コード例 #1
ファイル: llimage.cpp プロジェクト: HazimGazov/Sausages
// Src and dst are same size.  Src has 3 components.  Dst has 4 components.
void LLImageRaw::copyUnscaled3onto4( LLImageRaw* src )
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.
	llassert( 3 == src->getComponents() );
	llassert( 4 == dst->getComponents() );
	llassert( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) );

	S32 pixels = getWidth() * getHeight();
	U8* src_data = src->getData();
	U8* dst_data = dst->getData();
	for( S32 i=0; i<pixels; i++ )
		dst_data[0] = src_data[0];
		dst_data[1] = src_data[1];
		dst_data[2] = src_data[2];
		dst_data[3] = 255;
		src_data += 3;
		dst_data += 4;
コード例 #2
ファイル: llimage.cpp プロジェクト: gabeharms/firestorm
void LLImageRaw::copyUnscaledAlphaMask( LLImageRaw* src, const LLColor4U& fill)
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( 1 == src->getComponents() );
	llassert( 4 == dst->getComponents() );
	llassert( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) );

	S32 pixels = getWidth() * getHeight();
	U8* src_data = src->getData();
	U8* dst_data = dst->getData();
	for ( S32 i = 0; i < pixels; i++ )
		dst_data[0] = fill.mV[0];
		dst_data[1] = fill.mV[1];
		dst_data[2] = fill.mV[2];
		dst_data[3] = src_data[0];
		src_data += 1;
		dst_data += 4;
コード例 #3
ファイル: llimage.cpp プロジェクト: gabeharms/firestorm
// Src and dst can be any size.  Src has 4 components.  Dst has 3 components.
void LLImageRaw::compositeScaled4onto3(LLImageRaw* src)
	LL_INFOS() << "compositeScaled4onto3" << LL_ENDL;

	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( (4 == src->getComponents()) && (3 == dst->getComponents()) );

	S32 temp_data_size = src->getWidth() * dst->getHeight() * src->getComponents();
	llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
	std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);

	// Vertical: scale but no composite
	for( S32 col = 0; col < src->getWidth(); col++ )
		copyLineScaled( src->getData() + (src->getComponents() * col), &temp_buffer[0] + (src->getComponents() * col), src->getHeight(), dst->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), src->getWidth() );

	// Horizontal: scale and composite
	for( S32 row = 0; row < dst->getHeight(); row++ )
		compositeRowScaled4onto3( &temp_buffer[0] + (src->getComponents() * src->getWidth() * row), dst->getData() + (dst->getComponents() * dst->getWidth() * row), src->getWidth(), dst->getWidth() );
コード例 #4
BOOL LLImageJ2COJ::encodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, const LLImageRaw &raw_image, const char* comment_text, F32 encode_time, BOOL reversible)
	const S32 MAX_COMPS = 5;
	opj_cparameters_t parameters;	/* compression parameters */
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr;		/* event manager */

	configure the event callbacks (not required)
	setting of each callback is optional 
	memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t));
	event_mgr.error_handler = error_callback;
	event_mgr.warning_handler = warning_callback;
	event_mgr.info_handler = info_callback;

	/* set encoding parameters to default values */
	parameters.cod_format = 0;
	parameters.cp_disto_alloc = 1;

	if (reversible)
		parameters.tcp_numlayers = 1;
		parameters.tcp_rates[0] = 0.0f;
		parameters.tcp_numlayers = 5;
                parameters.tcp_rates[0] = 1920.0f;
                parameters.tcp_rates[1] = 480.0f;
                parameters.tcp_rates[2] = 120.0f;
                parameters.tcp_rates[3] = 30.0f;
		parameters.tcp_rates[4] = 10.0f;
		parameters.irreversible = 1;
		if (raw_image.getComponents() >= 3)
			parameters.tcp_mct = 1;

	if (!comment_text)
		parameters.cp_comment = (char *) "";
		// Awful hacky cast, too lazy to copy right now.
		parameters.cp_comment = (char *) comment_text;

	// Fill in the source image from our raw image
	opj_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm[MAX_COMPS];
	opj_image_t * image = NULL;
	S32 numcomps = raw_image.getComponents();
	S32 width = raw_image.getWidth();
	S32 height = raw_image.getHeight();

	memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, MAX_COMPS * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t));
	for(S32 c = 0; c < numcomps; c++) {
		cmptparm[c].prec = 8;
		cmptparm[c].bpp = 8;
		cmptparm[c].sgnd = 0;
		cmptparm[c].dx = parameters.subsampling_dx;
		cmptparm[c].dy = parameters.subsampling_dy;
		cmptparm[c].w = width;
		cmptparm[c].h = height;

	/* create the image */
	image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space);

	image->x1 = width;
	image->y1 = height;

	S32 i = 0;
	const U8 *src_datap = raw_image.getData();
	for (S32 y = height - 1; y >= 0; y--)
		for (S32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
			const U8 *pixel = src_datap + (y*width + x) * numcomps;
			for (S32 c = 0; c < numcomps; c++)
				image->comps[c].data[i] = *pixel;

