bool LLTrackingData::haveTrackingInfo() { LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mAvatarID); if(object && !object->isDead()) { mCoarseLocationTimer.checkExpirationAndReset(COARSE_FREQUENCY); mUpdateTimer.setTimerExpirySec(FIND_FREQUENCY); mAgentGone.setTimerExpirySec(OFFLINE_SECONDS); mHaveInfo = true; return true; } if(mHaveCoarseInfo && !mCoarseLocationTimer.checkExpirationAndReset(COARSE_FREQUENCY)) { // if we reach here, then we have a 'recent' coarse update mUpdateTimer.setTimerExpirySec(FIND_FREQUENCY); mAgentGone.setTimerExpirySec(OFFLINE_SECONDS); return true; } if(mUpdateTimer.checkExpirationAndReset(FIND_FREQUENCY)) { LLAvatarTracker::instance().findAgent(); mHaveCoarseInfo = false; } if(mAgentGone.checkExpirationAndReset(OFFLINE_SECONDS)) { mHaveInfo = false; mHaveCoarseInfo = false; } return mHaveInfo; }
void LLTrackingData::setTrackedCoarseLocation(const LLVector3d& global_pos) { mCoarseLocationTimer.setTimerExpirySec(COARSE_FREQUENCY); mGlobalPositionEstimate = global_pos; mHaveInfo = true; mHaveCoarseInfo = true; }
void LLUpdaterServiceImpl::restartTimer(unsigned int seconds) { LL_INFOS("UpdaterService") << "will check for update again in " << seconds << " seconds" << LL_ENDL; mTimer.start(); mTimer.setTimerExpirySec((F32)seconds); LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainloop").listen( sListenerName, boost::bind(&LLUpdaterServiceImpl::onMainLoop, this, _1)); }
void LLTrackingData::agentFound(const LLUUID& prey, const LLVector3d& estimated_global_pos) { if(prey != mAvatarID) { llwarns << "LLTrackingData::agentFound() - found " << prey << " but looking for " << mAvatarID << llendl; } mHaveInfo = true; mAgentGone.setTimerExpirySec(OFFLINE_SECONDS); mGlobalPositionEstimate = estimated_global_pos; }
F32 pump_loop(LLPumpIO* pump, F32 seconds) { LLTimer timer; timer.setTimerExpirySec(seconds); while(!timer.hasExpired()) { LLFrameTimer::updateFrameTime(); pump->pump(); pump->callback(); } return timer.getElapsedTimeF32(); }
//static void LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::update() { if (instanceExists()) { static LLTimer update_timer; if (update_timer.hasExpired()) { LLMarketplaceInventoryImporter::instance().updateImport(); //static LLCachedControl<F32> MARKET_IMPORTER_UPDATE_FREQUENCY("MarketImporterUpdateFreq", 1.0f); update_timer.setTimerExpirySec(MARKET_IMPORTER_UPDATE_FREQUENCY); } } }
void timeDelay(LLCoros::self& self, LLPanelMarketplaceOutbox* outboxPanel) { waitForEventOn(self, "mainloop"); LLTimer delayTimer; delayTimer.reset(); delayTimer.setTimerExpirySec(5.0f); while (!delayTimer.hasExpired()) { waitForEventOn(self, "mainloop"); } outboxPanel->onSyncComplete(); gTimeDelayDebugFunc = ""; }
void runThePump(float timeout = 100.0f) { LLTimer timer; timer.setTimerExpirySec(timeout); while(!mSawCompleted && !mSawCompletedHeader && !timer.hasExpired()) { if (mServerPump) { mServerPump->pump(); mServerPump->callback(); } if (mClientPump) { mClientPump->pump(); mClientPump->callback(); } } }
// blocking asset fetch which bypasses the VFS // this is a very limited function for use by the simstate loader and other one-offs S32 LLHTTPAssetStorage::getURLToFile(const LLUUID& uuid, LLAssetType::EType asset_type, const LLString &url, const char *filename, progress_callback callback, void *userdata) { // *NOTE: There is no guarantee that the uuid and the asset_type match // - not that it matters. - Doug lldebugs << "LLHTTPAssetStorage::getURLToFile() - " << url << llendl; FILE *fp = LLFile::fopen(filename, "wb"); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ if (! fp) { llwarns << "Failed to open " << filename << " for writing" << llendl; return LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_FAILED; } // make sure we use the normal curl setup, even though we don't really need a request