void Projectile::prepBatchRender( SceneRenderState *state ) { if ( !mProjectileShape ) return; GFXTransformSaver saver; // Set up our TS render state. TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( state ); // We might have some forward lit materials // so pass down a query to gather lights. LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); rdata.setLightQuery( &query ); MatrixF mat = getRenderTransform(); mat.scale( mObjScale ); mat.scale( mDataBlock->scale ); GFX->setWorldMatrix( mat ); mProjectileShape->setDetailFromPosAndScale( state, mat.getPosition(), mObjScale ); mProjectileShape->animate(); mProjectileShape->render( rdata ); }
void GroundPlane::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState* state ) { PROFILE_SCOPE( GroundPlane_prepRenderImage ); // TODO: Should we skip rendering the ground plane into // the shadows? Its not like you can ever get under it. if ( !mMaterial ) return; // If we don't have a material instance after the override then // we can skip rendering all together. BaseMatInstance *matInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mMaterial ); if ( !matInst ) return; PROFILE_SCOPE( GroundPlane_prepRender ); // Update the geometry. createGeometry( state->getCullingFrustum() ); if( mVertexBuffer.isNull() ) return; // Add a render instance. RenderPassManager* pass = state->getRenderPass(); MeshRenderInst* ri = pass->allocInst< MeshRenderInst >(); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Mesh; ri->vertBuff = &mVertexBuffer; ri->primBuff = &mPrimitiveBuffer; ri->prim = &mPrimitive; ri->matInst = matInst; ri->objectToWorld = pass->allocUniqueXform( MatrixF::Identity ); ri->worldToCamera = pass->allocSharedXform( RenderPassManager::View ); ri->projection = pass->allocSharedXform( RenderPassManager::Projection ); ri->visibility = 1.0f; ri->translucentSort = matInst->getMaterial()->isTranslucent(); ri->defaultKey = matInst->getStateHint(); if( ri->translucentSort ) ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Translucent; // If we need lights then set them up. if ( matInst->isForwardLit() ) { LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); query.getLights( ri->lights, 8 ); } pass->addInst( ri ); }
void PxCloth::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState *state ) { if ( mIsVBDirty ) _updateVBIB(); // Recreate the material if we need to. if ( !mMatInst ) _initMaterial(); // If we don't have a material instance after the override then // we can skip rendering all together. BaseMatInstance *matInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mMatInst ); if ( !matInst ) return; MeshRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<MeshRenderInst>(); // If we need lights then set them up. if ( matInst->isForwardLit() ) { LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); query.getLights( ri->lights, 8 ); } ri->projection = state->getRenderPass()->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::Projection); ri->objectToWorld = &MatrixF::Identity; ri->worldToCamera = state->getRenderPass()->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::View); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Mesh; ri->primBuff = &mPrimBuffer; ri->vertBuff = &mVB; ri->matInst = matInst; ri->prim = state->getRenderPass()->allocPrim(); ri->prim->type = GFXTriangleList; ri->prim->minIndex = 0; ri->prim->startIndex = 0; ri->prim->numPrimitives = mNumIndices / 3; ri->prim->startVertex = 0; ri->prim->numVertices = mNumVertices; ri->defaultKey = matInst->getStateHint(); ri->defaultKey2 = (U32)ri->vertBuff; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); }
void DecalRoad::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState* state ) { PROFILE_SCOPE( DecalRoad_prepRenderImage ); if ( mNodes.size() <= 1 || mBatches.size() == 0 || !mMatInst || state->isShadowPass() ) return; // If we don't have a material instance after the override then // we can skip rendering all together. BaseMatInstance *matInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mMatInst ); if ( !matInst ) return; RenderPassManager *renderPass = state->getRenderPass(); // Debug RenderInstance // Only when editor is open. if ( smEditorOpen ) { ObjectRenderInst *ri = renderPass->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &DecalRoad::_debugRender ); state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } // Normal Road RenderInstance // Always rendered when the editor is not open // otherwise obey the smShowRoad flag if ( !smShowRoad && smEditorOpen ) return; const Frustum &frustum = state->getCameraFrustum(); MeshRenderInst coreRI; coreRI.clear(); coreRI.objectToWorld = &MatrixF::Identity; coreRI.worldToCamera = renderPass->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::View); MatrixF *tempMat = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( MatrixF( true ) ); MathUtils::getZBiasProjectionMatrix( gDecalBias, frustum, tempMat ); coreRI.projection = tempMat; coreRI.type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Decal; coreRI.vertBuff = &mVB; coreRI.primBuff = &mPB; coreRI.matInst = matInst; // Make it the sort distance the max distance so that // it renders after all the other opaque geometry in // the prepass bin. coreRI.sortDistSq = F32_MAX; // If we need lights then set them up. if ( matInst->isForwardLit() ) { LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); query.getLights( coreRI.lights, 8 ); } U32 startBatchIdx = -1; U32 endBatchIdx = 0; for ( U32 i = 0; i < mBatches.size(); i++ ) { const RoadBatch &batch = mBatches[i]; const bool isVisible = !frustum.isCulled( batch.bounds ); if ( isVisible ) { // If this is the start of a set of batches. if ( startBatchIdx == -1 ) endBatchIdx = startBatchIdx = i; // Else we're extending the end batch index. else ++endBatchIdx; // If this isn't the last batch then continue. if ( i < mBatches.size()-1 ) continue; } // We we still don't have a start batch, so skip. if ( startBatchIdx == -1 ) continue; // Render this set of batches. const RoadBatch &startBatch = mBatches[startBatchIdx]; const RoadBatch &endBatch = mBatches[endBatchIdx]; U32 startVert = startBatch.startVert; U32 startIdx = startBatch.startIndex; U32 vertCount = endBatch.endVert - startVert; U32 idxCount = ( endBatch.endIndex - startIdx ) + 1; U32 triangleCount = idxCount / 3; AssertFatal( startVert + vertCount <= mVertCount, "DecalRoad, bad draw call!" ); AssertFatal( startIdx + triangleCount < mTriangleCount * 3, "DecalRoad, bad draw call!" ); MeshRenderInst *ri = renderPass->allocInst<MeshRenderInst>(); *ri = coreRI; ri->prim = renderPass->allocPrim(); ri->prim->type = GFXTriangleList; ri->prim->minIndex = 0; ri->prim->startIndex = startIdx; ri->prim->numPrimitives = triangleCount; ri->prim->startVertex = 0; ri->prim->numVertices = endBatch.endVert + 1; // For sorting we first sort by render priority // and then by objectId. // // Since a road can submit more than one render instance, we want all // draw calls for a single road to occur consecutively, since they // could use the same vertex buffer. ri->defaultKey = mRenderPriority << 0 | mId << 16; ri->defaultKey2 = 0; renderPass->addInst( ri ); // Reset the batching. startBatchIdx = -1; } }
void TSStatic::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState* state ) { if( !mShapeInstance ) return; Point3F cameraOffset; getRenderTransform().getColumn(3,&cameraOffset); cameraOffset -= state->getDiffuseCameraPosition(); F32 dist = cameraOffset.len(); if (dist < 0.01f) dist = 0.01f; F32 invScale = (1.0f/getMax(getMax(mObjScale.x,mObjScale.y),mObjScale.z)); if ( mForceDetail == -1 ) mShapeInstance->setDetailFromDistance( state, dist * invScale ); else mShapeInstance->setCurrentDetail( mForceDetail ); if ( mShapeInstance->getCurrentDetail() < 0 ) return; GFXTransformSaver saver; // Set up our TS render state. TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( state ); rdata.setFadeOverride( 1.0f ); rdata.setOriginSort( mUseOriginSort ); // If we have submesh culling enabled then prepare // the object space frustum to pass to the shape. Frustum culler; if ( mMeshCulling ) { culler = state->getCullingFrustum(); MatrixF xfm( true ); xfm.scale( Point3F::One / getScale() ); xfm.mul( getRenderWorldTransform() ); xfm.mul( culler.getTransform() ); culler.setTransform( xfm ); rdata.setCuller( &culler ); } // We might have some forward lit materials // so pass down a query to gather lights. LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); rdata.setLightQuery( &query ); MatrixF mat = getRenderTransform(); mat.scale( mObjScale ); GFX->setWorldMatrix( mat ); mShapeInstance->animate(); mShapeInstance->render( rdata ); if ( mRenderNormalScalar > 0 ) { ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &TSStatic::_renderNormals ); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } }
void TSStatic::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState* state ) { if( !mShapeInstance ) return; //WLE - Vince //Lod preloading GameConnection* connection = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer(); if (connection && !connection->didFirstRender) { TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( state ); rdata.setFadeOverride( 1.0f ); rdata.setOriginSort( mUseOriginSort ); for (S32 i = mShapeInstance->getSmallestVisibleDL(); i >= 0; i-- ) { mShapeInstance->setCurrentDetail( i ); mShapeInstance->render( rdata ); } } Point3F cameraOffset; getRenderTransform().getColumn(3,&cameraOffset); cameraOffset -= state->getDiffuseCameraPosition(); F32 dist = cameraOffset.len(); if (dist < 