コード例 #1
void DSEContext::processRead(SILInstruction *I, SILValue Mem, DSEKind Kind) {
  auto *S = getBlockState(I);
  // Construct a LSLocation to represent the memory read by this instruction.
  // NOTE: The base will point to the actual object this inst is accessing,
  // not this particular field.
  // e.g. %1 = alloc_stack $S
  //      %2 = struct_element_addr %1, #a
  //      %3 = load %2 : $*Int
  // Base will point to %1, but not %2. Projection path will indicate which
  // field is accessed.
  // This will make comparison between locations easier. This eases the
  // implementation of intersection operator in the data flow.
  LSLocation L;
  if (BaseToLocIndex.find(Mem) != BaseToLocIndex.end()) {
    L = BaseToLocIndex[Mem];
  } else {
    SILValue UO = getUnderlyingObject(Mem);
    L = LSLocation(UO, ProjectionPath::getProjectionPath(UO, Mem));

  // If we can't figure out the Base or Projection Path for the read instruction,
  // process it as an unknown memory instruction for now.
  if (!L.isValid()) {
    processUnknownReadInst(I, Kind);

  // Expand the given Mem into individual fields and process them as separate
  // reads.
  LSLocationList Locs;
  LSLocation::expand(L, &I->getModule(), Locs, TE);

  // Are we building the genset and killset.
  if (isBuildingGenKillSet(Kind)) {
    for (auto &E : Locs) {
      // Only building the gen and kill sets for now.
      processReadForGenKillSet(S, getLocationBit(E));

  // Are we performing the actual DSE.
  if (isPerformingDSE(Kind)) {
    for (auto &E : Locs) {
      // This is the last iteration, compute BBWriteSetOut and perform DSE. 
      processReadForDSE(S, getLocationBit(E));

  llvm_unreachable("Unknown DSE compute kind");
コード例 #2
void DSEContext::processWrite(SILInstruction *I, SILValue Val, SILValue Mem,
                              DSEKind Kind) {
  auto *S = getBlockState(I);
  // Construct a LSLocation to represent the memory read by this instruction.
  // NOTE: The base will point to the actual object this inst is accessing,
  // not this particular field.
  // e.g. %1 = alloc_stack $S
  //      %2 = struct_element_addr %1, #a
  //      store %3 to %2 : $*Int
  // Base will point to %1, but not %2. Projection path will indicate which
  // field is accessed.
  // This will make comparison between locations easier. This eases the
  // implementation of intersection operator in the data flow.
  LSLocation L;
  if (BaseToLocIndex.find(Mem) != BaseToLocIndex.end()) {
    L = BaseToLocIndex[Mem];
  } else {
    SILValue UO = getUnderlyingObject(Mem);
    L = LSLocation(UO, ProjectionPath::getProjectionPath(UO, Mem));

  // If we can't figure out the Base or Projection Path for the store
  // instruction, simply ignore it.
  if (!L.isValid())

  // Expand the given Mem into individual fields and process them as separate
  // writes.
  bool Dead = true;
  LSLocationList Locs;
  LSLocation::expand(L, Mod, Locs, TE);
  llvm::SmallBitVector V(Locs.size());

  // Are we computing max store set.
  if (isComputeMaxStoreSet(Kind)) {
    for (auto &E : Locs) {
      // Update the max store set for the basic block.
      processWriteForMaxStoreSet(S, getLocationBit(E));

  // Are we computing genset and killset.
  if (isBuildingGenKillSet(Kind)) {
    for (auto &E : Locs) {
      // Only building the gen and kill sets here.
      processWriteForGenKillSet(S, getLocationBit(E));
    // Data flow has not stabilized, do not perform the DSE just yet.

  // We are doing the actual DSE.
  assert(isPerformingDSE(Kind) && "Invalid computation kind");
  unsigned idx = 0;
  for (auto &E : Locs) {
    // This is the last iteration, compute BBWriteSetOut and perform the dead
    // store elimination.
    if (processWriteForDSE(S, getLocationBit(E)))
    Dead &= V.test(idx);

  // Fully dead store - stores to all the components are dead, therefore this
  // instruction is dead.
  if (Dead) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Instruction Dead: " << *I << "\n");

  // Partial dead store - stores to some locations are dead, but not all. This
  // is a partially dead store. Also at this point we know what locations are
  // dead.
  llvm::DenseSet<LSLocation> Alives;
  if (V.any()) {
    // Take out locations that are dead.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < V.size(); ++i) {
      if (V.test(i))
      // This location is alive.

    // Try to create as few aggregated stores as possible out of the locations.
    LSLocation::reduce(L, Mod, Alives);

    // Oops, we have too many smaller stores generated, bail out.
    if (Alives.size() > MaxPartialStoreCount)

    // At this point, we are performing a partial dead store elimination.
    // Locations here have a projection path from their Base, but this
    // particular instruction may not be accessing the base, so we need to
    // *rebase* the locations w.r.t. to the current instruction.
    SILValue B = Locs[0].getBase();
    Optional<ProjectionPath> BP = ProjectionPath::getProjectionPath(B, Mem);
    // Strip off the projection path from base to the accessed field.
    for (auto &X : Alives) {

    // We merely setup the remaining live stores, but do not materialize in IR
    // yet, These stores will be materialized before the algorithm exits.
    for (auto &X : Alives) {
      SILValue Value = X.getPath()->createExtract(Val, I, true);
      SILValue Addr = X.getPath()->createExtract(Mem, I, false);
      S->LiveStores[Addr] = Value;

    // Lastly, mark the old store as dead.
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Instruction Partially Dead: " << *I << "\n");