	/* encode the destination image */
	/* ---------------------------- */

	int codestream_length;
	opj_cio_t *cio = NULL;

	/* get a J2K compressor handle */
	opj_cinfo_t* cinfo = opj_create_compress(CODEC_J2K);

	/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
	opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)cinfo, &event_mgr, stderr);			

	/* setup the encoder parameters using the current image and using user parameters */
	opj_setup_encoder(cinfo, &parameters, image);

	/* open a byte stream for writing */
	/* allocate memory for all tiles */
	cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)cinfo, NULL, 0);

	/* encode the image */
	bool bSuccess = opj_encode(cinfo, cio, image, NULL);
	if (!bSuccess)
		LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << "Failed to encode image." << LL_ENDL;
		return FALSE;
	codestream_length = cio_tell(cio);

	base.copyData(cio->buffer, codestream_length);
	base.updateData(); // set width, height

	/* close and free the byte stream */

	/* free remaining compression structures */

	/* free user parameters structure */
	if(parameters.cp_matrice) free(parameters.cp_matrice);

	/* free image data */
	return TRUE;
コード例 #5
BOOL LLImageJ2COJ::decodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, LLImageRaw &raw_image, F32 decode_time, S32 first_channel, S32 max_channel_count)
	// FIXME: Get the comment field out of the texture

	LLTimer decode_timer;

	opj_dparameters_t parameters;	/* decompression parameters */
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr;		/* event manager */
	opj_image_t *image = NULL;

	opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL;	/* handle to a decompressor */
	opj_cio_t *cio = NULL;

	/* configure the event callbacks (not required) */
	memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t));
	event_mgr.error_handler = error_callback;
	event_mgr.warning_handler = warning_callback;
	event_mgr.info_handler = info_callback;

	/* set decoding parameters to default values */

	parameters.cp_reduce = base.getRawDiscardLevel();

	/* decode the code-stream */
	/* ---------------------- */

	/* JPEG-2000 codestream */

	/* get a decoder handle */
	dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_J2K);

	/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
	opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr);			

	/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */
	opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, &parameters);

	/* open a byte stream */
	cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, base.getData(), base.getDataSize());

	/* decode the stream and fill the image structure */
	image = opj_decode(dinfo, cio);

	/* close the byte stream */

	/* free remaining structures */

	// The image decode failed if the return was NULL or the component
	// count was zero.  The latter is just a sanity check before we
	// dereference the array.
	if(!image || !image->numcomps)
		LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << "ERROR -> decodeImpl: failed to decode image!" << LL_ENDL;
		if (image)

		return TRUE; // done

	// sometimes we get bad data out of the cache - check to see if the decode succeeded
	for (S32 i = 0; i < image->numcomps; i++)
		if (image->comps[i].factor != base.getRawDiscardLevel())
			// if we didn't get the discard level we're expecting, fail
			base.mDecoding = FALSE;
			return TRUE;
	if(image->numcomps <= first_channel)
		llwarns << "trying to decode more channels than are present in image: numcomps: " << image->numcomps << " first_channel: " << first_channel << llendl;
		if (image)
		return TRUE;

	// Copy image data into our raw image format (instead of the separate channel format

	S32 img_components = image->numcomps;
	S32 channels = img_components - first_channel;
	if( channels > max_channel_count )
		channels = max_channel_count;

	// Component buffers are allocated in an image width by height buffer.
	// The image placed in that buffer is ceil(width/2^factor) by
	// ceil(height/2^factor) and if the factor isn't zero it will be at the
	// top left of the buffer with black filled in the rest of the pixels.
	// It is integer math so the formula is written in ceildivpo2.
	// (Assuming all the components have the same width, height and
	// factor.)
	S32 comp_width = image->comps[0].w;
	S32 f=image->comps[0].factor;
	S32 width = ceildivpow2(image->x1 - image->x0, f);
	S32 height = ceildivpow2(image->y1 - image->y0, f);
	raw_image.resize(width, height, channels);
	U8 *rawp = raw_image.getData();

	// first_channel is what channel to start copying from
	// dest is what channel to copy to.  first_channel comes from the
	// argument, dest always starts writing at channel zero.
	for (S32 comp = first_channel, dest=0; comp < first_channel + channels;
		comp++, dest++)
		if (image->comps[comp].data)
			S32 offset = dest;
			for (S32 y = (height - 1); y >= 0; y--)
				for (S32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
					rawp[offset] = image->comps[comp].data[y*comp_width + x];
					offset += channels;
		else // Some rare OpenJPEG versions have this bug.
			LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << "ERROR -> decodeImpl: failed to decode image! (NULL comp data - OpenJPEG bug)" << LL_ENDL;

			return TRUE; // done

	/* free image data structure */

	return TRUE; // done
コード例 #6
ファイル: llimage.cpp プロジェクト: Shyotl/Ascent
// Src and dst can be any size.  Src has 4 components.  Dst has 3 components.
void LLImageRaw::compositeScaled4onto3(LLImageRaw* src)
	LLMemType mt1((LLMemType::EMemType)mMemType);
	llinfos << "compositeScaled4onto3" << llendl;

