コード例 #1
LandmarkCollection BobotLandmarkSource::getLandmarks() const {
	LandmarkCollection collection;
	if (index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(positions.size())) {
		const cv::Mat& image = imageSource->getImage();
		const Rect_<float>& relativePosition = positions[index];
		if (relativePosition.x == 0 && relativePosition.y == 0 && relativePosition.width == 0 && relativePosition.height == 0) {
			collection.insert(make_shared<RectLandmark>(landmarkName)); // invisible landmark
		} else {
			cv::Rect_<float> rect(relativePosition.x * image.cols, relativePosition.y * image.rows,
					relativePosition.width * image.cols, relativePosition.height * image.rows);
			collection.insert(make_shared<RectLandmark>(landmarkName, rect));
	} // Note: else { throw... } ? This should never happen in regular operation, now that we removed get() ?
	return collection;
コード例 #2
pair<path, LandmarkCollection> LfpwLandmarkFormatParser::readLine(const vector<string>& line, const string header)
	path imageName = path(line[0]).filename();
	LandmarkCollection landmarks;

	vector<string> headerTokens; // split the header
	boost::split(headerTokens, header, boost::is_any_of("\t"));
	unsigned int offset = -1; // The offset to go from the landmark number to the corresponding entry in the vector or line
	for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 35; ++i) { // i corresponds to the landmark number of LFPW (see their picture)
		string landmarkName = headerTokens[3*i+offset].substr(0, headerTokens[3*i+offset].length()-2); // cuts off the last two characters ('_x')
		string tlmsName = lfpwToTlmsName(landmarkName);
		bool visible = true; // Todo: Could add "obscured" to Landmark class
		if (boost::lexical_cast<int>(line[3*i+offset+2]) == 2 || boost::lexical_cast<int>(line[3*i+offset+2]) == 3) {
			visible = false;
		cv::Vec3f position(boost::lexical_cast<float>(line[3*i+offset]), boost::lexical_cast<float>(line[3*i+offset+1]), 0.0f);
		shared_ptr<Landmark> lm = make_shared<ModelLandmark>(tlmsName, position, visible);
		if (lm->getName().length() != 0) { // Todo: Find better solution
	return make_pair(imageName, landmarks);