コード例 #1
void RenderFlowThread::pushFlowThreadLayoutState(const RenderObject& object)
    if (const RenderBox* currentBoxDescendant = currentStatePusherRenderBox()) {
        LayoutState* layoutState = currentBoxDescendant->view()->layoutState();
        if (layoutState && layoutState->isPaginated()) {
            ASSERT(layoutState->renderer() == currentBoxDescendant);
            LayoutSize offsetDelta = layoutState->layoutOffset() - layoutState->pageOffset();
            setOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(currentBoxDescendant, currentBoxDescendant->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetDelta.height() : offsetDelta.width());

コード例 #2
LayoutUnit RenderFlowThread::offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(const RenderBlock* currentBlock) const
    // First check if we cached the offset for the block if it's an ancestor containing block of the box
    // being currently laid out.
    LayoutUnit offset;
    if (cachedOffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstRegion(currentBlock, offset))
        return offset;

    // If it's the current box being laid out, use the layout state.
    const RenderBox* currentBoxDescendant = currentStatePusherRenderBox();
    if (currentBlock == currentBoxDescendant) {
        LayoutState* layoutState = view()->layoutState();
        ASSERT(layoutState->renderer() == currentBlock);
        ASSERT(layoutState && layoutState->isPaginated());
        LayoutSize offsetDelta = layoutState->layoutOffset() - layoutState->pageOffset();
        return currentBoxDescendant->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetDelta.height() : offsetDelta.width();

    // As a last resort, take the slow path.
    LayoutRect blockRect(0, 0, currentBlock->width(), currentBlock->height());
    while (currentBlock && !currentBlock->isRenderFlowThread()) {
        RenderBlock* containerBlock = currentBlock->containingBlock();
        if (!containerBlock)
            return 0;
        LayoutPoint currentBlockLocation = currentBlock->location();

        if (containerBlock->style()->writingMode() != currentBlock->style()->writingMode()) {
            // We have to put the block rect in container coordinates
            // and we have to take into account both the container and current block flipping modes
            if (containerBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
                if (containerBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode())
                    blockRect.setY(currentBlock->height() - blockRect.maxY());
                    blockRect.setX(currentBlock->width() - blockRect.maxX());
        currentBlock = containerBlock;

    return currentBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? blockRect.y() : blockRect.x();
コード例 #3
bool RenderView::initializeLayoutState(LayoutState& state)
    bool isSeamlessAncestorInFlowThread = false;

    // FIXME: May be better to push a clip and avoid issuing offscreen repaints.
    state.m_clipped = false;
    // Check the writing mode of the seamless ancestor. It has to match our document's writing mode, or we won't inherit any
    // pagination information.
    RenderBox* seamlessAncestor = enclosingSeamlessRenderer(document());
    LayoutState* seamlessLayoutState = seamlessAncestor ? seamlessAncestor->view().layoutState() : 0;
    bool shouldInheritPagination = seamlessLayoutState && !m_pageLogicalHeight && seamlessAncestor->style()->writingMode() == style()->writingMode();
    state.m_pageLogicalHeight = shouldInheritPagination ? seamlessLayoutState->m_pageLogicalHeight : m_pageLogicalHeight;
    state.m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = shouldInheritPagination ? seamlessLayoutState->m_pageLogicalHeightChanged : m_pageLogicalHeightChanged;
    state.m_isPaginated = state.m_pageLogicalHeight;
    if (state.m_isPaginated && shouldInheritPagination) {
        // Set up the correct pagination offset. We can use a negative offset in order to push the top of the RenderView into its correct place
        // on a page. We can take the iframe's offset from the logical top of the first page and make the negative into the pagination offset within the child
        // view.
        bool isFlipped = seamlessAncestor->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode();
        LayoutSize layoutOffset = seamlessLayoutState->layoutOffset();
        LayoutSize iFrameOffset(layoutOffset.width() + seamlessAncestor->x() + (!isFlipped ? seamlessAncestor->borderLeft() + seamlessAncestor->paddingLeft() :
            seamlessAncestor->borderRight() + seamlessAncestor->paddingRight()),
            layoutOffset.height() + seamlessAncestor->y() + (!isFlipped ? seamlessAncestor->borderTop() + seamlessAncestor->paddingTop() :
            seamlessAncestor->borderBottom() + seamlessAncestor->paddingBottom()));
        LayoutSize offsetDelta = seamlessLayoutState->m_pageOffset - iFrameOffset;
        state.m_pageOffset = offsetDelta;
        // Set the current render flow thread to point to our ancestor. This will allow the seamless document to locate the correct
        // regions when doing a layout.
        if (seamlessAncestor->flowThreadContainingBlock()) {
            isSeamlessAncestorInFlowThread = true;

    // FIXME: We need to make line grids and exclusions work with seamless iframes as well here. Basically all layout state information needs
    // to propagate here and not just pagination information.
    return isSeamlessAncestorInFlowThread;
コード例 #4
ファイル: RootInlineBox.cpp プロジェクト: qfish/webkit
LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::lineSnapAdjustment(LayoutUnit delta) const
    // If our block doesn't have snapping turned on, do nothing.
    // FIXME: Implement bounds snapping.
    if (blockFlow().style().lineSnap() == LineSnapNone)
        return 0;

