bool RenderView3D::UpdateBounds() { MainWindow* mainwnd = MainWindow::GetMainWindow(); double bounds[6] = { 1000000, -1000000, 1000000, -1000000, 1000000, -1000000 }; for ( int n = 0; n < 1; n++ ) { LayerCollection* lc = mainwnd->GetLayerCollection( (n == 0 ? "MRI" : "Surface") ); for ( int i = 0; i < lc->GetNumberOfLayers(); i++ ) { double bd[6]; lc->GetLayer( i )->GetDisplayBounds( bd ); for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { if ( bounds[j*2] > bd[j*2] ) { bounds[j*2] = bd[j*2]; } if ( bounds[j*2+1] < bd[j*2+1] ) { bounds[j*2+1] = bd[j*2+1]; } } } } for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { m_dBounds[i] = bounds[i]; } double dMaxLength = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( dMaxLength < ( bounds[i*2+1]-bounds[i*2] ) ) { dMaxLength = bounds[i*2+1]-bounds[i*2]; } } m_dBoundingTolerance = dMaxLength * 0.02; UpdateSliceFrames(); if (dMaxLength > 0) m_cursor3D->RebuildActor(dMaxLength/256); // update axis m_actorAxesActor->SetBounds(m_dBounds); return true; }
void PanelSurface::DoUpdateUI() { if ( !IsShown() ) return; bool bHasSurface = ( m_listBoxLayers->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND ); wxWindowList children = XRCCTRL( *this, "ID_SCROLL_WINDOW", wxScrolledWindow )->GetChildren(); wxWindowList::iterator it = children.begin(), end = children.end(); for (; it != end; it++) { if ( !(*it)->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxToolBar) ) && *it != m_listBoxLayers ) (*it)->Enable( bHasSurface ); } LayerSurface* layer = NULL; FSSurface* surf = NULL; if ( bHasSurface ) { LayerCollection* lc = MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetLayerCollection( "Surface" ); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_listBoxLayers->GetCount() && i < lc->GetNumberOfLayers(); i++ ) m_listBoxLayers->Check( i, lc->GetLayer( i )->IsVisible() ); layer = ( LayerSurface* )( void* )m_listBoxLayers->GetClientData( m_listBoxLayers->GetSelection() ); if ( layer ) { m_sliderOpacity->SetValue( (int)( layer->GetProperties()->GetOpacity() * 100 ) ); UpdateTextValue( m_textOpacity, layer->GetProperties()->GetOpacity() ); double* rgb = layer->GetProperties()->GetBinaryColor(); m_colorPicker->SetColour( wxColour( (int)(rgb[0]*255), (int)(rgb[1]*255), (int)(rgb[2]*255) ) ); rgb = layer->GetProperties()->GetEdgeColor(); m_colorPickerEdge->SetColour( wxColour( (int)(rgb[0]*255), (int)(rgb[1]*255), (int)(rgb[2]*255) ) ); rgb = layer->GetProperties()->GetVectorColor(); m_colorPickerVector->SetColour( wxColour( (int)(rgb[0]*255), (int)(rgb[1]*255), (int)(rgb[2]*255) ) ); m_textFileName->ChangeValue( wxString::FromAscii( layer->GetFileName() ) ); m_textFileName->SetInsertionPointEnd(); m_textFileName->ShowPosition( m_textFileName->GetLastPosition() ); m_spinEdgeThickness->SetValue( layer->GetProperties()->GetEdgeThickness() ); m_spinVectorPointSize->SetValue( layer->GetProperties()->GetVectorPointSize() ); m_choiceCurvatureMap->SetSelection( layer->GetProperties()->GetCurvatureMap() ); UpdateTextValue( m_textMidPoint, layer->GetProperties()->GetThresholdMidPoint() ); UpdateTextValue( m_textSlope, layer->GetProperties()->GetThresholdSlope() ); double range[2]; layer->GetCurvatureRange( range ); m_sliderMidPoint->SetValue( (int) ( ( layer->GetProperties()->GetThresholdMidPoint() - range[0] ) / ( range[1] - range[0] ) * 100 ) ); m_sliderSlope->SetValue( (int) ( layer->GetProperties()->GetThresholdSlope() ) ); surf = layer->GetSourceSurface(); m_choiceRenderMode->SetSelection( layer->GetProperties()->GetSurfaceRenderMode() ); m_choiceMeshColorMap->SetSelection( layer->GetProperties()->GetMeshColorMap() ); m_checkShowVertices->SetValue( layer->GetProperties()->GetShowVertices() ); rgb = layer->GetProperties()->GetVertexColor(); m_colorPickerVertex->SetColour( wxColour( (int)(rgb[0]*255), (int)(rgb[1]*255), (int)(rgb[2]*255) ) ); m_spinVertexPointSize->SetValue( layer->GetProperties()->GetVertexPointSize() ); double* dPos = layer->GetProperties()->GetPosition(); wxString value_strg = ( (wxString)_("") << dPos [0] << _(" ") << dPos[1] << _(" ") << dPos[2] ); m_textPosition->ChangeValue( value_strg ); m_checkHideInfo->SetValue( !layer->GetProperties()->GetShowInfo() ); } lc->SetActiveLayer( ( Layer* )m_listBoxLayers->GetClientData( m_listBoxLayers->GetSelection() ) ); } m_choiceVector->Clear(); m_choiceVector->Append( _("Off") ); if ( surf ) { for ( int i = 0; i < surf->GetNumberOfVectorSets(); i++ ) { m_choiceVector->Append( wxString::FromAscii( surf->GetVectorSetName( i ) ) ); } } m_choiceVector->Append( _("Load vector data...") ); m_choiceVector->SetSelection( surf ? 1 + surf->GetActiveVector() : 0 ); // update overlay controls m_choiceOverlay->Clear(); m_choiceOverlay->Append( _("Off") ); if ( layer ) { for ( int i = 0; i < layer->GetNumberOfOverlays(); i++ ) { m_choiceOverlay->Append( wxString::FromAscii( layer->GetOverlay( i )->GetName() ) ); } } m_choiceOverlay->Append( _("Load from file...") ); m_choiceOverlay->SetSelection( layer ? 1 + layer->GetActiveOverlayIndex() : 0 ); m_btnOverlayConfiguration->Show( layer && layer->GetActiveOverlayIndex() >= 0 ); // update annotation controls m_choiceAnnotation->Clear(); m_choiceAnnotation->Append( _("Off") ); if ( layer ) { for ( int i = 0; i < layer->GetNumberOfAnnotations(); i++ ) { m_choiceAnnotation->Append( wxString::FromAscii( layer->GetAnnotation( i )->GetName() ) ); } } m_choiceAnnotation->Append( _("Load from file...") ); m_choiceAnnotation->SetSelection( layer ? 1 + layer->GetActiveAnnotationIndex() : 0 ); // update label controls m_choiceLabel->Clear(); if ( layer ) { if ( layer->GetNumberOfLabels() > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < layer->GetNumberOfLabels(); i++ ) { m_choiceLabel->Append( wxString::FromAscii( layer->GetLabel( i )->GetName() ) ); } } else m_choiceLabel->Append( _("None") ); } m_choiceLabel->Append( _("Load from file...") ); if ( layer && layer->GetActiveLabelIndex() >= 0 ) m_choiceLabel->SetSelection( layer->GetActiveLabelIndex() ); else m_choiceLabel->SetSelection( 0 ); if ( layer && layer->GetActiveLabel() ) { double* rgb = layer->GetActiveLabel()->GetColor(); m_colorPickerLabel->SetColour( wxColour( (int)(rgb[0]*255), (int)(rgb[1]*255), (int)(rgb[2]*255) ) ); } int nCurvatureMap = layer ? layer->GetProperties()->GetCurvatureMap() : 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_widgetsMidPoint.size(); i++ ) { m_widgetsMidPoint[i]->Show( nCurvatureMap != LayerPropertiesSurface::CM_Off ); } for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_widgetsSlope.size(); i++ ) { m_widgetsSlope[i]->Show( nCurvatureMap == LayerPropertiesSurface::CM_Threshold ); } for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_widgetsVector.size(); i++ ) { m_widgetsVector[i]->Show( m_choiceVector->GetSelection() > 0 ); } for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_widgetsVertex.size(); i++ ) { m_widgetsVertex[i]->Show( m_checkShowVertices->GetValue() ); } for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_widgetsMesh.size(); i++ ) { m_widgetsMesh[i]->Show( layer && layer->GetProperties()->GetSurfaceRenderMode() != LayerPropertiesSurface::SM_Surface ); } for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_widgetsLabel.size(); i++ ) { m_widgetsLabel[i]->Show( layer && layer->GetActiveLabelIndex() >= 0 ); } m_colorPicker->Enable( layer ); // && nCurvatureMap != LayerPropertiesSurface::CM_Threshold ); // hack to force resize of these controls in scrolled window for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_widgetsResize.size(); i++ ) { wxSize sz = m_widgetsResize[i]->GetMinSize(); m_widgetsResize[i]->SetMinSize( wxSize( 100, sz.GetHeight() ) ); } Layout(); }