0.01f) dist = 0.01f; if (mUseAlphaLod) { mAlphaLOD = 1.0f; if ((mAlphaLODStart < mAlphaLODEnd) && mAlphaLODStart > 0.1f) { if (mInvertAlphaLod) { if (dist <= mAlphaLODStart) { return; } if (dist < mAlphaLODEnd) { mAlphaLOD = ((dist - mAlphaLODStart) / (mAlphaLODEnd - mAlphaLODStart)); } } else { if (dist >= mAlphaLODEnd) { return; } if (dist > mAlphaLODStart) { mAlphaLOD -= ((dist - mAlphaLODStart) / (mAlphaLODEnd - mAlphaLODStart)); } } } } F32 invScale = (1.0f/getMax(getMax(mObjScale.x,mObjScale.y),mObjScale.z)); if ( mForceDetail == -1 ) mShapeInstance->setDetailFromDistance( state, dist * invScale ); else mShapeInstance->setCurrentDetail( mForceDetail ); if ( mShapeInstance->getCurrentDetail() < 0 ) return; GFXTransformSaver saver; // Set up our TS render state. TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( state ); rdata.setFadeOverride( 1.0f ); rdata.setOriginSort( mUseOriginSort ); // If we have submesh culling enabled then prepare // the object space frustum to pass to the shape. Frustum culler; if ( mMeshCulling ) { culler = state->getCullingFrustum(); MatrixF xfm( true ); xfm.scale( Point3F::One / getScale() ); xfm.mul( getRenderWorldTransform() ); xfm.mul( culler.getTransform() ); culler.setTransform( xfm ); rdata.setCuller( &culler ); } // We might have some forward lit materials // so pass down a query to gather lights. LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); rdata.setLightQuery( &query ); MatrixF mat = getRenderTransform(); mat.scale( mObjScale ); GFX->setWorldMatrix( mat ); mShapeInstance->animate(); if(mShapeInstance) { if (mUseAlphaLod) { mShapeInstance->setAlphaAlways(mAlphaLOD); S32 s = mShapeInstance->mMeshObjects.size(); for(S32 x = 0; x < s; x++) { mShapeInstance->mMeshObjects[x].visible = mAlphaLOD; } } } mShapeInstance->render( rdata ); if ( mRenderNormalScalar > 0 ) { ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &TSStatic::_renderNormals ); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } }
void TerrainBlock::_renderBlock( SceneRenderState *state ) { PROFILE_SCOPE( TerrainBlock_RenderBlock ); // Prevent rendering shadows if feature is disabled if ( !mCastShadows && state->isShadowPass() ) return; MatrixF worldViewXfm = state->getWorldViewMatrix(); worldViewXfm.mul( getRenderTransform() ); MatrixF worldViewProjXfm = state->getProjectionMatrix(); worldViewProjXfm.mul( worldViewXfm ); const MatrixF &objectXfm = getRenderWorldTransform(); Point3F objCamPos = state->getDiffuseCameraPosition(); objectXfm.mulP( objCamPos ); // Get the shadow material. if ( !mDefaultMatInst ) mDefaultMatInst = TerrainCellMaterial::getShadowMat(); // Make sure we have a base material. if ( !mBaseMaterial ) { mBaseMaterial = new TerrainCellMaterial(); mBaseMaterial->init( this, 0, false, false, true ); } // Did the detail layers change? if ( mDetailsDirty ) { _updateMaterials(); mDetailsDirty = false; } // If the layer texture has been cleared or is // dirty then update it. if ( mLayerTex.isNull() || mLayerTexDirty ) _updateLayerTexture(); // If the layer texture is dirty or we lost the base // texture then regenerate it. if ( mLayerTexDirty || mBaseTex.isNull() ) { _updateBaseTexture( false ); mLayerTexDirty = false; } static Vector<TerrCell*> renderCells; renderCells.clear(); mCell->cullCells( state, objCamPos, &renderCells ); RenderPassManager *renderPass = state->getRenderPass(); MatrixF *riObjectToWorldXfm = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( getRenderTransform() ); const bool isColorDrawPass = state->isDiffusePass() || state->isReflectPass(); // This is here for shadows mostly... it allows the // proper shadow material to be generated. BaseMatInstance *defaultMatInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mDefaultMatInst ); // Only pass and use the light manager if this is not a shadow pass. LightManager *lm = NULL; if ( isColorDrawPass ) lm = LIGHTMGR; for ( U32 i=0; i < renderCells.size(); i++ ) { TerrCell *cell = renderCells[i]; // Ok this cell is fit to render. TerrainRenderInst *inst = renderPass->allocInst<TerrainRenderInst>(); // Setup lights for this cell. if ( lm ) { SphereF bounds = cell->getSphereBounds(); getRenderTransform().mulP( bounds.center ); LightQuery query; query.init( bounds ); query.getLights( inst->lights, 8 ); } GFXVertexBufferHandleBase vertBuff; GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle primBuff; cell->getRenderPrimitive( &inst->prim, &vertBuff, &primBuff ); inst->mat = defaultMatInst; inst->vertBuff = vertBuff.getPointer(); if ( primBuff.isValid() ) { // Use the cell's custom primitive buffer inst->primBuff = primBuff.getPointer(); } else { // Use the standard primitive buffer for this cell inst->primBuff = mPrimBuffer.getPointer(); } inst->objectToWorldXfm = riObjectToWorldXfm; // If