	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( (4 == src->getComponents()) && (3 == dst->getComponents()) );

	// Vertical: scale but no composite
	S32 temp_data_size = src->getWidth() * dst->getHeight() * src->getComponents();
	U8* temp_buffer = new U8[ temp_data_size ];
	for( S32 col = 0; col < src->getWidth(); col++ )
		copyLineScaled( src->getData() + (src->getComponents() * col), temp_buffer + (src->getComponents() * col), src->getHeight(), dst->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), src->getWidth() );

	// Horizontal: scale and composite
	for( S32 row = 0; row < dst->getHeight(); row++ )
		compositeRowScaled4onto3( temp_buffer + (src->getComponents() * src->getWidth() * row), dst->getData() + (dst->getComponents() * dst->getWidth() * row), src->getWidth(), dst->getWidth() );

	// Clean up
	delete[] temp_buffer;
コード例 #7
BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::encodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, const LLImageRaw &raw_image, const char* comment_text, F32 encode_time, BOOL reversible)
	// Declare and set simple arguments
	bool transpose = false;
	bool vflip = true;
	bool hflip = false;

		// Set up input image files
		siz_params siz;
		// Should set rate someplace here
		LLKDUMemIn mem_in(raw_image.getData(),

		base.setSize(raw_image.getWidth(), raw_image.getHeight(), raw_image.getComponents());

		int num_components = raw_image.getComponents();

		siz.set(Sdims,0,0,base.getHeight());  // Height of first image component
		siz.set(Sdims,0,1,base.getWidth());   // Width of first image component
		siz.set(Sprecision,0,0,8);  // Image samples have original bit-depth of 8
		siz.set(Ssigned,0,0,false); // Image samples are originally unsigned

		kdu_params *siz_ref = &siz; 
		siz_params transformed_siz; // Use this one to construct code-stream

		// Construct the `kdu_codestream' object and parse all remaining arguments
		U32 max_output_size = base.getWidth()*base.getHeight()*base.getComponents();
		max_output_size = (max_output_size < 1000 ? 1000 : max_output_size);
		U8 *output_buffer = new U8[max_output_size];
		U32 output_size = 0; // Address updated by LLKDUMemTarget to give the final compressed buffer size
		LLKDUMemTarget output(output_buffer, output_size, max_output_size);

		kdu_codestream codestream;

		if (comment_text)
			// Set the comments for the codestream
			kdu_codestream_comment comment = codestream.add_comment();

		if (num_components >= 3)
			// Note that we always use YCC and not YUV
			// *TODO: Verify this doesn't screws up reversible textures (like sculpties) as YCC is not reversible but YUV is...

		// Set codestream options
		int nb_layers = 0;
		kdu_long layer_bytes[MAX_NB_LAYERS];
		U32 max_bytes = (U32)(base.getWidth() * base.getHeight() * base.getComponents());

		// Rate is the argument passed into the LLImageJ2C which specifies the target compression rate. The default is 8:1.
		// *TODO: mRate is actually always 8:1 in the viewer. Test different values.
		llassert (base.mRate > 0.f);
		max_bytes = (U32)((F32)(max_bytes) * base.mRate);
		// This code is where we specify the target number of bytes for each quality layer.
		// We're using a logarithmic spacing rule that fits with our way of fetching texture data.
		// Note: For more info on this layers business, read kdu_codestream::flush() doc in kdu_compressed.h
		layer_bytes[nb_layers++] = FIRST_PACKET_SIZE;
		while ((i < max_bytes) && (nb_layers < (MAX_NB_LAYERS-1)))
			layer_bytes[nb_layers++] = i;
			i *= 4;
		// Note: for small images, we can have (max_bytes < FIRST_PACKET_SIZE), hence the test
		if (layer_bytes[nb_layers-1] < max_bytes)
			// Set the last quality layer so to fit the preset compression ratio
			layer_bytes[nb_layers++] = max_bytes;

		if (reversible)
			// Use 0 for a last quality layer for reversible images so all remaining code blocks will be flushed
			// Hack: KDU encoding for reversible images has a bug for small images that leads to j2c images that 
			// cannot be open or are very blurry. Avoiding that last layer prevents the problem to happen.
			if ((base.getWidth() >= 32) || (base.getHeight() >= 32))
				layer_bytes[nb_layers++] = 0;
			// *TODO: we should use yuv in reversible mode
			// Don't turn this on now though as it creates problems on decoding for the moment
		std::string layer_string = llformat("Clayers=%d",nb_layers);
		// Set up data ordering, markers, etc... if precincts or blocks specified
		if ((mBlocksSize != -1) || (mPrecinctsSize != -1))
			if (mPrecinctsSize != -1)
				std::string precincts_string = llformat("Cprecincts={%d,%d}",mPrecinctsSize,mPrecinctsSize);
			if (mBlocksSize != -1)
				std::string blocks_string = llformat("Cblk={%d,%d}",mBlocksSize,mBlocksSize);
			std::string ordering_string = llformat("Corder=LRCP");
			std::string PLT_string = llformat("ORGgen_plt=yes");
			std::string Parts_string = llformat("ORGtparts=R");
		// Set the number of wavelets subresolutions (aka levels) 
		if (mLevels != 0)
			std::string levels_string = llformat("Clevels=%d",mLevels);
		// Complete the encode settings