void PixelInfoListCtrl::OnFinishEditing( wxCommandEvent& event ) { LayerCollectionManager* lcm = MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetLayerCollectionManager(); LayerCollection* lc = MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetLayerCollection( "MRI" ); // see if entered text is valid wxArrayString sa = MyUtils::SplitString( m_textEditor->GetValue(), _(",") ); long ptr = m_listPtr[m_nRowEdited]; Layer* layer_ptr = (Layer*)ptr; if ( ptr == 1 || ( layer_ptr && layer_ptr->IsTypeOf( "MRI" ) ) ) { if ( sa.Count() < 3 ) sa = MyUtils::SplitString( m_textEditor->GetValue(), _(" ") ); if ( sa.Count() < 3 ) { cerr << "Invalid coordinate string. Make sure they are three numbers." << endl; return; } } if ( ptr == 1 ) // RAS { double ras[3]; if ( sa[0].ToDouble( ras ) && sa[1].ToDouble( ras+1 ) && sa[2].ToDouble( ras+2 ) ) { wxListItem item; GetColumn( 0, item ); LayerMRI* layer = (LayerMRI*)lc->GetLayer( 0 ); if ( layer ) layer->RASToTarget( ras, ras ); if ( item.GetText() == _("Cursor") ) { lc->SetCursorRASPosition( ras ); lcm->SetSlicePosition( ras ); } else if ( item.GetText() == _("Mouse") ) lc->SetCurrentRASPosition( ras ); UpdateList(); m_textEditor->Hide(); } else { cerr << "Invalid coordinate string. Make sure they are three numbers." << endl; } } else if ( layer_ptr && layer_ptr->IsTypeOf( "MRI" ) ) // voxel { long x, y, z; if ( sa.Count() < 3 ) { cerr << "Invalid voxel coordinate string. Make sure they are three numbers." << endl; return; } int n = sa[0].Find( wxChar('['), true ); if ( n != wxNOT_FOUND ) sa[0] = sa[0].Mid( n+1 ); n = sa[2].Find( wxChar(']') ); if ( n != wxNOT_FOUND ) sa[2] = sa[2].Left( n ); if ( sa[0].ToLong( &x ) && sa[1].ToLong( &y ) && sa[2].ToLong( &z ) ) { int nv[3] = { x, y, z }; double ras[3]; wxListItem item; GetColumn( 0, item ); LayerMRI* layer = (LayerMRI*)layer_ptr; layer->OriginalIndexToRAS( nv, ras ); layer->RASToTarget( ras, ras ); if ( item.GetText() == _("Cursor") ) { lc->SetCursorRASPosition( ras ); lcm->SetSlicePosition( ras ); } else if ( item.GetText() == _("Mouse") ) lc->SetCurrentRASPosition( ras ); UpdateList(); m_textEditor->Hide(); } else { cerr << "Invalid voxel coordinate string. Make sure they are three numbers." << endl; } } else if ( layer_ptr && layer_ptr->IsTypeOf( "Surface" ) ) // surface { wxString strg = m_textEditor->GetValue(); LayerSurface* layer = (LayerSurface*)layer_ptr; double ras[3]; bool bSuccess = false; if ( m_listValue[m_nRowEdited].Find( _("Coord") ) == 0 ) // coordinate item { sa = MyUtils::SplitString( strg, _(",") ); if ( sa.Count() < 3 ) sa = MyUtils::SplitString( m_textEditor->GetValue(), _(" ") ); if ( sa.Count() >= 3 && sa[0].ToDouble( ras ) && sa[1].ToDouble( ras+1 ) && sa[2].ToDouble( ras+2 ) ) { layer->GetTargetAtSurfaceRAS( ras, ras ); bSuccess = true; } } else // vertex index item { long nIndex; if ( strg.ToLong( &nIndex ) && layer->GetTargetAtVertex( nIndex, ras ) ) bSuccess = true; } if ( bSuccess ) { wxListItem item; GetColumn( 0, item ); if ( item.GetText() == _("Cursor") ) { lc->SetCursorRASPosition( ras ); lcm->SetSlicePosition( ras ); } else if ( item.GetText() == _("Mouse") ) lc->SetCurrentRASPosition( ras ); UpdateList(); m_textEditor->Hide(); } else cerr << "Invalid index or coordinate string." << endl; } }
void ToolWindowEdit::DoUpdateTools() { int nViewId = MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetActiveViewId(); if ( nViewId < 0 || nViewId > 2 ) nViewId = 0; RenderView2D* view = ( RenderView2D* )MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetRenderView( nViewId ); bool bVoxelEditVisible = m_toolbarVoxelEdit->IsShown(); bool bROIEditVisible = m_toolbarROIEdit->IsShown(); if ( bVoxelEditVisible != (view->GetInteractionMode() == RenderView2D::IM_VoxelEdit) || bROIEditVisible != (view->GetInteractionMode() == RenderView2D::IM_ROIEdit) ) { m_toolbarVoxelEdit ->Show( view->GetInteractionMode() == RenderView2D::IM_VoxelEdit ); m_toolbarROIEdit ->Show( view->GetInteractionMode() == RenderView2D::IM_ROIEdit ); XRCCTRL( *this, "ID_PANEL_HOLDER", wxPanel )->Layout(); } // XRCCTRL( *m_toolbarBrush, "ID_STATIC_BRUSH_SIZE", wxStaticText )->Enable( m_viewAxial->GetAction() != Interactor2DROIEdit::EM_Fill ); m_spinBrushSize->Enable( view->GetAction() != Interactor2DROIEdit::EM_Fill ); m_spinBrushTolerance->Enable( view->GetAction() == Interactor2DROIEdit::EM_Fill ); // choiceTemplate->Enable( checkTemplate->IsChecked() && m_viewAxial->GetAction() == Interactor2DROIEdit::EM_Fill ); // XRCCTRL( *m_toolbarBrush, "ID_STATIC_BRUSH_TOLERANCE", wxStaticText )->Enable( checkTemplate->IsChecked() ); //&& m_viewAxial->GetAction() == Interactor2DROIEdit::EM_Fill ); // XRCCTRL( *m_toolbarBrush, "ID_SPIN_BRUSH_TOLERANCE", wxSpinCtrl )->Enable( checkTemplate->IsChecked() );//&& m_viewAxial->GetAction() == Interactor2DROIEdit::EM_Fill ); BrushProperty* bp = MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetBrushProperty(); LayerVolumeBase* layer = bp->GetReferenceLayer(); // if ( m_choiceTemplate->GetSelection() != wxNOT_FOUND ) // layer = ( LayerEditable* )(void*)m_choiceTemplate->GetClientData( m_choiceTemplate->GetSelection() ); m_choiceTemplate->Clear(); m_choiceTemplate->Append( _("None"), (void*)NULL ); LayerCollection* lc = MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetLayerCollection( "MRI" ); int nSel = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < lc->GetNumberOfLayers(); i++ ) { LayerMRI* mri = (LayerMRI*)lc->GetLayer( i ); if ( layer == mri ) { nSel = i+1; } m_choiceTemplate->Append( wxString::FromAscii( mri->GetName() ), (void*)mri ); } // if ( !lc->IsEmpty() ) m_choiceTemplate->SetSelection( nSel ); m_spinBrushSize->SetValue( bp->GetBrushSize() ); m_spinBrushTolerance->SetValue( bp->GetBrushTolerance( ) ); m_checkDrawConnectedOnly->SetValue( bp->GetDrawConnectedOnly() ); m_checkDrawRange ->SetValue( bp->GetDrawRangeEnabled() ); m_checkExcludeRange ->SetValue( bp->GetExcludeRangeEnabled() ); m_editDrawRangeLow ->Enable( bp->GetDrawRangeEnabled() ); m_editDrawRangeHigh ->Enable( bp->GetDrawRangeEnabled() ); m_editExcludeRangeLow ->Enable( bp->GetExcludeRangeEnabled() ); m_editExcludeRangeHigh ->Enable( bp->GetExcludeRangeEnabled() ); double* range = bp->GetDrawRange(); UpdateTextValue( m_editDrawRangeLow, range[0] ); UpdateTextValue( m_editDrawRangeHigh, range[1] ); range = bp->GetExcludeRange(); UpdateTextValue( m_editExcludeRangeLow, range[0] ); UpdateTextValue( m_editExcludeRangeHigh, range[1] ); Contour2D* c2d = view->GetContour2D(); m_checkSmooth->SetValue( c2d->GetSmooth() ); UpdateTextValue( m_editSmoothSD, c2d->GetSmoothSD() ); m_editSmoothSD->Enable( c2d->GetSmooth() ); UpdateTextValue( m_editContourValue, c2d->GetContourValue() ); double* rgb = c2d->GetContourColor(); m_colorPickerContour->SetColour( wxColour( (int)(rgb[0]*255), (int)(rgb[1]*255), (int)(rgb[2]*255) ) ); int nAction = view->GetAction(); ShowWidgets( m_widgetsBrushSize, nAction != Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_Contour && nAction != Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_ColorPicker && nAction != Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_Fill ); ShowWidgets( m_widgetsReference, nAction == Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_Fill || nAction == Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_Contour ); ShowWidgets( m_widgetsTolerance, nAction == Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_Fill ); ShowWidgets( m_widgetsConstrain, nAction != Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_ColorPicker && nAction != Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_Contour ); ShowWidgets( m_widgetsSmooth, nAction == Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_Contour ); ShowWidgets( m_widgetsContour, nAction == Interactor2DVoxelEdit::EM_Contour ); m_bToUpdateTools = false; wxPanel* panel = XRCCTRL( *this, "ID_PANEL_HOLDER", wxPanel ); panel->Layout(); panel->Fit(); Fit(); Layout(); MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->NeedRedraw( 1 ); }