we're not drawing to the shadow map then we need // to include the normal rendering materials. if ( isColorDrawPass ) { const SphereF &bounds = cell->getSphereBounds(); F32 sqDist = ( bounds.center - objCamPos ).lenSquared(); F32 radiusSq = mSquared( ( mMaxDetailDistance + bounds.radius ) * smDetailScale ); // If this cell is near enough to get detail textures then // use the full detail mapping material. Else we use the // simple base only material. if ( !state->isReflectPass() && sqDist < radiusSq ) inst->cellMat = cell->getMaterial(); else if ( state->isReflectPass() ) inst->cellMat = mBaseMaterial->getReflectMat(); else inst->cellMat = mBaseMaterial; } inst->defaultKey = (U32)cell->getMaterials(); // Submit it for rendering. renderPass->addInst( inst ); } // Trigger the debug rendering. if ( state->isDiffusePass() && !renderCells.empty() && smDebugRender ) { // Store the render cells for later. mDebugCells = renderCells; ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &TerrainBlock::_renderDebug ); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } }
void GuiObjectView::renderWorld( const RectI& updateRect ) { if( !mModel ) return; GFXTransformSaver _saveTransforms; // Determine the camera position, and store off render state. MatrixF modelview; MatrixF mv; Point3F cp; modelview = GFX->getWorldMatrix(); mv = modelview; mv.inverse(); mv.getColumn( 3, &cp ); RenderPassManager* renderPass = gClientSceneGraph->getDefaultRenderPass(); S32 time = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds(); S32 dt = time - mLastRenderTime; mLastRenderTime = time; LIGHTMGR->unregisterAllLights(); LIGHTMGR->setSpecialLight( LightManager::slSunLightType, mLight ); GFX->setStateBlock( mDefaultGuiSB ); F32 left, right, top, bottom, nearPlane, farPlane; bool isOrtho; GFX->getFrustum( &left, &right, &bottom, &top, &nearPlane, &farPlane, &isOrtho ); Frustum frust( false, left, right, top, bottom, nearPlane, farPlane, MatrixF::Identity ); SceneRenderState state ( gClientSceneGraph, SPT_Diffuse, SceneCameraState( GFX->getViewport(), frust, GFX->getWorldMatrix(), GFX->getProjectionMatrix() ), renderPass, false ); // Set up our TS render state here. TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( &state ); // We might have some forward lit materials // so pass down a query to gather lights. LightQuery query; query.init( SphereF( Point3F::Zero, 1.0f ) ); rdata.setLightQuery( &query ); // Render primary model. if( mModel ) { if( mRunThread ) { mModel->advanceTime( dt / 1000.f, mRunThread ); mModel->animate(); } mModel->render( rdata ); } // Render mounted model. if( mMountedModel && mMountNode != -1 ) { GFX->pushWorldMatrix(); GFX->multWorld( mModel->mNodeTransforms[ mMountNode ] ); GFX->multWorld( mMountTransform ); mMountedModel->render( rdata ); GFX->popWorldMatrix(); } renderPass->renderPass( &state ); // Make sure to remove our fake sun. LIGHTMGR->unregisterAllLights(); }
void ConvexShape::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState *state ) { /* if ( state->isDiffusePass() ) { ObjectRenderInst *ri2 = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri2->renderDelegate.bind( this, &ConvexShape::_renderDebug ); ri2->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri2 ); } */ if ( mVertexBuffer.isNull() ) return; // If we don't have a material instance after the override then // we can skip rendering all together. BaseMatInstance *matInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mMaterialInst ? mMaterialInst : MATMGR->getWarningMatInstance() ); if ( !matInst ) return; // Get a handy pointer to our RenderPassmanager RenderPassManager *renderPass = state->getRenderPass(); // Allocate an MeshRenderInst so that we can submit it to the RenderPassManager MeshRenderInst *ri = renderPass->allocInst<MeshRenderInst>(); // Set our RenderInst as a standard mesh render ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Mesh; // Calculate our sorting point if ( state ) { // Calculate our sort point manually. const Box3F& rBox = getRenderWorldBox(); ri->sortDistSq = rBox.getSqDistanceToPoint( state->getCameraPosition() ); } else ri->sortDistSq = 0.0f; // Set up our transforms MatrixF objectToWorld = getRenderTransform(); objectToWorld.scale( getScale() ); ri->objectToWorld = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( objectToWorld ); ri->worldToCamera = renderPass->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::View); ri->projection = renderPass->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::Projection); // If we need lights then set them up. if ( matInst->isForwardLit() ) { LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); query.getLights( ri->lights, 8 ); } // Make sure we have an up-to-date backbuffer in case // our Material would