    // Get the current line grid and offset.
    LayoutState* layoutState = blockFlow().view().layoutState();
    RenderBlockFlow* lineGrid = layoutState->lineGrid();
    LayoutSize lineGridOffset = layoutState->lineGridOffset();
    if (!lineGrid || lineGrid->style().writingMode() != blockFlow().style().writingMode())
        return 0;

    // Get the hypothetical line box used to establish the grid.
    RootInlineBox* lineGridBox = lineGrid->lineGridBox();
    if (!lineGridBox)
        return 0;
    LayoutUnit lineGridBlockOffset = lineGrid->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? lineGridOffset.height() : lineGridOffset.width();
    LayoutUnit blockOffset = blockFlow().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layoutState->layoutOffset().height() : layoutState->layoutOffset().width();

    // Now determine our position on the grid. Our baseline needs to be adjusted to the nearest baseline multiple
    // as established by the line box.
    // FIXME: Need to handle crazy line-box-contain values that cause the root line box to not be considered. I assume
    // the grid should honor line-box-contain.
    LayoutUnit gridLineHeight = lineGridBox->lineBottomWithLeading() - lineGridBox->lineTopWithLeading();
    if (!gridLineHeight)
        return 0;

    LayoutUnit lineGridFontAscent = lineGrid->style().fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
    LayoutUnit lineGridFontHeight = lineGridBox->logicalHeight();
    LayoutUnit firstTextTop = lineGridBlockOffset + lineGridBox->logicalTop();
    LayoutUnit firstLineTopWithLeading = lineGridBlockOffset + lineGridBox->lineTopWithLeading();
    LayoutUnit firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + lineGridFontAscent;

    LayoutUnit currentTextTop = blockOffset + logicalTop() + delta;
    LayoutUnit currentFontAscent = blockFlow().style().fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType());
    LayoutUnit currentBaselinePosition = currentTextTop + currentFontAscent;

    LayoutUnit lineGridPaginationOrigin = isHorizontal() ? layoutState->lineGridPaginationOrigin().height() : layoutState->lineGridPaginationOrigin().width();

    // If we're paginated, see if we're on a page after the first one. If so, the grid resets on subsequent pages.
    // FIXME: If the grid is an ancestor of the pagination establisher, then this is incorrect.
    LayoutUnit pageLogicalTop = 0;
    if (layoutState->isPaginated() && layoutState->pageLogicalHeight()) {
        pageLogicalTop = blockFlow().pageLogicalTopForOffset(lineTopWithLeading() + delta);
        if (pageLogicalTop > firstLineTopWithLeading)
            firstTextTop = pageLogicalTop + lineGridBox->logicalTop() - lineGrid->borderAndPaddingBefore() + lineGridPaginationOrigin;

    if (blockFlow().style().lineSnap() == LineSnapContain) {
        // Compute the desired offset from the text-top of a grid line.
        // Look at our height (logicalHeight()).
        // Look at the total available height. It's going to be (textBottom - textTop) + (n-1)*(multiple with leading)
        // where n is number of grid lines required to enclose us.
        if (logicalHeight() <= lineGridFontHeight)
            firstTextTop += (lineGridFontHeight - logicalHeight()) / 2;
        else {
            LayoutUnit numberOfLinesWithLeading = ceilf(static_cast<float>(logicalHeight() - lineGridFontHeight) / gridLineHeight);
            LayoutUnit totalHeight = lineGridFontHeight + numberOfLinesWithLeading * gridLineHeight;
            firstTextTop += (totalHeight - logicalHeight()) / 2;
        firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + currentFontAscent;
    } else
        firstBaselinePosition = firstTextTop + lineGridFontAscent;

    // If we're above the first line, just push to the first line.
    if (currentBaselinePosition < firstBaselinePosition)
        return delta + firstBaselinePosition - currentBaselinePosition;

    // Otherwise we're in the middle of the grid somewhere. Just push to the next line.
    LayoutUnit baselineOffset = currentBaselinePosition - firstBaselinePosition;
    LayoutUnit remainder = roundToInt(baselineOffset) % roundToInt(gridLineHeight);
    LayoutUnit result = delta;
    if (remainder)
        result += gridLineHeight - remainder;

    // If we aren't paginated we can return the result.
    if (!layoutState->isPaginated() || !layoutState->pageLogicalHeight() || result == delta)
        return result;
    // We may end up shifted to a new page. We need to do a re-snap when that happens.
    LayoutUnit newPageLogicalTop = blockFlow().pageLogicalTopForOffset(lineBottomWithLeading() + result);
    if (newPageLogicalTop == pageLogicalTop)
        return result;
    // Put ourselves at the top of the next page to force a snap onto the new grid established by that page.
    return lineSnapAdjustment(newPageLogicalTop - (blockOffset + lineTopWithLeading()));