コード例 #1
TEST_F(VisualRectMappingTest, ContainerOverflowHidden) {
      "<div id='container' style='position: absolute; top: 111px; left: 222px;"
      "    border: 10px solid red; overflow: hidden; width: 50px; height: "
      "    <div id='target' style='box-shadow: 40px 20px black; width: 100px; "
      "height: 90px'></div>"

  LayoutBlock* container =
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(), container->scrollTop());
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(), container->scrollLeft());

  LayoutBlock* target = toLayoutBlock(getLayoutObjectByElementId("target"));
  LayoutRect targetVisualRect = target->localVisualRect();
  // 140 = width(100) + box_shadow_offset_x(40)
  // 110 = height(90) + box_shadow_offset_y(20)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 110), targetVisualRect);
  LayoutRect rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(target, rect));
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 110), rect);

  rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  // Rect is not clipped by container's overflow clip.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(10, 10, 140, 110), rect);
コード例 #2
TEST_F(VisualRectMappingTest, ContainerAndTargetDifferentFlippedWritingMode) {
      "<div id='container' style='writing-mode: vertical-rl; position: "
      "absolute; top: 111px; left: 222px;"
      "    border: solid red; border-width: 10px 20px 30px 40px;"
      "    overflow: scroll; width: 50px; height: 80px'>"
      "    <div id='target' style='writing-mode: vertical-lr; box-shadow: 40px "
      "20px black; width: 100px; height: 90px'></div>"
      "    <div style='width: 100px; height: 100px'></div>"

  LayoutBlock* container =
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(), container->scrollTop());
  // The initial scroll offset is to the left-most because of flipped blocks
  // writing mode.
  // 150 = total_layout_overflow(100 + 100) - width(50)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(150), container->scrollLeft());
      LayoutUnit(142));  // Scroll to the right by 8 pixels.

  LayoutBlock* target = toLayoutBlock(getLayoutObjectByElementId("target"));
  LayoutRect targetVisualRect = target->localVisualRect();
  // 140 = width(100) + box_shadow_offset_x(40)
  // 110 = height(90) + box_shadow_offset_y(20)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 110), targetVisualRect);

  LayoutRect rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(target, rect));
  // This rect is in physical coordinates of target.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 110), rect);

  rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  // -2 = target_physical_x(100) + container_border_left(40) - scroll_left(142)
  // 3 = target_y(0) + container_border_top(10) - scroll_top(7)
  // Rect is not clipped by container's overflow clip.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-2, 3, 140, 110), rect);
コード例 #3
TEST_F(VisualRectMappingTest, ContainerFlippedWritingModeAndOverflowHidden) {
      "<div id='container' style='writing-mode: vertical-rl; position: "
      "absolute; top: 111px; left: 222px;"
      "    border: solid red; border-width: 10px 20px 30px 40px;"
      "    overflow: hidden; width: 50px; height: 80px'>"
      "    <div id='target' style='box-shadow: 40px 20px black; width: 100px; "
      "height: 90px'></div>"
      "    <div style='width: 100px; height: 100px'></div>"

  LayoutBlock* container =
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(), container->scrollTop());
  // The initial scroll offset is to the left-most because of flipped blocks
  // writing mode.
  // 150 = total_layout_overflow(100 + 100) - width(50)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(150), container->scrollLeft());
  container->setScrollLeft(LayoutUnit(82));  // Scroll to the right by 8 pixels.

  LayoutBlock* target = toLayoutBlock(getLayoutObjectByElementId("target"));
  LayoutRect targetVisualRect = target->localVisualRect();
  // -40 = -box_shadow_offset_x(40) (with target's top-right corner as the
  // origin)
  // 140 = width(100) + box_shadow_offset_x(40)
  // 110 = height(90) + box_shadow_offset_y(20)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-40, 0, 140, 110), targetVisualRect);

  LayoutRect rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(target, rect));
  // This rect is in physical coordinates of target.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 110), rect);

  rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  // 58 = target_physical_x(100) + container_border_left(40) - scroll_left(58)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-10, 10, 140, 110), rect);
コード例 #4
TEST_F(VisualRectMappingTest, ContainerFlippedWritingModeAndOverflowScroll) {
      "<div id='container' style='writing-mode: vertical-rl; position: "
      "absolute; top: 111px; left: 222px;"
      "    border: solid red; border-width: 10px 20px 30px 40px;"
      "    overflow: scroll; width: 50px; height: 80px'>"
      "    <div id='target' style='box-shadow: 40px 20px black; width: 100px; "
      "height: 90px'></div>"
      "    <div style='width: 100px; height: 100px'></div>"

  LayoutBlock* container =
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(), container->scrollTop());
  // The initial scroll offset is to the left-most because of flipped blocks
  // writing mode.
  // 150 = total_layout_overflow(100 + 100) - width(50)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(150), container->scrollLeft());
      LayoutUnit(142));  // Scroll to the right by 8 pixels.

