizeUnits( units );
    dlg.SetLength( ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, pin->GetLength() ) );
    dlg.SetLengthUnits( units );
    dlg.SetAddToAllParts( pin->GetUnit() == 0 );
    dlg.SetAddToAllBodyStyles( pin->GetConvert() == 0 );
    dlg.SetVisible( pin->IsVisible() );

    /* This ugly hack fixes a bug in wxWidgets 2.8.7 and likely earlier
     * versions for the flex grid sizer in wxGTK that prevents the last
     * column from being sized correctly.  It doesn't cause any problems
     * on win32 so it doesn't need to wrapped in ugly #ifdef __WXGTK__
     * #endif.
    dlg.SetMinSize( dlg.GetSize() );
    // dlg.SetLastSizeAndPosition();    // done in DIALOG_SHIM::Show()

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
        if( pin->IsNew() )
            pin->SetFlags( IS_CANCELLED );

    // Save the pin properties to use for the next new pin.
    LastPinNameSize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, dlg.GetNameTextSize() );
    LastPinNumSize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, dlg.GetPadNameTextSize() );
    LastPinOrient = LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCode( dlg.GetOrientation() );
    LastPinLength = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, dlg.GetLength() );
    LastPinShape = LIB_PIN::GetStyleCode( dlg.GetStyle() );
    LastPinType = dlg.GetElectricalType();
    LastPinCommonConvert = dlg.GetAddToAllBodyStyles();
    LastPinCommonUnit = dlg.GetAddToAllParts();
    LastPinVisible = dlg.GetVisible();

    pin->EnableEditMode( true, m_editPinsPerPartOrConvert );
    pin->SetName( dlg.GetName() );
    pin->SetNameTextSize( LastPinNameSize );
    pin->SetNumber( dlg.GetPadName() );
    pin->SetNumberTextSize( LastPinNumSize );
    pin->SetOrientation( LastPinOrient );
    pin->SetLength( LastPinLength );
    pin->SetType( LastPinType );
    pin->SetShape( LastPinShape );
    pin->SetConversion( ( LastPinCommonConvert ) ? 0 : m_convert );
    pin->SetPartNumber( ( LastPinCommonUnit ) ? 0 : m_unit );
    pin->SetVisible( LastPinVisible );

    if( pin->IsModified() || pin->IsNew() )
        if( !pin->InEditMode() )
            SaveCopyInUndoList( pin->GetParent() );

        OnModify( );

        MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items;
        pin->GetMsgPanelInfo( items );
        SetMsgPanel( items );

    pin->EnableEditMode( false, m_editPinsPerPartOrConvert );

    // Restore pin flags, that can be changed by the dialog editor
    pin->SetFlags( item_flags );