		// Now we are ready for sample data processing
		kdc_flow_control *tile = new kdc_flow_control(&mem_in,codestream);
		bool done = false;
		while (!done)
			// Process line by line
			if (tile->advance_components())
				done = true;

		// Produce the compressed output

		// Cleanup
		delete tile;

		// Now that we're done encoding, create the new data buffer for the compressed
		// image and stick it there.
		base.copyData(output_buffer, output_size);
		base.updateData(); // set width, height
		delete[] output_buffer;
	catch(const char* msg)
		return FALSE;
	catch( ... )
		base.setLastError( "Unknown J2C error" );
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
コード例 #8
// Returns TRUE to mean done, whether successful or not.
BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::decodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, LLImageRaw &raw_image, F32 decode_time, S32 first_channel, S32 max_channel_count)
	ECodeStreamMode mode = MODE_FAST;

	LLTimer decode_timer;

	if (!mCodeStreamp)
		if (!initDecode(base, raw_image, decode_time, mode, first_channel, max_channel_count))
			// Initializing the J2C decode failed, bail out.
			return TRUE; // done

	// These can probably be grabbed from what's saved in the class.
	kdu_dims dims;

	// Now we are ready to walk through the tiles processing them one-by-one.
	kdu_byte *buffer = raw_image.getData();

	while (mTPosp->y < mTileIndicesp->size.y)
		while (mTPosp->x < mTileIndicesp->size.x)
				if (!mDecodeState)
					kdu_tile tile = mCodeStreamp->open_tile(*(mTPosp)+mTileIndicesp->pos);

					// Find the region of the buffer occupied by this
					// tile.  Note that we have no control over
					// sub-sampling factors which might have been used
					// during compression and so it can happen that tiles
					// (at the image component level) actually have
					// different dimensions.  For this reason, we cannot
					// figure out the buffer region occupied by a tile
					// directly from the tile indices.  Instead, we query
					// the highest resolution of the first tile-component
					// concerning its location and size on the canvas --
					// the `dims' object already holds the location and
					// size of the entire image component on the same
					// canvas coordinate system.  Comparing the two tells
					// us where the current tile is in the buffer.
					S32 channels = base.getComponents() - first_channel;
					if (channels > max_channel_count)
						channels = max_channel_count;
					kdu_resolution res = tile.access_component(0).access_resolution();
					kdu_dims tile_dims; res.get_dims(tile_dims);
					kdu_coords offset = tile_dims.pos - dims.pos;
					int row_gap = channels*dims.size.x; // inter-row separation
					kdu_byte *buf = buffer + offset.y*row_gap + offset.x*channels;
					mDecodeState = new LLKDUDecodeState(tile, buf, row_gap);
				// Do the actual processing
				F32 remaining_time = decode_time - decode_timer.getElapsedTimeF32();
				// This is where we do the actual decode.  If we run out of time, return false.
				if (mDecodeState->processTileDecode(remaining_time, (decode_time > 0.0f)))
					delete mDecodeState;
					mDecodeState = NULL;
					// Not finished decoding yet.
					//					setLastError("Ran out of time while decoding");
					return FALSE;
			catch (const char* msg)
				return TRUE; // done
			catch (...)
				base.setLastError( "Unknown J2C error" );
				return TRUE; // done

		mTPosp->x = 0;


	return TRUE;
コード例 #9
BOOL LLImageJ2CKDU::encodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, const LLImageRaw &raw_image, const char* comment_text, F32 encode_time, BOOL reversible)
	// Declare and set simple arguments
	bool transpose = false;
	bool vflip = true;
	bool hflip = false;

		// Set up input image files
		siz_params siz;
		// Should set rate someplace here
		LLKDUMemIn mem_in(raw_image.getData(),

		base.setSize(raw_image.getWidth(), raw_image.getHeight(), raw_image.getComponents());

		int num_components = raw_image.getComponents();

		siz.set(Sdims,0,0,base.getHeight());  // Height of first image component
		siz.set(Sdims,0,1,base.getWidth());   // Width of first image component
		siz.set(Sprecision,0,0,8);  // Image samples have original bit-depth of 8
		siz.set(Ssigned,0,0,false); // Image samples are originally unsigned

		kdu_params *siz_ref = &siz; 
		siz_params transformed_siz; // Use this one to construct code-stream