  LayoutBlock* target = toLayoutBlock(getLayoutObjectByElementId("target"));
  LayoutRect targetVisualRect = target->localVisualRect();
  // -40 = -box_shadow_offset_x(40) (with target's top-right corner as the
  // origin)
  // 140 = width(100) + box_shadow_offset_x(40)
  // 110 = height(90) + box_shadow_offset_y(20)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-40, 0, 140, 110), targetVisualRect);

  LayoutRect rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(target, rect));
  // This rect is in physical coordinates of target.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 110), rect);

  rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  // -2 = target_physical_x(100) + container_border_left(40) - scroll_left(142)
  // 3 = target_y(0) + container_border_top(10) - scroll_top(7)
  // Rect is clipped by container's overflow clip because of overflow:scroll.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(-2, 3, 140, 110), rect);

  rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(&layoutView(), rect));
  // (-2, 3, 140, 100) is first clipped by container's overflow clip, to
  // (40, 10, 50, 80), then is added by container's offset in LayoutView
  // (111, 222).
  // TODO(crbug.com/600039): rect.x() should be 262 (left + border-left), but is
  // offset
  // by extra horizontal border-widths because of layout error.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(322, 121, 50, 80), rect);
  checkPaintInvalidationStateRectMapping(rect, targetVisualRect, *target,
                                         layoutView(), layoutView());

  LayoutRect containerVisualRect = container->localVisualRect();
  // Because container has overflow clip, its visual overflow doesn't include
  // overflow from children.
  // 110 = width(50) + border_left_width(40) + border_right_width(20)
  // 120 = height(80) + border_top_width(10) + border_bottom_width(30)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 110, 120), containerVisualRect);

  rect = containerVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(container->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 110, 120), rect);

  rect = containerVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(container->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(&layoutView(), rect));
  // TODO(crbug.com/600039): rect.x() should be 222 (left), but is offset by
  // extra horizontal
  // border-widths because of layout error.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(282, 111, 110, 120), rect);
  checkPaintInvalidationStateRectMapping(rect, containerVisualRect, *container,
                                         layoutView(), layoutView());
コード例 #5
TEST_F(VisualRectMappingTest, ContainerOverflowScroll) {
      "<div id='container' style='position: absolute; top: 111px; left: 222px;"
      "    border: 10px solid red; overflow: scroll; width: 50px; height: "
      "    <div id='target' style='box-shadow: 40px 20px black; width: 100px; "
      "height: 90px'></div>"

  LayoutBlock* container =
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(), container->scrollTop());
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(), container->scrollLeft());

  LayoutBlock* target = toLayoutBlock(getLayoutObjectByElementId("target"));
  LayoutRect targetVisualRect = target->localVisualRect();
  // 140 = width(100) + box_shadow_offset_x(40)
  // 110 = height(90) + box_shadow_offset_y(20)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 110), targetVisualRect);
  LayoutRect rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(target, rect));
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 140, 110), rect);

  rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  // 2 = target_x(0) + container_border_left(10) - scroll_left(8)
  // 3 = target_y(0) + container_border_top(10) - scroll_top(7)
  // Rect is not clipped by container's overflow clip because of
  // overflow:scroll.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(2, 3, 140, 110), rect);

  rect = targetVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(target->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(&layoutView(), rect));
  // (2, 3, 140, 100) is first clipped by container's overflow clip, to
  // (10, 10, 50, 80), then is by added container's offset in LayoutView
  // (111, 222).
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(232, 121, 50, 80), rect);
  checkPaintInvalidationStateRectMapping(rect, targetVisualRect, *target,
                                         layoutView(), layoutView());

  LayoutRect containerVisualRect = container->localVisualRect();
  // Because container has overflow clip, its visual overflow doesn't include
  // overflow from children.
  // 70 = width(50) + border_left_width(10) + border_right_width(10)
  // 100 = height(80) + border_top_width(10) + border_bottom_width(10)
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 70, 100), containerVisualRect);
  rect = containerVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(container->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(container, rect));
  // Container should not apply overflow clip on its own overflow rect.
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(0, 0, 70, 100), rect);

  rect = containerVisualRect;
  EXPECT_TRUE(container->mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(&layoutView(), rect));
  EXPECT_EQ(LayoutRect(222, 111, 70, 100), rect);
  checkPaintInvalidationStateRectMapping(rect, containerVisualRect, *container,
                                         layoutView(), layoutView());