like to make use of it // NOTICE: SFXBB is removed and refraction is disabled! //ri->backBuffTex = GFX->getSfxBackBuffer(); // Set our Material ri->matInst = matInst; if ( matInst->getMaterial()->isTranslucent() ) { ri->translucentSort = true; ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Translucent; } // Set up our vertex buffer and primitive buffer ri->vertBuff = &mVertexBuffer; ri->primBuff = &mPrimitiveBuffer; ri->prim = renderPass->allocPrim(); ri->prim->type = GFXTriangleList; ri->prim->minIndex = 0; ri->prim->startIndex = 0; ri->prim->numPrimitives = mPrimCount; ri->prim->startVertex = 0; ri->prim->numVertices = mVertCount; // We sort by the material then vertex buffer. ri->defaultKey = matInst->getStateHint(); ri->defaultKey2 = (U32)ri->vertBuff; // Not 64bit safe! // Submit our RenderInst to the RenderPassManager state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); }
void TSStatic::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState* state ) { if( !mShapeInstance ) return; Point3F cameraOffset; getRenderTransform().getColumn(3,&cameraOffset); cameraOffset -= state->getDiffuseCameraPosition(); F32 dist = cameraOffset.len(); if (dist < 0.01f) dist = 0.01f; if (mUseAlphaFade) { mAlphaFade = 1.0f; if ((mAlphaFadeStart < mAlphaFadeEnd) && mAlphaFadeStart > 0.1f) { if (mInvertAlphaFade) { if (dist <= mAlphaFadeStart) { return; } if (dist < mAlphaFadeEnd) { mAlphaFade = ((dist - mAlphaFadeStart) / (mAlphaFadeEnd - mAlphaFadeStart)); } } else { if (dist >= mAlphaFadeEnd) { return; } if (dist > mAlphaFadeStart) { mAlphaFade -= ((dist - mAlphaFadeStart) / (mAlphaFadeEnd - mAlphaFadeStart)); } } } } F32 invScale = (1.0f/getMax(getMax(mObjScale.x,mObjScale.y),mObjScale.z)); // If we're currently rendering our own reflection we // don't want to render ourselves into it. if ( mCubeReflector.isRendering() ) return; if ( mForceDetail == -1 ) mShapeInstance->setDetailFromDistance( state, dist * invScale ); else mShapeInstance->setCurrentDetail( mForceDetail ); if ( mShapeInstance->getCurrentDetail() < 0 ) return; GFXTransformSaver saver; // Set up our TS render state. TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( state ); rdata.setFadeOverride( 1.0f ); rdata.setOriginSort( mUseOriginSort ); if ( mCubeReflector.isEnabled() ) rdata.setCubemap( mCubeReflector.getCubemap() ); // Acculumation rdata.setAccuTex(mAccuTex); // If we have submesh culling enabled then prepare // the object space frustum to pass to the shape. Frustum culler; if ( mMeshCulling ) { culler = state->getCullingFrustum(); MatrixF xfm( true ); xfm.scale( Point3F::One / getScale() ); xfm.mul( getRenderWorldTransform() ); xfm.mul( culler.getTransform() ); culler.setTransform( xfm ); rdata.setCuller( &culler ); } // We might have some forward lit materials // so pass down a query to gather lights. LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); rdata.setLightQuery( &query ); MatrixF mat = getRenderTransform(); mat.scale( mObjScale ); GFX->setWorldMatrix( mat ); if ( state->isDiffusePass() && mCubeReflector.isEnabled() && mCubeReflector.getOcclusionQuery() ) { RenderPassManager *pass = state->getRenderPass(); OccluderRenderInst *ri = pass->allocInst<OccluderRenderInst>(); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Occluder; ri->query = mCubeReflector.getOcclusionQuery(); mObjToWorld.mulP( mObjBox.getCenter(), &ri->position ); ri->scale.set( mObjBox.getExtents() ); ri->orientation = pass->allocUniqueXform( mObjToWorld ); ri->isSphere = false; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } mShapeInstance->animate(); if(mShapeInstance) { if (mUseAlphaFade) { mShapeInstance->setAlphaAlways(mAlphaFade); S32 s = mShapeInstance->mMeshObjects.size(); for(S32 x = 0; x < s; x++) { mShapeInstance->mMeshObjects[x].visible = mAlphaFade; } } } mShapeInstance->render( rdata ); if ( mRenderNormalScalar > 0 ) { ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &TSStatic::_renderNormals ); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } }
void GuiMaterialPreview::renderWorld(const RectI &updateRect) { // nothing to render, punt if ( !mModel && !mMountedModel ) return; S32 time = Platform::getVirtualMilliseconds(); //S32 dt = time - lastRenderTime; lastRenderTime = time; F32 left, right, top, bottom, nearPlane, farPlane; bool isOrtho; GFX->getFrustum( &left, &right, &bottom, &top, &nearPlane, &farPlane, &isOrtho); Frustum frust( isOrtho, left, right, bottom, top, nearPlane, farPlane, MatrixF::Identity ); FogData savedFogData = gClientSceneGraph->getFogData(); gClientSceneGraph->setFogData( FogData() ); // no fog in preview window RenderPassManager* renderPass = gClientSceneGraph->getDefaultRenderPass(); SceneRenderState state ( gClientSceneGraph, SPT_Diffuse, SceneCameraState( GFX->getViewport(), frust, GFX->getWorldMatrix(), GFX->getProjectionMatrix() ), renderPass, true ); // Set up our TS render state here. TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( &state ); // We might have some forward lit materials // so pass down a query to gather lights. LightQuery query; query.init( SphereF( Point3F::Zero, 1.0f ) ); rdata.setLightQuery( &query ); // Set up pass transforms renderPass->assignSharedXform(RenderPassManager::View, MatrixF::Identity); renderPass->assignSharedXform(RenderPassManager::Projection, GFX->getProjectionMatrix()); LIGHTMGR->unregisterAllLights(); LIGHTMGR->setSpecialLight( LightManager::slSunLightType, mFakeSun ); if ( mModel ) mModel->render( rdata ); if ( mMountedModel ) { // render a weapon /* MatrixF mat; GFX->pushWorldMatrix(); GFX->multWorld( mat ); GFX->popWorldMatrix(); */ } renderPass->renderPass( &state ); gClientSceneGraph->setFogData( savedFogData ); // restore fog setting // Make sure to remove our fake sun LIGHTMGR->unregisterAllLights(); }
void RenderMeshExample::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState *state ) { // Do a little prep work if needed if ( mVertexBuffer.isNull() ) createGeometry(); // If we have no material then skip out. if ( !mMaterialInst ) return; // If we don't have a material instance after the override then // we can skip rendering all together. BaseMatInstance *matInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mMaterialInst ); if ( !matInst ) return; // Get a handy pointer to our RenderPassmanager RenderPassManager *renderPass = state->getRenderPass(); // Allocate an MeshRenderInst so that we can submit it to the RenderPassManager MeshRenderInst *ri = renderPass->allocInst<MeshRenderInst>(); // Set our RenderInst as a standard mesh render ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Mesh; // Calculate our sorting point if ( state ) { // Calculate our sort point manually. const Box3F& rBox = getRenderWorldBox(); ri->sortDistSq = rBox.getSqDistanceToPoint( state->getCameraPosition() ); } else ri->sortDistSq = 0.0f; // Set up our transforms MatrixF objectToWorld = getRenderTransform(); objectToWorld.scale( getScale() ); ri->objectToWorld = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( objectToWorld ); ri->worldToCamera = renderPass->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::View); ri->projection = renderPass->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::Projection); // If our material needs lights then fill the RIs // light vector with the best lights. if ( matInst->isForwardLit() ) { LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); query.getLights( ri->lights, 8 ); } // Make sure we have an up-to-date backbuffer in case // our Material would like to make use of it // NOTICE: SFXBB is removed and refraction is disabled! //ri->backBuffTex = GFX->getSfxBackBuffer(); // Set our Material ri->matInst = matInst; // Set up our vertex buffer and primitive buffer ri->vertBuff = &mVertexBuffer; ri->primBuff = &mPrimitiveBuffer; ri->prim = renderPass->allocPrim(); ri->prim->type = GFXTriangleList; ri->prim->minIndex = 0; ri->prim->startIndex = 0; ri->prim->numPrimitives = 12; ri->prim->startVertex = 0; ri->prim->numVertices = 36; // We sort by the material then vertex buffer ri->defaultKey = matInst->getStateHint(); ri->defaultKey2 = (U32)ri->vertBuff; // Not 64bit safe! // Submit our RenderInst to the RenderPassManager state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); }
bool ProjectedShadow::_updateDecal( const SceneRenderState *state ) { PROFILE_SCOPE( ProjectedShadow_UpdateDecal ); if ( !LIGHTMGR ) return false; // Get the position of the decal first. const Box3F &objBox = mParentObject->getObjBox(); const Point3F boxCenter = objBox.getCenter(); Point3F decalPos = boxCenter; const MatrixF &renderTransform = mParentObject->getRenderTransform(); { // Set up the decal position. // We use the object space box center // multiplied by the render transform // of the object to ensure we benefit // from interpolation. MatrixF t( renderTransform ); t.setColumn(2,Point3F::UnitZ); t.mulP( decalPos ); } if ( mDecalInstance ) { mDecalInstance->mPosition = decalPos; if ( !shouldRender( state ) ) return false; } // Get the sunlight for the shadow projection. // We want the LightManager to return NULL if it can't // get the "real" sun, so we specify false for the useDefault parameter. LightInfo *lights[4] = {0}; LightQuery query; query.init( mParentObject->getWorldSphere() ); query.getLights( lights, 4 ); Point3F pos = renderTransform.getPosition(); Point3F lightDir( 0, 0, 0 ); Point3F tmp( 0, 0, 0 ); F32 weight = 0; F32 range = 0; U32 lightCount = 0; F32 dist = 0; F32 fade = 0; for ( U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { // If we got a