コード例 #1
LayoutUnit LayoutMultiColumnSet::nextLogicalTopForUnbreakableContent(LayoutUnit flowThreadOffset, LayoutUnit contentLogicalHeight) const
    ASSERT(flowThreadOffset.mightBeSaturated() || pageLogicalTopForOffset(flowThreadOffset) == flowThreadOffset);
    FragmentationContext* enclosingFragmentationContext = multiColumnFlowThread()->enclosingFragmentationContext();
    if (!enclosingFragmentationContext) {
        // If there's no enclosing fragmentation context, there'll ever be only one row, and all
        // columns there will have the same height.
        return flowThreadOffset;

    // Assert the problematic situation. If we have no problem with the column height, why are we
    // even here?
    ASSERT(pageLogicalHeightForOffset(flowThreadOffset) < contentLogicalHeight);

    // There's a likelihood for subsequent rows to be taller than the first one.
    // TODO(mstensho): if we're doubly nested (e.g. multicol in multicol in multicol), we need to
    // look beyond the first row here.
    const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& firstRow = firstFragmentainerGroup();
    LayoutUnit firstRowLogicalBottomInFlowThread = firstRow.logicalTopInFlowThread() + fragmentainerGroupCapacity(firstRow);
    if (flowThreadOffset >= firstRowLogicalBottomInFlowThread)
        return flowThreadOffset; // We're not in the first row. Give up.
    LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight = enclosingFragmentationContext->fragmentainerLogicalHeightAt(firstRow.blockOffsetInEnclosingFragmentationContext() + firstRow.logicalHeight());
    if (contentLogicalHeight > newLogicalHeight) {
        // The next outer column or page doesn't have enough space either. Give up and stay where
        // we are.
        return flowThreadOffset;
    return firstRowLogicalBottomInFlowThread;
コード例 #2
LayoutUnit LayoutMultiColumnSet::pageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread, PageBoundaryRule pageBoundaryRule) const
    const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& row = fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(offsetInFlowThread);
    LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = row.logicalHeight();
    ASSERT(pageLogicalHeight); // It's not allowed to call this method if the height is unknown.
    LayoutUnit pageLogicalBottom = row.columnLogicalTopForOffset(offsetInFlowThread) + pageLogicalHeight;
    LayoutUnit remainingLogicalHeight = pageLogicalBottom - offsetInFlowThread;

    if (pageBoundaryRule == AssociateWithFormerPage) {
        // An offset exactly at a column boundary will act as being part of the former column in
        // question (i.e. no remaining space), rather than being part of the latter (i.e. one whole
        // column length of remaining space).
        remainingLogicalHeight = intMod(remainingLogicalHeight, pageLogicalHeight);
    } else if (!remainingLogicalHeight) {
        // When pageBoundaryRule is AssociateWithLatterPage, we should never return 0, because if
        // there's no space left, it means that we should be at a column boundary, in which case we
        // should return the amount of space remaining in the *next* column. But this is not true if
        // the offset is "infinite" (saturated), so allow this to happen in that case.
        remainingLogicalHeight = pageLogicalHeight;
    return remainingLogicalHeight;