bool TangentialStepIP_Step::do_step( Algorithm& _algo, poss_type step_poss, IterationPack::EDoStepType type ,poss_type assoc_step_poss ) { using BLAS_Cpp::no_trans; using Teuchos::dyn_cast; using AbstractLinAlgPack::assert_print_nan_inf; using LinAlgOpPack::Vt_S; using LinAlgOpPack::Vp_StV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_InvMtV; using LinAlgOpPack::M_StM; using LinAlgOpPack::Mp_StM; using LinAlgOpPack::assign; NLPAlgo &algo = rsqp_algo(_algo); IpState &s = dyn_cast<IpState>(_algo.state()); EJournalOutputLevel olevel = algo.algo_cntr().journal_output_level(); std::ostream& out = algo.track().journal_out(); // print step header. if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ) { using IterationPack::print_algorithm_step; print_algorithm_step( algo, step_poss, type, assoc_step_poss, out ); } // Compute qp_grad which is an approximation to rGf + Z'*(mu*(invXu*e-invXl*e) + no_cross_term // minimize round off error by calc'ing Z'*(Gf + mu*(invXu*e-invXl*e)) // qp_grad_k = Z'*(Gf + mu*(invXu*e-invXl*e)) const MatrixSymDiagStd &invXu = s.invXu().get_k(0); const MatrixSymDiagStd &invXl = s.invXl().get_k(0); const value_type &mu = s.barrier_parameter().get_k(0); const MatrixOp &Z_k = s.Z().get_k(0); Teuchos::RCP<VectorMutable> rhs = s.Gf().get_k(0).clone(); Vp_StV( rhs.get(), mu, invXu.diag() ); Vp_StV( rhs.get(), -1.0*mu, invXl.diag() ); if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) { out << "\n||Gf_k + mu_k*(invXu_k-invXl_k)||inf = " << rhs->norm_inf() << std::endl; } if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_VECTORS) { out << "\nGf_k + mu_k*(invXu_k-invXl_k) =\n" << *rhs; } VectorMutable &qp_grad_k = s.qp_grad().set_k(0); V_MtV(&qp_grad_k, Z_k, BLAS_Cpp::trans, *rhs); if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) { out << "\n||Z_k'*(Gf_k + mu_k*(invXu_k-invXl_k))||inf = " << qp_grad_k.norm_inf() << std::endl; } if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_VECTORS ) { out << "\nZ_k'*(Gf_k + mu_k*(invXu_k-invXl_k)) =\n" << qp_grad_k; } // error check for cross term value_type &zeta = s.zeta().set_k(0); const Vector &w_sigma = s.w_sigma().get_k(0); // need code to calculate damping parameter zeta = 1.0; Vp_StV(&qp_grad_k, zeta, w_sigma); if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) { out << "\n||qp_grad_k||inf = " << qp_grad_k.norm_inf() << std::endl; } if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_VECTORS ) { out << "\nqp_grad_k =\n" << qp_grad_k; } // build the "Hessian" term B = rHL + rHB // should this be MatrixSymOpNonsing const MatrixSymOp &rHL_k = s.rHL().get_k(0); const MatrixSymOp &rHB_k = s.rHB().get_k(0); MatrixSymOpNonsing &B_k = dyn_cast<MatrixSymOpNonsing>(s.B().set_k(0)); if (B_k.cols() != Z_k.cols()) { // Initialize space in rHB dyn_cast<MatrixSymInitDiag>(B_k).init_identity(Z_k.space_rows(), 0.0); } // M_StM(&B_k, 1.0, rHL_k, no_trans); assign(&B_k, rHL_k, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans); if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_VECTORS ) { out << "\nB_k = rHL_k =\n" << B_k; } Mp_StM(&B_k, 1.0, rHB_k, BLAS_Cpp::no_trans); if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_VECTORS ) { out << "\nB_k = rHL_k + rHB_k =\n" << B_k; } // Solve the system pz = - inv(rHL) * qp_grad VectorMutable &pz_k = s.pz().set_k(0); V_InvMtV( &pz_k, B_k, no_trans, qp_grad_k ); Vt_S( &pz_k, -1.0 ); // Zpz = Z * pz V_MtV( &s.Zpz().set_k(0), s.Z().get_k(0), no_trans, pz_k ); if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) { out << "\n||pz||inf = " << s.pz().get_k(0).norm_inf() << "\nsum(Zpz) = " << AbstractLinAlgPack::sum(s.Zpz().get_k(0)) << std::endl; } if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_VECTORS ) { out << "\npz_k = \n" << s.pz().get_k(0); out << "\nnu_k = \n" <<; out << "\nZpz_k = \n" << s.Zpz().get_k(0); out << std::endl; } if(algo.algo_cntr().check_results()) { assert_print_nan_inf(s.pz().get_k(0), "pz_k",true,&out); assert_print_nan_inf(s.Zpz().get_k(0), "Zpz_k",true,&out); } return true; }
QPSolverStats::ESolutionType QPSolverRelaxedQPKWIK::imp_solve_qp( std::ostream* out, EOutputLevel olevel, ERunTests test_what ,const Vector& g, const MatrixSymOp& G ,value_type etaL ,const Vector* dL, const Vector* dU ,const MatrixOp* E, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_E, const Vector* b ,const Vector* eL, const Vector* eU ,const MatrixOp* F, BLAS_Cpp::Transp trans_F, const Vector* f ,value_type* obj_d ,value_type* eta, VectorMutable* d ,VectorMutable* nu ,VectorMutable* mu, VectorMutable* Ed ,VectorMutable* lambda, VectorMutable* Fd ) { using Teuchos::dyn_cast; using DenseLinAlgPack::nonconst_tri_ele; using LinAlgOpPack::dot; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StV; using LinAlgOpPack::assign; using LinAlgOpPack::V_StV; using LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV; using AbstractLinAlgPack::EtaVector; using AbstractLinAlgPack::transVtMtV; using AbstractLinAlgPack::num_bounded; using ConstrainedOptPack::MatrixExtractInvCholFactor; // ///////////////////////// // Map to QPKWIK input // Validate that rHL is of the proper type. const MatrixExtractInvCholFactor &cG = dyn_cast<const MatrixExtractInvCholFactor>(G); // Determine the number of sparse bounds on variables and inequalities. // By default set for the dense case const value_type inf = this->infinite_bound(); const size_type nd = d->dim(), m_in = E ? b->dim() : 0, m_eq = F ? f->dim() : 0, nvarbounds = dL ? num_bounded(*dL,*dU,inf) : 0, ninequbounds = E ? num_bounded(*eL,*eU,inf) : 0, nequalities = F ? f->dim() : 0; // Determine if this is a QP with a structure different from the // one just solved. const bool same_qp_struct = ( N_ == nd && M1_ == nvarbounds && M2_ == ninequbounds && M3_ == nequalities ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set the input parameters to be sent to QPKWIKNEW // N N_ = nd; // M1 M1_ = nvarbounds; // M2 M2_ = ninequbounds; // M3 M3_ = nequalities; // GRAD GRAD_ = VectorDenseEncap(g)(); // UINV_AUG // // UINV_AUG = [ sqrt(bigM) 0 ] // [ 0 L' ] // UINV_AUG_.resize(N_+1,N_+1); cG.extract_inv_chol( &nonconst_tri_ele( UINV_AUG_(2,N_+1,2,N_+1), BLAS_Cpp::upper ) ); UINV_AUG_(1,1) = 1.0 / ::sqrt( NUMPARAM_[2] ); UINV_AUG_.col(1)(2,N_+1) = 0.0; UINV_AUG_.row(1)(2,N_+1) = 0.0; // LDUINV_AUG LDUINV_AUG_ = UINV_AUG_.rows(); // IBND, BL , BU, A, LDA, YPY IBND_INV_.resize( nd + m_in); std::fill( IBND_INV_.begin(), IBND_INV_.end(), 0 ); // Initialize the zero IBND_.resize( my_max( 1, M1_ + M2_ ) ); BL_.resize( my_max( 1, M1_ + M2_ ) ); BU_.resize( my_max( 1, M1_ + M2_ + M3_ ) ); LDA_ = my_max( 1, M2_ + M3_ ); A_.resize( LDA_, ( M2_ + M3_ > 0 ? N_ : 1 ) ); YPY_.resize( my_max( 1, M1_ + M2_ ) ); if(M1_) YPY_(1,M1_) = 0.0; // Must be for this QP interface // Initialize variable bound constraints if( dL ) { VectorDenseEncap dL_de(*dL); VectorDenseEncap dU_de(*dU); // read iterators AbstractLinAlgPack::sparse_bounds_itr dLU_itr( dL_de().begin(), dL_de().end() ,dU_de().begin(), dU_de().end() ,inf ); // written iterators IBND_t::iterator IBND_itr = IBND_.begin(), IBND_end = IBND_.begin() + M1_; DVector::iterator BL_itr = BL_.begin(), BU_itr = BU_.begin(), YPY_itr = YPY_.begin(); // Loop for( size_type ibnd_i = 1; IBND_itr != IBND_end; ++ibnd_i, ++dLU_itr ) { IBND_INV_[dLU_itr.index()-1] = ibnd_i; *IBND_itr++ = dLU_itr.index(); *BL_itr++ = dLU_itr.lbound(); *BU_itr++ = dLU_itr.ubound(); *YPY_itr++ = 0.0; // Must be zero with this QP interface } } // Initialize inequality constraints if(M2_) { VectorDenseEncap eL_de(*eL); VectorDenseEncap eU_de(*eU); VectorDenseEncap b_de(*b); AbstractLinAlgPack::sparse_bounds_itr eLU_itr( eL_de().begin(), eL_de().end() ,eU_de().begin(), eU_de().end() ,inf ); if( M2_ < m_in ) { // Initialize BL, BU, YPY and A for sparse bounds on general inequalities // written iterators DVector::iterator BL_itr = BL_.begin() + M1_, BU_itr = BU_.begin() + M1_, YPY_itr = YPY_.begin() + M1_; IBND_t::iterator ibnds_itr = IBND_.begin() + M1_; // loop for(size_type i = 1; i <= M2_; ++i, ++eLU_itr, ++ibnds_itr ) { TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !( !eLU_itr.at_end() ) ); const size_type k = eLU_itr.index(); *BL_itr++ = eLU_itr.lbound(); *BU_itr++ = eLU_itr.ubound(); *YPY_itr++ = b_de()(k); *ibnds_itr = k; // Only for my record, not used by QPKWIK IBND_INV_[nd+k-1] = M1_ + i; // Add the corresponding row of op(E) to A // y == A.row(i)' // y' = e_k' * op(E) => y = op(E')*e_k DVectorSlice y = A_.row(i); EtaVector e_k(k,eL_de().dim()); V_MtV( &y( 1, N_ ), *E, BLAS_Cpp::trans_not(trans_E), e_k() ); // op(E')*e_k } } else { // // Initialize BL, BU, YPY and A for dense bounds on general inequalities // // Initialize BL(M1+1:M1+M2), BU(M1+1:M1+M2) // and IBND(M1+1:M1+M2) = identity (only for my record, not used by QPKWIK) DVector::iterator BL_itr = BL_.begin() + M1_, BU_itr = BU_.begin() + M1_; IBND_t::iterator ibnds_itr = IBND_.begin() + M1_; for(size_type i = 1; i <= m_in; ++i ) { if( !eLU_itr.at_end() && eLU_itr.index() == i ) { *BL_itr++ = eLU_itr.lbound(); *BU_itr++ = eLU_itr.ubound(); ++eLU_itr; } else { *BL_itr++ = -inf; *BU_itr++ = +inf; } *ibnds_itr++ = i; IBND_INV_[nd+i-1]= M1_ + i; } // A(1:M2,1:N) = op(E) assign( &A_(1,M2_,1,N_), *E, trans_E ); // YPY YPY_(M1_+1,M1_+M2_) = b_de(); } } // Initialize equalities if(M3_) { V_StV( &BU_( M1_ + M2_ + 1, M1_ + M2_ + M3_ ), -1.0, VectorDenseEncap(*f)() ); assign( &A_( M2_ + 1, M2_ + M3_, 1, N_ ), *F, trans_F ); } // IYPY IYPY_ = 1; // ??? // WARM WARM_ = 0; // Cold start by default // MAX_ITER MAX_ITER_ = static_cast<f_int>(max_qp_iter_frac() * N_); // INF INF_ = ( same_qp_struct ? 1 : 0 ); // Initilize output, internal state and workspace quantities. if(!same_qp_struct) { X_.resize(N_); NACTSTORE_ = 0; IACTSTORE_.resize(N_+1); IACT_.resize(N_+1); UR_.resize(N_+1); ISTATE_.resize( QPKWIKNEW_CppDecl::qpkwiknew_listate(N_,M1_,M2_,M3_) ); LRW_ = QPKWIKNEW_CppDecl::qpkwiknew_lrw(N_,M1_,M2_,M3_); RW_.resize(LRW_); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup a warm start form the input arguments // // Interestingly enough, QPKWIK sorts all of the // constraints according to scaled multiplier values // and mixes equality with inequality constriants. // It seems to me that you should start with equality // constraints first. WARM_ = 0; NACTSTORE_ = 0; if( m_eq ) { // Add equality constraints first since we know these will // be part of the active set. for( size_type j = 1; j <= m_eq; ++j ) { IACTSTORE_[NACTSTORE_] = 2*M1_ + 2*M2_ + j; ++NACTSTORE_; } } if( ( nu && nu->nz() ) || ( mu && mu->nz() ) ) { // Add inequality constraints const size_type nu_nz = nu ? nu->nz() : 0, mu_nz = mu ? mu->nz() : 0; // Combine all the multipliers for the bound and general inequality // constraints and sort them from the largest to the smallest. Hopefully // the constraints with the larger multiplier values will not be dropped // from the active set. SpVector gamma( nd + 1 + m_in , nu_nz + mu_nz ); typedef SpVector::element_type ele_t; if(nu && nu_nz) { VectorDenseEncap nu_de(*nu); DVectorSlice::const_iterator nu_itr = nu_de().begin(), nu_end = nu_de().end(); index_type i = 1; while( nu_itr != nu_end ) { for( ; *nu_itr == 0.0; ++nu_itr, ++i ); gamma.add_element(ele_t(i,*nu_itr)); ++nu_itr; ++i; } } if(mu && mu_nz) { VectorDenseEncap mu_de(*mu); DVectorSlice::const_iterator mu_itr = mu_de().begin(), mu_end = mu_de().end(); index_type i = 1; while( mu_itr != mu_end ) { for( ; *mu_itr == 0.0; ++mu_itr, ++i ); gamma.add_element(ele_t(i+nd,*mu_itr)); ++mu_itr; ++i; } } std::sort( gamma.begin(), gamma.end() , AbstractLinAlgPack::SortByDescendingAbsValue() ); // Now add the inequality constraints in decreasing order const SpVector::difference_type o = gamma.offset(); for( SpVector::const_iterator itr = gamma.begin(); itr != gamma.end(); ++itr ) { const size_type j = itr->index() + o; const value_type val = itr->value(); if( j <= nd ) { // Variable bound const size_type ibnd_i = IBND_INV_[j-1]; TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !( ibnd_i ) ); IACTSTORE_[NACTSTORE_] = (val < 0.0 ? ibnd_i // lower bound (see IACT(*)) : M1_ + M2_ + ibnd_i // upper bound (see IACT(*)) ); ++NACTSTORE_; } else if( j <= nd + m_in ) { // General inequality constraint const size_type ibnd_i = IBND_INV_[j-1]; // offset into M1_ + ibnd_j TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !( ibnd_i ) ); IACTSTORE_[NACTSTORE_] = (val < 0.0 ? ibnd_i // lower bound (see IACT(*)) : M1_ + M2_ + ibnd_i // upper bound (see IACT(*)) ); ++NACTSTORE_; } } } if( NACTSTORE_ > 0 ) WARM_ = 1; // ///////////////////////// // Call QPKWIK if( out && olevel > PRINT_NONE ) { *out << "\nCalling QPKWIK to solve QP problem ...\n"; } QPKWIKNEW_CppDecl::qpkwiknew( N_, M1_, M2_, M3_, &GRAD_(1), &UINV_AUG_(1,1), LDUINV_AUG_, &IBND_[0] ,&BL_(1), &BU_(1), &A_(1,1), LDA_, &YPY_(1), IYPY_, WARM_, NUMPARAM_, MAX_ITER_, &X_(1) ,&NACTSTORE_, &IACTSTORE_[0], &INF_, &NACT_, &IACT_[0], &UR_[0], &EXTRA_ ,&ITER_, &NUM_ADDS_, &NUM_DROPS_, &ISTATE_[0], LRW_, &RW_[0] ); // //////////////////////// // Map from QPKWIK output // eta *eta = EXTRA_; // d (VectorDenseMutableEncap(*d))() = X_(); // nu (simple variable bounds) and mu (general inequalities) if(nu) *nu = 0.0; if(mu) *mu = 0.0; // ToDo: Create VectorDenseMutableEncap views for faster access! {for(size_type i = 1; i <= NACT_; ++i) { size_type j = IACT_[i-1]; EConstraintType type = constraint_type(M1_,M2_,M3_,j); FortranTypes::f_int idc = constraint_index(M1_,M2_,M3_,&IBND_[0],type,j); switch(type) { case NU_L: nu->set_ele( idc , -UR_(i) ); break; case GAMA_L: mu->set_ele( IBND_[ M1_ + idc - 1 ], -UR_(i) ); break; case NU_U: nu->set_ele( idc, UR_(i)) ; break; case GAMA_U: mu->set_ele( IBND_[ M1_ + idc - 1 ], UR_(i) ); break; case LAMBDA: lambda->set_ele( idc, UR_(i) ); break; } }} // obj_d (This could be updated within QPKWIK in the future) if(obj_d) { // obj_d = g'*d + 1/2 * d' * G * g *obj_d = dot(g,*d) + 0.5 * transVtMtV(*d,G,BLAS_Cpp::no_trans,*d); } // Ed (This could be updated within QPKWIK in the future) if(Ed) { V_MtV( Ed, *E, trans_E, *d ); } // Fd (This could be updated within QPKWIK in the future) if(Fd) { V_MtV( Fd, *F, trans_F, *d ); } // Set the QP statistics QPSolverStats::ESolutionType solution_type; if( INF_ >= 0 ) { solution_type = QPSolverStats::OPTIMAL_SOLUTION; } else if( INF_ == -1 ) { // Infeasible constraints TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( true, QPSolverRelaxed::Infeasible ,"QPSolverRelaxedQPKWIK::solve_qp(...) : Error, QP is infeasible" ); } else if( INF_ == -2 ) { // LRW too small TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( !( INF_ != -2 ) ); // Local programming error? } else if( INF_ == -3 ) { // Max iterations exceeded solution_type = QPSolverStats::DUAL_FEASIBLE_POINT; } else { TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true); // Unknown return value! } qp_stats_.set_stats( solution_type, QPSolverStats::CONVEX ,ITER_, NUM_ADDS_, NUM_DROPS_ ,WARM_==1, *eta > 0.0 ); return qp_stats_.solution_type(); }