NULL light, // we're at the end of the list. if ( !lights[i] ) break; if ( !lights[i]->getCastShadows() ) continue; if ( lights[i]->getType() != LightInfo::Point ) tmp = lights[i]->getDirection(); else tmp = pos - lights[i]->getPosition(); range = lights[i]->getRange().x; dist = ( (tmp.lenSquared()) / ((range * range) * 0.5f)); weight = mClampF( 1.0f - ( tmp.lenSquared() / (range * range)), 0.00001f, 1.0f ); if ( lights[i]->getType() == LightInfo::Vector ) fade = getMax( fade, 1.0f ); else fade = getMax( fade, mClampF( 1.0f - dist, 0.00001f, 1.0f ) ); lightDir += tmp * weight; lightCount++; } lightDir.normalize(); // No light... no shadow. if ( !lights[0] ) return false; // Has the light direction // changed since last update? bool lightDirChanged = !mLastLightDir.equal( lightDir ); // Has the parent object moved // or scaled since the last update? bool hasMoved = !mLastObjectPosition.equal( mParentObject->getRenderPosition() ); bool hasScaled = !mLastObjectScale.equal( mParentObject->getScale() ); // Set the last light direction // to the current light direction. mLastLightDir = lightDir; mLastObjectPosition = mParentObject->getRenderPosition(); mLastObjectScale = mParentObject->getScale(); // Temps used to generate // tangent vector for DecalInstance below. VectorF right( 0, 0, 0 ); VectorF fwd( 0, 0, 0 ); VectorF tmpFwd( 0, 0, 0 ); U32 idx = lightDir.getLeastComponentIndex(); tmpFwd[idx] = 1.0f; right = mCross( tmpFwd, lightDir ); fwd = mCross( lightDir, right ); right = mCross( fwd, lightDir ); right.normalize(); // Set up the world to light space // matrix, along with proper position // and rotation to be used as the world // matrix for the render to texture later on. static MatrixF sRotMat(EulerF( 0.0f, -(M_PI_F/2.0f), 0.0f)); mWorldToLight.identity(); MathUtils::getMatrixFromForwardVector( lightDir, &mWorldToLight ); mWorldToLight.setPosition( ( pos + boxCenter ) - ( ( (mRadius * smDepthAdjust) + 0.001f ) * lightDir ) ); mWorldToLight.mul( sRotMat ); mWorldToLight.inverse(); // Get the shapebase datablock if we have one. ShapeBaseData *data = NULL; if ( mShapeBase ) data = static_cast<ShapeBaseData*>( mShapeBase->getDataBlock() ); // We use the object box's extents multiplied // by the object's scale divided by 2 for the radius // because the object's worldsphere radius is not // rotationally invariant. mRadius = (objBox.getExtents() * mParentObject->getScale()).len() * 0.5f; if ( data ) mRadius *= data->shadowSphereAdjust; // Create the decal if we don't have one yet. if ( !mDecalInstance ) mDecalInstance = gDecalManager->addDecal( decalPos, lightDir, right, mDecalData, 1.0f, 0, PermanentDecal | ClipDecal | CustomDecal ); if ( !mDecalInstance ) return false; mDecalInstance->mVisibility = fade; // Setup decal parameters. mDecalInstance->mSize = mRadius * 2.0f; mDecalInstance->mNormal = -lightDir; mDecalInstance->mTangent = -right; mDecalInstance->mRotAroundNormal = 0; mDecalInstance->mPosition = decalPos; mDecalInstance->mDataBlock = mDecalData; // If the position of the world // space box center is the same // as the decal's position, and // the light direction has not // changed, we don't need to clip. bool shouldClip = lightDirChanged || hasMoved || hasScaled; // Now, check and see if the object is visible. const Frustum &frust = state->getCullingFrustum(); if ( frust.isCulled( SphereF( mDecalInstance->mPosition, mDecalInstance->mSize * mDecalInstance->mSize ) ) && !shouldClip ) return false; F32 shadowLen = 10.0f; if ( data ) shadowLen = data->shadowProjectionDistance; const Point3F &boxExtents = objBox.getExtents(); mShadowLength = shadowLen * mParentObject->getScale().z; // Set up clip depth, and box half // offset for decal clipping. Point2F clipParams( mShadowLength, (boxExtents.x + boxExtents.y) * 0.25f ); bool render = false; bool clipSucceeded = true; // Clip! if ( shouldClip ) { clipSucceeded = gDecalManager->clipDecal( mDecalInstance, NULL, &clipParams ); } // If the clip failed, // we'll return false in // order to keep from // unnecessarily rendering // into the texture. If // there was no reason to clip // on this update, we'll assume we // should update the texture. render = clipSucceeded; // Tell the DecalManager we've changed this decal. gDecalManager->notifyDecalModified( mDecalInstance ); return render; }
