コード例 #1
	@param file INI file object to read from
	@param nPage Number of page to read from
	@return true if read successfully, false if failed
bool CCPrintData::PageData::FromFile(class FileINI& file, int nPage)
	// Variables
	TCHAR cName[32];
	TCHARSTR2STR::const_iterator iKey;

	// Clean this object

	// Get INI key/value pairs from the page's section
	_stprintf_s(cName, _S(cName), DATAFILE_SECTION_PAGE, nPage);
	if (!file.GetKeys(cName, data) || ((iKey = data.find(DATAFILE_LINK_COUNT)) == data.end()))
		// None found, just go on
		return true;

	// Get the page link count
	int nLinkCount = _ttoi((*iKey).second.c_str());
	if (nLinkCount < 1)
		// This shouldn't happen
		return false;

	// Read all links
	for (int iLink = 1; iLink <= nLinkCount; iLink++)
		LinkData link;
		if (link.FromFile(data, iLink))

	// Get page width and height if we found them
	if ((iKey = data.find(DATAFILE_PAGE_WIDTH)) != data.end())
		szPage.cx = _ttoi((*iKey).second.c_str());
	if ((iKey = data.find(DATAFILE_PAGE_HEIGHT)) != data.end())
		szPage.cy = _ttoi((*iKey).second.c_str());

	return true;