		// Construct the `kdu_codestream' object and parse all remaining arguments
		U32 max_output_size = base.getWidth()*base.getHeight()*base.getComponents();
		max_output_size = (max_output_size < 1000 ? 1000 : max_output_size);
		U8 *output_buffer = new U8[max_output_size];
		U32 output_size = 0; // Address updated by LLKDUMemTarget to give the final compressed buffer size
		LLKDUMemTarget output(output_buffer, output_size, max_output_size);

		kdu_codestream codestream;

		if (comment_text)
			// Set the comments for the codestream
			kdu_codestream_comment comment = codestream.add_comment();

		// Set codestream options
		int num_layer_specs = 0;

		kdu_long layer_bytes[64];
		U32 max_bytes = 0;

		if (num_components >= 3)
			// Note that we always use YCC and not YUV
			// *TODO: Verify this doesn't screws up reversible textures (like sculpties) as YCC is not reversible but YUV is...

		if (reversible)
			// *TODO: we should use yuv in reversible mode and one level since those images are small. 
			// Don't turn this on now though as both create problems on decoding for the moment
			// If we're doing reversible (i.e. lossless compression), assumes we're not using quality layers.
			// *TODO: this is incorrect and unecessary. Try using the regular layer setting.
			num_layer_specs = 1;
			layer_bytes[0] = 0;
			// Rate is the argument passed into the LLImageJ2C which
			// specifies the target compression rate.  The default is 8:1.
			// Possibly if max_bytes < 500, we should just use the default setting?
			// *TODO: mRate is actually always 8:1 in the viewer. Test different values. Also force to reversible for small (< 500 bytes) textures.
			if (base.mRate != 0.f)
				max_bytes = (U32)(base.mRate*base.getWidth()*base.getHeight()*base.getComponents());
				max_bytes = (U32)(base.getWidth()*base.getHeight()*base.getComponents()*0.125);

			const U32 min_bytes = FIRST_PACKET_SIZE;
			if (max_bytes > min_bytes)
				U32 i;
				// This code is where we specify the target number of bytes for
				// each layer.  Not sure if we should do this for small images
				// or not.  The goal is to have this roughly align with
				// different quality levels that we decode at.
				for (i = min_bytes; i < max_bytes; i*=4)
					if (i == min_bytes * 4)
						i = 2000;
					layer_bytes[num_layer_specs] = i;
				layer_bytes[num_layer_specs] = max_bytes;

				std::string layer_string = llformat("Clayers=%d",num_layer_specs);
				layer_bytes[0] = min_bytes;
				num_layer_specs = 1;
				std::string layer_string = llformat("Clayers=%d",num_layer_specs);
		// Set up data ordering, markers, etc... if precincts or blocks specified
		if ((mBlocksSize != -1) || (mPrecinctsSize != -1))
			if (mPrecinctsSize != -1)
				std::string precincts_string = llformat("Cprecincts={%d,%d}",mPrecinctsSize,mPrecinctsSize);
			if (mBlocksSize != -1)
				std::string blocks_string = llformat("Cblk={%d,%d}",mBlocksSize,mBlocksSize);
			std::string ordering_string = llformat("Corder=RPCL");
			std::string PLT_string = llformat("ORGgen_plt=yes");
			std::string Parts_string = llformat("ORGtparts=R");
		if (mLevels != 0)
			std::string levels_string = llformat("Clevels=%d",mLevels);

		// Now we are ready for sample data processing.
		kdc_flow_control *tile = new kdc_flow_control(&mem_in,codestream);
		bool done = false;
		while (!done)
			// Process line by line
			if (tile->advance_components())
				done = true;

		// Produce the compressed output

		// Cleanup
		delete tile;

		// Now that we're done encoding, create the new data buffer for the compressed
		// image and stick it there.
		base.copyData(output_buffer, output_size);
		base.updateData(); // set width, height
		delete[] output_buffer;
	catch(const char* msg)
		return FALSE;
	catch( ... )
		base.setLastError( "Unknown J2C error" );
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
コード例 #10
BOOL LLImageJ2COJ::decodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, LLImageRaw &raw_image, F32 decode_time, S32 first_channel, S32 max_channel_count)
	LLTimer decode_timer;

	/* Extract metadata */
	/* ---------------- */
	U8* c_data = base.getData();
	size_t c_size =  base.getDataSize();
	size_t position = 0;
	while (position < 1024 && position < (c_size - 7)) // the comment field should be in the first 1024 bytes.
		if (c_data[position] == 0xff && c_data[position + 1] == 0x64)
			U8 high_byte = c_data[position + 2];
			U8 low_byte = c_data[position + 3];
			S32 c_length = (high_byte * 256) + low_byte; // This size also counts the markers, 00 01 and itself
			if (c_length > 200) // sanity check
				// While comments can be very long, anything longer then 200 is suspect.
			if (position + 2 + c_length > c_size)
				// comment extends past end of data, corruption, or all data not retrived yet.
			// if the comment block does not end at the end of data, check to see if the next
			// block starts with 0xFF
			if (position + 2 + c_length < c_size && c_data[position + 2 + c_length] != 0xff)
				// invalied comment block
			// extract the comment minus the markers, 00 01
			raw_image.mComment.assign((char*)c_data + position + 6, c_length - 4);
	opj_dparameters_t parameters;	/* decompression parameters */
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr = { };		/* event manager */
	opj_image_t *image = nullptr;

	opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = nullptr;	/* handle to a decompressor */
	opj_cio_t *cio = nullptr;