object LLHTTPAssetRequest req(this, uuid, asset_type, RT_DOWNLOAD, url.c_str(), mCurlMultiHandle); req.mFP = fp; req.setupCurlHandle(); curl_easy_setopt(req.mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE); curl_easy_setopt(req.mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &curlFileDownCallback); curl_easy_setopt(req.mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, req.mCurlHandle); curl_multi_add_handle(mCurlMultiHandle, req.mCurlHandle); llinfos << "Requesting as file " << req.mURLBuffer << llendl; // braindead curl loop int queue_length; CURLMsg *curl_msg; LLTimer timeout; timeout.setTimerExpirySec(GET_URL_TO_FILE_TIMEOUT); bool success = false; S32 xfer_result = 0; do { curl_multi_perform(mCurlMultiHandle, &queue_length); curl_msg = curl_multi_info_read(mCurlMultiHandle, &queue_length); if (callback) { callback(userdata); } if ( curl_msg && (CURLMSG_DONE == curl_msg->msg) ) { success = true; } else if (timeout.hasExpired()) { llwarns << "Request for " << url << " has timed out." << llendl; success = false; xfer_result = LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_FAILED; break; } } while (!success); if (success) { long curl_result = 0; curl_easy_getinfo(curl_msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, &curl_result); if (curl_result == HTTP_OK && curl_msg->data.result == CURLE_OK) { S32 size = ftell(req.mFP); if (size > 0) { // everything seems to be in order llinfos << "Success downloading " << req.mURLBuffer << " to file, size " << size << llendl; } else { llwarns << "Found " << req.mURLBuffer << " to be zero size" << llendl; xfer_result = LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_FAILED; } } else { xfer_result = curl_result == HTTP_MISSING ? LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_NOT_IN_DATABASE : LL_ERR_ASSET_REQUEST_FAILED; llinfos << "Failure downloading " << req.mURLBuffer << " with result " << curl_easy_strerror(curl_msg->data.result) << ", http result " << curl_result << llendl; } } fclose(fp); if (xfer_result) { LLFile::remove(filename); } return xfer_result; }
// Static // Called from MAIN thread void FLLua::execClientEvents() { if(!sInstance) { llinfos << "LUA isn't running yet." << llendl; return; } if(sInstance->mPendingEvents) { lldebugs << __LINE__ << ": Events pending. Iterating through events." << llendl; sInstance->mPendingEvents=false; sInstance->lockData(); while(!sInstance->mQueuedEvents.empty()) { #ifdef FL_PRI_EVENTS lldebugs << __LINE__ << ": Acquiring highest-priority event." << llendl; CB_Base *cb=sInstance->; #else lldebugs << __LINE__ << ": Acquiring first event in queue." << llendl; CB_Base *cb=sInstance->mQueuedEvents.front(); #endif if(!cb) { llwarns << "Invalid pointer to event!" << llendl; } else { lldebugs << __LINE__ << ": Calling event." << llendl; cb->OnCall(); delete cb; } sInstance->mQueuedEvents.pop(); } sInstance->unlockData(); } if(sInstance->isPaused()) { if(sInstance->mAllowPause) //shouldn't ever happen. { sInstance->unpause(); return; } int yields=0; LLTimer timer; timer.setTimerExpirySec(.25); while(!sInstance->mAllowPause)//mAllowPause == true when Lua thread finishes loop. { sInstance->unpause(); yield(); //Hopefully let the Lua thread resume yields++; if(timer.hasExpired()) { LL_WARNS("Lua") << "Aborting critical section after " << timer.getElapsedTimeF64()*(F64)1000.f << "ms " << llendl; sInstance->mAllowPause=true; // NOTE: Lua taking too much time. Force new critical requests // to next frame. break; } } int sec=sInstance->mCriticalSections; if(sec) //Main has resumed with Lua in a critical section. Not thread safe. LL_WARNS("Lua") << sec << " critical sections active. Unsafe resume!" << llendl; LL_INFOS("Lua") << "Finished critical section after " << timer.getElapsedTimeF64()*(F64)1000.f << "ms. Yields=" << yields << llendl; } }