コード例 #1
bool SignatureImporter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* OutArgList)
   VERIFY(pInArgList != NULL);
   ProgressTracker progress(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg()),
      "Loading spectral signature", "spectral", "5A9F8379-7D7D-4575-B78B-305AE0DFC66D");

   Signature* pSignature = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Signature>(Importer::ImportElementArg());
   VERIFY(pSignature != NULL);
   DataDescriptor* pDataDescriptor = pSignature->getDataDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pDataDescriptor != NULL);
   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pDataDescriptor->getFileDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pFileDescriptor != NULL);

   progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("filename", pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName());
   DynamicObject* pMetadata = pSignature->getMetadata();
   VERIFY(pMetadata != NULL);
   string warningMsg;

   LargeFileResource pSigFile;
   VERIFY(pSigFile.open(pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName(), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, S_IREAD));

   const Units* pUnits = pSignature->getUnits("Reflectance");
   VERIFY(pUnits != NULL);

   // Read the signature data
   vector<double> wavelengthData, reflectanceData;

   int64_t fileSize = pSigFile.fileLength();
   bool readError = false;
   size_t largeValueCount(0);
   for (string line = pSigFile.readLine(&readError); readError == false; line = pSigFile.readLine(&readError))
      if (isAborted())
         progress.report("Importer aborted", 0, ABORT, true);
         return false;

      int64_t fileLocation = pSigFile.tell();
      progress.report("Loading signature data", static_cast<int>(fileLocation * 100.0 / fileSize), NORMAL);

      if (line.empty())
      if (line.find('=') == string::npos)
         double wavelength = 0.0, reflectance = 0.0;
         vector<string> dataEntry;
         split(dataEntry, line, is_space());
         bool error = true;
         if (dataEntry.size() >= 1)
            wavelength = StringUtilities::fromXmlString<double>(dataEntry[0], &error);
            if (wavelength > 50.0)
               // Assume wavelength values are in nanometers and convert to microns
               wavelength = Wavelengths::convertValue(wavelength, NANOMETERS, MICRONS);
         if (!error && dataEntry.size() == 2)
            reflectance = StringUtilities::fromXmlString<double>(dataEntry[1], &error);

            // Since the signature file may not have contained info on units and unitScale (defaults to values of
            // "REFLECTANCE" and "1.0"), we need to check that the reflectance value is properly scaled.
            // In theory, a valid reflectance value should be between 0 and 1, but real data may extend beyond these
            // limits due to errors that occurred in collection, calibration, conversion, etc. We're assuming that a
            // value greater than 2.0 indicates that the value was scaled by a factor other than 1.0 - a common data
            // collection practice is to store a data value as an integer value equal to the actual value multiplied
            // by a scaling factor. This saves storage space while preserving precision. 10000 is a very common
            // scaling factor and the one we will assume was used. Right now we'll just count the number of large values.
            // If more than half the values are large, we will assume they were scaled and divide all the values by 10000.
            if (pUnits->getUnitType() == REFLECTANCE && pUnits->getScaleFromStandard() == 1.0
               && fabs(reflectance) > 2.0)
         if (error)
            progress.report("Error parsing signature data", 0, ERRORS, true);


   if ((readError == true) && (pSigFile.eof() != 1))
      progress.report("Unable to read signature file", 0, ERRORS, true);
      return false;

   // check for need to scale the values, i.e., at least half the values are large
   if (reflectanceData.empty() == false && largeValueCount > 0 && largeValueCount >= (reflectanceData.size() / 2))
      warningMsg += (warningMsg.empty() ? "" : "\n");
      warningMsg += "Values appear to have been scaled - values have been divided by 10000";
      for (vector<double>::iterator it = reflectanceData.begin(); it != reflectanceData.end(); ++it)
         *it *= 0.0001;  // divide by 10000
   pSignature->setData("Wavelength", wavelengthData);
   pSignature->setData("Reflectance", reflectanceData);
   if (warningMsg.empty())
      progress.report("Spectral signature loaded", 100, NORMAL);
      progress.report(warningMsg, 100, WARNING);
      progress.getCurrentStep()->addMessage(warningMsg, "spectral", "770EB61A-71CD-4f83-8C7B-E0FEF3D7EB8D");
   return true;