	/* configure the event callbacks (not required) */
	event_mgr.error_handler = error_callback;
	event_mgr.warning_handler = warning_callback;
	event_mgr.info_handler = info_callback;

	/* set decoding parameters to default values */

	parameters.cp_reduce = base.getRawDiscardLevel();

	if(parameters.cp_reduce == 0 && *(U16*)(base.getData() + base.getDataSize() - 2) != 0xD9FF)
		bool failed = true;
		for(S32 i = base.getDataSize()-1; i > 42; --i)
			if(base.getData()[i] != 0x00)
				failed = *(U16*)(base.getData()+i-1) != 0xD9FF;
			return TRUE;

	/* decode the code-stream */
	/* ---------------------- */

	/* JPEG-2000 codestream */

	/* get a decoder handle */
	dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_J2K);

	/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
	opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr);			

	/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */
	opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, &parameters);

	/* open a byte stream */
	cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, base.getData(), base.getDataSize());

	/* decode the stream and fill the image structure */
	image = opj_decode(dinfo, cio);

	/* close the byte stream */

	/* free remaining structures */

	// The image decode failed if the return was NULL or the component
	// count was zero.  The latter is just a sanity check before we
	// dereference the array.
	if(!image || !image->numcomps)
		LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << "ERROR -> decodeImpl: failed to decode image!" << LL_ENDL;
		if (image)
		return TRUE; // done

	// sometimes we get bad data out of the cache - check to see if the decode succeeded
	for (S32 i = 0; i < image->numcomps; i++)
		if (image->comps[i].factor != base.getRawDiscardLevel())
			// if we didn't get the discard level we're expecting, fail
			return TRUE;
	if(image->numcomps <= first_channel)
		LL_WARNS("Texture") << "trying to decode more channels than are present in image: numcomps: " << image->numcomps << " first_channel: " << first_channel << LL_ENDL;
		if (image)

		return TRUE;

	// Copy image data into our raw image format (instead of the separate channel format

	S32 img_components = image->numcomps;
	S32 channels = img_components - first_channel;
	if( channels > max_channel_count )
		channels = max_channel_count;

	// Component buffers are allocated in an image width by height buffer.
	// The image placed in that buffer is ceil(width/2^factor) by
	// ceil(height/2^factor) and if the factor isn't zero it will be at the
	// top left of the buffer with black filled in the rest of the pixels.
	// It is integer math so the formula is written in ceildivpo2.
	// (Assuming all the components have the same width, height and
	// factor.)
	S32 comp_width = image->comps[0].w;
	S32 f=image->comps[0].factor;
	S32 width = ceildivpow2(image->x1 - image->x0, f);
	S32 height = ceildivpow2(image->y1 - image->y0, f);
	raw_image.resize(width, height, channels);
	U8 *rawp = raw_image.getData();
	if (!rawp)
		base.setLastError("Memory error");
		return true; // done

	// first_channel is what channel to start copying from
	// dest is what channel to copy to.  first_channel comes from the
	// argument, dest always starts writing at channel zero.
	for (S32 comp = first_channel, dest=0; comp < first_channel + channels;
		comp++, dest++)
		if (image->comps[comp].data)
			S32 offset = dest;
			for (S32 y = (height - 1); y >= 0; y--)
				for (S32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
					rawp[offset] = image->comps[comp].data[y*comp_width + x];
					offset += channels;
		else // Some rare OpenJPEG versions have this bug.
			LL_DEBUGS("Texture") << "ERROR -> decodeImpl: failed to decode image! (NULL comp data - OpenJPEG bug)" << LL_ENDL;
			if (image)
			return TRUE; // done

	/* free image data structure */

	return TRUE; // done
コード例 #11
BOOL LLImageJ2COJ::decodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, LLImageRaw &raw_image, F32 decode_time, S32 first_channel, S32 max_channel_count)
	raw_image.decodedComment = LLImageMetaDataReader::ExtractKDUUploadComment(base.getData(), base.getDataSize());

	LLTimer decode_timer;

	opj_dparameters_t parameters;	/* decompression parameters */
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr;		/* event manager */
	opj_image_t *image = NULL;

	opj_dinfo_t* dinfo = NULL;	/* handle to a decompressor */
	opj_cio_t *cio = NULL;

	/* configure the event callbacks (not required) */
	memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t));
	event_mgr.error_handler = error_callback;
	event_mgr.warning_handler = warning_callback;
	event_mgr.info_handler = info_callback;

	/* set decoding parameters to default values */

	parameters.cp_reduce = base.getRawDiscardLevel();

	/* decode the code-stream */
	/* ---------------------- */

	/* JPEG-2000 codestream */

	/* get a decoder handle */
	dinfo = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_J2K);

	/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
	opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr);			

	/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */
	opj_setup_decoder(dinfo, &parameters);

	/* open a byte stream */
	cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)dinfo, base.getData(), base.getDataSize());

	/* decode the stream and fill the image structure.
	   Also fill in an additional structur to get the decoding result.
	   This structure is a bit unusual in that it is not received through
	   opj, but still has somt dynamically allocated fields that need to
	   be cleared up at the end by calling a destroy function. */
	opj_codestream_info_t cinfo;
	memset(&cinfo, 0, sizeof(opj_codestream_info_t));
	image = opj_decode_with_info(dinfo, cio, &cinfo);

	/* close the byte stream */

	/* free remaining structures */

	// The image decode failed if the return was NULL or the component
	// count was zero.  The latter is just a sanity check before we
	// dereference the array.
		LL_WARNS ("Openjpeg")  << "Failed to decode image at discard: " << (S32)base.getRawDiscardLevel() << ". No image." << LL_ENDL;
		if (base.getRawDiscardLevel() == 0)
		return TRUE; // done

	S32 img_components = image->numcomps;

	if( !img_components ) // < 1 ||img_components > 4 )
		LL_WARNS("Openjpeg") << "Failed to decode image at discard: " << (S32)base.getRawDiscardLevel() << ". Wrong number of components: " << img_components << LL_ENDL;
		if (image)
		if (base.getRawDiscardLevel() == 0)
		return TRUE; // done

	// sometimes we get bad data out of the cache - check to see if the decode succeeded
	int decompdifference = 0;
	if (cinfo.numdecompos) // sanity
		for (int comp = 0; comp < image->numcomps; comp++)
			/* get maximum decomposition level difference, first
			   field is from the COD header and the second
			   is what is actually met in the codestream, NB: if
			   everything was ok, this calculation will return
			   what was set in the cp_reduce value! */
			decompdifference = llmax(decompdifference, cinfo.numdecompos[comp] - image->comps[comp].resno_decoded);
		if (decompdifference < 0) // sanity
			decompdifference = 0;

	/* if OpenJPEG failed to decode all requested decomposition levels
	   the difference will be greater than this level */
	if (decompdifference > base.getRawDiscardLevel())
		LL_WARNS("Openjpeg") << "Not enough data for requested discard level " << (S32)base.getRawDiscardLevel() << ", difference: " << (decompdifference - base.getRawDiscardLevel()) << llendl;
		if (base.getRawDiscardLevel() == 0)
		return TRUE;

	if(img_components <= first_channel)
		LL_WARNS("Openjpeg") << "Trying to decode more channels than are present in image, numcomps: " << img_components << " first_channel: " << first_channel << LL_ENDL;
		if (image)
		if (base.getRawDiscardLevel() == 0)
		return TRUE;

	// Copy image data into our raw image format (instead of the separate channel format

	S32 channels = img_components - first_channel;
	if( channels > max_channel_count )
		channels = max_channel_count;

	// Component buffers are allocated in an image width by height buffer.
	// The image placed in that buffer is ceil(width/2^factor) by
	// ceil(height/2^factor) and if the factor isn't zero it will be at the
	// top left of the buffer with black filled in the rest of the pixels.
	// It is integer math so the formula is written in ceildivpo2.
	// (Assuming all the components have the same width, height and
	// factor.)
	S32 comp_width = image->comps[0].w;
	S32 f=image->comps[0].factor;
	S32 width = ceildivpow2(image->x1 - image->x0, f);
	S32 height = ceildivpow2(image->y1 - image->y0, f);
	raw_image.resize(width, height, channels);
	U8 *rawp = raw_image.getData();

	// first_channel is what channel to start copying from
	// dest is what channel to copy to.  first_channel comes from the
	// argument, dest always starts writing at channel zero.
	for (S32 comp = first_channel, dest=0; comp < first_channel + channels;
		comp++, dest++)
		if (image->comps[comp].data)
			S32 offset = dest;
			for (S32 y = (height - 1); y >= 0; y--)
				for (S32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
					rawp[offset] = image->comps[comp].data[y*comp_width + x];
					offset += channels;
		else // Some rare OpenJPEG versions have this bug.
			LL_WARNS("Openjpeg") << "Failed to decode image! (NULL comp data - OpenJPEG bug)" << LL_ENDL;

			if (base.getRawDiscardLevel() == 0)
			return TRUE; // done

	/* free opj data structures */
	if (image)
	return TRUE; // done
コード例 #12
void LocalAssetBrowser::PerformSculptUpdates(LocalBitmap& unit)
	/* looking for sculptmap using objects only */
	std::vector<affected_object> object_list = unit.getUsingObjects(false, false, true);
	if (object_list.empty()) { return; }

	for( std::vector<affected_object>::iterator iter = object_list.begin();
		 iter != object_list.end(); iter++ )
		affected_object aobj = *iter;
		if (aobj.object)
			if (!aobj.local_sculptmap) continue; // should never get here. only in case of misuse.
			// update code [begin]
			if (unit.volume_dirty)
				LLImageRaw* rawimage = gTextureList.findImage(unit.getID())->getCachedRawImage();

				aobj.object->getVolume()->sculpt(rawimage->getWidth(), rawimage->getHeight(), rawimage->getComponents(), rawimage->getData(), 0);
				unit.volume_dirty = false;

			// tell affected drawable it's got updated
			// update code [end]
コード例 #13
ファイル: llimagej2coj.cpp プロジェクト: Shyotl/Ascent
BOOL LLImageJ2COJ::encodeImpl(LLImageJ2C &base, const LLImageRaw &raw_image, const char* comment_text, F32 encode_time, BOOL reversible)
	const S32 MAX_COMPS = 5;
	opj_cparameters_t parameters;	/* compression parameters */
	opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr;		/* event manager */

	configure the event callbacks (not required)
	setting of each callback is optional 
	memset(&event_mgr, 0, sizeof(opj_event_mgr_t));
	event_mgr.error_handler = error_callback;
	event_mgr.warning_handler = warning_callback;
	event_mgr.info_handler = info_callback;

	/* set encoding parameters to default values */
	parameters.cod_format = 0;
	parameters.cp_disto_alloc = 1;

	if (reversible)
		parameters.tcp_numlayers = 1;
		parameters.tcp_rates[0] = 0.0f;
		parameters.tcp_numlayers = 5;
                parameters.tcp_rates[0] = 1920.0f;
                parameters.tcp_rates[1] = 480.0f;
                parameters.tcp_rates[2] = 120.0f;
                parameters.tcp_rates[3] = 30.0f;
		parameters.tcp_rates[4] = 10.0f;
		parameters.irreversible = 1;
		if (raw_image.getComponents() >= 3)
			parameters.tcp_mct = 1;

	std::string comment_metadata;
	if (!comment_text)
		//Inserting owner id, upload time, and dimensions 
		//See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_meta-data for details.
		extern LLUUID gAgentID;
		time_t now = time(NULL);
		tm * ptime = gmtime(&now);
		//std::string color_avg(llformat("c=%02x%02x%02x%02x")); //Perhaps do this some day...
		std::string timestr(llformat("z=%04i%02i%02i%02i%02i%02i",ptime->tm_year+1900,ptime->tm_mon+1,ptime->tm_mday,ptime->tm_hour,ptime->tm_min,ptime->tm_sec));
		parameters.cp_comment = (char *) comment_metadata.c_str();
		// Awful hacky cast, too lazy to copy right now.
		parameters.cp_comment = (char *) comment_text;

	// Fill in the source image from our raw image
	opj_image_cmptparm_t cmptparm[MAX_COMPS];
	opj_image_t * image = NULL;
	S32 numcomps = llmin((S32)raw_image.getComponents(),(S32)MAX_COMPS); //Clamp avoid overrunning buffer -Shyotl
	S32 width = raw_image.getWidth();
	S32 height = raw_image.getHeight();

	memset(&cmptparm[0], 0, MAX_COMPS * sizeof(opj_image_cmptparm_t));
	for(S32 c = 0; c < numcomps; c++) {
		cmptparm[c].prec = 8;
		cmptparm[c].bpp = 8;
		cmptparm[c].sgnd = 0;
		cmptparm[c].dx = parameters.subsampling_dx;
		cmptparm[c].dy = parameters.subsampling_dy;
		cmptparm[c].w = width;
		cmptparm[c].h = height;

	/* create the image */
	image = opj_image_create(numcomps, &cmptparm[0], color_space);

	image->x1 = width;
	image->y1 = height;

	S32 i = 0;
	const U8 *src_datap = raw_image.getData();
	for (S32 y = height - 1; y >= 0; y--)
		for (S32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
			const U8 *pixel = src_datap + (y*width + x) * numcomps;
			for (S32 c = 0; c < numcomps; c++)
				image->comps[c].data[i] = *pixel;

	/* encode the destination image */
	/* ---------------------------- */

	int codestream_length;
	opj_cio_t *cio = NULL;

	/* get a J2K compressor handle */
	opj_cinfo_t* cinfo = opj_create_compress(CODEC_J2K);

	/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
	opj_set_event_mgr((opj_common_ptr)cinfo, &event_mgr, stderr);			

	/* setup the encoder parameters using the current image and using user parameters */
	opj_setup_encoder(cinfo, &parameters, image);

	/* open a byte stream for writing */
	/* allocate memory for all tiles */
	cio = opj_cio_open((opj_common_ptr)cinfo, NULL, 0);

	/* encode the image */
	bool bSuccess = opj_encode(cinfo, cio, image, NULL);
	if (!bSuccess)
		llinfos << "Failed to encode image." << llendl;
		return FALSE;
	codestream_length = cio_tell(cio);

	base.copyData(cio->buffer, codestream_length);
	base.updateData(); // set width, height

	/* close and free the byte stream */

	/* free remaining compression structures */

	/* free user parameters structure */
	if(parameters.cp_matrice) free(parameters.cp_matrice);

	/* free image data */
	return TRUE;