void Forest::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState *state ) { PROFILE_SCOPE(Forest_RenderCells); // TODO: Fix stats. /* ForestCellVector &theCells = mData->getCells(); smTotalCells += theCells.size(); // Don't render if we don't have a grid! if ( theCells.empty() ) return false; */ // Prepare to render. GFXTransformSaver saver; // Figure out the grid range in the viewing area. const bool isReflectPass = state->isReflectPass(); const F32 cullScale = isReflectPass ? mReflectionLodScalar : 1.0f; // If we need to update our cached // zone state then do it now. if ( mZoningDirty ) { mZoningDirty = false; Vector<ForestCell*> cells; mData->getCells( &cells ); for ( U32 i=0; i < cells.size(); i++ ) cells[i]->_updateZoning( getSceneManager()->getZoneManager() ); } // TODO: Move these into the TSForestItemData as something we // setup once and don't do per-instance. // Set up the TS render state. TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( state ); // Use origin sort on all forest elements as // its alot cheaper than the bounds sort. rdata.setOriginSort( true ); // We may have some forward lit materials in // the forest, so pass down a LightQuery for it. LightQuery lightQuery; rdata.setLightQuery( &lightQuery ); Frustum culler = state->getFrustum(); // Adjust the far distance if the cull scale has changed. if ( !mIsEqual( cullScale, 1.0f ) ) { const F32 visFarDist = culler.getFarDist() * cullScale; culler.setFarDist( visFarDist ); } Box3F worldBox; // Used for debug drawing. GFXDrawUtil* drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil(); drawer->clearBitmapModulation(); // Go thru the visible cells. const Box3F &cullerBounds = culler.getBounds(); const Point3F &camPos = state->getDiffuseCameraPosition(); U32 clipMask; smAverageItemsPerCell = 0.0f; U32 cellsProcessed = 0; ForestCell *cell; // First get all the top level cells which // intersect the frustum. Vector<ForestCell*> cellStack; mData->getCells( culler, &cellStack ); // Get the culling zone state. const BitVector &zoneState = state->getCullingState().getZoneVisibilityFlags(); // Now loop till we run out of cells. while ( !cellStack.empty() ) { // Pop off the next cell. cell = cellStack.last(); cellStack.pop_back(); const Box3F &cellBounds = cell->getBounds(); // If the cell is empty or its bounds is outside the frustum // bounds then we have nothing nothing more to do. if ( cell->isEmpty() || !cullerBounds.isOverlapped( cellBounds ) ) continue; // Can we cull this cell entirely? clipMask = culler.testPlanes( cellBounds, Frustum::PlaneMaskAll ); if ( clipMask == -1 ) continue; // Test cell visibility for interior zones. const bool visibleInside = !cell->getZoneOverlap().empty() ? zoneState.testAny( cell->getZoneOverlap() ) : false; // Test cell visibility for outdoor zone, but only // if we need to. bool visibleOutside = false; if( !cell->mIsInteriorOnly && !visibleInside ) { U32 outdoorZone = SceneZoneSpaceManager::RootZoneId; visibleOutside = !state->getCullingState().isCulled( cellBounds, &outdoorZone, 1 ); } // Skip cell if neither visible indoors nor outdoors. if( !visibleInside && !visibleOutside ) continue; // Update the stats. smAverageItemsPerCell += cell->getItems().size(); ++cellsProcessed; //if ( cell->isLeaf() ) //++leafCellsProcessed; // Get the distance from the camera to the cell bounds. F32 dist = cellBounds.getDistanceToPoint( camPos ); // If the largest item in the cell can be billboarded // at the cell distance to the camera... then the whole // cell can be billboarded. // if ( smForceImposters || ( dist > 0.0f && cell->getLargestItem().canBillboard( state, dist ) ) ) { // If imposters are disabled then skip out. if ( smDisableImposters ) continue; PROFILE_SCOPE(Forest_RenderBatches); // Keep track of how many cells were batched. ++smCellsBatched; // Ok... everything in this cell should be batched. First // create the batches if we don't have any. if ( !cell->hasBatches() ) cell->buildBatches(); //if ( drawCells ) //mCellRenderFlag[ cellIter - theCells.begin() ] = 1; // TODO: Light queries for batches? // Now render the batches... we pass the culler if the // cell wasn't fully visible so that each batch can be culled. smCellItemsBatched += cell->renderBatches( state, clipMask != 0 ? &culler : NULL ); continue; } // If this isn't a leaf then recurse. if ( !cell->isLeaf() ) { cell->getChildren( &cellStack ); continue; } // This cell has mixed billboards and mesh based items. ++smCellsRendered; PROFILE_SCOPE(Forest_RenderItems); //if ( drawCells ) //mCellRenderFlag[ cellIter - theCells.begin() ] = 2; // Use the cell bounds as the light query volume. // // This means all forward lit items in this cell will // get the same lights, but it performs much better. lightQuery.init( cellBounds ); // This cell is visible... have it render its items. smCellItemsRendered += cell->render( &rdata, clipMask != 0 ? &culler : NULL ); } // Keep track of the average items per cell. if ( cellsProcessed > 0 ) smAverageItemsPerCell /= (F32)cellsProcessed; // Got debug drawing to do? if ( smDrawCells && state->isDiffusePass() ) { ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &Forest::_renderCellBounds ); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } }